AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX A ___. Paleoecology of cyclic sediments of the lower Green River Formation, central Utah. 1969. 16(1):3- Ahlborn, R. C. Mesozoic-Cenozoic structural develop­ 95. ment of the Kern Mountains, eastern Nevada-western Utah. 1977. 24(2):117-131. ___ and J. K. Rigby. Studies for students no. 10: Ge­ ologic guide to Provo Canyon and Weber Canyon, Alexander, D. W. Petrology and petrography of the Bridal Veil Limestone Member of the Oquirrh Formation at central Wasatch Mountains, Utah. 1980. 27(3):1-33. Cascade Mountain, Utah. 1978. 25(3):11-26. ___. See Chamberlain, C. K. 1973. 20(1):79-94. Anderson, R. E. Quaternary tectonics along the inter­ ___. See George, S. E. 1985. 32(1):39-61. mountain seismic belt south of Provo, Utah. 1978. ___. See Johnson, B. T. 1984. 31(1):29-46. 25(1):1-10. ___. See Young, R. B. 1984. 31(1):187-211. Anderson, S. R. Stratigraphy and structure of the Sunset Bagshaw, L. H. Paleoecology of the lower Carmel Forma- Peak area near Brighton, Utah. 1974. 21(1):131-150. tion of the San Rafael Swell, Emery County, Utah. Anderson, T. C. Compound faceted spurs and recurrent 1977. 24(2):51-62. movement in the Wasatch fault zone, north central Bagshaw, R. L. Foraminiferal abundance related to bento­ Utah. 1977. 24(2):83-101. nitic ash beds in the Tununk Member of the Mancos Armstrong, R. M. Environmental geology of the Provo­ Shale (Cretaceous) in southeasternUtah. 1977. Orem area. 1975. 22(1):39-67. 24(2):33-49. Ash, S. R. Bibliography and index of conodonts, 1959- Bain, R. J. Paleoecology of some Leonardian patch reefs 1963. 1963. 10(1):3-50. in the Glass Mountains, Texas. 1967. 14(1):195-236. ___.C oprolites. (Ciniza Lake Beds). 1978. 25(2):69- Beach, G. A. Late Devonian and Early Mississippian bios­ 73. tratigraphy of central Utah. 1961. 8(1):37-54. ___. Fish scales. (Ciniza Lake Beds). 1978. 25(2):67- Behnken, F. H. See Clark, D. L. 1979. 26(3):143-149. 68. Belnap, D. W. Petrology and geochemistry of shoal water ___, ed. Geology, paleontology, and paleoecology of carbonates of the Virgin Limestone Member, Triassic a Late Triassic lake, western New Mexico. (Ciniza Moenkopi Formation, Clark County, Nevada. 1971. Lake Beds). 1978. 25(2):1-95. 18(1):147-184. ---..,.· Plant megafossils. (Ciniza Lake Beds). 1978. Bentley, C. B. Upper Cambrian stratigraphy of western 25(2):23-43. Utah. 1958. 5(6):1-70. --=-----::· Stratigraphy of the Ciniza Lake Beds and re­ Berdan, J. M. Middle Ordovician leperditicopid ostra­ lated strata. (Ciniza Lake Beds). 1978. 25(2):1-14. codes from the Ibex area, Millard County, western . Summary of thefo ssils in the Ciniza Lake Beds. --- Utah. 1976. 23(3):37-65. (Ciniza Lake Beds). 1978. 25(2):21-22. Berge, C. W. Heavy minerals study of the intrusive bod­ -- ' W. E. Dean, J. F. Stone, P. Tasch, D. J. Weber :- ies of the central Wasatch Range, Utah. 1960. 7(6):1- and G. C. Lawler. Paleoecology of Lake Ciniza. 31. (Ciniza Lake Beds). 1978. 25(2):89-95. Berge, J. S. Stratigraphy of the Ferguson Mountain area, Astin, G. K. Sh·ucture and stratigraphy of the Co-op Elko County, Nevada. 1960. 7(5):1-63. Creek Quadrangle, Wasatch County, Utah. 1977. Bergstrom, S. M. See Harris, A. G. 1979. 26(3):7-43. 24(1):13-35. Berry, W. B. N. See Murphy, M. A. 1979. 26(1):21-36. Best, M. G., W. K. Hamblin and W. H. Brimhall. Prelimi- B nary petrology and chemistryof Late Cenozoic basalts in the western Grand Canyon region. 1966. 13(1):109- Baer, J. L. Geology of the Star Range, Beaver County, 123. Utah. 1962. 9(2):29-52. ___. See Hunt, G. L. 1988. 35(1):81-100. 1 2 BYU GEOLOGY STUDIES 1992 Vol. 38 Bingham, C. C. Recent sedimentation trends in Utah ___. Geology and iron deposits of Iron Springs dis­ Lake. 1975. 22(1):105-140. trict, Iron County, Utah. 1973. 20(1):27-63. Bissell, H. J. Oil and gas possibilities in southern Nevada. ___. See Jones, G. L. 1985. 32(1):63-84. 1973. 20(1):65-77. Bullock, L. R. Paleoecology of the Twin Creek Limestone ___. Pennsylvanian-Pennian Oquinh Basin of Utah. in the Thistle, Utah area. 1965. 12(1):121-147. 1962. 9(1):26-49. Bullock, R. L. The geology of Lehi Quadrangle. 1958. ---. Studies for students no. 3: Bonneville--an ice- 5(3):1-59. age lake. 1968. 15(4):1-66. Burge, D. L. Intmsive and metamm-phic rocks of the Sil­ ___. See Lambe1t, R. E. 1984. 31(1):47-65. ver Lake Flat area, American Fork Canyon, Utah. ___. See Smith, S. M. 1984. 