1/ luadrangle Pictures Wednesday Reiteration of a Policy "TO BE OR NOT Wbt DuKeA Ctanitte Concerning Christmas TO BE" ^s£R_UD_slXi Thirty-Ninth Year - No. 16 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Tuesday, November 10, 194,2 Mr, Harbach and Friends Pan-Hellenic Council Plans Pep Rally, Bonfire To Climax Drastic Constitutional Change drastic change in the Men's Pan-Hellenic constitution, Carolina Week' Friday Night which would abolish the automatic elevation of junior coun­ cil representatives to the senior council each year by the creation ol a senior council composed ol the eighteen fra­ Age-Old Rivalry ternity presidents, will be presented to the members of the il at the regular Thursday Flames Once More Formal In Pre-(iame Fusry Duke's week of weeks near- < <1 the half-way mark tonight To Close as plans for a rousing climax to the "bloody week" before Liu.-isi K) thi- Use Duke Ciis-niisisi game were by-laws independent of the indi- ' ised today. Weekend fralemities. In effect, the would become an entire­ Hostilities Begin 'irst I'oi-mal dance ol this ly independent legislature with lailed social season wil the authority to enact legislation First definite outbreak of sented by the Men's Pan-Hel- I referring questions back hostilities between the two schools came lost night when Duke students invaded Chapel und. •r lhe proposed reorgani­ se senior representatives Hill and captured "Rambling e couneil will be lhe Rameses," the Carolina ram fraternity presidents, mascot. Evading four Carolina guards, the Dukesters brought irlent Charlie Blanch- Un ! n and today held Rame- g elected Trinity College freshman ommunicado. The Car- er Gable's platform pledged "co­ lascot gained his title of e fraternities. Out of tl ling" first when N. C. students "ramnapped" a lhe WSAB. •siflssiiS, rfectly at ease amidst nine ol the secretary at the end of Trinity Freshmen Elect lamour and gli pre-w or year, and will serve giant bonfire—termed "the Harbach's musical drama, "Hay- for Ihe duration" by BOS Fall Formals," the dance throughout their senior year. The Hammersteln, The laugh is only ghlight president Charlie Blanchard and imainiog offices of the council John Gable President university cheerleader ill be filled by fraternity presi- ssidenl Clar Siiss is Rusk—and a pep rally Fri­ day nighl will spark the final The second feature of the plan iiissssi l.srlui-is tin: year's classic, to Famed Otto Harbach Directs be played in Chape) Hill Satur- •act all legislation consistent elected to the pre on the dance ith the constitution and by- Trinity Freshman been at Duke, he has already Mcmbers o sophomore ws, such legislation io be bind- Saturday freshmas nadc a place for himself, serv­ tern Hies and 'Hayfoot Straw/oof Casting g on the individual fraterni- s balloting f ing as president of his house, shop. I's-i-ssiinsiii class today started es. Each fraternity will have and with the Y on the Edge- for the dance vs on the huge bonfire, which nont Center project. following a prolonged co ie vole, which ean be cast only laste on the freshman foot- Selection Moves Lyricist Composed When questioned tonight, Ga­ Otto Harbach To Speak ersy lasl week between the t one of the two recognisied eld. The two groups will favoring a Friday night dance il e announced an ambitious pro­ Into Third Session On 'Campus Time' Show Hits Of Generation gram for the class of '48, which preference to the Saturday sp Iternoon at 2 to collect the iiy Jllll is to include regular class offi- Olto Harbach will tell the The Saturday evening time v, for Ihe bonfire. Shortage favored because of the interfs Coed Ball Formal ssers' meetings, a freshman nber, labor, and transpor- fore of his "Hayfoot, Sirs ice of a Friday night dance a chosen facilities among downtown foot" tonight at 8:30 o'cls e scheduled bonllre pep ral post; Williai community chest and support of firms usually donating fuel for impetiUon between the dan In Spite Of War, over WDNC's Duke radio p scd the i gram, "Campus Night." re and the one at Carolina Dean Alan Manchester pre­ Interviewing author H pected lo be at a minimis sided at the elections, and the ice tickets to the Sammy Flet­ Chairman Rules Kilgo and Engineering fresh­ bach will be "Hayfoot" p filing of ballots was directed by cher dance in Chapel Hill wei ling wartime social ta- John Withington, TSGA seci en, as well as upperclass mem- duct ion manager Cubby Baer, srs of both groups, tonight were d out more than • ast a Postian tary, who was assisted by ott Also featured will be a singer sparing an "active defense" Ihe tails ssisd white ties members of TSGA and BC n the U " lainst any possibility of