Volume I1, Number 9 Published at UCSD 19th Year of Publication .February11-24, 1986 UCSD Student Accused Of Startinga Lynching UCSD student and well known supportfor the Botha regime, and other CoalitionFor a Free SouthAfrica racistpolicies. The crowd was outraged (CFSA)member, Russell Andltlcio has by his proposalsand beganto jeerat receiveda letterfrom Dean Beverly him. Vargaof ThirdCollege in whichhe is The jeeringturned into physical accused by the Student Conduct confrontationwhen Jed beganto hurl Coordinator(Diversion Program) racistremarks at an Afro-American severalacts. includinglynching. womanin the crowd.This led to a Andalcio is further accused of physicalaltercation between Jed and an "promptingothers to assultcampus unidentifiedstudent. The UCSDPolice police,conduct that threatened the Forceresponded by violently pushing its healthor safetyof any personon wayinto the crowd in an effortto arrest universityproperty, disturbing the Jed’sassailant who had pulledhis peace,failure to complywith a universitybannerdown. Duringthe attempted officialin the performence of their duty." arrestof the individual,the crowd Thesecharges stemmed from an incidentspontaneouslysurrounded the police thatoccurred on thehump east of the andchanted at themto let theman go. gymfollowing the appearance of Bishop Andalcio,who was carrying., his young DesmondTutu on Janurary23. child the whole duratt’, ot the "1 am black,and therefore they think afternoon,was among those urging the theycan isolate me." stated And¢llcio in policenot to arrestthe ,,trident. The a new indicatorinterview. police,frightened by the aroused The actual sequenceof events, students,released lhe studentand accordingto several observers, was that escortedJed out of thecrowd. At that studentsspontaneously massed on the point.Andalciobegan a touchingand humpto expresstheir solidarity with emotionalspeech against apartheid and BishopTutu and the struggle in South leada chantfor divestment RussellAndalcio carries his son into UCSD gym to hear BishopTutu. Africa.At thatpoint "Rev..led", a racist Itis because ofhis ability torouse the Just minuteslater, while still carrying his son, Andalciosupposedly fundamentalistminister, went into the consciencesof students and inspire them participatedin "lynching." crowdof studentscarrying a banner that thatAnd(llcio has been singled out by calledfor investment in SouthAfrica, continuedon page5 photo. Ben C’erem~ AIM’s BellecourtCompares U.S. Historyto Apartheid VernonBellecourt, an official Bellecourtemphasized that these representativeof the American Indian abusescontinue today. The government Movement’s Central Governing traditionallyhas establishedIndian Council,spoke out againstapartheid "reserves"(has the ring of SouthAfrica withinthe United States on January28th toit, doesn’t it?) on landsthought to be at RevellePlaza. Bellecourt pointed out worthless.But if valuableminerals such that apartheidshould be condemned as uraniumor coalare discoveredon whereverit appears, be it in SouthAfrica thesereserves, Bellecourt said, then or NorthAmerica. Congressexpropriates that land from Bellecourttalked about apartheid in theIndia’ns and calls for yet another termsof howpeople are conditioned to forced relocation onto "more .acceptit. His example was how children appropriate"lands. inthe U.S. educational system learn that This is currentlyhappening in immigrantsfrom throughout the world Arizona,where the government,using fledfrom religious or other persecution the pretextof solvinga nonexistent to Americaseeking sanctuary. But what "tribaldispute" between the Hopiand theyare not taught, Bellecourt said, is NavajoNations, and workingthrough that"collectively, almost from the thecomprador Indian "tribal council", is momentthey stepped foot in our land, forcingthe people off the land in orderto U.S. TrainedUnits Are theyreversed their roles and established sellit to miningcompanies. Bellecourt apartheidin America."According to urged studentsto contact their Bellecourt,when Europeans first came Congressionalrepresentatives in order KillingEl SalvadorCivilians to North America,approximately to repealPublic Law 93-531,which 10,000,000people already called this forcesthe relocationof some14,000 A relativelysmall group of U.S. A Salvadoranrefugee named Carlos, continenttheir home. Shockingly, only NativeAmericans from the landsthey citizens,concerned about the tragic who was amongthe peoplegathered at 1,500,000native North Americans have haveinhabited their entire lives. Other consequences of the Reagan theFederal Building, said that both of survivedthe whiteman’s centuries of currentlegislation to which Bellecourt Administration’sforeign policy in El the above-mentionedbattalions were aggression. referredwere: Senate Bill 1396, which he Salvador,demonstrated in front