"It's here because it's THE COWL true, not true because it's here." Volume XXXI—No. 1 Wednesday, April 12, 1978 Providence, R.I. 02918 12 Pages Controversy surrounds Baird campus visit At the time of this printing, pro- suit in federal court asking that versial speakers, but the manner abortion advocate Bill Baird had the College be mandated to follow in which this is done must take intended to appear at the Provi• its rules and regulations on into account the Catholic commit- dence College campus on Tues• speakers and allow Baird to day night at 7:30. Baird had appear. planned to speak along River Avenue in front of the main gate. After refusing Governo's initial Baird: However, it was later learned request, Father Peterson said that the College would make no that he was not denying Baird attempt to keep Baird off cam• access to the campus but that he This Issue Is way pus. wanted Baird to appear in a sym• The Rhode Island affiliate of posium format. He released the the American Civil Liberties following statement on Monday: beyond abortlonl Union decided Monday to offer league help to David Governo, "I informed Mr. Governo, the president of the Alternatives For• student who invited Mr. Baird, um. Governo had previously in• that Mr. Baird would be permit• ment of Providence College and vited Baird to speak in Aquinas ted to speak at Providence Col• the sensitivities that this commit• Lounge on Tuesday night. That lege as part of a symposium on ment demands. request was later rescinded by "I wish to stress the fact that Governo because the facilities Mr. Baird was not invited by were no longer available and Father Peterson: Providence College but by one of Rev. Thomas R. Peterson, O.P., its students." had told him Tuesday that this 'Mr. Baird would be In an interview Tuesday morn- forum would not be proper. ing Baird stated, "This issue is permitted to speak way beyond abortion. The issue is It has been confirmed that whether you can deny free speech Baird normally receives $750 to as part of a and assembly. I really think it's ' $1000 for a speaking engagement. time young people had a chanc He was to have received an symposium on to decide for themselves." Traffic entering Huxley Avenue honorarium of $100 from the Alternatives Forum but since his abortion' appearance was cancelled Baird Lower Campus security is the reason: will receive no compensation. abortion. Such a forum would allow a proper response to Mr. Corp. Michael Dollinger, the director Baird s position. of the Rhode Island affiliate of "The nature of this symposium the ACLU, stated that he didn't is such that certain guidelines election Huxley Avenue know if his group had enough would have to be established to time to go to court seeking an insure that it is not used as an oc• order to permit the lecture. How• casion for sensationalism. ever, Dollinger did comment that "The College recognizes the date set the group was prepared to file rights of students to hear contro- Nomination papers for election to the College Corporation will be may be closed available today until Friday, April 14. Campaigning for the Williams charged junior and senior positions on the By Maureen O'Hare only guess as to the reaction of Corporation will go on from Sat• The possibility of closing off the residents of Huxley Avenue. Huxley Avenue as a security They'd probably welcome it Dwight Williams, a junior at urday, April 15, til Wednesday, measure is being explored by because it will make their street Providence College and a April 19. The actual election Rev. John McMahon, O.P., more like a private drive," ex• mainstay of the Friar basketball taKes place on Thursday, April assistant vice president of plained Father McMahon. team, has been charged with 20. student affairs, and vice It is hoped that this change will assault with a dangerous weapon president of business affairs, be implemented by September, as a result of an argument and A vote for a candidate is only a Joseph Byron. 