in va­ versity of North Carols years, the sSocial Stand- ble experience in admii Voting nn by Carolina nightriders. • offices. President of the s all c g a chorus of thir V. .Still si live up to .East campus, scene of last year's Kampus Klubmen, and the Medical Society m by retaining all of the it body in Webster Gro pitched battle between over- light s-ead this pla formal pomp of the annual Coed snthusiastic supporters of both Harvey Bullock's "Super Ball. The danee will be formal, schools, was once again being Names 29 New lairman Beaver has ruled. Campus Wardens 'Eve Of St. Mark' 'os-tified by cautious engineers, ivho are putting no trust in gas Tenor Johnny Alexander will To be held on Wednesday, liould do so tonight and rubber shortages to keep the ••1-Isiy- sing lyricist Harbach's famous ovember 25, the Ball will be "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes," Student Members To Study Basic Expresses Spirit Tar Heels away. stressed today. which was written in thirty Twenty-nine pre-medieal stu- ie of the few formal campus inees to be held this year. Es- all star cast for th B story minutes and became the hit lents have been invited to mem­ First Aid Course Of Free America "Better relations" between the bership in the Pre-Medical So­ rts have been requested not two university student bodies, ciety, Bob Keller, chairman of buy corsages for their dates, stressed in the past by both the the admissions however. isampuss newspapers and Student USO Asks Coeds nounced today. Although the decoration theme I introduce Thurs­ Government associations, but Iked to Mr. Har as not been decided upon, the day night the first of a series oi -sully locking between the two ng held much earlier than Ball, sponsored twice a year by ires on first aid for the Sa­ student groups themselves, this year was unpuhlicized and un­ To Attend Dance usual this year to co-ordinate the Social Standards iled students, facully mem- ties of the society with the sung, with only the joint spon- e the cs A-sisss. ss and campus officials who are sm-sship i.i Use game Saturday by preparing to be campus air-raid Gutstadt, Duk am. New members must sic lhe San SGA isicmbcrships being Hie s-espisnsitaility of carry left from all the SGA and Chron- n an accelerated, (Conlimted on page 4) old mo­ OCD ve the at dinator, and by additional Tickets lor the Ball will be on ructors attached to the control Service Tomorrow lie next week in the East I Si u dents nter of the city's aerial defer pus Union Lobby from 5 o Kern and Oscar Han iionistic type of Observes Armistice ,. Senio: .vill Is Peggy Hendrickson, John Bryan, Undertaken by 65 would- sied upon what A service commemorating Zelift. Junior initiates on Monday, juniors e stage," West ardens, representing both I Armistice Day of World War I Bunting, Dorothy Sny­ lay, and sophomores r ad uate and undergraduate added. Like the will be held tomorrow in Memo­ der, Henry Almquist, Waldo Wednesday. If any tickets i hools and the university, the Tow," there i rial chapel of the Chapel, at Henson, Tom Hudgins. and ~" " " over, they will be sold surse will provide a nucleus stage setting, 12:30, and will be conducted srd Wrenn. Sophomores ir imen on Thursday. Cosrfs around which future training ng invitations will probably jointly by Desmond Pond, medl- progra of a v will t--s.il sludent from England, and Andre- Grace Ford, Ann llowed to mail them the remiere of "Hayfoot, be built. Rev. H. N. Parley. have already bcsai Pondn is a representative of Reviewer Praises Streamlined given concerning the OCD effort, the World Student Christian protection from poisonous gases, movement in this country and Michigan To Open aerial bombardment, and air- Parsley is the campus Episcopal it to make his story i Ballet Theatre Performance fire hazards an minister. All members of the ipleted except Japanese Course university emutsHiuity have been By William Miller it aid Iraining. invited to attend tomorrow. S. Hurok's Ballet Theatre, sub­ The Military Intelligence titled "the greatest in Russian ith i 1 th­ lervice language school of the ballet" by Its enthusiastic spon­ Jolted Stales Army has recent sors, made its bow to the Duke at Queen Clementine. The cliar- audience Friday night in Page icteriiation of Queen Clemen- Dean Manchester To Launch auditorium. Ballet cuslomarlly ine was ably done by Lucia anguage school will be created evokes much attention and this Chase who manifested the superb Cafeteria. Dr. F. H. Swett of th£ it the University of Mlchlgar performance was no exception. dramatic talent which was School of Medicine and Dr.
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