BASE- - IUTMEGS EXPECT HARD BATTLE WITH ALL--H ARTFORDS TOMORROW AFTERNOON BAN JOHNSON EXPLAINS STAND IN REGARD TO MONDAY'S 1 IALL MEETING FACTORY BOWLERS ROLL ON CASINO AND ROGERS ALLEYS CLEVELAND OWNER REWARDS MANAGER TRIS SPEAKER . A ..,,.....,.,.. - -- .i j. IRY BOWLERS NUTMEGS TO PLAY BAN JOHNSON RISES j And Then He Took Up Golf - - - - - .... By Briggs ALL-HARTFO- 'PLE OVER PINS RD TEAM TO EXPLAIN STAND use (At KiO&te Yarns He To, Be, HET K6EP AM AFTER DIMMER GANG Trie Jokcs HcbTta-- all rauG Tite ceuJ, Jrand and UniYersals and Locals Look lor a Hard Battle American League Favors House-cleani- ng . Teams on Local Strips From Capitol City Eleven Before Remodeling House rhor Brand Bowling league Following a week of hard practice Chicago. Oct. 16. Starting devel- Universal Bowline league tho Nutmeg football team Is about opments In -- connection with tho re- k tLt night at Rogers' lire. ready for tomorrow's game with the convened special grand jury's Inves- AJ- All-Hartfo- leys, and at the Casino - strong rd team. Last year tigation of baseball gambling next Iraerfc-a- n Papr Qoods com- - the locals won one game and th sec- week were indicated yesterday by )rue and the local Smoke ond resulted In a tic. The Capitol President Ban Johnson of the Amer- led iuim, The results foU City aggregation Is one of tho strong- ican league In discussing his reasons est team In Hartford and is en- for sending a telegram to President ntu. gaged Ln the spirited three-cornere- d Heydler of the National league, op i IT n ! tight ln Hartford for the champion- posing as premature the conference 11 II 143 of are of the club owners here to i m 1M ship that city, and their rivals Monday It Tiger-Ramble- rs frame a new 71 1 ii 111 the and Clay Hills. governing tribunal for tl 191 351 The team Is coached by Joo Mulli- professional baseball. gan, a former Colgate star, and ha "I do not care to attend any con- 401 497 424 till already played two splendid game ference to discuss a new baseball ttt tl against the West Ends of Bristol und tribunal until the report of the spe- II 14 :at the Valley Turk A- - C, of Torrlngton cial grand Jury, which reconvenes on IS In the lineup of the rd Tuesday, is made, and I know whom wis-H- in l A :i will be one of it Indicts." he said. " " 377lit "Mickey" Landers, the If semi-profession- al Johnson E- best football play- admitted having wired A1 KiM5 AMP THEN HE Took UP GOLF,!, ; 4IJ 441 443 lilt ers In Connecticut. With him axe President Heydler his belief that the TM four other brothers, each of whom conference of major Icaeue club own- . II Tl 14T is very capable football player. ers scheduled for Monday would be . M It SIS a in view ..ttt lot 111 Also, among the others, are McCabe mistake of the Incomplete :::::::: . M tl 3 and Peterson: both of these men are work of the Cook County Grand Jury. 10 17 well known to those who have fol- He said: lowed In sea- "This 411 42t 451 the Nutmegs previous grand Jury has accomplished till sons. already what no other agency has Caa elated over been able to It .f. .......Oyf.ii tl lit The local boys, their do, and has done It 14 l great battle with the heavy Lake with a celerity that astonished every- II . in Il Torpedo team last Sunday, are con- body. Its work Is not finished. In I " l 141 fident that they will put ud as good fact. It is my Information that clews ! tl :ti a fight tomorrow. Hi attack haj are now in hands which may lead 411 Ill 427 lift been Improved, and with Koplowltz to disclosure of more facts than have pan. back at quarter, a decided change yet been dreamed of. I believe that Tl ran be seen. week. all to reform baseball 374 Hagearty. attempts by !! 111 who played that position, was forced new tribunals should be deferred un- 110 31 to go in without ever having played til we know 'who's who in baseball.' It 111 that position. Tomorrow he will be "Some people have been made sore back his the made. More 444 411 401 at regular position at left by exposure already lilt halfback. With these two sturdy boys. may be made sore when the infor- IT aid DtH, be to come before tl J4J will Capt "Nervo" Nelson, and mation likely the I 4 tl IS1 Joe Neville. Talbot will also be In grand jury next week is known. T II 0 sit uniform for the first time and will "No other Investigating body Incap- II 17 tl lit Jnto the for able of summoning