The documents you are viewing were produced and/or compiled by the Department of National Defence for the purpose of providing Canadians with direct access to information about the programs and services offered by the Government of Canada. These documents are covered by the provisions of the Copyright Act, by Canadian laws, policies, regulations and international agreements. Such provisions serve to identify the information source and, in specific instances, to prohibit reproduction of materials without written permission. Les documents que vous consultez ont été produits ou rassemblés par le ministère de la Défense nationale pour fournir aux Canadiens et aux Canadiennes un accès direct à l'information sur les programmes et les services offerts par le gouvernement du Canada. Ces documents sont protégés par les dispositions de la Loi sur le droit d'auteur, ainsi que par celles de lois, de politiques et de règlements canadiens et d’accords internationaux. Ces dispositions permettent d'identifier la source de l'information et, dans certains cas, d'interdire la reproduction de documents sans permission écrite. 64 VICTORIA SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35 A. 1901 DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE FOR 'fHE DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER , 1900 PRINTED BY ORDER OF PARLIAMENT , OTTAWA PRINTED BY S. E. DAWSON, PRI~TER TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1901 [No. 35-1901.) 64 VICTORIA SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35 A. 1901 To His E:,:cellency the Right Honourable Sir Gilbert John Elliot, Earl of Minto and Viscoiint llfelgund of Melgnnd, County of F01·/a1·, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, Baron Minto of Minto, County of Roxburgh, in the l'eerage of Great Britain, Ba1·onet of Nova Scotia, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order oj Saint Michael and Saint George, &:c., cfo., Governor General of Canada. MAY IT PLEASE Youa ExcRLLENCY- I have the honour to forward to Your Excellency the accompanying Repol't of the Department of Militia and Defence of the Dominion of Canada for the year ended December 3], I 900, which is respectfully submitted. I have tlie honour to be, )Iy L'•rd, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, F. W. BORDEN, Minister of ~Militia and Defence. DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DRFENCK, OTTAWA, Febrnary 1, 1901. 64 VICTORIA SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35 A. 1901 TABLE OF OONTJ1~NTS. PART I. P AGE. Report of the Deputy Minister of :Militia and Defence. vii Appendix No. 1 : Report of the Chief Superintendent of 1\Iilitia Stores . 1 " A " Small arm ammunition issued for Practice . 4 " B " Small arm ammunition issued on repayment . 4 " C " Gunpowder and Friction Tubes issued for practice and Salute . 5 Rents recei·,ed . .. .. ....... ............ _. 5 Clothing issued on Requisitions . 6 Deposit Receipts. 6 Appendix No. 2: Report of the Chief Engineer . f> Appendix No. 3 : Report of the Superintendent of the Government Cartridge Factory .... ... ........... .. ....... ... ... ............ .... 15 PART II. Report of the 1\lajor General Commanding the Militia . 25 (For details of contents see page 65.) Appendices to Report oj the Major General Commanding. A. -Memorandum suggesting measures for the more sufficient training of Rural Units of the Canadian Militia . 35 B.-Report of the Adjutant General, Canadian Militia . .. 38 C.-Report of the Director General Medical Services ... ... ... .. 45 C. (a)-Instructions fo1· Medical Officers on Transports for South Africa. 50 D.- General Report on Camp Deseronto, by Lt.-Colonel Stone, R.A., Camp Comn1andant. ... .. 52 E.-Report of the Commandant of the Royal Military College . 55 F (L)-Return showing the number of Officers, N.C. Officers, Men and Horses trained during the year 1900, in District Camps at Local Head Quarters. 58 F (2.)-List of certificates issued to Officers, N. C. Officers and men of the ActiYe Militia during the year 1900 . .. 60 F ( 3. )-Annual Return of Permanent CorpH, 1900 . 61 F (4.)-Return of Gun Ammunition expended by Field Batteries, 1900.. 62 F (5. )-Retum of Gun Ammunition ex.pended by Garrison Art'ery, Units, 1900 63 - G.-Report on 2nd Division, 1st Regiment, Canadian Artillery . 64 ~ V 64 VICTORIA SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35 A. 1901 PART I. REPORT OF THE DEPUTY MINISTER DEPARTMENT OF 1IILITIA AND DEFENCE, OTTAWA, February 1, 1901. The Honourable F. W. BORDEN, Minister of Militia and Defence. Sm,-I have the honour to submit to you the undermentioned reports relating Lo the work carried out by the Department of Militia and Defence during the fiscal year ended on June 30, 1900. 1. The Report of the General Officer Commanding the Militia with appendices concerning the Active Militia and the Permanent Force ; the report of the Officer Commanding the Royal Military College. 2. The report of the Chief Superintendent of Stores giving the customary details relating to the Store Branch. 3. The report of the Chief Engineer of the Department in relation to the work done under bis supervision in the different Military Districts. 4. The report of the Superintendent of the Government Cartridge Factory. The following is the Financial Statement for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900. vii viii DEPART.'lfENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. 