THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY V OLUME 48, ISSUE 101 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2015 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM ‘A great and holy priest’ McGlinn University President Emeritus Fr. Edward Malloy recalls final words with Hesburgh senior By LESLEY STEVENSON “A couple weeks ago, Fr. Charlie N ews Editor Kohlerman, the superior of Holy Cross [House], our healthcare and dies “ Come, Holy Spirit.” retirement facility where Fr. Ted When University President lived for a number of years, called Emeritus Fr. Edward “Monk” me and a number of other of Ted’s Tuesday Malloy stood before a capacity close friends and said, ‘The end is crowd at the Basilica of the Sacred near. If you want to have a last, final Heart on Tuesday night, he invoked conversation with Ted, you’d better Observer Staff Report God’s guidance in illuminating the do it quickly,’” Malloy said. complex, dynamic life of University Malloy eventually found S enior Lisa Yang, a resident of President Emeritus Fr. Theodore Hesburgh outside in the cold, McGlinn Hall, died Tuesday at Hesburgh. smoking an unlit cigar. Memorial Hospital in South Bend, Facing a congregation of “I said, ‘Ted, what have you been according to a Notre Dame press Hesburgh’s family and friends and thinking about?’” Malloy said. “He release. flanked by dorm presidents, class said, ‘Eternity.’ Yang was a student in the council executives and student “He said, ‘The phrase that keeps Mendoza College of Business and body leadership, Malloy recalled coming into my mind: No eye has Photo courtesy of University photographer Barbara Johnston a native of Herndon, Virginia, in the circumstances of his last meet- Fr. Theodore “Ted” Hesburgh’s casket is escorted into the Basilica the Washington, D.C. metropoli- ing with Hesburgh. see HESBURGH PAGE 4 on Tuesday morning. tan area. Yang was also a member of the Student International Business Council (SIBC), according to the SMC announces SGA election results SIBC website. “Our heartfelt condolences and By HALEIGH EHMSEN Election week was exciting and Moorhead, to prepare for their Students were elected into such po- prayers are with Lisa’s family and A ssociate Saint Mary’s Editor stressful, but Kohler felt particu- term, which officially begins April sitions prior to this year, Baker said. friends,” said an email sent to stu- larly confident during her speech in 1. Though they both have SGA dents and staff Tuesday evening S aint Mary’s College Student the dining hall Wednesday during Baker said she and Kohler will experience, Kohler said she and from Vice President of Student Government Association (SGA) dinner, she said. begin the board application pro- Baker look forward to working with Affairs Erin Hoffmann Harding, announced the incoming student “We were always anxious to see cess for student-run organizations Schuster and Moorhead to guide University President Fr. John how the other candidates were go- them into their new positions. Jenkins and Mendoza College of ing to campaign,” she said. “But Kohler said she and her partner Business Dean Dr. Roger Huang. Wednesday night, when we gave intend to add a function to the new A memorial service will be held our speeches, I was so proud to be BelleMobile app that would track the week of March 16, according to telling the students what we want Blinky, a nightly shuttle service the email. More details will follow. SMC SMC to do, if elected, and express our sponsored by Saint Mary’s Security “Thank you for keeping Lisa, student body student body president-elect president-elect love for the College.” vice president-elect to transport students safely around her family and all who loved her Katilyn Baker Katilyn Kohler said she and Baker plan Kohler Maddie Saint Mary’s campus, as well as in your prayers during this sig- to attend SGA meetings and shad- back and forth from the Grotto. nificant time of remembrance body president and vice president, ow the College’s outgoing student like Student Diversity Board (SDB), “There’s a lot of questions that and reflection for our Notre Dame Kaitlyn Baker and Maddie Kohler body president and vice presi- Residence Hall Association (RHA) community,” Jenkins said in a on Friday. dent, McKenna Schuster and Sam and Student Activities Board (SAB). see ELECTIONS PAGE 4 statement. Committee begins decennial curriculum review By KAYLA MULLEN Crawford, dean of the College A ssociate News Editor of Science, and John McGreevy, dean of the College of Arts and E very 10 years, Notre Dame Letters. The committee was reviews its core curriculum. tasked with performing a com- The process for the most recent prehensive review of the entire review began with the appoint- core curriculum, drawing on ment of a Core Curriculum feedback from faculty, students Review Committee in August and alumni. 2014 by University President “If I were to characterize our Fr. John Jenkins and Provost [the committee’s] conversa- Thomas Burish, according to tions … I think the things we the core curriculum review have talked the most about are, website. ‘What is it that we want students The committee consists of to have when they graduate? 12 faculty members from sev- What knowledge, dispositions eral University departments and is co-chaired by Gregory see CORE REVIEW PAGE 5 EMILY DANAHER | The Observer N EWS PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 6 SCENE PAGE 8 MEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 16 TRACK & FIELD PAGE 16 2 THE OBSERVER | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2015 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUES TION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com What’s the most important value that Fr. Ted has instilled in you? P .O. 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A subscription to The Observer is $130 for one academic year; $75 for one semester. The Observer is published at: 024 South Dining Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556-0779 Periodical postage paid at Notre Dame and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: Photo Courtesy of University Photographer Matt Cashore The Observer P.O. Box 779 024 South Dining hall The casket of University President Emeritus Fr. Theodore Hesburgh is brought into the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in preparation Notre Dame, IN 46556-077 The Observer is a member of the Associated Press. for Fr. Hesburgh’s wake and visitation hours, which took place Tuesday night. All reproduction rights are reserved. Today’s Staff Want your event included here? News Sports R ebecca O’Neil H unter McDaniel THE NEXT FIVE DAYS: Email [email protected] Margaret Hynds Manny De Jesus Andrea Vale Alex Carson Graphics Scene E mily Danaher M addie Daly Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Photo Viewpoint A nnmarie Soller A ustin Taliaferro Procession to Burial Mindful Meditation Graduate Student Men’s Basketball Basilica Mass Site for Fr. Hesburgh Coleman-Morse Mass Joyce Center Basilica of the Sacred Holy Cross Community Center Basilica of the Sacred 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
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