,....------------------ Nutritional analysis of foodlmedicinal plants used by Haitian women to treat the syn.ptoms anemia By Johanne Jean-Baptiste School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition Macdonald Campus of McGill University, Montreal, Quebec . • March,1994 A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulf1Jlment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. • © Johanne Jean-Baptiste, 1994 Nome -;SortfllNlIlE 'SEf)tJ- BftPTÔTé. Dissertaftofi Abslrads Infernatlono/ls orronged by brood, general sublect categories t'Iease select the one sublect which most neorly descnbes the content 01 your dissertation Ent~r the correspondmg four-digit code ln the spaces provlded NU 1r1/11 ON [ols 1 ~ 101 U·M-I SUBJECT TERM SUBJECT coo~ Subject Categories THI HUMANI"ES AND SOCIA'.. SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS AND THE ARTS Plyrhdogy 0525 PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION AND Anc,ent 0579 A,dllhff IUrf on9 RI)(J(!,ng 0535 THEOLOGY Medieval 0581 0377 Pel,g,ou, 0527 Arlfl"I,,'t Phrlosophy 0422 Modern 0582 (UlNllrJ S(lprK(>~ 0714 0900 RellCj!on Black 0328 0378 Secondary 0533 Dunt'. C"enerol 0318 Afncan 0331 rUl(' A~t 1 03')7 '0CtU~ SC! enccs 0514 B,bl'col Stud,~s 0321 As,a, Auslralra and Oceanra 033~ InIOlmfJp()fI t"}f IPrlt f' 0723 01 0340 ~oClology Clergy 0319 Canad,an 0334 JOtJ'fHIII\trl (n91 Spouol 0529 HlStory 01 0320 European 0335 IIIHmy 0399 fead'N T rOlnlng 0530 rJ~IP'lfP Philosophy 01 0322 latin Amerrcan 0336 Mm\ (()"HlIIHJI((Jllml~ 0108 0710 TechnolJ9~ ïher.lvgy 0469 Middle Eastprn 0333 MU",I( 0.11 l L,,~ts nn easuremcnt5 0288 United States 0337 cfflf.r Il ( OITUTlt/lll(otlon (MYI Vocotlonal 0747 HlStory 01 Sc lence 0585 11f1ot,., O>16'i SOCIAL SCIENCES Amerll:an Slud,es 0323 Law 0398 LANGUAGE, lITERATURE AND Pol,t,cal SCience Anthropolo9 EDUCATION LlNGUISTICS Arehoeoogy 0324 General 0615 (;lfll1"lfJI OSI5 k Cultural 0326 1nter nahonal Law and AdlllllH'llrrJtrfJI1 0514 lO"~8e ~ncr 01 0679 Physrcal 0327 Relatlonl 0616 Adull f HI! J ( olllHIIJlIlQ 0516 Anrlent 0289 Business Ar;mml5trotlon Publrc Admln"trolion 0617 A'l"w",,' ,,1 0517 0290 RecreatIon 0814 A,I l'rlHulstlrs General 0310 0213 Modern 0291 A:countlng Social Wcrk 0452 0782 0272 Il,liI'')'J(.1 ,lit.! Muh" ,,"u, 01 lilproturp Bonklng Soclology 0688 0770 IhJ""lf'~") Genernl 0401 Managemenl 0454 General 0626 lOr1lIllWlIty ( q<' 0775 (J!lr (Im<.lcol 0294 Markcllng Crrmrnolo~ and Penology 0627 Currl(ulum und Imlruc tlon on7 0338 Cornporot1vc 0295 Canad,on Slud,cs 0385 Dem"grap.l, 0938 1orly ( h,ldlt"",J 0.'>18 Medieval 0297 EconomlCs Ethnlc ana oc 101 Stud,es 0631 052>1 1101"1'''1''' Y Mode.n 0298 General 0501 I"d'vldual and Famlly IIIUIIlIf' OU! AI"con 0316 AgrrcultUial 0503 Stud,es 0028 (,tmIWH e (Illd ( o\Hl'""I, nu 0519 Arncrlron 0591 Commerce BUSiness 0505 1ndu.trral and Labor 1I1·"hlr 06R0 A!,IOf) 0305 Finance Relations 0629 IIlqlte, 0145 0508 Cor,qd,,,n IlngllSh) 0352 Publrc and SoclOi Welfare 0630 1I11100y,,1 0570 H"to,y 0509 COllodion french) 0355 Labor 0510 Socioi Structure and HOl1lP COflOJlli( ~ 0778 r Englrsh 0593 Theory 0511 Development 07C:J Intl",t",,1 0~21 GcrrnOfllC 0311 rolklore 0358 Theory cod Methods 0344 1{]'I~lJllq( und (11('wh.. !f" 0779 latm A."ellcon 03i 2 Geogrophy 0366 Transportatron 0709 MoIU-f1ltJIH.., 0280 Middle Emlern 0315 Gerontology 0351 Urban and Rdi,onal Planning 0999 MU\lr 0572 Women's Stu le. 0453 0998 Romance 0313 HlStory Phll"'''phy ,,1 SlavlC and Eml European 0314 Phy,.',,1 0571 Gem'rol 0578 IHE SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING IIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Geodmy 0370 Speech Pathology 0460 Englneerrn~ Aqllllllt\Jff' Geology 0372 TO><leology 0383 Genera 0537 ln·l1('r\.ll 0411 Gcophy"c. 0373 Home Economlcs 0386 AerosRace 0538 Aq,onomy 0785 ~drology 0388 Agrlcultural 0539 An"",,1 (ult,,"·nnd rncmlogy 0411 PHYSICAl SCIENCES Automolrve 0540 Nuh1tloll 017~ Pnleobotony 0345 Pure Biomedical 0541 A"",,,.I Pnllrolo'lY. 0476 PoleoccoloC'y 0426 Sciences Chl'mlStry Chemlcal 0542 rnod St lt'nUI und Palconlology 0418 C,,,iI General 0485 0543 Tp<.hfWI()(y 03.'>9 Pol~ozoolo9Y 0985 ElectronlCs and Electrrcal 0544 IOI!·,try'"" Wlldl,l" 0478 Pnlynolm' 0427 AgrlCullural 0749 Anolytlcal Heot and Thermod)'namlcs 0348 rl"nl ~ "Ililll' 0419 PhySicol <,og'oplw 0368 0486 Hydraullc B,odiemlslrt 0487 0545 l'lnnt Pnllllllnqy OMJO PhySlc'll OC~(lllogrc,,)hy 0415 Industrral 0546 l'lnnt l'hy,,,,I''IY ORI ., InofT!0nlC 0488 Marrne Nuc eur 0738 0547 Rl1Il~Jt' MllrH!{jl'1T1Pllt 0777 HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL Materrals SCience O'ganrc 0<190 0794 WO{x! 1" hn"l,x IY 0' ~t. SCIENCES Meehanlcol 0548 llJnlogy Phormoccutrcol 0491 Envllonrnentol SClcnct.'-:" 0168 0494 Metollurgy 0741 t~f"fH'rl1l o lOt. PhhSICal Mlnrng 0551 Anl1h.)lllY 0287 H",,"" SClenCPI Po yme, 0495 GC'Ilt.'rol 0566 Rod,a',on 0754 Nuclea' 0552 BIlHh.JfI''Itll \ OlJ8 Packoglng AudloluW 0300 MathematrCl 0405 0549 Rotuny 0:10<'> Petroleum 0765 011<'> Chemot ernpy 0992 Phys,cs l "II Dent"try 0567 General San Itary and Municipal 0554 l I' 0329 0605 System SCience "'It.... fduclltlon 0350 Acousllcl 0980 0790 lll'11111l llpqv 0351 Geot'?Chnology HO'p'lol Mana[lernf'nt 0769 A :;trorornv onj 0428 C't"llt tH.., Ol69 Operations Reseorch Humon Devcloprnel1t 0758 0606 0796 lHnlll,I~'\tlr 0793 Astro~h'tSics Plostlcs Tcchnology 0795 0410 1",rnul1oloqy 0982 Armosp enc SCience 060A Mllll,h'lllll1Y MpoILlnc and Su,gery 0564 Textrle Technology 0994 M"I.'{"lllI ' 0307 Alornll 0748 Mn" Heoll" 0347 N("l"l1~llt'Il((1 011 ' toi Electrcnlc', rrnd ElectnclX 0607 NUlsmg 0569 Elernelliary Portlcles an PSYCHOLOGY l \ "OIW<]IOl'lly 0416 Nutr,t,on General 0621 1,,,,,,,,,1. ~lY 0433 0570- HI?I Energy 0798 Obstf'trlll and GynecoljY 0180 Behov'orol 0384 Rll .. 1'11IIl';' OR21 Flurc v"d r'iasmo 0759 Clrnleal OLcupolronal Health Clnc M"lecular 0609 0622 Vt1h'rlll 1''\ ~lll'Ih.t' 0778 Developmental 0620 /r.ok'<1v 047:' Th,'r°fry 0354 Nuclee" 0610 Ophtho ",ology 0381 OptlCl Exgerrmentol 0623 0'01'''' ", ;, 0752 ln ustrral Pl1lhology 0571 Rad'otlor. 