CITY OF ORILLIA Council Committee Meeting Monday, June 20, 2016 4:15 p.m. - Tudhope-McIntyre Boardroom 7:00 p.m. - Council Chamber Orillia City Centre A G E N D A Page Open Session Chair - Councillor P. Hehn Call to Order Approval of Agenda Disclosure of Interest Minutes - May 30, 2016 Council Committee - June 16, 2016 Special Council Committee re Major Capital Plan and Corporate Plan Closed Session Motion to move into Closed Session "THAT, pursuant to Section 239(4) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, notice is hereby given that Council Committee intends to hold a closed session meeting in the Tudhope-McIntyre Boardroom to deal with matters pursuant to Section 239(2) (b), (c), (d) and (e) of the said Act (Personal, Land, Personnel and Legal Matters)." Chair - Councillor J. Clark Closed Session Items 1. Development Services Department - re 130 Colborne Street East. File: L07-GEN (Postponed at the February 29, 2016 Council Committee Meeting. Paul Scargall, Rueter Scargall Bennett LLP, will be in attendance) (Land/Legal) 2. Development Services Department - re 228 James Street East. File: L07- GEN (Land) Page 1 of 184 Page 3. Development Services Department - re Rexton Developments Ltd. File: L07-GEN (Land) 4. Human Resources Department - re IBEW Public Works and Environmental Services Collective Bargaining. File: L04-I (Personnel) 5. Interview Panel re Director of Economic Development. File: H11-GEN (Personal) 6. Clerk's Department - re Appointment of Integrity Commissioner and Closed Meeting Investigator. File: L04- (Personal) Motion to Rise to Open Session Open Session - 7:00 p.m. Motions Arising from Closed Session Discussions Consent Agenda 7 - 10 1. Orillia Police Services Board - re Orillia Transit Service Suspension – Laclie Route. File: T03-GEN THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in the report dated May 10, 2016 from the Orillia Police Services Board, Council authorize the suspension of Sunday morning Orillia Transit service to the Laclie Route on August 14, 2016 from 8:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. for the Subaru Triathlon Series road race. 11 - 16 2. Environmental Services Department - re Supply and Maintenance of Public Area Receptacles. File: E07-GEN THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in the report dated June 13, 2016 from the Environmental Services Department, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with The Bench Press Ltd. o/a Creative Outdoor Advertising for the provision of public area recycling/waste receptacles displaying advertising; AND THAT this agreement be in force for a period of ten years effective from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2026 with the option of automatically renewing it for an additional five years. 17 - 19 3. Treasury Department - re Orchard Point Corporation Development Charges Late Payment Agreement Request. File: L04- THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in the report dated June 14, 2016 from the Treasury Department, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Late Payment Agreement for the amount of Page 2 of 184 Page development charges for municipal purposes in respect to Orchard Point Corporation’s development at 90 and 100 Orchard Point Road. 21 - 27 4. Orillia Taxi Service - re Requesting an amendment to the Taxi Licensing By- law. File: C01-TAXI a) Report - Clerk's Department. THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in the report dated June 15, 2016 from the Clerk's Department, Chapter 725 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code - Taxi Licensing be amended to require that every holder of a Taxicab Broker's Licence shall ensure the model year of all taxicabs owned or dispatched by him (or her) do not exceed ten (10) years of age; AND THAT Chapter 725 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code - Taxi Licensing be further amended to require that every holder of a Taxicab Vehicle Licence shall keep all taxicabs owned by him (or her) free from rust and/or exterior body damage, and with a well maintained exterior paint finish; AND THAT staff be directed to make application to the Regional Senior Justice for the Central East Region requesting set fines for the new provisions be established at $350. THAT the recommendations set out on the June 20, 2016 Consent Agenda, be adopted by Council Committee and forwarded to Council for ratification. Board Reports Council Referrals 29 - 50 1. i) Ann and David Kennett - re Request for no smoking in open public places. File: C01- ii) Downtown Orillia Management Board - re Expansion of Smoke-Free Area in Downtown Orillia. File: C01- a) Report - Clerk's and Parks, Recreation and Culture Departments. THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in the report dated June 16, 2016 from the Clerk's and Parks, Recreation and Culture Departments, Council provide direction with respect to the options set out in the report. 