• • L V.:. • l'. • : >V'\/ * - 'V‘ ■' • ’ ■ •-'■ . •.■.-■••7'...-Jr.’^i^L »'•••?..-• fci ^ THE W BATI^I^' - NET PRESS RUN PerMMM hi ' AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Sew.itavea :- OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of October, 1927 liovron tonii^t Saturday. 5 , 0 4 2 r — r—i— -J ConiT. PRICE THREE CENTS aiANGHESTER, CONN., PMDAY, NOVBl^ER 11, 1927; (BiaArkEN PAGES) VOL. X U I., NO. 36. Classified ADvertising on Page 10 / i n i D I S T R i m Former L S a RUTH IN PARIS PRETTIES VOTERSOVEUP RIGHT TO ELECT Washington, Nov. 11 — The^of sorrowful r6tnembrance of the TO WORLD WAR’S DEAD Dead of ail nations and of thanhs- . \ black, reD and golD flag pf the Ger­ giving for the peace of the world, man Republic flew at full staff to­ anD not as a dgy of gloating cele­ day above the German embassy bration for victory over a crushed Memory of AUied War Dead Draws Nearly Whole World Fire and Alarm Chiefs to here. Likewise the flags of the anD beaten foe. CLUB DRIVE NOW KingDom of Hungary anD the Re­ And because America - so Keep Places, However, public of Austria were unfurled consecrated this anniversary, Wash­ Together-Fitting Ceremonies All Over U. S. and In above the legations of those gov­ ington is the only capital In the HITS $2,700 MARK ernments. worlD where the fltGSS of tjaese for­ Many European Capitals— Canadian Soldiers Take Under Appointive Plan; In this silent manner these for­ mer enemy natipns are permlUed mer enemy nations took official by their governments to be raised cognizance of Armistice Day in the toDay above their Diplomatic mis­ Substantial Additions Today Part In Washington’s Observance of the Day. Fight Averted. c.Hpital of the country whose force sions. It is a special tribute acr of arms and of wealth‘ thrown into corDeD to the UniteD States in rec­ the conflict on the side of the allies ognition and appreciation of the To Commnnity CInb Fund; EXCEPT IN CHINA, Changes in the by-laws recom­ brought to an end the great war spirit o f ) frienDship anD. helpful­ A bond of Devotion to the mem­ WORLD IS AT PEACE mended by the commissioners went nine years ago. ness that has TnarkeD the course of Tbe Donors. ory of allied war DeaD drew nearly It was their way of proclaiming America and Anaeripans in dealing the whole world together In com­ LonDon, Nov. 11.— Except through with only slight opposition with their former enemies since at the annual meeting of the South that they accept the observance of mon homage today— the ninth an­ for intermittent civil war in Armistice Day in America as a day peace was proclaimed. Manchester Fire District in High niversary of the Armistice thht Northern China, 1927 Armistice school hall last night- An atten­ As a result of toDay’s additions, Day flnDs tbe whole world at tbe Manchester Community Club’s ended hostilities in the great war. peace. The threatened war cloud dance of about 75 people, mostly At Washington President Cool­ firemen, re-elected Frank Cheney Fund is now o v e r the $2,700 mark. over the Balkans, arising from ldge went to Arlington Cemetery the friction between Jugo-Slavia Jr., a commissioner for three years, RRAVEVERMONT RUTH IS RACI^ This is an excellent showing for the anD placed a wreath upon the tomb voteD to make the offices of chief anD Bulgaria over borDer raids campaign thus far, but there are of The Unknown Soldier. Cana­ have., blown away. The Oomea- anD superintendent of the Are Dian soldiers. ,took part in the alarms appointive, appropriated many more north end residents.who Serrano revolt in Mexico which' Washington obpervances. $44,000 for expenses anD voted to DIGGING ITSELF CROWDSCREER have not yet been visited, and might have grown into civil In New York there w;as a one- Include within the District lines war,' has been crushed. big whose gifts will make a decided in­ minute tribute at 11 o’clock, when European powers are engaged certain land in outlying districts. crease in the total. Frank Cheney Jr., was chosen all business activities of the city in peacetime reconstruction OUTOFIIIEMUD ASSHELANDS A special meeting of tbe execu­ were suspended. Soldiers, sailors, while the League of Nations is chairman of the meeting anD the tive committee was held at “ The civiliana- and delegations from pa­ preparing for a general Dis­ first business was the reading of White House” this forenoon for a armament conference. reports of the officers. B. L. G. triotic organisations participated in general survet of progress In the a memorial service at the Eternal Hohenthal, treasurer, reported that Almost as Big a Throng as drive. The work of the