WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27,194^' 7^ 7 TWETA'B flanrbrBtrr Evnitna XnralU Average Daily Circulation Far the Meath of October, 1848 The Weather treasurer. Mr. Hobentbal will be of U. a. W'oather A opociol buslneso moetlng wUI paid 8500 a year for hla work this Chainnan of Parley OPEN ALL DAY TOMORROW b« hold at tho Second Congrega­ NO HERALD Smith H ^ds year, this being the first tlnae tbat 6,498 Uhmdy. cdwaglng to light mi T o w n tional chtirch, Monday eventing. the treasurer of the *South Man­ Mealier of tho Audit nUa aad toalght; Motur- December 2. at 7:30 o’clock. This TOMORROW chester Fire District has been paid FREE DELIVERY A 'day fair. la la the annual budget meeting and F ir e B o a r d a salary of any kind for the work. Bateau of ClYealatloae >1 . Rebecca Wright of Holl a good attendance is hoped for. No issue of the Manchester Although the annual meeting CHOICE HOLIDAY WINES — LUIUORS AND DEER Mtmche$ter-~~A City of Village Charm last week Increased the s]n>roprl- ; hM W t for Mystic, to spend ♦ ■ Evening HeraM will be SiicrecHs W. J, Crockett riving with her sister. Mrs. Younger membera of St. Map-’s published tomorrow . ation for No. 2'a hduaa which on. would provide for a full Uma driv­ VOL. LX., NO. .51 <Cloadl8ed AdvertMag oa Pago IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1940 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Girls’ Friendly society at their Thanksgiving Day. As Chairman; Hassett TELEPHONE 6550 meeting Monday evening in Wc er at the bouse during the day In­ ^ P M t Commander John f’entlnnd parish house mode-plans for the SelectefI as Secretary. stead of a part time driver, there -mrlatma.s party, December 16. was no appointment made at the f. ttae American Legion, who was 1 meeting last night The commis­ ntly transferred from the Barbara Clav, Barbara Newbury, It was reported today that Robert J. Smith, who has served OAK ST. PACKAGE STORE ; hospltaUn Newington, to and Virginia .Snow were appointed sion arranged to meet with the 21 0«k Street Y. Cervini, I'rop. Thomaa J. Curran has offered to as secretary of the board of fire selectmen, as Instructed by the r"yie Veterans hospital. 130 Kings committee on recreation, and Jane donate a cowbell for uae on the Converse. Ruth Alley and Eleanor commissioners of the South Man­ annual meeting, to discuss a ques­ Ros'*- the Bronx. New silent-running coon hound owned tion on reduction of water rentals. i Tofk. will no doubt be confined to Weir decpratlons. Younger mem­ by Joseph Haddan. As the dog chester Fire District since he was j't h a t institution for the next few bers of the New Britain Glria’ will not bark and it is hard for elected to the commission, taking r Britain Gains Mediterranean Control; l^.'Wfeks and would be glad to hear Friendly society will he guests. Haddan to keep up with the critter the place on the board made va­ : from his buddies. The girls planned to assist in as­ In the woods, the bell may be an cant by, the' resignation of Frank A. & N. Auxiliary i sembling Thanksgiving baskets to- aid—maybe to the coon. Cheney, Jr.,. was named chairman Enjoy Thankdgiving Dinner An Important special business ^dsv. and Rita Hadden was chosen To Seal Officers At Reymander’ k mooting for Sunday afternoon at to have charge of the knitted .squares for Red Cross afghan Priae winners on a drawing for 2:80 In Orange hall has been called a 10-pound turkey and a 5-pound Open All Day ThanksKivinR Day! by the local Branch. No. 208 of the I work. chicken were announced aa the Mrs. Adelaide Pickett and her British Relief society, and all or- event was held last night at the associate officera of tho Army and FULL COURSE TURKEY DINNEK mniratlons and eommittees. or ! The workrooms of the British Heavy Blow East Eldc Roc by the Meteor A. C. Navy rlub. will be installed at the Benidea All Our U-sual Menu Specials! Others interested In the work are I Wsr Relief society In the British- First priae went to Mrs. Mary first meeting of the auxiliary Jimmy Farrand and Hla “ Sweet Swing THo” Will Be On Hand 1 .Vmenran clubhouse on Maple urged to attend Thomson of 203 Center street, sec­ group in January, It was an­ John Christensen Tonight and Tomorrow Mght. ■ street will he closed all day t.o- ond to H. Conroy of 37 Willard nounced today. The officers are I morrow on account of the holiday. street, Hartford. Howard Brown, Mrs. Pickett, president; Mrs. Rena John Christensen, of Windsor, REYMANDER’S RESTAURANT Rec dtreelor, presided. Bherman. vice president; Mra ss chairman