Facing defeat - Page 11 Media Hype - Page 14 NIAGARATHE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER OF NIAGARA NEW COLLEGE S Free Vol. 38 • Issue 8 January 25, 2008 SAC, housing GOOD HEALTH, NATURALLY agency clash By SHANE BUCKINGHAM Staff Writer Student Administrative Council (SAC) approved a motion to seek legal counsel on a matter in which Ontario Student Rentals (OSR) has ceased payments owing to SAC. “We have not received any reve- nue from Ontario Student Rentals as of April 1,” said Cindy Blanchard, general manager, during the SAC board of directors meeting on Jan. 16, which includes Wellandʼs and Niagara-on-the-Lakeʼs SACs. The boardʼs motion is subse- quent to a previous motion passed on Sept. 24, 2007, stating SAC would dissolve the agreement with Ontario Student Rentals (OSR) at the request of OSR owner Bill Whiteman. After sending a registered letter to Whiteman for clarifi cation on the matter, Blanchard said she has yet to receive a response on the cancel- lation. The board passed a motion for Blanchard to look into the mat- ter and to seek “legal advice” on how to handle the situation. Whiteman had an agreement with SAC in which SAC would refer students to OSR for housing and in return OSR would pay SAC Kim Koop gets a relaxing dose of acupuncture at The Healing Vine in St. Catharines. For more on the story, see pages 8 and 9. a referral fee. Photo by Maryanne Firth Continued on Page 2 Beating the cold winter blues Give it a shot By LAUREN JONES be related to seasonal differences in mood and behaviour, will denote Staff Writer light. Every person has a “biologi- the presence of SAD. By MONICA KEYES her know about the genital warts he Itʼs cold, thereʼs wind and snow, cal clock,” which responds to the Some of the symptoms of this Staff Writer had developed. Terrifi ed, she made and it always seems dark outside. changes in seasons and to differ- disorder may include a change If you were offered the cure for an appointment with her gynaeco- Many people get the “winter ences in the length of the day. The in appetite, cravings for sweet or cancer, would you accept it? logist. blahs,” but for some, those feelings CMHA says research indicates that starchy foods, weight gain, de- Sexual education is a regular part Upon telling her doctor what of sadness may be caused by a more chemical messengers in the brain creased energy, fatigue, tendency of the curriculum in both elementa- had happened, he told her about serious problem. These people may that help regulate mood, sleep and to oversleep, diffi culty concentrat- ry and high school. However, most Gardasil, a human papilloma virus be trying to cope with a type of de- appetite may be disrupted in SAD. ing, irritability, avoidance of social of us are too embarrassed or too (HPV) vaccine. She knew roughly pression called Seasonal Affective Those messengers are known as situations, and feelings of anxiety cool to pay close attention at the what HPV was from sex ed class. Disorder (SAD). neurotransmitters. or despair. time. Basic information is gathered in high school, but not what it re- According to the Canadian Men- The symptoms of SAD make it The CMHA says symptoms of between awkward fi ts of giggles, ally was. What she found out was tal Health Association (CMHA), diffi cult to diagnose because they SAD usually dissipate when spring but out of class, how much do you shocking. awareness of SAD has been present are similar to the symptoms of arrives. For some, this may be a really know? Known as a quiet infection, HPV for more than 150 years, but has bipolar disorder and other types sudden disappearance, and for oth- Earlier this year I watched a can present no signs or symptoms only been recognized as a disorder of depression. The CMHA says ers, it may take a while longer. friend go through a sexually trans- and usually clears up on its own. since the 1980s. symptoms recurring for two con- The association says the disorder mitted infection (STI) scare. A few Transmitted through skin-to-skin There is no confi rmed cause for secutive winters or more, without may affect children and teenagers, weeks after breaking up with her contact, this highly contagious SAD, but the CMHA says it could other explanations for changes in Continued on Page 2 boyfriend, he contacted her to let Continued on Page 2 INSIDE THIS WEEK Spring Break preview Page 5 • Sports Page 10-11 • Niagara Noise Page 12-13 • Entertainment Page 14 2 NIAGARA NEWS Jan. 25, 2008 HPV comes in dozens of strands Grumpy, Continued from page 1 sores, and strands 16 and 18, which infection