100 BRIGHTEST PLANETARY NEBULAE 100 BRIGHTEST PLANETARY NEBULAE 1 100 BRIGHTEST PLANETARY NEBULAE Visual Magnitude (brightest to least bright) Name Common Name Visual Magnitude Stellar Magnitude Angular Size Constellation NGC 7293 Helix Nebula 7 13.5 900 Aquarius NGC 6853 Dumbbell Nebula (M27) 7.5 13.9 330 Vulpecula NGC 3918 Blue Planetary 8 ? 16 Centaurus NGC 7009 Saturn Nebula 8 12.8 28 Aquarius NGC 3132 Eight‐Burst Planetary 8.5 10.1 45 Vela NGC 6543 Cat's Eye Nebula 8.5 11.1 20 Draco NGC 246 Skull Nebula 8.5 12 225 Cetus NGC 6572 Blue Raquetball Nebula 8.5 13.6 14 Ophiuchus NGC 6210 Turtle Nebula 9 12.7 16 Hercules NGC 6720 Ring Nebula (M57) 9 15.3 70 Lyra NGC 7027 Magic Carpet Nebula 9 16.3 14 Cygnus NGC 7662 Blue Snowball Nebula 9 13.2 20 Andromeda NGC 1360 Robin's Egg Nebula 9.5 11.4 380 Fornax NGC 1535 Cleopatra's Eye Nebula 9.5 12.2 18 Eridanus NGC 2392 Eskimo/Clown Face Nebula 9.5 10.5 45 Gemini NGC 2867 Royal Aqua Nebula 9.5 16.6 15 Carina NGC 3242 Ghost of Jupiter Nebula 9.5 12.3 40 Hydra NGC 6826 Blinking Planetary Nebula 9.5 10.4 25 Cygnus IC 418 Spirograph Nebula 10 10.2 12 Lepus NGC 5189 Spiral Planetary Nebula 10 14.9 140 Musca NGC 5882 Green Snowball Nebula 10 13.4 14 Lupus NGC 6818 Little Gem Nebula 10 16.9 18 Sagittarius NGC 40 Bow Tie Nebula 10.5 11.6 36 Cepheus NGC 1514 Crystal Ball Nebula 10.5 9.4 120 Taurus NGC 2346 Butterfly Nebula 10.5 11.5 55 Monoceros NGC 2438 Smoke Ring in M46 10.5 17.7 70 Puppis NGC 2440 Peanut Nebula 10.5 17.7 30 Puppis NGC 4361 Raven's Eye Nebula 10.5 13.2 100 Corvus IC 4406 Retina Nebula 10.5 17 30 Lupus IC 1297 White Flower Nebula 10.5 14.2 7 Corona Australis NGC 6790 Eye of The Eagle 10.5 13.5 5 Aquila NGC 650/1 Little Dumbbell Nebula (M76) 11 16.3 120 Perseus IC 2149 Eye of the Charioteer 11 11.6 9 Auriga IC 2448 11 14.2 9 Carina IC 2501 11 14.5 2 Carins NGC 3587 Owl Nebula (M97) 11 16 190 Ursa Major NGC 3699 Hamburger Planetary 11 ? 45 Centaurus IC 4593 White Eyed Pea Nebula 11 11.2 12 Hercules NGC 6153 11 16.1 24 Scorpius IC 4634 Rose Nebula 11 13.9 7 Ophiuchus NGC 6309 Box Nebula 11 14.4 14 Ophiuchus NGC 6741 Phantom Streak Nebula 11 14.7 8 Aquila NGC 6891 Faint Ring Nebula 11 12.4 12 Delphinus NGC 2022 White Snowball Nebula 11.5 15 20 Orion NGC 2371/2 Candy Wrapper Nebula 11.5 14.9 50 Gemini IC 2553 11.5 15.5 9 Carina NGC 3195 Eye of the Chameleon 11.5 15.3 40 Chamaeleon NGC 3211 11.5 18 16 Carina IC 2621 11.5 15.4 