different the expenditures of the district lor Manpower Mobilized to Start Light in Madison Square. teams was checkeD as regards In London, Pari^, Rome and John H. Trumbull and Mrs. Trum­ last year w'ere $65,'"5.78, against amount of territory covered. In receipts of $88,346.26, leaving a Brussels wreaths were placed upon bull and former Governors Frank 0 Big Task of Repairing De­ Greeted Lindy, Awaits som instances, where too much ter­ the monuments of the unknown Weeks and Marcus H. Holcomb balance on hanD of $22,580. ritory haD been assigned a team, Back Tax Account warriors, amid impressive ceremo­ were gneSts of honor. Her— Says She Is Gomg the District to be covereD was re­ nies. Standing with veterans, who The marchers Included the entiri. William Taylor, collector of the struction Caused By duced, and more workers added 169th Infantry commanded by Col­ District, reported that he had re­ haD fought in the war, the highest Tbe business men.s teams got into officers of the various governments onel D. Gordon Hunter, the Putnam ceiveD $79,067.62 on the list of To Make Another Attempt swing again this afternoon with Phalanx and First Company, Gov­ last year, anD $74.41 in interest State’s Worst Flood. paid tribute to tfat memory of the gooD results. dead. ernor’s Foot Guard, of HartforD-^ charges. ' He said that there was Illness In Team No. 3 At Compiegne, France, a great anD the Second Company, Gpver- still a total of $994.24 in back Owing to the Illness of the cap­ nor’s Foot GuarD,^ of New, Haven. taxes owing to the district, $600 Boston, Mass., Nov. 11— Man­ New York, Nov. 11.— ^Ruth El tain and two members of.Team No. rnfmorj^l, jheftflf*. erecteD above^; a Ruth Elder, the, flying beauty, Is home from Paris and hep homecom­ replica hi tSe'ranway. car in which The war memorial Is a fifty-foot, for this year and the remainder go­ power v^as mobilizeD toDay to be­ der came home toDay to receive a ing warDrot^ wasn’t Umlied to the knickers and sweater in which she 3, there has been delay In coveribg granite shaft located on Washing­ ing back as far as 1914. Some of section of Main street, east siDe. the'Armistice was signed, was dedi­ gin the stupendous task of repair­ great reception with th? cool re­ went away aboard the ill-fateD airplane “ American Girl” . Not by the cated, this car, standing on the ton Green. Names of all Middletown this money, he said, was “ Dead” , mark that she had alreaDy started proDuct of many a Paris coutOurier! Here is Ruth in one of her niftiest Team No. 1 has kindly volunteereD victims of the WorlD War are on and might never be collecteD. ing, the Destruction caused by the to assist in 'this work, and t’aose spot where the historic document planning to attempt her trans-At French outfit^. was signed. the shaft. The celebration ends with In his report to the commis­ New EnglanD floods. who have not boon visited on that a charity ball this evehlng. sioners Chief Albert Foy said that Armistice Day, the ninth anni­ lantic flight again. street thus far will be visited (his the fire loss of last year had been “ If noboDy beats me to it,” she evening or tomorrow AT NATIO.N” S CAPITAL versary of the enDluig of the WorlD Washington, Nov. 11.— Two LLOYD GEORGE SPEAKS greater than that, of the preceding saiD, as the great welcoming crowd Defense Has 120 Lawyers The business men s committes year, because of the damage in the War, was dedicated in flood-swept .still has several names on it.s list, tombs, which more anD more are] London, Nov. 11.— “ The tenth cheered, “ I'll be flying out over the becoming American shrin,.es as the | fire at the Gorman block on Oak Vermont to the work of recon­ auD from assuranwa given la aD­ milestone from the Armistice, Atlantic again.” vance, these coatributiens will raise years of peace-roll onward, furnish­ which brought to an end the most street last March. Other fires, of struction. Every able-boDieD man In The Runianian Trial ed the focal points toDay for the which there were 83, had been held Miss Elder was given a tremen­ the grand total suhstantlally. gigantic anD destructive struggle in President CooliDge’s home state, dous welcome. Great crowDs— al­ capital’s observance of Armistice ■ever waged on this earth, Is a con­ Down to less than $2,000, anD the turned out for a Day of ceaseless ADDitional flontirhutions most as big as those that waited The report of toDay's work in,the Day. " venient spot on which to pause l^-' total loss in these 33 fires was toil with the exception of a two- for Lindbergh— were at the Bat- Bucharest, Nov.
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