I1111111111 ~ .._IIIJIIIIIP'II .... _ _. 05 ......._.....~~ __ • _ owe • .._- .~_._~-" ..... _----~ ....._--.-.- -~.~ ...... ..,...., All the News of I I. AU the Point" Every ~ws Thursday Morning rosse Pointe Home of the News Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes --------------------_._------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .,. VOL. 39-NO. 21 'Illlll~~::o-ltl~:C::dD~t~~t~::'~.':.Ithe GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1978 ---------------------------$~~OO';~'c~~r 30 Pages-Two Sections-Section One By Any Chance, Did 'Iou Find My Card? GP City Avoids Planners in HEADLINES / Woods Hear 01 Cle ., ,., Consultant WEEK • Layoffs, Okays AI CoJDPUed by t'be Brandon R 0 9 e r s Dis- Grols, P0l;ftte Newl Tax on Rubbish cusses Highlights of ... Document, Focuses' Thursday. May 18 Council Approves .70 of a Mill Hike Toward Upon Seniors' Hous- THE BODY OF CHARLIE '. Eliminating Projected Deficit of $90,445: New ing: Other Reports Chaplin •. 'taken from its {: 1 Given Switzerlaqd grave 76 days Budget Reflects 10 12 Percent Cost Increase over Current Fiscal Year ago in a macabre theft that By Roger A •. Waha seemed; to stump internation. al investigators, was found . By Roger A. Waha An address from plan- ~.#l Emphasizing the need to avoid any employe ning consultant Brandon Wednesday in a shallow hole :..~. layoffs, the City Council at its regular meeting M. Rogers viewing 'prin- in a cornfield about 15 miles .• ,;..-:- .<:"." from the cemetery. Two al- Monday, May 22, unanimously approved an alter- cipal recommendations , leged grave robbers were native of reducing expenditures and increasing and objectives as listed • i. arrested. Police said they revenues toward eliminating an anticipated $90,455 in his preliminary dr~ft I: found Mr. Chaplin's coffin, budget deficit in fiscal year 1978-79. of a land use plan and I, buried two feet deep in the Under this alternative, one ----------- several sub-committee "1': recently sown cornlield. of three suggested by City reports received the at- after one s u s p e c twas Manager Thomas W, Kress. tention of the Woods grabbed Tuesday during a , GPF Trims, bach in his budget message Planning Commission at stakeout of 200 public tele- to the council, two and a half phones in Lausanne, Ran- a special meeting Tues- jobs, (one vacancy in both Appro'ves som demands also were made, day, May 16. the police and fire depart- first for $600.000 and then The commissioners are in ments will not be filled. for $250,000. New Budget the process of reviewing and while one-half body in pub- making recommendations to • • • lic works-parks will become the council on reports pre- Friday. ~ay 19 vacant through natural at. Council Reduces Rate i. PRESIDENT JIMMY CAR- pared by Mr, Rogers, with trition), will be reduced, from 18.25 to 17.95 proposals on roof signs and TER announced Thursday while the community's rub. that the government will Mills by Hiking political. signs in residential bish tax was hiked by ,70 of districts already under study avoid or delay purchases of a mill, Various Fees items with. rapidly rising at the council level. price tags. He suggested in- The' total effect of this On the 16th, besides Mr. .. adjustment would save an By Susan McDonald directly that consumers also Rogers' exploration of the estimated $90.720. The Far m s Courtcil review their buying habits, land use - plan which was Mr, Carter stopped short .of Photo by Mike Buhler Other Avenues managed to trim a pro- unanimously accepted by are attached to each balloon requesting finders to advocating an anti.inflation Almost 500 children. gathered at the three With this action, the coun- posed one-mill increase the commission. sub-commit- strike by buyers. but he as. Grosse Pointe Public Libraries Saturday. May 13, contact the library. A prize is planned for the cil then set the debt service in taxes down to three. tee reports were given on the serled in a memo to agency to join in a balloon-launching climax to a week of person whos'e balloon travels the farthest. (See rate at 1.61 mills, the oper- quarters of a mill by hik- property maintenance code, heads: "Like any consumer, activities centered around the libraries. Cards story. Page 5.) ating rate at 20 mills and in. ing fees for house inspec- portable signs, .outside park- the government must react , cluded the .70 of a mill rub- tions, boa t moorings, ing of motor vehicles at to high costs and the infla- gasoline service stations and bish tax rate for a total of parking violations and tionary spiral. If goods or :ZZedII Rota' ry VI-al of Ll-fe GPWAdopts 22.31 mills for 1978-79, dog licenses in its final commercial v e h i c 1e sand services are priced too high, Boy K their storage. the government must decide I B- 1 P SAM dIN B d This compares with 1.69 1978-79 fiscal year budget Eyes Commercial Areu whether it can delay pur. n lC_y.c_e.._ ,"_ rogram et s 0 e ew It ,tIet. m~llilsffor debt se.rvice and 20 which was approved The 18-'page ..document, not ;7' (j ./ mt s or operatmg purposes Monday, May 15, chase".