The IndypendenT #229: nOVeMBeR 2017 • IndypendenT.ORG ARTS FUndInG FOR The ReST OF US, p4 AMAZOn STALKS The BIG AppLe, p6 FALL MUSIC, p20 ReSISTAnCe & ReSILIenCe In pUeRTO RICO Hurricane Maria COVeRAGe STARTS On pAGe 10 survivors inside their home. CAROLYN COLE/GETTY IMAGES WE REMEMBER. MARCH WE RESIST. ACROSS THE SANDY5TH ANNIVERSARY WE RISE. BROOKLYN SATURDAY OCTOBER 28TH 11AM CADMAN PLAZA, BROOKLYN BRIDGE 2 COMMUNITY CALENDAR The IndypendenT THE INDYPENDENT, INC. 388 Atlantic Avenue, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217 212-904-1282 www.indypendent.org Twitter: @TheIndypendent facebook.com/TheIndypendent BOARD OF DIRECTORS: FRI OCT 20 retrospective of Ayón’s work FROM SYRIA Costumes are strongly encour- Ellen Davidson, Anna Gold, 6:30PM • FREE on view at El Museo del Barrio Appearing with journalist and aged. Alina Mogilyanskaya, Ann SCREENING: BLACK PANTHERS: (1230 5th Ave.) until Nov. 5. illustrator Molly Crabapple, DROM Schneider, John Tarleton VANGUARD OF THE REVOLUTION KING JUAN CARLOS I OF SPAIN Wendy Pearlman will discuss 85 Avenue A A fi lm screening and discussion CENTER, AUDITORIUM her new book, which chronicles EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: on the riveting documentary 53 Washington Square South the war in Syria from its origins WED NOV 1 John Tarleton exploring the Black Panther to its present horror through 7:30PM • $30 Party, its signifi cance for black TUE OCT 24 the words of ordinary people. BOOK LAUNCH: MATT TAIBBI ASSOCIATE EDITOR: people and to the broader 7PM–10 PM • FREE BLUESTOCKINGS BOOKSTORE PRESENTS I CAN’T BREATHE: A Peter Rugh American culture and the pain- FORUM: CLIMATE SOLUTIONS 172 Allen St. KILLING ON BAY STREET ful lessons wrought when the TOWN HALL Rolling Stone journalist Matt CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: movement derailed. As part of a week of action SAT OCT 28 Taibbi presents his newest Ellen Davidson, Alina MAYDAY SPACE marking fi ve years since Su- 11AM–2PM • FREE book, an immersive account Mogilyanskaya, Nicholas 176 St. Nicholas Ave., Brooklyn perstorm Sandy, 350Brooklyn MARCH: #SANDY5 of the infamous killing of Eric Powers, Steven Wishnia and the Brooklyn College Urban On the 5th anniversary of Su- Garner on Staten Island by MON OCT 23 Sustainability Program are host perstorm Sandy, New Yorkers New York City police. Tickets ILLUSTRATION DIRECTOR: 7PM–9PM • $5–$10 a climate town hall. The panel will march together to remem- available at eventbrite.com. Frank Reynoso DEBATE: DOES NEW YORK includes Priya Mulgaonkar ber the lives lost, the damage Book included with admission. STATE NEED A CON-CON? from the New York City Envi- incurred and to demand bold ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE DESIGN DIRECTOR: Once every 20 years NY voters ronmental Justice Alliance and climate action from elected 245 Clinton Ave.,Brooklyn Mikael Tarkela have the chance to convene Sean Sweeney, Director of the leaders. a state constitutional con- CUNY International Program 1 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn SAT NOV 4 DESIGNERS: vention. This Nov. 7 will be for Labor, Climate and Environ- 8PM–11PM • $10 Leia Doran, Anna Gold that chance. But is it a good ment. Register in advance via TUE OCT 31 THRU NOV 5 PARTY: LATIN LEATHER idea? The Indy hosts a debate eventbrite.com. 7:30PM TUE–FRI, 2PM & 7PM DANCE PARTY SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER: featuring Danielle DeMat- BROOKLYN COLLEGE SAT–SUN • $30 Gogo men, raffl e prizes, DJ Elia Gran teo, founder of SheNYCArts, 2900 Bedford Ave. PERFORMANCE: MACBETH Chiki, salsa, merengue, bachata and digital strategist Minista No Name Collective presents a and more. All proceeds go to GENERAL INQUIRIES: THU OCT 26 novel interpretation of William the Hispanic Federation for [email protected] Jazz for the Yes side and Mike Fabricant, 1st Vice President of 6:30PM–8PM • FREE Shakespeare's Macbeth at the Hurricane Maria relief efforts. Professional Staff Congress- DISCUSSION: IMPERIALISM & Brooklyn Navy Yard. Lady Mac- THE EAGLE NYC SUBMISSIONS & NEWS TIPS: CUNY,and Dahlia McManus, LATIN AMERICA: LAND GRAB- beth morphs into her husband 554 W 28th St. [email protected] deputy director of the Working BING OF GARÍFUNA PEOPLES: when she invokes the spirits to Families Party, for the No side. Leaders from the black-indig- "unsex me here." SUN NOV 5 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION: BROOKLYN COMMONS enous Garífuna people speak THE YARD 2PM–5PM • Sliding scale, [email protected] 388 Atlantic Ave. about the threats posed to their 16 Waverly Ave., Brooklyn Navy $6–$15 communities by multinational Yard TALK: KENT STATE: DEATH & VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTORS: MON OCT 23 corporations and their own DISSENT Sam Alcoff, Linda Martín 6PM–9PM • FREE Honduran government TUE OCT 31 Thomas Grace will discuss Alcoff, Gino Barzizza, Bennett LECTURE: NKNAME: REMEM- CUNY GRADUATE CENTER 8PM–2AM • $10 his book Kent State: Death and Baumer, José Carmona, BERING THE CUBAN PRINT- 365 Fifth Avenue, Romm C198 PARTY: SOVIET 80’S HALLOW- Dissent in the Long Sixties. Grace, Maya Chung, Valerio Ciriaci, MAKER BELKIS AYON EEN PARTY a Kent State alum, explores the Leia Doran, Renée Feltz, A panel conversation on FRI OCT 27 Dance to the tunes of the historical tragedy that occured Bianca Fortis, Lynne Foster, the life and work of the late 7PM–9:30PM • FREE 1980's Soviet Union, espe- when members of the National Priscilla Grim, Lauren Kaori Afro-Cuban artist Belkis Ayón. BOOK LAUNCH: WE CROSSED A cially those produced by the old Guard opened fi re on students Gurley, Amir Khafagy, David This event coincides with a BRIDGE AND IT TREMBLED: VOICES state-run Melodiya records. on May 4, 1970. The battle over Hollenbach, Georgia Kromrei, Gena Hymowech, Dondi J, Colin Kinniburgh, Gary Martin, Erik McGregor, Mike Newton, Donald Paneth, Federico di Pasqua, Dean Patterson, Astha Rajvanshi, Mark Read, Reverend Billy, Jesse Rubin, Steven Sherman Pamela Somers, Gabriella Szpunt, Leanne Tory-Murphy, AdVeRTISe In The Indy Jamara Wakefi eld, Matthew Wasserman, and Amy Wolf. UnIQUe AUdIenCe | AFFORdABLe RATeS | peRSOnAL ATTenTIOn VOLUNTEER DISTRIBUTORS: Arun Aguiar, Eric Brelsford, November 2017 Chris Brown, Pam Brown, FOR MORe InFORMATIOn, eMAIL [email protected] OR CALL 212-904-1282 Joseph Epstein, Lew Friedman, Mindy Gershon, Tami Gold, Zack Kelaty, Bill Koehnlein, Michael Korn, Jane LaTour, Dave Lippman, The IndypendenT Saul Nieves, and Carol Smith. The IndypendenT 3 OCT/nOV IN THIS ISSUE the memory and meaning of heart-pounding historical texts SANDRO KOPP/SONY PICTURES CLASSIC shooting continues to this day. and take part in an auction of Hosted by the Marxist Education revolutionary paraphernalia. Project. Play your favorite