1978; however, the proposal still stabbing in Alumni Cafeteria this nomination and is regarded only has to be presented to the City past Friday. Williams turned as a recommendation of the stu• This proposal, submitted to the Council. "I'd be delighted if it himself in at police headquarters dent body The Corporation itself budget committee last could be done by the time school at 9 a.m. last Saturday. will name the student to its board November, involves blocking with the recommendation of a Huxley Avenue off from opens in the fall," commented He was released on $3000 special reviewing committee Schneider Arena to the Guzman Father McMahon, "but with the personal recognizance and will headed by Rev. James M Hall area, thus making it inac• slow pace of bureaucracy it may appear Friday at Providence Murphy, O.P. cessible to all traffic except that take longer." District Court to enter a plea. of emergency vehicles. Ac• "The present security system Ray Romagnolo, a senior, has The sixth annual election deter• cording to Father McMahon, a is absurd," Father McMahon since left Roger Williams mines the student who will serve gate house with an electronically stated, "The gate house is Hospital where he was treated for for one year. Both students, one controlled arm lift gate, would be situated in such a way that it only a two-stitch wound. Romagnolo junior and one senior, have vot• constructed about 30 yards in protects the Upper Campus. We has retained attorney Charles ing rights and the junior member from Eaton Street and would have no device to prohibit people Hague and Williams is ( had only voice privileges. have to be manned 24 hours a from entering Lower Campus, so represented by lawyer Paul day. something is being done about Pisano. 1 The Corporation meets twice "Mr. Byron and I met with the it." Allegedly the stabbing oc• j eachyearasanentirebody; how- Providence fire chief, and we curred as a result of an argument I ever, there are smaller com- received a positive reaction to the about a pool game. ¡ mittees which have as yet no idea, just as long as emergency student members. vehicles can have access. I can Dwight Williams Inside: O'Donnell appointed Congress meeting to committee Page 3 representative to the Committee, By Terence Downing O'Donnell must work closely with The newly appointed student the Student Congress and also representative to the Committee serve as an administrator to the on Administration will be junior College. Great Pretenders James O'Donnell. A business The Committee on Ad• management major from Lowell, ministration "reviews the Page 6 Mass., O'Donnell will be general policies of the entire replacing senior Fred Mason, institution and serves as the who has held the position for the principle advisory board to the past year. president of the College." There O'Donnell was chosen by a are nine other members on the Golf Squad subcommittee of the Student Committee besides O'Donnell. Congress and recommended to O'Donnell's role as student Page 10 Father Peterson for official representative will be to put forth appointment to the Committee. before the committee any issue In serving as student See O'DONNELL, Page 3 Page 2 Wednesday, April 12, 1978 News Father Duffy names O'Hare Around the Campus Summer Family violence to top Cowl position internships symposium Father Francis C. Duffy, O.P., A symposium on "Violence in vice president for student affairs, available the Family," sponsored by the has announced that John O'Hare Chaplain's Office, the Counseling will succeed Michael Delaney as Center, and various academic Summer internships are the new Cowl editor-in-chief. In departments, will be held in '64 available with Rhode Island March, Father Duffy was given Hall on April 12-13. The program Senator John Chafee. There are the names of Margaret Brodeur, will feature as its keynote three sessions-June 4 to June 30, Heinz Brinkhaus, and David speaker Rev. Bruce Ritter, July 3 to July 28 and July 31 to Amaral, along with O'Hare to be O.F.M., a nationally prominent August 25. The internships are considered for the newspaper's crusader for abused children. open to all students who have top position. The symposium will be com• completed their sophomore year posed of panel discussions with of college, and the deadline for locally recognized experts and In making his decision, Father applications is April 15. Any films, with the first presentation Duffy reviewed all the candidates interested students can contact taking place at 8 p.m. on April 12. and selected O'Hare, citing his Dr. William Hudson in Room 318 All sessions are open to the public experience on the Editorial of Howley Hall. without charge. Board as being one of the im• portant qualifications for the position. As in years past, the College administration had control in the selection of the Obituaries editor. O'Hare is an English major and Leo Cannon, Laura Ryan has served on The Cowl since his freshman year. He was appointed Laura Ryan, 19, of Mineóla, to the position of sports editor by N.Y., died on March 27 at George Lennon, then editor-in- O.P. Massachusetts General Hospital. chief. O'Hare has served on the Ryan, a freshman at Providence Editorial Board for two and one- Rev. Leo S. Cannon, O.P., a College, is the 10th victim of the half years.
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