ohypan ,arp PARSHASPARSHAS MISHPATIMTETZAVEH פרשת תצוה ohfrcn ,ca FEBRUARYFEB 15 - 5 16,‐6, 20192016 SHEVATADAR I 5779 5776 2711 יא zf אדר א yca תשע,u""gaט ADAR II 5774 20 שמיני PARSHAS SHEMINI MARCH 21 - 22 2014 SHABBOS PARAH ק"ק בית אברהם יוסף BETH AVRAHAM YOSEPH OF TORONTO CONGREGATION THE JOSEPH AND FAYE TANENBAUM A Family Synagogue Emphasizing SYNAGOGUE CENTRE the Warmth of Torah Tradition BAYT WEEKLY BULLETIN WELCOME TO ALL OF OUR MEMBERS & GUESTS SCHEDULE זמני שבת | SHABBOS SCHEDULE ערב שבת | EREV SHABBOS BOYS HIGH SCHOOL MINYAN West Wing Library 9:00 AM PARSHA & KUGEL with Natan Breslow with Rabbi Korobkin Turk Family Bais Medrash 5:15 PM MIDDLE SCHOOL MINYAN with Rabbi Biegeleisen and CANDLE LIGHTING Not After: 5:30 PM Dr. Gary Fortinsky Simcha Suite 9:15 AM (Parents always welcome) MINCHA/KABBALAS SHABBOS Main Shul 5:35 PM TEEN CHABURA & MINYAN Moshe & Mania Gruda With Rabbi Moshe Herskovits 9:15 AM and Daniel Safran Bais Medrash שבת | SHABBOS HASHKAMA MINYAN Rebbetzin Judy Taub Hall 7:30 AM EARLY DROP OFF Classroom 7 9:00 AM Nursery - Grade 3 - 9:45 AM BAIS MEDRASH MINYAN with Rabbi Aaron Eisenberger Milevsky Bais Medrash 8:45 AM PARENTS & TOTS Classroom 5 9:45 AM NURSERY PROGRAM Classroom 2 9:45 AM SHACHARIS Main Shul 9:00 AM KINDERGARTEN Classroom 3 9:45 AM NO FRILLS MINYAN Turk Family Bais Medrash 9:15 AM GIRLS GRADES 1 - 3 Classroom 1 9:45 AM YOUNG ADULT & UNIV. MINYAN with Rabbi Aaron Greenberg Perlis Hall 9:15 AM BOYS GRADES 1 - 3 Classroom 4 9:45 AM MINCHA Main Shul 5:20 PM JUNIOR CONGREGATION West Wing Classrooms 10:00 AM 2 & 3 After HAVDALA 6:35 PM MOMS-AND-TOTS Classroom 5 10:30 AM Kel Maleh: This Shabbos YES, Next Shabbos YES FOR SHABBOS AFTERNOON YOUTH PROGRAMS SEE PAGE 7 PAGE NUMBERS FOR SHABBOS - TORAH/HAFTARAH READING Torah Reading Haftarah Soncino Page 519 Page 536 Artscroll Page 464 Page 1159 Mara D’Asra Rabbi Daniel Korobkin Associate Rabbi Rabbi Zev Spitz Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Baruch Taub Director of Operations Morris Maron President Zac Kaye Youth Director Richard Winkler THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE & ANNOUNCEMENTS PLEASE NOTE: A PRACTICAL INCLUSION TIP So ALL of Us Feel Valued and Welcome at BAYT For safety & security purposes please don’t leave packages etc. INCLUDING ALL JEWS IN OUR PRAYERS outside the office. In his halachic compendium entitled, Chayei Adam, Rabbi Avraham Danzig states, “that it is particularly incumbent upon every Jew while praying to Office hours are: accept upon himself the same feeling of love for each and every member of Mon. - CLOSED mankind which he feels for himself. As it is written in Leviticus 19/18, ‘ You shall love your fellow as yourself=I am Hashem.’ By embracing this thought an Tues. - Thurs.: 9 AM - 5 PM individual’s prayers will be included in the prayers of all his fellow Jews, and Fri: 9 AM - 2 PM all prayers will thus become united.” (Chayei Adam 1:6) THIS WEEK’S SHIURIM @ THE BAYT AT A GLANCE SHABBOS, FEBRUARY 16 - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 All shiurim are open to men and women unless otherwise noted. SHIUR DATE TIME LOCATION SHABBOS SHIURIM BAIS MEDRASH SHIUR Milevsky Bais Medrash with Rabbi Aaron Eisenberger Shabbos, February 16 8:15 AM PARSHA SHIUR with Rabbi Korobkin Shabbos, February 16 8:50 AM Turk Family Bais Medrash MINCHAS CHINUCH SHIUR with Uri Klein Wearing A Watch on Shabbat Shabbos, February 16 9:30 AM Rabbi Baruch Taub Study Hall CHAYEI ADAM - IGROS MOSHE FOR MEN Moishe & Mania Gruda Bais with Rabbi Neil Cohen/Rabbi Goldman Shabbos, February 16 4:35 PM Medrash MISHNAYOS FOR MEN West Wing Classroom 1 with Rabbi Eisenberger Shabbos, February 16 4:35 PM DAF YOMI FOR MEN Chullin 81 Shabbos, February 16 4:35 PM Rabbi Baruch Taub Study Hall SHIUR B’IVRIT with Hillel Horovitz Shabbos, February 16 4:50 PM Simcha Suite LIVES OF THE GREAT SCHOLARS West Wing 3 with Rabbi Meir Rosenberg Shabbos, February 16 4:50 PM WEEKDAY SHIURIM DAF HA YOMI B'HALACHA FOR MEN Sunday, Feb. 17 7:35 AM / 7:05 AM West Wing 1 with Rabbi Zev Hofstedter Monday, Feb. 18 - Friday, Feb. 22 7:05 AM SHIUR B'IVRIT Sunday, Feb. 17 8:45 AM Outside Location MOREH NEVUKHIM Turk Family Bais Medrash with Rabbi Korobkin Monday, Feb. 18 7:30 AM MEN'S DAILY SHIURIM Mishnayos, Parsha, Halacha, and Navi Monday, Feb. 18 - Friday, Feb 22 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM Milevsky Bais Medrash with Rabbi Aaron Eisenberger MEN’S SUGYA SHIUR Moishe & Mania Gruda Bais with The Rav Monday, Feb. 18 7:30 PM Medrash TANYA: A TALE OF TWO SOULS West Wing 1 with Rabbi Shimon Aisenbach Monday, Feb. 18 8:00 PM 929 PEREK A DAY TANACH SHIUR Bamidbar 29 - 33 Monday, Feb. 18 8:00 PM 3rd Floor #1 GEMARA SHIUR FOR MEN with Rabbi Dr. Moshe Yeres Monday, Feb. 18 8:30 PM Rabbi Baruch Taub Study Hall BOOK OF KINGS II with Ariel Erani Monday, Feb. 18 8:30 PM West Wing 3 WEEKLY PARSHA SHIUR Moishe & Mania Gruda Bais with Rabbi Eliezer Breitowitz Monday, Feb. 18 9:00 PM Medrash WOMEN'S KUZARI & PARSHA SHIUR with The Rav Tuesday, Feb. 19 10:00 AM Moshe & Mania Gruda Bais Medrash MEN’S SHIUR IN SIFREI CHASSIDUS Rabbi Dovid Yosef Kidybinski Tues., Feb. 19 & Thurs., Feb. 21 10:00 PM Turk Family Bais Medrash RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES with Ezer Diena Wednesday, Feb. 20 7:30 PM Rabbi Baruch Taub Study Hall YOUNG MEN’S SHIUR with The Rav Thursday, Feb. 21 9:00 PM Korobkin Home ANNOUNCEMENTS :MAZEL TOV TO זמני השבוע | WEEKDAY SCHEDULE For Sunday, February 17 - Friday, February 22 Chaim Oliver & Mindy Halper-Oliver and Joe & Ruth Bitton on the birth of a grandson, Elisha Avraham, a son to David & Elana Bitton DAF YOMI FOR MEN NACHAS & POT POURRI with the Rav or Rabbi Spitz Mazal tov to Ben Tanen and Daniel Shore and the rest of their team from SUN & MON 7:15 & 8:45 AM TanenbaumCHAT on their win in the Canadian Shalheveth Freier Physics Safe-cracking TUES, WED & FRI 6:00 & 8:20 AM Tournament held by Weizmann Canada. The team will be competing next in the THURS 6:00 & 8:30 AM International Physics Tournament in Israel in April. SHALOSH SEUDOS SHACHARIS This week’s Shalosh Seudos will be held in the Rebbetzin Judy Taub Hall and is sponsored by: MINYAN 