Se.pf. i 2 19'19 MSU ARCHIVES~ Ul "'c:::;p~ Mt;U Clip Sheet A sample of recent articles of interest to Morehead State University UNIVERSITY COMMUNICATIONS MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY UPO BOX 1100 MOREHEAD, KY 40361-1689 606-783-2030 The Morehead News, Tuesday, Sept, 1, 1998 MSU pulls classes. from. Prestonsburg campus "If they took classes at More­ Floyd said PCC's savings on $10 parking head, they would exp~ct to pa_y a electric and janitorial services, fee," she said. MSU s parkmg provided free to MSU, is a small fee in dispute fee is $35 a year. consolation. Moore said 200 students were By SEAN KELLY affected by the pullout, with "It does not send a message Staff Writer MSU now holding classes at a that we want to send, that we're Baptist church, Mayo Technical an open campus," she said. "We have been for years." A dispute over a $10 parking College and the Mountain Arts Center. Those spaces were Moore and Floyd both said fee has led Morehead State Uni­ the issue could be resolved, with versity to pull classes from the donated to MSU free of charge. MSU returning to PCC campus. Prestonsburg Community Col­ •students appreciated our "We're going to keep our lege campus. efforts to save them from anoth­ doors open," Floyd said. Dr. Michael Moore, MSU vice er fee," he added. president of academic affairs, THE COURIER-JOURNAL• TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 said MSU opposed the timing of the fee, more than the cost itself. "They were imposing this Georgetown, EKU set after classes already started," he said. "We had already collected fees from our students." PCC President Deborah fund-raising records Floyd said MSU was notified half of the school's budset, said Transylvania Uriiversity raised about the new fee before the By RICHARD WILSON Donald R. Feltner, EKU's vice presi­ slightly more than $6.1 million, classes started. The Courier-Journal dent for institutional advancement. compared with $5.2 million last •J told Michael Moore Aug. He said private money has en­ year. The school's record was $7.·1 LEXINGTON, Ky. -Two Central hanced EKU's academic programs million in 1994-95, said spokeswom­ 14," she said. "We've been very Kentucky colleges h~ve set fund­ clear we were going to this park­ and helped students pay for their an Sarah Emmons. The Transylva­ raising records dunng the past education. nia figures include only gifts or ing program." year, and two others came close to He said EKU has received $52.U contributions already in hand. Moore said at that meeting, breaking their records. million in ~ifts, pledges and "It had been mentioned they The schools setting records were planned gifts smce its formal devel­ were considering a parking fee, Georgetown College, in Scott Coun­ opment program began in 1984. but that was a hypothesis." He ty, and Eastern Kentucky Unive~i­ "This continued success of our ty, in Richmond. Centre. Coll~ge 1~ voluntary suppon program is a trib­ added that MSU wasn't formally Danville and Transylvania Umvers1- notified until Aug. 18, "when we ute to the university" and a compli­ ty in Lexington came close to ment to Eastern's alumni and received a flyer from their insti­ breaking their records. friends, said EKU President Bob tution announcing the parking At Georgetown, gifts from all Kustra. fee." sources exceeded $13.2 million, At Centre, gifts and grants for Floyd said MSU did not noti­ compared with $7.2 million for the 1997-98 totaled $9.2 million, the preceding fiscal year. That includ~d second-highest amount in the col­ fy her about needing the PCC gifts from the Kentucky Baptist classroom space until Aug. 17. lege·s history. The record was in Convention and P.iann~d gifts, 1994-95, when a substantial estate She added that during the sum­ which includes wills, insurance gifl pushed the total to more than mer, PCC ran stories in the local policies, annuities and trusts. $12 million. In 1996-97, the school newspaper about the parking "We had a number of large gifts raised nearly S!l.l million. fee. during the year. ... We also had The gifts and grants have enabled many smaller gifts from. alumni, Centre to offer a generous scholar­ Floyd said MSU students use friends, churches, foundauons and the classrooms and library free ship program and pursue construc­ corporations," said Georgetown tion and renovation projects. of charge, while PCC students President William H. Crouch Jr. The growing level of financial have to pay a technology fee to "This is encouraging because it in­ commitments reflects the willing­ use the library. The parking fee dicates there is widespread interest ness of alumni. friends. companies was inntituted to provide PCC in Georgetown College." and foundations to invest in the At Eastern, gifts from