CHAPTER-I PERFORMANCE REVIEW SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 1.1 ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Highlights The Government of India had formulated the National Education Policy in the year 1986 and Right to Education Act in 2009 which inter-alia provided Universal Elementary Education of good quality for education to children in the age group 6-14 years through provision of schools with appropriate infrastructure within an approachable distance. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was launched in 2001 to achieve the goal of Universal Elementary Education through a time-bound integrated approach, in partnership with states and Right to Education Act, 2009 was introduced in the State only during March 2011. Mid day Meal programme was also launched with an aim to give a boost to the universalisation of primary education by increasing enrolment, retention and attendance and simultaneously improving the nutritional status of students in primary classes. The programme was further extended to students of middle schools. A performance audit of Elementary Education in Mizoram revealed certain shortcomings in the implementation of programmes due to improper planning, handling of funds, deployment of WHDFKHUVGLYHUVLRQRIIXQGVLQWHUIHUHQFHE\H[WHUQDOERGLHVLQFOXVLRQRILQHOLJLEOHEHQH¿FLDULHV VXEVWDQGDUGH[HFXWLRQRIZRUNVLQHI¿FLHQWPRQLWRULQJHWF 7KHIROORZLQJDUHWKHVLJQL¿FDQW¿QGLQJVRIWKHUHYLHZ The planning process under SSA was not on need based assessment with the inputs from district level units. (Paragraph 1.1.7) 'XHWRDEVHQFHRISURSHUVWDI¿QJQRUPVDQGUDWLRQDOLVDWLRQRQGHSOR\PHQWRIWHDFKHUVLQ schools, an excess of 2,883 and 4,625 teachers were deployed against the requirement in Primary School and Upper Primary Schools respectively. (Paragraph A fund to the tune of ` 14.95 crore ranging between 29 to 79 per cent of the available funds meant for implementation of Out of School Children intervention was irregularly diverted towards payment of honorarium to Education Volunteers during 2006-11. (Paragraph 1 Audit Report for the year ended 31 March 2011 (Civil, Revenue & Commercial) The District SSA authority, Lawngtlai did not observe all the codal procedures, while implementing the civil works, appointment of Education Volunteers and MDM cooks due to unauthorised interference by the member of the LADC. (Paragraph and In Lunglei district, utilisation of ` 77.83 lakh in respect of Child Friendly Elements fund FRXOGQRWEHYHUL¿HGLQ$XGLWGXHWRIDLOXUHRQWKHSDUWRI'LVWULFW3URMHFW2I¿FH66$ Lunglei in production of records. (Paragraph 1.1.1 Introduction (OHPHQWDU\(GXFDWLRQLQ,QGLDLVWKHIRXQGDWLRQRQZKLFKWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIHYHU\FLWL]HQDQG the nation as a whole hinges. The Government of India formulated the National Education Policy in 1986 and Right to Education Act in 2009, which inter-alia provided Universal Elementary Education (UEE) of good quality for education to children in the age group 6-14 years through SURYLVLRQ RI VFKRROV ZLWK DSSURSULDWH LQIUDVWUXFWXUH ZLWKLQ DQ DSSURDFKDEOH GLVWDQFH 7KH *RYHUQPHQWRI,QGLDIXUWKHUODXQFKHG 6DUYD6KLNVKD$EKL\DQ 66$ LQSDUWQHUVKLS with the State Governments and Local Self Government to attain UEE covering the entire country LQDPLVVLRQPRGH,Q0L]RUDP66$ZDVODXQFKHGLQZLWKWKHUHJLVWUDWLRQRI0L]RUDP6DUYD 