will affect eight out of 10 can cause cancer of the cervix. people before the age of 50. Approved by the Government grouchy Www.hpvinfo.ca, The Society of of Canada after clinical trials and Obstetricians and Gynaecologists studies proved it was safe, the HPV of Canadaʼs website, states more vaccine has been available for the than 100 strands of HPV have been past fi ve years in Canada. Over the and SAD discovered, more than 30 of which past year, growing media attention are transmitted sexually. has focused on HPV. “Spread the “Low risk” strands can cause word … not the disease” can be Continued from page 1 genital and anal warts. “High risk” heard in commercials and found but mostly begins in people aged strands can cause pre-cancerous on posters and pamphlets put out 20 and older. It is more common in lesions, cervical cancer anal cancer by the Society of Obstetricians and women than in men, and the risk of and other genital cancers. Gynaecologists of Canada. SAD decreases with age. In women, the most effective way “Our job is to educate and pro- Donna Putman, a counsellor at of fi nding early signs of abnormali- tect individuals into making their Niagara Collegeʼs Welland cam- ties that can cause pre-cancerous own choices – smart choices,” said pus, says students do come to see cells is through a Pap test. Niagara College nurse Carolyn her and talk about SAD. Her Pap smear and blood tests Gould. “It gets more press now, itʼs came back clear, giving her the At the Welland campus Health more common, so students recog- peace of mind she was in desperate Centre, pamphlets on HPV are nize some of the symptoms more need of. What she did get, as did available to anyone thinking of [often],” says Putman, “Even some some of her friends – including me getting the vaccine. Promoting the of the counsellors say, ʻIʼm so af- – was the HPV vaccine. vaccine within the clinic, Gould fected by the lack of light.ʼ” Although not a cure for cancer, said anyone who is planning on Putman says students identify a this recent advancement in modern getting the needle can have it given lack of energy, a mild depression, medicine is giving women ages to them there if they set up an ap- a lack of motivation and a general nine to 26 a fi ghting chance against pointment. Monica illustration by Keyes Photo disconnection with their normal cervical cancer. “You need a prescription to get selves. According to Statistics Canada, it. Then bring the needle in, and “In Canada, we lack light and approximately 1,400 diagnoses and weʼll give it.” The Niagara Region’s Public Health Department aromas [in the winter], and I think 400 deaths occur annually from The vaccine comes in three will be hosting four information sessions. our senses are deprived.” Putman says SAD can affect a cervical cancer. Second to breast scheduled doses and costs $404.85 • Jan. 29 from 7 to 8 p.m. at Grimsby High School cancer, it is the most common for the full regimen. Some drug studentʼs academic performance. • Jan. 30 from 7 to 8 p.m. at A.N. Meyer High School “The person sitting in that class- type of cancer affecting women plans partially cover the cost, in- • Feb. 5 from 7 to 8 p.m. at Denis Morris High School in Canada. Given in three doses, cluding the Niagara College medi- room is a person fi rst and a student • Feb. 6 from 7 to 8 p.m. at Welland Centennial High School second, and mild depression affects the vaccine protects you from four cal plan, which pays for 80 per Please call 905-688-8248 or 1-888-505-6064 ext. 7372 for more info. types of HPV: strands 6 and 11, cent of the cost. concentration.” which can cause genital warts and Putman says ways to combat the lack of concentration is to get a study partner who can help one stay focused or to study in groups. SAC clashes with Ontario Student Rentals “You have to accept it and try new strategies. You have to work Continued from page 1 “The fact that we got fi ve so she called back and said, ʻDonʼt goes to the students, and at the end with it.” The deal originated and was fi - months behind should tell you, or worry. We can end it at the starting of the day nobodyʼs probably go- Depending on the severity of a nalized in 2004. whoever, they didnʼt care about it,” of November.ʼ ” ing to win,” he said. “Weʼre not personʼs SAD, there are a variety As agreed, SAC would allow said Whiteman. SAC moved to dissolve the going to pursue this unless we of things one can do to help al- OSR to assume all student-hous- Conversely, he said if it were as agreement on Sept.
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