character NEW PERSPECTIVES THEATRE from Lenin to Rasputin to the COMPANY Romanovs, from Trotsky to 458 W. 37th St. Alexandra Kollantai. Costumes optional. TUE NOV 7 THE BROOKLYN COMMONS 6PM–9PM • FREE 388 Atlantic Ave. CELEBRATION: THE 100TH AN- NIVERSARY OF THE SOCIALIST MON NOV 13 CULTURAL LABOR, p4 REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA 7:30PM –10PM • $10 Artists of color want a chance to Join the Journal of Labor and Soci- READING: A CELEBRATION OF make it here. ety in commemorating this world GWENDOLYN BROOKS altering event. Learn about how A celebration of the late great FRee edUCATIOn? p5 socialism wiped out illiteracy, poet and author, featuring read- A CUNY student cries foul at ended women’s bondage, unem- ings by Elizabeth Alexander, Cuomo’s scholarship plan. ployment and Russia’s participa- Tyehimba Jess, Yusef Komu- tion in war and empire. nyakaa, Quraysh Ali Lansana, AMAZOn, TeCh & dISpLACeMenT, p6 CENTER FOR WORKER EDUCA- Marilyn Nelson, Atsuro Riley, As New Yorkers grapple with TION, 7TH FL. AUDITORIUM Sapphire, Solmaz Sharif and RUSSIAN SCHOOL/TATE MUSEUM gentrifi cation, what kind of 25 Broadway Patricia Smith. innovation does New York really UNTERBERG POETRY CENTER OF need? THU NOV 9 THE 92ND STREET Y 7PM–9PM • $16 1395 Lexington Ave. nUyORICAnS ReSpOnd, p10 SCREENING: “195 LEWIS” Mainland mutual aid work Enjoy two new releases high- WED NOV 15 for relatives on the island is lighting the experiences of queer 7:30PM–10PM • $20 underway. Here’s how you can and trans people of color. First, CLASS: WITCHCRAFT 101: help out too. catch the short Walk for Me, a PLANT MAGIK contemporary coming-out story; Take part in a hands-on, in-depth dISASTeR CApITALISM, p11 next, an episode of the web exploration of herbs, roots, min- Creditors and Private series “195 Lewis,” a boundary- erals and curios, their attributes, contractors are preparing to prey pushing dramedy that follows uses and interactions. Learn on storm-struck Puerto Rico. a group of women navigating how to access the medicine and black and queer life in Bed-Stuy. magic plants have to offer. Find ReCOVeRy FROM BeLOW, p12 This screening will be followed out what makes certain herbs Puerto Rican activists fought by a Q&A with series-creator “sacred.” austerity, now they’re fi ghting Chanelle Aponte Pearson and CATLAND for survival. cast members. Brooklyn rapper 987 Flushing Ave., Brooklyn Nappy Nina will perform. CALLInG MAMA, p14 BROOKLYN MUSEUM THU NOV 16 FROM BEIRUT TO 195 LEWIS LLC A poem for Puerto Rico. 200 Eastern Pkwy 6PM–8PM • FREE BLEEKER STREET: SHOWCASE: WOMEN PHO- Yasmine Hamdan, shown peACe & COCAIne, p16 SUN NOV 12 TOGRAPHERS OF THE AFRICAN here in Jim Jarmusch’s Only The Trump administration’s 1:30PM–10:30PM • $20 DIASPORA Lovers Left Alive, takes her demands for more coca SCREENING: NYC CANNABIS A celebration of the highly-antic- soulful Arab pop sound to Le eradication have put Colombia’s FILM FESTIVAL ipated inaugural issue of MFON, Poisson Rouge on Nov. 16. fragile peace process in peril. The third annual New York City a bi-annual journal committed Cannabis Film Festival brings to establishing and representing When The RedS RULed, p18 you the best of cannabis cinema. the voices of women photog- JOANNA GET YOUR On the achievements and failures This year’s selections include raphers of African descent.
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