5 Carina IC 3568 Lemon Slice Nebula 11.5 13.5 15 Camelopardalis IC 4191 11.5 16.4 14 Musca NGC 5307 Cotton Candy Planetary 11.5 14.7 13 Centaurus NGC 5315 X‐Marks the Spot Planetary 11.5 14.4 6 Circinus NGC 6326 Tarantula Planetary 11.5 13.5 12 Ara NGC 6369 Little Ghost Nebula 11.5 15.9 28 Ophiuchus NGC 6567 11.5 14.4 9 Sagittarius NGC 6629 Jellyfish Planetary 11.5 12.9 15 Sagittarius NGC 6644 11.5 15.6 3 Sagittarius IC 4776 11.5 14.1 7 Sagittarius NGC 6803 Cheerio Nebula 11.5 15.2 6 Aquila IC 4997 11.5 14.4 2 Sagitta NGC 6905 Blue Flash Nebula 11.5 15.7 45 Delphinus NGC 7048 Ornament Nebula 11.5 19.1 60 Cygnus IC 351 12 15.8 7 Perseus IC 2003 12 15 8 Perseus IC 2165 12 17.9 8 Canis Major NGC 2899 12 15.9 90 Vela NGC 5873 12 15.5 6 Lupus NGC 5979 Purple Snowball 12 15.3 8 Triangulum Australe NGC 6302 Bug Nebula 12 ? 45 Scorpius NGC 6337 Green Lifesaver Nebula 12 14.9 48 Scorpius NGC 6445 Box Nebula 12 19 33 Sagittarius 2 100 BRIGHTEST PLANETARY NEBULAE Visual Magnitude (brightest to least bright) Name Common Name Visual Magnitude Stellar Magnitude Angular Size Constellation NGC 6537 Red Spider Nebula 12 18.8 6 Sagittarius NGC 6751 Glowing Eye Nebula 12 15.5 21 Aquila NGC 6781 Little Ring Nebula 12 16.8 120 Aquila NGC 6804 White Snowball Nebula 12 14.4 35 Aquila NGC 6886 TIE Fighter/ Little Saturn Nebula 12 15.7 8 Sagitta NGC 7008 Fetus Nebula 12 13.2 85 Cygnus NGC 7026 Cheeseburger Nebula 12 14.2 12 Cygnus IC 5148/50 Eye of the Crane 12 16.5 120 Grus IC 5217 12 15.5 7 Lacerta NGC 1501 Blue Oyster Nebula 12.5 14.4 52 Camelopardalis NGC 2452 12.5 17.7 19 Puppis NGC 2792 12.5 13.8 25 Vela NGC 2818 Little Crab Nebula in Pyxis Cluster 12.5 19.4 40 Pyxis IC 4663 12.5 15.2 14 Scorpius NGC 6565 12.5 18.5 10 Sagittarius NGC 6563 12.5 18 45 Sagittarius IC 4699 12.5 15.1 7 Telescopium IC 4846 12.5 15.2 3 Aquila NGC 6884 12.5 15.6 6 Cygnus IC 5117 12.5 16.7 2 Cygnus NGC 7354 Kissing Lips Nebula 12.5 16.2 20 Cepheus IC 289 Heart Planetary 13 15.9 40 Cassiopeia Sp‐1 Fine Ring Nebula 13 14 72 Norma NGC 6058 Beach Ball Nebula 13 13.9 26 Hercules IC 4673 Babies Foot Nebula 13 17.6 16 Sagittarius NGC 6842 13 16 48 Vulpecula NGC 6852 13 17.9 28 Aquila NGC 6879 13 14.8 5 Sagitta 3 100 BRIGHTEST PLANETARY NEBULAE Stellar Magnitude (brightest to least bright) Name Common Name Visual Magnitude Stellar Magnitude Angular Size Constellation NGC 1514 Crystal Ball Nebula 10.5 9.4 120 Taurus NGC 3132 