December 10, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 23 31311 the subject of a senior presidential ap- There are plenty of knowledgeable, honor- Andrew Breitbart’s Biggovernment.com pointee to the Department of Edu- able, respected and forceful advocates of provides tapes of some of the sessions. De- cation is astonishing. Kevin Jennings your policies who could ably fill this job. scribing the subject matter as smut would be needs to be replaced. He needs to be re- Kevin Jennings is not that person, has never putting it lightly. The conference discus- been that person and must not stay that per- sions were very graphic and cannot be re- placed today. The so-called Safe son. layed in full detail in a family newspaper. A Schools czar appointed by the Obama I respectfully request you remove him few examples are sufficient to describe the administration to the Department of today and then submit an appropriate nomi- depravity of the subject matter. During one Education is dangerous for our school nation to the U.S. Senate for his replace- session about oral sex, a presenter asked the children. ment. 14-year-old students: ‘‘Spit or swallow? Is it An editorial in yesterday’s Wash- With kinds regards, rude?’’ In another session, the 14-year-olds ington Times titled ‘‘Obama’s risky-sex MICHAEL C. BURGESS. are taught about a gross practice called czar’’—now, I don’t know that I’ve ever [From the Washington Times, Dec. 9, 2009] ‘‘fisting,’’ in which ‘‘the man leading the dis- seen an editorial in a major newspaper OBAMA’S RISKY-SEX CZAR cussion position[ed] his hand and show[ed] that came with a bolded warning, just Warning: This editorial includes discussion 14-year-olds how to insert their entire hand into the rectum of their sex partner.’’ like a new FDA drug: This editorial in- of topics that are sexually graphic. Under usual circumstances, we would never enter- Teaching children sexual techniques is cludes discussion of topics that are sex- simply not appropriate. Unfortunately, it is ually graphic. Under usual cir- tain these subjects or the rancid language in- volved. In this case, however, a very unusual part of a consistent pattern by some homo- cumstances, we would never entertain exception must be made because the issues sexual activists to promote underage homo- these subjects or the language in- are central to the background of a senior sexuality while pretending that their mis- volved. In this case, however, a very presidential appointee at the U.S. Depart- sion is simply to promote tolerance for so- unusual exception must be made be- ment of Education who is in a position to in- called alternative lifestyles. It is outrageous cause the issues are central to the fluence how and what our children are that someone involved in this scandal is background of a senior presidential ap- taught in our nation’s schools. Thus far, out being paid by the taxpayers to serve in a of fear or squeamishness, there has been pub- high-powered position at the Education De- pointee in the United States Depart- partment, of all places. At some point, Mr. ment of Education who is in a position lic hesitance to examine closely the beliefs of this individual because many are afraid Duncan, Mr. Jennings, Obama administra- to influence how and what our children even to touch the risky content. Our scru- tion spokesmen and the president himself are taught in our Nation’s schools. ples cannot be used against us when tradi- are going to have to start answering ques- Please do not read any further if you tional moral precepts need to be defended. tions about all this. Refusing to do so won’t will be offended by the sexually graph- Simply, the deep level of depravity involved make the issue go away. ic language. in this subject cannot be portrayed without f CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, providing a couple of examples to illustrate HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, the inappropriate content. Please do not SPECIAL ORDERS Washington, DC, December 9, 2009. read any further if you will be offended by The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Re Kevin Jennings. sexually graphic language. The Obama administration is stonewalling the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- President BARACK OBAMA, serious inquiries about sexual filth propa- uary 6, 2009, and under a previous order The White House, of the House, the following Members Washington, DC. gated by a senior presidential appointee who is responsible for promoting and imple- will be recognized for 5 minutes each. Secretary ARNE DUNCAN, Department of Education, menting federal education policy. Democrats f Washington, DC. clearly are terrified of ruffling the feathers DEAR PRESIDENT OBAMA AND SECRETARY of their activist homosexual supporters, who THE WAR POWERS ACT DUNCAN: Enclosed for your reference is an are an influential part of the Democratic party’s base. This scandal, however, is not The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a editorial written in today’s The Washington previous order of the House, the gen- Times. The individual who is the subject of merely about homosexual behavior; it is tleman from Ohio (Mr. KUCINICH) is rec- this article is someone with whom you are about promoting sex between children and familiar, as he is a presidential appointee to adults—and it’s time for President Obama to ognized for 5 minutes. the U.S. Department of Education. make clear that abetting such illegal perver- Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, yes- On at least one prior occasion, my fellow sion has no place in his administration. terday I began circulating to Members Members and I have written to you regarding It is curious why White House officials and of Congress a letter that would enable the type of behavior that Mr. Jennings has Education Secretary Arne Duncan believe Members to be able to sign on to legis- been promoting to our school-age children; it’s worth it politically to continue taking arrows for defending Kevin Jennings, who is lation that will be introduced when we however, the premise of the enclosed The return in January that would be aimed Washington Times editorial heightens the Mr. Obama’s controversial ‘‘safe schools complete lack of regard this Administration czar.’’ The evidence suggesting he is unfit to at creating a vote in this House on has followed regarding sexual relationships serve as a senior presidential appointee is whether or not we keep our troops in between adults and children. startling and plentiful. It was revealed this Afghanistan and continue operations in Must I remind you that such behavior is week that Mr. Jennings was involved in pro- Pakistan. This action is being done never ‘‘okay’’—and is illegal. moting a reading list for children 13 years pursuant to the War Powers Act. The fact that this Administration stands old or older that made the most explicit sex The War Powers Act was passed in by quietly while Mr. Jennings goes out into between children and adults seem normal the public, under the cloak of protection of a and acceptable. This brought up anew Mr. 1973, and the intention of it was to presidential appointment, and informs our Jennings’ past controversies, such as his claim Congress’s constitutional au- schoolchildren on behavior which is not only seeming encouragement of sex between one thority under article I, section 8 to be unspeakable, it is criminal. of his high school students and a much older able to take this Nation into war, com- This letter is about a grown man. Kevin man as well as his praise for Harry Hay, a mit our troops to war, or to continue Jennings, teaching school children as young notorious supporter of the North American to stay at war. as 14 years-of-age, that it is okay for them to Man Boy Love Association. Congress cannot remain on the side- But there is more. There are shocking new have sex with grown adults. Mr. President, lines in this matter. We have the lives this is never okay. The callousness of this revelations this week of tape recordings from type of instruction is further evidenced by a youth conference involving 14-year-old stu- of our troops at stake. We have tril- his relationship, and subsequent endorse- dents. The conference, billed as a forum to lions of dollars at stake. Congress must ment, of an individual who has an organiza- encourage tolerance of homosexuality, was engage in this debate over whether or tion whose sole purpose is to advocate sexual sponsored by Mr. Jennings’ organization and not to stay at war in Afghanistan and relationships between grown men and adoles- was held at Tufts University in March 2000. to continue operations in Pakistan. cents. This activity is not one, and can never Mr. Jennings was executive director of the It’s comforting to let the President be one, in which the U.S. Department of Edu- Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Net- do everything, but we can’t do that, be- work (GLSEN) from its founding in 1995 until cation promotes either by omission, through cause whether we agree with the Presi- action or commission through silence. August 2008. The conference sessions appear The silence of this Administration with re- to have had less to do with promoting toler- dent or not, we have a responsibility, a gards to Kevin Jennings cannot stand. He ance and more to do with teaching children constitutional responsibility, to make must be fired and must be fired today. how to engage in sex. a decision on these wars. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:28 Oct 03, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00305 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H10DE9.012 H10DE9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 31312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol.
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