31(1):117-139. 1959. 6(7):1-46. ___. See Williams, W. L. 1984. 31(1):167-186. Bushman, A. V. Pre-Needles Range silicic volcanism, Tun­ Black, B. A. Nebo Overthmst, southern Wastach Moun- nel Spring Tuff(Oligocene), west-central Utah. 1973. tains, Utah. 1965. 12(1):55-89. 20(4): 159-190. Blake, J. W. Geology of the Bald Mountain intmsive, Bushman, J. R. Projectile-impact stmctures (a new type of Ruby Mountains, Nevada. 1964. 11(1):3-35. sedimentary stmcture). 1991. 37(1):73-75. Blakely, R. F. and P. E. Potter. A program for generation ---. The rate of sedimentation in Utah Lake and the of synthetic stratigraphic sections. 1968. 15(1):3-12. use of pollen as an indicator of time in the sediments. Bodily, N. M. An armored dinosaur from the Lower Creta­ 1980. 27(3):35-43. ceous of Utah. 1969. 16(3):35-60. Bohn, R. T. A subsurface correlation of Permian-Triassic strata in Lisbon Valley, Utah. 1977. 24(2):103-116. c Bm·dine, B. W. Paleoecologic implications of strontium, calcium and magnesium in Jurassic rocks near Thistle, Call, V. B. See Tidwell, W. D. 1988. 35(1):15-32. Utah. 1965. 12(1):91-120. Campbell, D. P. See Palmer, A. R. 1976. 23(2):39-50. Bowman, J. R. See Ward, S. H. 1978. 25(1):71. Campbell, D. R. Stratigraphy of pre-Needles Range For- Boyd, D. W. See Newell, N.D. 1976. 23(1):75-112. mation ash-flow tuffs in the n01·them Needle Range Brady, M. J. Thrusting in the southern Wasatch Moun- and southern Wah Wah Mountains, Beaver County, tains, Utah. 1965. 12(1):3-53. Utah. 1978. 25(3):31-46. and R. B. Koepnick. A Middle Cambrian plat­ ___ Carr, T. R. See Clark, D. L. 1979. 26(3):143-149. form-to-basin transition, House Range, west central Carrara, P. E., S. K. Short and R. R. Shroba. A pollen Utah. 1979. 26(1):1-7. study of Holocene peat and lal<e sediments, Leidy - - and A. J. Rowell. Upper Cambrian subtidal blan­ --=- Peak area, Uinta Mountains, Utah. 1985. 32(1):1-7. ket carbonate of the miogeocline, eastern Great Basin. 1976. 23(2):153-163. Carroll, R. E. and J. K. Rigby. Geology of the Stand­ ardville 7 1!2' Quadrangle, Carbon County, Utah. See Rowell, A. J. 1976. 23(2):165-180. ___ 1987. 34(1):1-31. Brandley, R. T. and J. K. Rigby. Depositional histmy and Chamberlain, A. K. Biostratigraphy of the Great Blue For­ paleogeography of the Early to Late Triassic Ankareh mation. 1981. 28(3):9-17. Formation, Spanish Fork Canyon, Utal1. 1990. 36(1):135-152. Chamberlain, C. K. Some Octocorallia of Isla de Lobos, Veracmz, Mexico. 1966. 13(1):47-54. Brimhall, W. H. Progress report on selenium in the Man­ ning Canyon Shale, central Utah. 1963. 10(1):104- ---. Trace-fossil biofacies in the Lower and Middle 120. Paleozoic of central Nevada. 1979. 26(1):9-19. -- and J. L. Baer. Ophiomorpha and a new thallass­ ___. Recent histmy of Utah Lake as reflected in its ...,..., sediments: A first report. 1972. 19(2):121-126. inid burrow fi·om the Permian of U tab. 1973. 20(1):79- 94. ___ and G. F. Embree. Rapid analysis of basalts by atomic abso�-ption spectrophotomehy. 1971. Chamberlain, R. L. Stmcture and stratigraphy of the Rex 18(3):123-130. Peak Quadrangle, Rich County, Utah. 1980. 27(3):44- 54. ___. See Best, M. G. 1966. 13(1):109-123. Britt, B. B. and W. E. Miller. Theropods of Dry Mesa Chesser, W. L. The nature and development of the Espla­ Quany (Monison Fonnation, Late Jurassic), Colo­ nade in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. 1971. 18(3):3-48. rado, with emphasis on the osteology of Torvosaurus Chidsey, T. C., Jr. Intmsions, alteration and economic im­ tanneri. 1991. 37(1):1-72. plications in the northern House Range, Utal1. 1978. Bullock, K. C. Economic geology of north-cenb·al Utah. 25(3):47-65. 1962. 9(1):85-94. ___. See Rigby, J. K. 1976. 23(3):3-8. JENSEN & SMITH: Cumulative Index Volumes 1-37 3 Christie-Blick, N. Upper Proterozoic glacial-marine and Cranor, J. I. Petrology and geochemistry of thecalc-sili­ subglacial deposits at Little Mountain, Utah. 1985. cate zone adjacent to the Alta and Clayton Peak stocks 32(1):9-18. near Brighton, Utah. 1974. 21(1):151-176. Church, S. B. Lower Ordovician patch reefs in western Cressman, E. R. See Hrabar, S. V. 1971. 18(1):99-114. Utah. 1974. 21(3):41-62. Croft, M. G. Geology of the northern Onaqui Mountains, Clark, D. L. Permian-Triassic boundary: Great Basin Tooele County, Utah. 1956. 3(1):1-44.
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