The Daily Register VOL. 99 NO.50 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1976 15 CENTS AT THE STORE - This Is where the action was on most of the weekend. Sales were reported as ex- yesterday's Bicentennial Labor Day — at the cellent both In the downtown shopping areas and AT THE BEACH - Cool temperatures kept the would be overflowing on this, the final long week- stores. This was the scene at Alexander's In Mon- highway shopping centers. beach attendance down yesterday as Is shown here end of the summer. Traffic also wot lighter than In a view of the Sea Bright strand which normally mouth Mall where the parking lot was jammed usual, and It appears most people went shopping. Stores crowded, beaches arenh on holiday By BKN VAN VLIKT Police said, however, that local tennis courts were kept reation Area at Sandy Hook, said the Labor Day weekend just what was expected during Labor Day. Monmouth Park waa busy throughout the weekend. The biggest traffic congestion "wasn't that busy." - visited by l7,Mt racing fans, and Freehold Raceway accom- It appears that the stores — at least those that were open in northern Monmouth County occurred yesterday at the Mon- While a number of people came to walk and alt on the modated about i.OM persons this Bicentennial Labor Day — were the big attractions. mouth Mall. beaches, he said, "we were a long way from having to close." Many summer visitors to Long Branca emptied their Stores In both the downtown areas and the highway shop- It was the final day of a three-day sales event sponsored Sandy Hook often is filled to capacity during hot summer beach cabanas and summer bungalows during the Labor Day ping centers reported brisk holiday business, which certainly by most of the 135 stores at the shopping center, and police weekends by mid morning. weekend, observing the traditional end to the summer anew. wasn't the case at the beaches or the boardwalks. reported parking was at a premium. Sea Bright, a major beach resort, reported very light use City police reported that the beaches wen aoreewaal And police throughout the shore reported It an unusually of the beaches, and light traffic all weekend, especially yes- empty of the hordes of sunbalhers usually found on a holiday quiet Labor Day weekend. Even traffic on the major high- "The parking lot Is filled. Business is terrific," reported terday, normally the busiest day. weekend The lack of beachgoers was attributed lo the cool ways, such as the Garden State Parkway reported only mod- an enthusiastic Paul Kastner, spokesman for the Mall Coast Guard and New Jersey Marine Police reported the temperatures3 • erate to heavy northbound traffic. The same was true for Rts He said business was much better than last year and the usual heavy boat traffic on Raritan Bay, the Navesink and . Many Shore guests chose more athletic many weather 35 and 38. entire weekend was good. Shrewsbury rivers. pursuits such as tennis, picnicking and bicycle ridlag - leav- Normally, this final weekend of the summer season finds In Red Bank, where only three of the major stores In Police also said it appeared that there was a larger than ing the beaches to those determined to end the summer with the beaches, the resort centers, and the highways overflowing town were open, business was reported as "very good." usual off-shore fishing fleet in operation yesterday, but there an even deeper tan deapite the odds with tourists seeking the final bit of vacation enjoyment. Bernard Natelson, owner of Natelson's, said "there was a were no reported boating accidents Fishing was good off the Long Branch Fishing Pier, re- The weather may have had a lot to do with it. While the lot of business. It was an excellent day." Occasional traffic tie-ups were reported on Ocean Avenue ported one very happy fisherman who also noted that "the threat of rain on Sunday failed to materialize, the tempera- And a spokesman for Stelnbach said, "business has been in the vicinity of the Sea Bright and Highlands bridges during fish aren't interested in whether or not It's Labor Day " tures only reached the mid 70's and there was a cool breeze very good — the same as last year." the scheduled bridge openings. No major traffic jams or accidents were reported In the much of yesterday which kept people from the beaches. In contrast, a spokesman for the National Gateway Rec- Even attendance at the county's two race tracks was not Long Branch area County school enrollments down for 4th year in row By BARBARA KATELL in contrast to a 2,000-pupil decrease the previous Katontown's superintendent tald the 75-year year. old Steelman School, which housed 10 k-J classes FREEHOLD — For the fourth successive An exception to the leveling off of