~ including several maps and • • • Accident For. County- W,.ide Pla.n Large Plan :~~~u~~~a~tO~s~~t!je~~IS for City Man age r Andrew a tllbl~ em ,land use from _, Saturday. May 20 Bremer had proposed a one- 1977 to. the year 2000. pro- The' total needed to run '11 h'k . t - t t t 1 TlIE HOUSE, IN A MA. vides recommendations in a Comml'ss'I'on' er Ste",ner Says Board of Comm,'ss'lon- Council Gives Approval the city for the new fiscal mile18.25 mill Inlevyaxesfor0 1978-790 a, a variety of land 'use ~te. JOR victorY for environ. Parcells Student Strikes ers Approves Resolution Laying Foundation T 10 Y C. I year is placed at $2,113,935 to cover a 10 percent in. gories for the consideration mentalists, voted overwhelm. o - ear aplta . t $1912130 f th ingly Friday to preserve 102 Woods Garbage Truck Toward Encouraging Similar Vehicle in as agams " or e crease in city expenditures. of officials. A main focus million acres of Alaska's at Mack-Vernier' Improvement Program current year, a 101h percent Th d' t d Mr of Mr, Rogers' address was Other Communities: Task Force increase. Bremere councl1to trim expendituresIrec e . scenic splendors in national Intersection on the subject of senior parks, wildlife refuges and Eye d to Mobilize Resources By Roger A. Waha In reviewing the delibera- down and raise additional citizens' housing. wilderness. The bill setting County Commissioner Erv Steiner announced Tne Woods' fiscal year lions of which course to take, revenue to allow them to cut Mr, Rogers. in saying the , aside the still unspoiled A 13-year-old Harper budget for 1978 79 I' the council also considered that tax hike down to 0.7 of city is predomjnantly a lands, with a total area equal Woods boy was killed last week the Vial of Life program sponsored by corpo t' g t - n-'11 two other alternatives to reo a mill for a total of 17.95 single fa mil y residential to all of California, was ap. Monday ~fternoon, May the Grosse POl'nte Rotary Club I'S gOI'ng county-wl'de. - ra1 In 't a1 .wo ml l'leve the anticipated deficit, mills for 1978.79. (One mill community which is 99.6 per- proved 277-31 and sent to an 22, when his bicycle made In a news release, Mr. Steiner said The Pointe specla capl a Improve- including a six-man reduc- equals $1 for every $1,000 cent developed, indicated uncertain fate in the Senate. contact with a garbage program will be the model for cou.nty-wide appli- ment tax levy, along with tion in the work force in of state equalized valuation that fur the r population In one swoop, the bill wouI'd truck at the intersection cation after receiving "a very enthusiastic evalua- a 10-year capital im- police; fire and public works of properly.) growth could be accomplish- double the size of the na- of Mack avenue and Ver- tion b th co t h alth d' t provement program, (in- departments, along with a F' D bl d ed by the conversion of tion's national park and wild- Y e un Y e Irec or. eluding fiscal year 1978. mes ou e nier road, r e p 0 r t e d Mr. Steiner, who repre- ------------ I 1.31 mills special rubbish tax Through a total reassess- single family areas and com- life refuge systems. Woods .police. sents the Pointes on the lives in medical emergen- 79). were. unanimously revenue increase, ment of property values in mercial areas to apartment usage. • • • The victim, Karl Schmitt county board of commission. cies," Mr. Steiner comment. approved by the council However, Ma~'or John King The Farms' ear lie r this Sunday, May 21 of Hollywood avenue. Har- erst reported that, the board ed. at its regular meeting said, "We don't feel anyone spring. such values were However, any such growth ABOUT 1,300 FRENCH per Woods. a seventh grader on Thursday, May 18, ap. "Its life-saving potential Monday, May 15. on the council in interested raised for tax purposes by in dwelling units might be and. Belgian paratroppers at Parcells School, .20600 proved a resolution estab. is indicated by the fact that After a "silent" public in laying off any personnel." an average of nine percent.
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