0624 ~ ~'"t."rl1l 0780 0756 Personallty Pi,a, n'Olology 0419 Sclrd Stat,· 0611 0625 M"d'Loi lr'C-O PhysloloS,col Phll'mOCj 0572 Slalrstles 0463 0989 Phbslcol I""opy 0382 P.yehoblology 0349 EUTH SCIENCES Pli I,c Hl'Ollh 0573 Applied 5<iences Psy-hometncs 0632 8ro''1t'(' ht'fl1t\tr'\ 0425 Rc'd'ology 0574 Applle-d Mf,chonlcs 0346 SOCIO\ 0451 l,..':"'- ht'ln'''ItIY uQQ~ R('CreotJon 0575 Computer ~CI€'nce 0984 Ci' Short Title ofM.Sc Thesis of JohaImc Jean-Baptiste School ofDietctics and l luman Nutntion, Macdonald College of McGiIl Ur!.1versity March, 1994 Analysis of plants used by Haitian women to treat anemia ü • ABSTRACT Ethnobotanical and dietary questiollnaires weœ used to éllSsesS the utilization of plant~ 10 treat the signs and symptoms of anemia by women in La Cha]pclle. Haiti. The usual diet of the respondents was found to tx! low to intermediate in iron bioavailahility. "l1te ethnobotanical questionnaire showed that most respondents (82%) used plant-based home rernedies to treat anernia. Amaramhus dubius. Citrus aurantium, Corchorus olilOr;us, Moringa oleifera, Phaseolus vulgaris and Portu/aca oleracea used in the diet and as rernedies for anemia were analyz.ed. Amaranthus dubius was found to have the highcst iron availability by in-vitro dialysis, 30%. The intra species variation in iron availabilily was influenced by st orage and cooking times. The interspecies variation in iron availabilily was t'xplained by the acidity of the plant species' cooked homogenatc (r=O.4168, • p=O.007) . • iii RÉSUMÉ Des questionnaires ethnobowliqul!s et diététiques furent administrés pour évaluer l'utilisation de plantes pour traiter h~s symptômes de l'anémie par les femmes de La Chapelle, Haïti. L'enquête diététique révéla que la diète des répondantes est faible à moyenne en fer bio-disponible. Le que,stionnaire ethnobotanique démontra que la majorité (82%) des répondantes utilisaient des remède-maisons à base de plantes pour traiter les symptômes de l'anémie. Les plantes Amaran.rhus dubiuS', Citrus aurallt;um, Corchol'us olitorius, Moringa oleifàa, Phaçeo!u.5 vulga.ris et Portu/aca o/eracea utn;~es dans la di~te et comme remèdes contre l'anémie furcnt analysées. Le plus haut taux de biodisponibilié du fer, par dialyse, fut trouvé chez Amaranthus dubius (30%). La variation intra-spécicllc en bio-disponibilité du fcr fut trouvé dépendante du temps d' entreposage et de cuisson; celle intcr-spëciellc, de l'ac:idité de l'espèce végétale cuite (r=O.4168, p=O.OO7) . • iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS More people than is possible to mention have contributed to the completion of my study. 1 would like to thank flfst the School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition and my supervisor Dr. T. Johns for accepting me as a Masters Student; Mrs. M. L. Rouzier whose articles inspired me to pursue research in the field of nutritional ethnobotany in Haiti; the ",,,men of La Chapelle who se knowledge and wisdom gave substance to my thesis. 1 must thank my supervisory committee Di. T. Johns, Dr. H. V. Kuhnlein and Dr. A. Rohjani for advising me and for giving me the freedom to define and pcrsonalizc my research project. For fmancial assistance, 1 lhank the Canadian Society for International Hcalth and my supervisor Dr. T. Johns. 1 want to thank aIso an the students in Canada and Jarnaica who have helped, • supported, advised and encouraged me from the literature review, projcct claboration, proposaI, laboratory work, analysis of results right through to the thesis writing.
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