enrollment last year, has not been closed permanently year, student enrollment in the county Is expected is in Eatontown. There, the first school in the "The building could be reopened If a move- to show a drop when most public and parochial county has closed because of the decrease In stu ment Into Ft Monmouth brought in more stu- schools reopen tomorrow. - dents. dents," he reported However, the majority of public school dis- Anthony F Palmisano, Eatontown's superin- Tlnlon Falls is not closing any schools But II tricts in northern and western Monmouth expect tendent of schools, attributed the closing of the 12 loo has experienced a substantial drop in enroll the decrease to be smaller than in previous years room Fred G. Steelman School to reductions in mem over the past several years Many anticipate a leveling off of enrollments And personnel at Ft. Monmouth. ". Dr John F Fanning, superintendent of a few, mostly high school districts, expect an in- He noted that last September enrollment in thr schools, noted that the k-l district enrolled 1.(5* crease. elementary district totaled 2,174 This year, ap- stuedents in I9M and 1.2M last year And he antici- After years of turmoil, parochial schools in the proximately 1.900 students are anticipated pates another drop of approximately five per cent county also expect their enrollments to stabilize at Mr. Palmisano said that between September this year or near last year's levels. And some are faced 1971 and June 1976, the district lost 520 students Monmouth Regional High School, which draws with more applications for admission than there is who lived at Ft Monmouth Over the same five- most of Its students from Ealontown and Tlnton SOVIET JET FIGHTER IN JAPAN - A Soviet Air Force let fighter AAIG25 space. year period, the district lost an additional 110 pu Falls, has not experienced the tame rale of de- Is covered with sheets by Japanese officials after it made an emergency pils from the local population. However, Mr crease as the elementary district landing yesterday at the Hakodate airport at the southern tip of Hokkaido, Over-all, the office of the county superinten- dent estimates that countywide enrollment in pub- Palmisano said thai many of these students may Dr Harold B Smith, principal of the four-year Japan's northernmost main Island. Its skid mark after overrunning the run- also have been children of people employed or sta- high school, said that enrollment had dropped way Is at upper right. lic schools will be 108,000 (or the 1976-77 school year, a drop of 1,000 from September 1175. This is tioned at the fort tee Ceaaly, page I Soviet jet, defector Carter starts drive kept under wraps with blast at Ford cluding ceremonies at which TOKYO (AP) - Soviet air Japanese government and landed at the civilian air- •y CHRIS CONNELL He recalled that in 1012. weighed a Soviet demand for Associates' Press Writer he will sign bills providing aid with the nation struggling In force pilot Viktor I. Belenko field at the northern Japanese for child day-care centers and and his supersonic MIG25 jet the return of the flier and the city of Hakodate the grip of the Depression. plane. With the presidential elec- for victims ot the recent Te Roosevelt defeated the in- fighter were kept under ton Dam disaster in Idaho wraps today as the U.S. gov- Belenko made a dash for Kyodo, the Japanese news tion two months from today. cumbent Hoover Carter de- freedom yesterday from an agency, said the 29-year-old Democratic presidential nom- Ford let surrogates, in- scribed Hoover as "a decent ernment studied his request cluding Sen Bob Dole, the for political asylum and the air base in eastern Siberia lieutenant told police he had inee Jimmy Carter is out and well-intentioned man who been planning to escape to stumping through the East GOP vice presidential norm sincerely believed that our the United States for two for votes while President nee. carry his banner and an- government could not or years because "there is no Ford, emphasizing his In- swer the criticisms Carter le- should not with bold action at- freedom of life in the present cumbency, Is keeping a high vied yesterday on the front tack the terrible economic The Inside Story Soviet society." profile in the White House steps of Franklin D Roose- and social ills of our nation Carter opened his battle velt's "Little White House" In He was leading a Republican THE WEATHER The Japanese Foreign Min- Warm Springs, Ga party which lacked the Saaay aad plcasaal today; smy aad yesterday with a sharp attack istry confirmed that he asked on Ford, labeling him a lat- Dole crossed paths with strength and vision to bring warmer temerraw.
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