of the trainedby the U.S. military.The Bellecourtlisted a seriesof U.S. hopeswill be defeated,and S 1453,which FederalBuilding downtown on January operationat Guazapais an integralpart governmentatrocities with respect to its the AmericanIndian Movement would 31. The protestwas sparked by recent of the Salvadoranmilitary’s latest treatmentof AmericanIndians; the U.S. liketo seepassed. reportsout of El Salvadorthat the offensive,Carlos said. The Armed governmentconsistently has violated Another issue which Bellecourt ArmedForces of thatcountry have been Forcesof E! Salvador,led by Chiefof treatiesnegotiated with various Indian addressedwas the case of RussellMeans, mercilesslybombing civilians who are StaffGeneral Blandon, claims that the nations.During Andrew Jacksons’s" an AmericanIndian who recentlyhas pinned down on a volcanicridge peoplebeing bombed at Guazapaare presidency,for example,the U.S. been quotedin the U.S. press as (Guazapa)located about 15 milesfrom "guerillas",i.e., membersof the government forcibly relocated condemmingthe Sandinistagovernment thecapital, San Salvador. According to F.M.L.N.popular resistance movement. thousandsof AmericanIndians in what of Nicaragua.Bellecourt made it very an AssociatedPress release, Monsignor or,alternatively, "guerilla sympathizers." Bellecourtdescribed as a "deathmarch" clearthat the official position of,MM is GregorioRosa Chavez,the auxiliary A historyof militaryviolence acrossthe country. This apartheid-like oneof heartysupport for the Sandinistas archbishopof San Salvador, stated that policywas carried out despite a Supreme and thatMean’s statement was merely a "about 1000 civilians,including The Salvadoran military has Courtdecision supporting the Indian’s personalopinion. The controversy woundedpeople, pregnant women, old effectivelyruled the nation since 1932. In position.President Jackson’s response revolvedaround the Sandinista’s policy peopleand children, are surrounded by lateJanuary of thatyear many peasants rebelledagainst the wealthycoffee was "you made your decision,now continuedon page5 the Bracamonteand Atlacatle(army) enforceit". battalions" continuedon page5 2 3 LETTEg S Reagan’s terrorist take-over of goalsare to be achievedby psychological¯ Grenada was accomplished without and economicwarfare. Should covert raisingany flak from a citizenrywhich actionand diplomaticarm-twisting fail A Callfor ’Left’Unity wouldotherwise have been irate- simply to win hearts and minds, military N.I.Receives Citation by barringthe media from the island for solutionswould continue to keepLatin they have a "right"to work withina severaldays untila sanitizedpublic America,Asia and Africaexploitable.. We at the new indicatorcollective. movementor "massorganization ", often havearisen in revolutionarysituations, certainmovement, and that the other Dearestni, relationsversion could be fabricated. which is comprisedof people with a by way of spreadinglies, rumors,or e.g.,the Russian Revolution of 1917and ExecutiveOrder no. 12291 grants Reagan’s freedom to suppress groupson the Leftshould keep to their The American media, whether State-sponsoredterrorism as official varlet.vof progressiveand "left" distortions.Third, "mass movement", theSpanish Revolution of 1936.In these presidentialpowers - unconstitutionalpolicyis spelledout in chillingdetail in freedommust be curbed.Only a free, "own" movements. ideologies,have, over the courseof the refersto wholemovements of peoplefor cases,the Left engaged in virtualcivil administration-controlledor self- and unsanctionedby Congress - to uncensored press can expose censoring,manages the news to serve the CIA manualdistributed to the U.S. last few months, been witnessing their liberation,e.g., the Labor waragainst itself. The stakes were indeed The priceof sectarianism determine which government supportedmercenaries in Nicaragua,as governmentsecrecy, suppression of governmentobjectives. A recent issue of dissentat home and gunboatdiplomacy somethingthat is of deepconcern to us Movement,the ChicanoMovement, the high,and the issuesof conflictwere Whatever the reason for their publicationsmay be withheldfrom the well as in other secret government issuesof survival--howcan we most "The WashingtonSpectator" revealed public, abroad.Courageous publications like all."an increasein thatlong time pariah Student Movement, etc., and sectarianism,many of these"sectarians" thatthe administration pays out almost directivesdesigned to destabilizeand fourth,"mass organization’] refers to effectivelydefend the revolution against ExecutiveOrder no. 12498 permits the the new indicatorshould be supported. of the left,sectarianism. We feel that do not realize how dangeroustheir $2.5 billiona year in salariesand destroysocialist
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