51 - 74 2. Deputy Clerk - re Community Gardens Guidelines. File: R04-GEN a) Report - Parks, Recreation and Culture Department. THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in the report dated June 14, 2016 from the Parks, Recreation and Culture Page 3 of 184 Page Department, Policy - Community Gardens be approved as set out in Report No. PRCR 07-2016; AND THAT the City enter into an agreement with the community gardening group who is currently operating and managing High Street Park to ensure it is in keeping with the Community Garden Policy; AND THAT the City’s financial contribution toward the development of new community gardens and/or the upgrade of existing gardens be reviewed and prioritized by staff for inclusion in future budget deliberations for consideration by Council. 75 - 109 3. Deputy Clerk - re Youth Homelessness. File: C12-YOC a) Report - Orillia Youth Opportunities Committee. THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in the report dated June 10, 2016 from the Orillia Youth Opportunities Committee (OYOC), the OYOC be directed to proceed to investigate options for a Youth Shelter in Orillia for homeless youth aged 16 - 24 years, and report back to Council with respect to the following: • governance • structure • costs and funding • partnership opportunities 111 - 127 4. Brian Adams - re Cedar Island Road and Elgin Street Intersection. File: T07-GEN (Postponed at the November 30, 2015 Council Committee Meeting) a) Report - Public Works Department THAT this Committee recommends to Council that, further to the report dated November 24, 2015 from the Public Works Department, an all-way stop be implemented at the Cedar Island Road/Elgin Street intersection; AND THAT the Consolidated Traffic and Parking By-law 2007-55 be amended accordingly. 129 - 135 5. Deputy Clerk - re John Street Parking Restriction. File: T02-GEN a) Report - Public Works Department. THAT this Committee recommends to Council that the report dated June 8, 2016 from the Public Works Department regarding the parking restriction on John Street be received as information. Departmental Page 4 of 184 Page 137 - 172 1. Treasury Department - re 2015 Financial Statements and Audit Report. File: F10-GENXF03-GEN (Representatives from BDO Canada LLP will be in attendance) THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in the report dated June 13, 2016 from the Treasury Department, the 2015 Financial Statements and Audit Report be received as information. 173 - 176 2. Development Services Department - 70 Front Street North - Vacant Tenant Space Options. File: L07-VIEW THAT this Committee recommends to Council that, further to the report dated May 24, 2016 from the Development Services Department, staff be directed to proceed with any renovations/repairs to the 70 Front Street North plaza building necessary to maintain the building’s viability as a rentable facility for the next five (5) years, in order to facilitate the renting of the vacant tenant spaces; AND THAT the costs of the required renovations/repairs be funded through the City’s Land Acquisition Reserve. 177 - 184 3. Development Services Department - re Cash-in-Lieu of Parking - 40 O'Brien Street. File: L04- THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in the report dated June 13, 2016 from the Development Services Department, Council authorize the execution of a Parking Agreement permitting a reduced number of parking spaces for the development at 40 O’Brien Street, in accordance with the provisions of Section 40 of the Planning Act and the City’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law; AND THAT Council require the payment of cash-in-lieu of parking as part of the Parking Agreement, as set out in Report DS-16-27; AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Parking Agreement. Enquiries Announcements Adjournment Page 5 of 184 Page 6 of 184 CITY OF ORILLIA TO: Council Committee – June 20, 2016 Meeting FROM: Orillia Police Services Board DATE: May 10, 2016 REPORT NO: PSB-2016-09 SUBJECT: Orillia Transit Service Suspension – Laclie Route Recommended Motion THAT Council authorize the suspension of Sunday morning Orillia Transit service to the Laclie Route on August 14, 2016 from 8:45 a.m. through to 1:15 p.m. for the Subaru Triathlon Series road race. Purpose & Background The purpose of this report is to request Council’s approval to suspend Orillia Transit service to the Laclie Route on Sunday, August 14, 2016 for the purposes of the Subaru Triathlon Series road race. Key Facts The following are key points for consideration with respect to this report: • Sunday transit service was implemented in March, 2013 and operates from 8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. • The City of Orillia has a total of five (5) transit routes. The Laclie Route statistically has the lowest number of passengers on weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
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