6KLNVKD$EKL\DQ5DM\D0LVVLRQXQGHUWKH6RFLHWLHV5HJLVWUDWLRQ$FW:LWKWKHLQWURGXFWLRQRI 5LJKWWR)UHHDQG&RPSXOVRU\(GXFDWLRQ 57( $FWWKH*RYHUQPHQWKDVPDGH)UHHDQG &RPSXOVRU\ (GXFDWLRQ WLOO WKH FRPSOHWLRQ RI (OHPHQWDU\ (GXFDWLRQ WKH ULJKW RI HYHU\ FLWL]HQ WKH$FWZDVKRZHYHUODXQFKHGLQWKH6WDWHGXULQJ0DUFKRQO\)XUWKHU0LG'D\0HDO SURJUDPPHDOVRVWDUWHGIXQFWLRQLQJLQWKH6WDWHIURP$XJXVWE\ZD\RIGLVWULEXWLRQRIUDZ rice/cooked meals to students of Primary and Upper Primary schools. ,Q0L]RUDP'LUHFWRUDWHRI6FKRRO(GXFDWLRQKDVEHHQYHVWHGZLWKWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RIIRUPXODWLQJ and implementing elementary education in the State. During 2010-11, there were 1,821 Primary schools1 and 1,353 Upper Primary schools2 LQ0L]RUDPZLWKHQUROPHQWRIDQG respectively. 1.1.2 Organisational Set-up 7KH 6HFUHWDU\ *RYHUQPHQW RI 0L]RUDP LV WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLYH KHDG RI WKH 6FKRRO (GXFDWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW7KH 'LUHFWRU 6FKRRO (GXFDWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI (OHPHQWDU\(GXFDWLRQ+HZDVDVVLVWHGE\RQH-RLQW'LUHFWRU (OHPHQWDU\(GXFDWLRQ WZR'HSXW\ 'LUHFWRUV 3ULPDU\DQG8SSHU3ULPDU\VFKRROV RQH6WDWH3URMHFW'LUHFWRU 66$ RQH2I¿FHU on Special Duty (SSA), one Additional State Project Director (SSA), two Deputy State Project 'LUHFWRU 66$ RQH6WDWH1RGDO2I¿FHU 0LG'D\0HDO DQGRQH'HSXW\6WDWH1RGDO2I¿FHU (Mid Day Meal). 1 *RYHUQPHQW /RFDOERGLHV $LGHGE\*RYHUQPHQWDQG'LVWULFW&RXQFLOV 3ULYDWH 6FKRROV 2 *RYHUQPHQW /RFDOERGLHV $LGHGE\*RYHUQPHQWDQG'LVWULFW&RXQFLOV 3ULYDWH 6FKRROV 2 Chapter I Performance Review ,Q WKH GLVWULFW OHYHO 6XE'LYLVLRQDO (GXFDWLRQ 2I¿FHUV DUH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ of mainstream elementary education. Besides, eight3 District Project Coordinators (DPC) are UHVSRQVLEOHIRUDGPLQLVWUDWLRQPDQDJHPHQWLPSOHPHQWDWLRQDVZHOODVPRQLWRULQJRI66$XQGHU elementary education in their respective district. Under the District Project Coordinators, 12 Deputy 'LVWULFW3URMHFW&RRUGLQDWRUVDQG%ORFN5HVRXUFH&HQWUHVDUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRULPSOHPHQWDWLRQ of different components/ projects of SSA and MDM under elementary education. 7KH2UJDQRJUDPRI(OHPHQWDU\(GXFDWLRQLQ0L]RUDPLVJLYHQEHORZ "# $% !! ! % & ' % & (! ) * +% & )+&, -" )+& ./ 3 (LJKW'LVWULFW$L]DZO&KDPSKDL/XQJOHL/DZQJWODL0DPLW6DLKD.RODVLEDQG6HUFKKLS 3 Audit Report for the year ended 31 March 2011 (Civil, Revenue & Commercial) 1.1.3 Scope of Performance Audit This performance audit on Elementary Education in the State covers the period from 2006 to 2011. 7KHSHUIRUPDQFHDXGLWVWUHVVHGRQVFUXWLQ\RIEDVLFUHFRUGVDQGRWKHUGRFXPHQWDU\HYLGHQFHV through a test check (May to August 2011) of Administrative Department, Directorate of School (GXFDWLRQ6WDWH3URMHFW2I¿FH0L]RUDP66$0LVVLRQDW6WDWHOHYHO,QWKHGLVWULFWOHYHOUHFRUGV of the seven SDEOs in three districts (Champhai, Lunglei and Lawngtlai) out of 22 SDEOs in the State involved in the implementation of Elementary Education were covered under test check. %HVLGHVWKUHH66$'LVWULFW3URMHFWRI¿FHV &KDPSKDL/XQJOHLDQG/DZQJWODLGLVWULFWV RXWRI HLJKWGLVWULFWSURMHFWRI¿FHVVL[4 Block Resource Centres (BRC) out of 10 BRCs in the selected districts, were covered under test check. 