Eight‐Burst Planetary 8.5 10.1 45 Vela IC 418 Spirograph Nebula 10 10.2 12 Lepus NGC 6826 Blinking Planetary Nebula 9.5 10.4 25 Cygnus NGC 2392 Eskimo/Clown Face Nebula 9.5 10.5 45 Gemini NGC 6543 Cat's Eye Nebula 8.5 11.1 20 Draco IC 4593 White Eyed Pea Nebula 11 11.2 12 Hercules NGC 1360 Robin's Egg Nebula 9.5 11.4 380 Fornax NGC 2346 Butterfly Nebula 10.5 11.5 55 Monoceros NGC 40 Bow Tie Nebula 10.5 11.6 36 Cepheus IC 2149 Eye of the Charioteer 11 11.6 9 Auriga NGC 246 Skull Nebula 8.5 12 225 Cetus NGC 1535 Cleopatra's Eye Nebula 9.5 12.2 18 Eridanus NGC 3242 Ghost of Jupiter Nebula 9.5 12.3 40 Hydra NGC 6891 Faint Ring Nebula 11 12.4 12 Delphinius NGC 6210 Turtle Nebula 9 12.7 16 Hercules NGC 7009 Saturn Nebula 8 12.8 28 Aquarius NGC 6629 Jellyfish Planetary 11.5 12.9 15 Sagittarius NGC 7662 Blue Snowball Nebula 9 13.2 20 Andromeda NGC 7008 Fetus Nebula 12 13.2 85 Cygnus NGC 4361 Raven's Eye Nebula 10.5 13.2 100 Corvus NGC 5882 Green Snowball Nebula 10 13.4 14 Lupus NGC 7293 Helix Nebula 7 13.5 900 Aquarius NGC 6790 Eye of The Eagle 10.5 13.5 5 Aquila IC 3568 Lemon Slice Nebula 11.5 13.5 15 Camelopardalis NGC 6326 Tarantula Planetary 11.5 13.5 12 Ara NGC 6572 Blue Raquetball Nebula 8.5 13.6 14 Ophiuchus NGC 2792 12.5 13.8 25 Vela NGC 6058 Beach Ball Nebula 13 13.9 26 Hercules IC 4634 Rose Nebula 11 13.9 7 Ophiuchus NGC 6853 Dumbbell Nebula (M27) 7.5 13.9 330 Vulpecula Sp‐1 Fine Ring Nebula 13 14 72 Norma IC 4776 11.5 14.1 7 Sagittarius IC 2448 11 14.2 9 Carina IC 1297 White Flower Nebula 10.5 14.2 7 Corona Australis NGC 7026 Cheeseburger Nebula 12 14.2 12 Cygnus IC 4997 11.5 14.4 2 Sagittarius NGC 1501 Blue Oyster Nebula 12.5 14.4 52 Camelopardalis NGC 5315 X‐Marks the Spot Planetary 11.5 14.4 6 Circinus NGC 6309 Box Nebula 11 14.4 14 Ophiuchus NGC 6567 11.5 14.4 9 Sagittarius NGC 6804 White Snowball Nebula 12 14.4 35 Aquila IC 2501 11 14.5 2 Carina NGC 5307 Cotton Candy Planetary 11.5 14.7 13 Centaurus NGC 6741 Phantom Streak Nebula 11 14.7 8 Aquila NGC 6879 13 14.8 5 Sagitta NGC 5189 Spiral Planetary Nebula 10 14.9 140 Musca NGC 6337 Green Lifesaver Nebula 12 14.9 48 Scorpius NGC 2371/2 Candy Wrapper Nebula 11.5 14.9 50 Gemini IC 2003 12 15 8 Perseus NGC 2022 White Snowball Nebula 11.5 15 20 Orion IC 4699 12.5 15.1 7 Telescopium IC 4846 12.5 15.2 3 Aquila IC 4663 12.5 15.2 14 Scorpius NGC 6803 Cheerio Nebula 11.5 15.2 6 Aquila NGC 3195 Eye of the Chameleon 11.5 15.3 