witnesses and ex- It 71 TT Sit undoubtedly get game a ; while. One of tne most sur-prls- es them under could ; peasant amining oath, j . k 171 411 419 111 of last Sunday's game was the have turned up the crookedness that TintaAI. CU B. all round work of Jim Conley at left has already been uncovered by the Toeatora, end. Conley, although quite heavy, grand jury In the short space of time TO 44 tl 113 weighing in the neighborhood of 170, In which it was done. I believe the T 331 t Tl Is of the week will 3 ITS very fast, and the way in which developments coming SPEAKER REWARDED tl tt even more pub- SUBPOENAS FOR FOUR HARDING TAKES REST 03 he stopped the heavy onslaught of be surprising to the . REIGN OF TERROR Tl tl 10 the Lake bocks has won him a reg- lic. 14 tO IT SIT ular position. Harold Thompson also "Judge McDonald Is honest in his Owner j Jim Dunn of Cham- well and will to- determination to all dishones- World's Rothstein and Three St Louisans Spends at 114 St 44 131t played surely play expose Night Indianapolis Hotel, Scenes of wild Disorder Occur In morrow. As for the line, their de- ty in baseball, and I am willing to Presents . Tl) pions Manager With Block Summoned to Appear Before Cook Late 314 fense was almost and all that give him all the aid in my power. I Sleeps This Morning and Will t tl ' perfect, Londonderry, with Street Fighting o of baseball of Stock In a " II Tl 3t the coaches could wish for. Clesson think all the friends ought Contracting; Firm, Grand Next Week. Give - T County Jury Ehort During- tho .k.... IT II 144 Parker will again referee, and to- to stand by him end await the de- Speeches Raging Furiously. " ; Tl M lit morrow's game will start at 3 o'clock. cision of this grand Jury before taki- Cleveland. Oct. 16. Trls Speaker Chicago, Oct. 16. The Cook county 040 Ii Tl Hi was a Day. Londonderry, Oct. 16. Scenes of Extra cars will be run to and from ng- any further action. tod.iy presented block of stock grand the baseball 404 421 4!4 12H ln a in the Dunn & jury investigating wild disorder occurred in this city Nutmeg field on Stanley street. "I believe making thorough McCarthy company. Indianapolis. Oct. 16. a - re- railroad cot'tractors. scandal today issued a subpoena for Taking last there being- a of ter- Vmrmam. The Nutmegs will have a surprise houseceaning before starting to Chicago by short rest from the cares of his stren- ror night reign ..... II Tt lit for the fans tomorrow, when a new model the house." James C. Dunn, president of the Arnold Rothstein of New York and uous speaking which virtually eclipsed that M It' Tt 114 Cleveland baseball club and campaign. Senator which recently preceded curfew hour 10 II 75 331 end wilt be found In the Docal'e president three St. Louis men to appear before Harding spent last night at an Indian- 311 of the contracting company, as a re- along1 Carlisle road. l.. i Tl II ' VARDON AXT RAY HELD KVEX. it next Tuesday, when it will recon- apolis hotel and slept late this morn- This IT 11 II 341 gard for giving Cleveland a champion ing before leaving for the final stretch thoroughfare was again th team. vene. Rothstein was mentioned by of his theater of fighting, the trouble begin- 391 1173 MITCHELL WANTS TO KNOW. Reid McLcod Finish AU trip. III lit and Square Speaker plans ultimately to devote several witnesses before the jury and Departing1 from ning when a band, of youths suddenly Match. j will be asked was said, Indianapolis shortly and drill.mm ln Exhibition Golf his time to the business particularly, it before noon appeared began firing pistols. It IT 1S3 Cube Manager Will Demand Show- contracting he his special train was to TT 77 231 when through playing baseball. concerning any talks may have had reach They maintained a running fire the lYom Wilmington, Del., Oct. 16. Wilfrid Abe or Bill Burns con- St Louis at 7: IB p. m. after whole of 7.1 I 10 34 down Omimt Vccvk. linished "I figure that you will make as good with Attell numerous short length Carlisle road and rlr 2T.7 McLeod of Washington all speeches in Indiana val III tl tl Ed- a contractor as you made a baseball cerning the possibility of fixing the and Illinois. groups returned the shots. A hot 94 101 317 Chicago, Oct 18. Kred Mitchell, square with Harry Vardon and The final address of his fusilade was ....
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