1.1.4 Audit Objectives 7KHREMHFWLYHVRIWKH3HUIRUPDQFHDXGLWLQ(OHPHQWDU\(GXFDWLRQZHUHWRVHHZKHWKHU x 3ODQQLQJIRULPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIYDULRXVFRPSRQHQWVRIWKHSURJUDPPHKDVEHHQHIIHFWLYH x 3URYLVLRQLQJRIIXQGVZDVDGHTXDWHIRULPSOHPHQWLQJWKHSURJUDPPH x 0DMRULQWHUYHQWLRQVZHUHFDUULHGRXWDVSHUQRUPV x 3URSHUGHSOR\PHQWRIWHDFKHUVLQVFKRROVZLWKUHVSHFWWRHQUROPHQWRIVWXGHQWV x Meaningful research activities undertaken under the programme facilitated quality LPSURYHPHQWLQWHDFKLQJOHDUQLQJ x Outreach of education for girls, SC and ST were expanded and infrastructure provided as per SODQDQG x Adequate and effective monitoring and internal control mechanism exists. 1.1.5 Audit Criteria $XGLWREMHFWLYHVKDYHEHHQEHQFKPDUNHGDJDLQVWIROORZLQJFULWHULD x 3URJUDPPHJXLGHOLQHVLVVXHGE\*RYHUQPHQWRI,QGLD *R, RQ66$ x Guiding principles of GoI on Mid day meals scheme. x 2UGHUVLQVWUXFWLRQVFLUFXODWHGE\WKH6WDWH*RYHUQPHQWIRULVVXHRIIUHHWH[WERRNVVHSDUDWH toilets etc. for girls with recruitment of women teachers. x *XLGHOLQHVIRULPSOHPHQWDWLRQRI.DVWXUED*DQGKL%DOLND9LG\DOD\DDQG1DWLRQDO3URJUDPPH for Education of Girls at Elementary Level. x 0DQXDORI0L]RUDP(GXFDWLRQ0LVVLRQ6RFLHW\ x *XLGHOLQHVIRUIRUPXODWLRQUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVDQGGXWLHVRI9LOODJH(GXFDWLRQ&RPPLWWHHVDV SHU0L]RUDP66$ &RQVWLWXWLRQ)XQFWLRQDQG3RZHU 5HJXODWLRQ x 9DULRXV$QQXDO:RUN3ODQDQG%XGJHWVXEPLWWHGE\'LVWULFWVDQG6WDWHDXWKRULWLHVWR*R, during the year 2006-11. x $QQXDO3XEOLFDWLRQE\6WDWLVWLFDO&HOO'LUHFWRUDWHRI6FKRRO(GXFDWLRQ0L]RUDP$L]DZO RQOLVWRIVFKRROVZLWKQXPEHURIWHDFKHUVDQGHQUROPHQWRI6WXGHQWV 4 &KDPSKDL.KDZ]DZO/XQJOHL7ODEXQJ/DZQJWODLDQG&KDZQJWH 4 Chapter I Performance Review 1.1.6 Audit Methodology Audit commenced with an entry conference held in May 2011 with the Additional Secretary, *RYHUQPHQWRI0L]RUDP6FKRRO(GXFDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQWDQGWKH-RLQW'LUHFWRURI6FKRRO(GXFDWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQWZKHUHLQDXGLWREMHFWLYHVVFRSHDQGFULWHULDZHUHGLVFXVVHG7KHVDPSOHVHOHFWLRQRI GLVWULFWVDQGEORFNVIRUDXGLWZDVGRQHEDVHGRQWKHHQUROPHQWRIVWXGHQWVQXPEHURISULPDU\DQG upper primary schools and geographical location. The audit methodology involved the examination DQGDQDO\VLVRIWKHUHFRUGVGRFXPHQWVRIWKH'HSDUWPHQWFRXSOHGZLWK¿HOGYLVLWE\WKHDXGLWSDUW\ DORQJZLWKGHSDUWPHQWDORI¿FLDOVIRUMRLQWLQVSHFWLRQRIVFKRROV 3ULPDU\DQG8SSHU3ULPDU\ LQ the test checked districts through photographic evidence and questionnaires duly authenticated E\WKHGHSDUWPHQWDORI¿FLDOV7KHDXGLW¿QGLQJVZHUHGLVFXVVHGLQDQH[LWFRQIHUHQFHKHOGRQ 2FWREHU ZLWK WKH 6HFUHWDU\FXP'LUHFWRU 6FKRRO (GXFDWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW 6WDWH 3URMHFW 'LUHFWRU0L]RUDP66$0LVVLRQDQGRWKHURI¿FHUVRIWKH*RYHUQPHQW'HSDUWPHQWDQGWKHUHSOLHV RIWKH'HSDUWPHQWKDYHEHHQVXLWDEO\LQFRUSRUDWHGLQWKHUHYLHZDWDSSURSULDWHSODFHV $XGLW¿QGLQJV The important points noticed during the course of audit are discussed in the succeeding SDUDJUDSKV 1.1.7 Planning 7KH JXLGHOLQHV RQ 66$ HQYLVDJH GHFHQWUDOLVHG QHHG EDVHG DQG SDUWLFLSDWRU\ SODQQLQJ LQ D ERWWRPXSDSSURDFKDQGWRIRFXVRQXQLYHUVDODFFHVVHTXLW\SDUWLFLSDWLRQDQGTXDOLW\)RUWKLV the main source of data required for planning and plan formulations are household surveys, the District Information system for Education (DISE) and research studies. The guideline emphasises yearly updation of household survey data and yearly collection of DISE data pertaining to the VFKRROVDORQJZLWKWKHUHVHDUFKVWXGLHVZKLFKVHUYHVDVDYDOXDEOHLQSXWIRUSODQQLQJ$JDLQ66$
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