private kind of education that Centre of­ with security personnel, she sotirces reached sli~htly more th~n said. fers. President John Roush said. $5.3 million. Additional commit­ The school ranked second nation­ Floyd said she did not see ments of more than $2.5 million allv this year in the percentage of much of a difference between raised the total to $7 .9 million. Most a!Umni who made gifts - 63.7. Am­ the students paying a parking contributions were designated to hersl College in Massachuseus fee at PCC or the Morehead suppon academic programs and ranked first with 65 percent. student scholarships. State campus. Private support is essential be­ cause the state provides less than The D~ily lndepenifiint, ~s~~~n~.l~ll!UCk}i, · Monday, Augii!lL~+• .1~.!IB . Chapman · has. ·soimf"sliort­ term . concerns," too, such . as I guiding Shawnee State through ·the transition from -a , ·~ija \Vnet%?~res'id,en,. quarter to a semester system. That must be done by the fall puts emphasis on?P · of 2000.-.- : · Another big issue is that of c~pus gov~i:n~c( ~•Haw do we in!)o,potate everybody"s ¢limpus, ~g\ver.sity]~-.~ voice into what' happens at , . Long·career at UK· SSU on campus?" he asked. By SARAH PonE~ , A native of Indianapolis, The init_iation last, spring of FOR THE DAILY INDEPENDENT • Chapriiali as a young man the Student Government As­ studied for the priesthood at sociation · should lielp make PORTSMOUTH_- .(',. veteran St. Meinrad Qollege in South- that easier Jo aqcomplish. University of Kentucky ad­ ern Indiana. · · Brian Meier,0 elecfed that ministrator who will lead "I decided that it was just group's first president, likes Shawnee State University into ·not for me," he said. Instead, what he's seen so far from the next millennium has his he married. His wife, Ann, is a Chapman. eye on diversification of his full professor at Eastern Ken­ "He's willing to see people own campus and cooperation tucky University. They have I on the spot," Meier said. "He's with others. two sons, Dan, 27, and Andy, out a lot more. At orientation, Dr .. James Chapman, 54, took 23. comments I heard from several over the post July l, becoming Chapman received his bach­ of the students were about the fifth president in the elor's degree from St. Meinrad school's 12-year history. how many of them had met the and later earned two master's president." He wants the school to re­ degrees and his doctorate from cruit a variety of types of stu­ Chapman made himself a Indiana University. visible presence on• campus dents to help develop a well­ He joined the UK system in rounded campus. from the first day. He jogs "My interest is in educating 1972 as assistant director for around campus .every morn­ instruction at Madisonville ing, encountering many stu- Ohio Appalachian students - Community College. Chapman that's our mission - but by dents along the way. bringing in people from other later moved to the main cam• Meier, who will meet with areas I feel we'll be able to di• pus in Lexington as assistant Chapman monthly, said he versify the student body and university budget director in saw the new president as a bring in new ideas," Chapman 1974 and served in several po­ change for the better. said. "I think that lends to the sitions there, most recently as "I think he's going to be a growth of the community." acting president of Lexington more visible presence," Meier Chapman said he has met Community College. said. "Hopefully he'll push us with Dr. Angeline Dvorak, Shawnee breakdown beyond where we're at right president of Ashland Com­ now." munity College, will meet soon Much of Shawnee State's en­ The search committee that · with Morehead State Univer­ rollment is made up of nontra­ screened candidates for the sity President Dr. Ron Eaglin ditional students, adults who presidency looked for someone and hopes to get together with are changing careers or pre­ who could provide a vision for other education leaders from paring to enter the work force the institution and help plan the area. The topic: "What we for the first time. for the future, said Suzanne all can do together to improve Too often, Chapman said, Shelpman, director of admis­ the educational level." such individuals go to school sion and retention at Shawnee "We really need to bring up for years with little to show for it. He wants to steer them State. the college-going rate and the "Beyond that, we were look­ educational base," he said. into associate degree pro­ grams, "so if they do take sev­ ing for somebody who wanted "Whether it's through the high to pull the campus community schools, technical schools, eral years, somewhere along community colleges or univer­ the line they've got a piece of together," she said.
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