of the convention British General I^ands in Greere Emma Harris, secretary; Mrs. ' .Members i of Troop 16 Cirl committee of the Connecticut 35-37 Oak Si reel Telephone 3922 Dies to Continue PRINCESS Scouts, under the leiulership of A special Thanksgiving service Florence Bullivan, treasurer ,snd Vegetable Growers’ Association, Is German Navy Routed Mrs. F.rne.vt Arni.strong have been will be held tomorrow morning at Mrs. Eleanor Freelove, chaplain. largely responsible for the two- RESTAURANT I working on community service for ten o'clock at the Salvation Army Mrs. Pickett Is employed in the day program of the association in i the p.ist two weeks, making tur- citadel. office of tho J. \V. Hale Oorpora- Hartford, December 3 and 4. Mr. Cor. Main and Pearl Streets keys from pine cones and pipe Uon. Christensen, member of the firm Plans to Eitpose ! cleaners. Tlie turkey favors were Robert' .Sloeomb a.nd Randali The auxiliary is making plans of Rand A Christensen, commer­ --------- SrKCI.M. --------- ! taken to the hospital bv grouts Piltsbnrv. local students at Wllbra- for a group Christmas party, cial vegetable growers. Is chair­ FUEL OIL ilospitulily I In Clash in Channel; •lean Wiley ami Peggy Anderson. hsm Arademy. Wllbraham. Maas., dinner and entertainment to take man of the Connecticut Marketing LUNCHEON I and It was .suggested that fliey lie have arrived home to spend the placei on Tuesday evening, Dec. 17. Authority. Holiday cheer depsndo on homes Subversive Units placed on the trays of the patients holiday with their parents. A program of entertainment will .•omfortably healed. Here W Thanksgiving (lay. Other members be served and there will be an the Fuel Oil providing immt heat exchange of gifts of the members. at leaBl rout! The firat-eholce of the troop who have worked for The chapel ehoir of the Eman­ 4 0 c the Red Cross during its current The dinner will bo In charge of the P'uel for <’lean heat— for free­ Declines to Comment D i-1 NarJ Prisoners Taunt Ports Focus of Raids uel Lutheran rhyreh will hold a retiring and newly elected officers. dom from rum8e»--teiHllng! For Dinners ........................65c drive sre .lean Rohin.son and Bar- rehearsal tonighy at 6;15 o'clock. rectly on Discussions Italians on Greek War (dira Straugh rhanksglvlng. have a hupply 'o Robert J. Smith your tank— ami you An East Canadian Port, Nov. .’V . I.lnne I<odge No. 72. Knights of With Roosevelt; Prom-' Germans Add Anothrr Italy and Germany, Pre« at the organlratlon meeting held | thaiUrul! I>Dirt k‘av^ It to tho 29.—iJP)—Strife between Ger­ Pythias, will hold its regular meet­ MUM.S AND POM POMS la»t iiilnut*'— phone u» now! ises ^Fullest Coopera- man and Italian war prisoners senting (Contradictory ing tonight at 8 o’clock. Follow­ last night. ; INERALHIMMf To i.cii|iiiicniii|! Li»i of Wonteti Hclp I2nd .\nniial Mr. .Smith take.a over the office j held In Newfoundland has be­ Only At ing the meeting the annual Thanks­ ItloominK Plant.s ^28 WOOOWllMf SI MANOiESIEk lion’ to President Be­ come so Intense that they sre l*ort,ReconllyBo'mbo,l Q r e c k A m i V Versions, Assert BriU Th«nks‘*;i> iiifi Kvr giving Eve social will be held. that haa been held by William J , Crockett, who declined ro-clection j .Anderson Greenhouses YOU RECEIVE fore Parley Today. being separated to avoid trou­ ^Ijonilnn-Ijontfon RemainsKpmaitifl TarI ar- ish Heavy Losers in ARTHUR^S Rainbow Girls wh<? e.vemplify at .the annual meeting a week ago. FUEL i& RANGE OIL ble, the Canadian press said to­ Social it 55 Eidridge St. Tel. 84861 PERSONAL day. get; Three Daylight Both Artions; Offen* C.\N YOU GET their work for Temple Chapter. Thomai. HaBHett, the new member Washington, Nov. 29.-—(A’) Hoac & r.ntidof C'p. No. 1, . Onler of the Fa.sterri Star, are of the commis.Blon. who wa.i elect- ■ PROPRIETOR In Any Qiiaiitily— Any Time It said the Rome-Berlin Axl.s D efeat Foe DECKI>E EDGE — Clialrnian Dios (D., Tex.), prisoners were "getting along Alarms Up to Short­ sive to Strike at Italy s. M. F. n. ■ urged to be at the .Mastinic Trm- ('d for the three-year term la.st | ATTENTION r H l (\ 7 s . pie this evening at S:"n. week, was haniefi jcs secretary and ; Wholesale anti Retail of the House Committee on badly" because of Nazi taunts ly After Noon; Ger­ As ‘.Achilles Heel* o f r(>M <;H T K. L. G. Hohenthal was rc-named i . when Mark Holmes Un=Amcrican Activities, con­ over Greek successes against *Amnaon Company' of LET I S DEVELOP’ .\ND the Italian armies in Albania.
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