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Dr. Alan & Marsha Kruger in honour of our new grandson, Itai Eyal, who came early but A B B B A healthy, and his mohel, Dr. Yoni Stanleigh (son of our member, Jerome & Ilana) SUN 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:30 Yehuda Freundlich from Kollel Ohr Yosef will speak at Shalosh Seudos MON A B B B A 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:30 CONDOLENCES FAMILY DAY The Congregation extends condolences to: TUES A B C* A B PURIM KATAN 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:30 8:30 Helen Fleischer on the loss of her mother, Alice Kominek z"l WED 6:30A 6:45B 7:00C* 7:30A 8:30B THURS 6:20A 6:45B 6:50C* 7:30A 8:30B PARSHAS QUESTIONS TETZAVEH BY: THE RAV FRI 6:30A 6:45B 7:00C* 7:30A 8:30B First Aliyah: Why does a parsha all about the priestly clothing begin with the laws of the olive oil? A ‐ Moshe & Mania Gruda Bais Medrash C* ‐ West Wing Library (*Men Only) Second Aliyah: (28:30) What does it mean that Aharon will “bear the judgment” of B ‐ Turk Family Bais Medrash the Jewish people? Third Aliyah: (28:33) What is they symbolism of pomegranates on the Ephod? Earliest time for Tallis & Tefillin : Sun - Fri: 6:24 am - 6:17 am Fourth Aliyah: (29:5) Why was it necessary for Moshe to dress the Kohanim – Sof Zman Krias Shema: Sun - Fri: 9:58 - 9:55 am couldn’t they dress themselves? Fifth Aliyah: (29:20) What’s the significance of placing blood on the Kohanim’s MINCHA/MA’ARIV ears, thumbs, and big toes? EARLY MINCHA Sun. - Thurs. 2: PMB Sixth Aliyah: Why do the laws of the Tamid offering – something that belongs in MINCHA/MA’ARIV Sun. - Thurs. PMB B Sefer Vayikra – come here after the laws of the Kohanim? MA’ARIV 1 Sun., - Thurs.. 7: PM Seventh Aliyah: (30:10) What atonement is being effected by placing blood on the MA’ARIV 2 Sun., - Thurs.. 9: PMB LATE MA’ARIV Sun. - Thurs. 10: PMC incense altar once a year? A - Moshe & Mania Gruda Bais Medrash B - Turk Family Bais Medrash C - West Wing Library EREV SHABBOS - Friday, February 22nd PARSHA & KUGEL 5:25 PM CANDLE LIGHTING Not After: 5:39 PM MINCHA/KABBALOS SHABBOS 5:45 PM Weekly Halacha - Parshas Tetzaveh R’ Mordechai Torczyner – [email protected] What is Purim Katan? In a leap year, Purim is observed on the 14th of the second Adar, with Shushan Purim on the following day. The 14th and 15th days of the first Adar (Feb. 19 and 20 this year) are observed as Purim Katan. On both days of Purim Katan, we do not recite Tachanun, Laminatzeiach or Kel Erech Apayim in davening. Some hold a special “Purim Seudah” on the the first day of Purim Katan. Some even send mishloach manot that day, but this is not a halachic requirement. (Mishnah Megilah 1:4; Tosafot Megilah 6b mistaber, Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Megilah 2:13; Tur/Beit Yosef/Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 697; Pri Megadim EE Orach Chaim 697:1; Mishneh Berurah 697:2; Minchat Yitzchak 10:58; Tzitz Eliezer 22:39:4) SEEKING ACCOMODATIONS On the Shabbos, March 29 - 30, BAYT will be hosting a Shabbaton.
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