64 VICTORIA, A. 1901 FINANCIAL Statement for the Year ending June 30, 1900. VOTER FOR ~11LlTIA SER'1CES, 1899-1900. EXPENDED, ------------------------------------------ S cts. By Statute-- Pay of General Officer, Adjutant General and Q. M. General 9,446 40 By Vote- Pay of Staff, Permament Corps and Active Militia, including allowance .. 333,225 72 Yukon Contingent ........................................................... 173,266 21 Annual Drill of the Militia.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ 42-1,990 64 Salaries and wages of civil employees . ...... 70,000 00 l\Iilitary properties, works and buildings . .... ........ .. ........ 17<.i,874 74 \Varlike and other stores. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... 58,086 72 Clothing and necessaries. ......... 185,077 97 Provisions, supplies and remounts... ................ 117,933 58 Transport and freight. ..... 39, 63 09 Grants in aid of Artillery and Rifle Associations and Banrls and Military Institutes .. 36,941 76 Grant for Rockliffe Rifle Range .......................................... 1 500 00 lYiiscellaneous and unforeseen contingencies. .. 19:981 70 Royal Military College of Canada . 69,230 50 Monuments-Battlefields of Canada.... 250 00 Government Cartridge Factory.. ................................ 102,952 22 Drill ground and site for Armoury, St. Thomas, Ont .................... ..... 6,000 00 General service medals. .................... 3,988 12 Defences, Esquimalt, B.C.-Pay and allowances of a detachment of Royal Marine Artillery or Royal Engineer~. 12,!J89 13 Capital Account-Arms, Ammunition and Defences, including Esquimalt, B.C... 161,498 39 Rifle Ranges.. 71,208 37 Halifax Provisional Garrison. .................................. ........ 118,265 14 Claims for Compensation- F. X. Mathieu, for legal costs. ............................................. 199 30 Octave Ouellette, injury........ ... 750 00 Widow f late Captain Stuart .................................................. 1,000 00 E. W. Armstrong. ...... 500 00 Mrs. Kehoe . ... .. .......................... 125 00 Guard for Welland Canal . ................. ......... 1,006 00 Special Service-South Africa. ... ... 1,427,502 35 Total ........ 3,615,206 65 Pensions. ByVote- Penaions-1\Iilitia, Rebellion, 1885 ............. 18,:'\70 !JS " " Fenian Raids, &c .... 2,33!) 00 By Statute-- Pensions-Militia, Upper Canada, War of 1812 ..... 84C 00 21,7-!9 98 REVENUE. cts. ct8. Casual..... ..................................................... 2,120 48 Ammunition, Stores and Clothing. .. ·· 1:i;sils·is· :Miscellaneous . ...... 6,106 48 Rents . ........ 5,821 31 26,290 97 Royal Military College ......... 21,464 19 Total Revenue. .. 49,8i5 64 J. W. BORDEN, Accountant. I have the honour to be, sir, Your obedient servant, L. F. PINAULT, Col., .Deputy Minister of Militia and .DeJence. 64 VICTORIA SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35 A. 1901 APPENDIX :Xo.1 . TO THE REPORT OF THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF )IILI'.rIA A~TD DEFEXCE. REPORT OF THE CHIEF l-:IUPERINTENDENT OF STORES. --.- STORE DRANCII, OTTAWA, January, 1901. Sm,-At such station'> as I was able to visit during the year, I found the duties being satisfactorily performi>d, and I have much pleasure in reporting favourably as to the general efficiency of the officers and employees of the Store staff. STORE BUILDINGS. It is strongly recommended that, as an urgent necessity, provision be made in the Estimates fut· the erection of new buildings at Killgston and Toronto. The stores already at these stations are very valuable, and a large quantity, in consequence of their importance as points of supply for large military districts, should be kept there in reserve; but owing to inadequacy of space and the presenL condition of the buildings ( old wooden ones), it is impossible to either increase the supply or properly ca!'e for t-bose already there. In consequence of tlie imposc;ibility of reaching the ·tore,<; at St. Helen's Island £1 om .Mc,ntreal at certain seasons of the year, it will be necessary to provide accommoda­ tion in Montreal for the storage of a quantity of such articles as may be likely to be required for i!ssue in case of emet·gency. The new store building in eourse of erection at Ottawa is expected to be ready for occupation in the early surnmer. It cannot be available too soon, as the present accom­ modation is far from satisfactory owing to the scatterPd location of the stores and con­ sequent want of general supervision. 'IALL ARM A:UMUc'ilTION. The defective cartridges received from England at·e now undergoing altemtion at the Cartridge factory, Quebec, and being distributed from there to the several centres. The a~tered ammunition is fayourably mentioned. In order to increase the quantity in charge to necessary proportions, the Cart­ ridge factory is also turning out a supply of new ammunition which will, a~ ready, be distributed to stations where it i required, if space is available for storage. 35-1 2 DEPART.ME.NT OF 1lllLITIA AND DEFENCE. 64 VICTORIA, A. 1901 Free ammunition was issued dming the year to the following organizations:­ Dominion Rifle Associati1>n.
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