40 Chamaeleon NGC 5979 Purple Snowball 12 15.3 8 Triangulum Australe NGC 6720 Ring Nebula (M57) 9 15.3 70 Lyra IC 2621 11.5 15.4 5 Carina IC 5217 12 15.5 7 Lacerta NGC 5873 12 15.5 6 Lupus IC 2553 11.5 15.5 9 Carina NGC 6751 Glowing Eye Nebula 12 15.5 21 Aquila NGC 6644 11.5 15.6 3 Sagittarius NGC 6884 12.5 15.6 6 Cygnus NGC 6886 TIE Fighter/ Little Saturn Nebula 12 15.7 8 Sagitta NGC 6905 Blue Flash Nebula 11.5 15.7 45 Delphinus IC 351 12 15.8 7 Perseus NGC 2899 12 15.9 90 Vela NGC 6369 Little Ghost Nebula 11.5 15.9 28 Ophiuchus IC 289 Heart Planetary 13 15.9 40 Cassiopeia NGC 3587 Owl Nebula (M97) 11 16 190 Ursa Major 4 100 BRIGHTEST PLANETARY NEBULAE Stellar Magnitude (brightest to least bright) Name Common Name Visual Magnitude Stellar Magnitude Angular Size Constellation NGC 6842 13 16 48 Vulpecula NGC 6153 11 16.1 24 Scorpius NGC 7354 Kissing Lips Nebula 12.5 16.2 20 Cepheus NGC 650/1 Little Dumbbell Nebula (M76) 11 16.3 120 Perseus NGC 7027 Magic Carpet Nebula 9 16.3 14 Cygnus IC 4191 11.5 16.4 14 Musca IC 5148/50 Eye of the Crane 12 16.5 120 Grus NGC 2867 Royal Aqua Nebula 9.5 16.6 15 Carina IC 5117 12.5 16.7 2 Cygnus NGC 6781 Little Ring Nebula 12 16.8 120 Aquila NGC 6818 Little Gem Nebula 10 16.9 18 Sagittarius IC 4406 Retina Nebula 10.5 17 30 Lupus IC 4673 Babies Foot Nebula 13 17.6 16 Sagittarius NGC 2438 Smoke Ring in M46 10.5 17.7 70 Puppis NGC 2440 Peanut Nebula 10.5 17.7 30 Puppis NGC 2452 12.5 17.7 19 Puppis IC 2165 12 17.9 8 Canis Major NGC 6852 13 17.9 28 Aquila NGC 6563 12.5 18 45 Sagittarius NGC 3211 11.5 18 16 Carina NGC 6565 12.5 18.5 10 Sagittarius NGC 6537 Red Spider Nebula 12 18.8 6 Sagittarius NGC 6445 Box Nebula 12 19 33 Sagittarius NGC 7048 Ornament Nebula 11.5 19.1 60 Cygnus NGC 2818 Little Crab Nebula in Pyxis Cluster 12.5 19.4 40 Pyxis NGC 3699 Hamburger Planetary 11 ? 45 Centaurus NGC 3918 Blue Planetary 8 ? 16 Centaurus NGC 6302 Bug Nebula 12 ? 45 Scorpius 5 100 BRIGHTEST PLANETARY NEBULAE Angular Size (smallest to largest) Name Common Name Visual Magnitude Stellar Magnitude Angular Size Constellation IC 4997 11.5 14.4 2 Sagittarius IC 2501 11 14.5 2 Carina IC 5117 12.5 16.7 2 Cygnus NGC 6644 11.5 15.6 3 Sagittarius IC 4846 12.5 15.2 3 Aquila IC 2621 11.5 15.4 5 Carina NGC 6879 13 14.8 5 Sagitta NGC 6790 Eye of The Eagle 10.5 13.5 5 Aquila NGC 6884 12.5 15.6 6 Cygnus NGC 5315 X‐Marks
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