MEADOWS COMPANY INVESTMENTS INSTALLMENT RICKER-DODSON BUILDING SALES FINANCING DIAL 6582 OIL LEASES OF ROYALTIES SAN ANGELO, TEXAS AUTOMOBILES STOCKS 8: BONDS AND REAL ESTATE January 19, 1943 :Mrs. Katherine Deakins Secretary to -.mon G. 0art er Fort .Jorth, Texas Dear Mrs . Deakins: \' I ince I have not heard from :.:r . Ca:rter since,. )'l'ri ting :rou on December 12th., I am just 1;wondering if he ha,'$.~. ye\ · ~t~rne~ .to the United States . If he has I would appreciate your bringing to his attention my letter to him of recent date requesting his endorsement as President of the Big Bend National Park_ ssociation of me for Special l1nited State Park Commissioner. Since the ~pointment i s to be made by Judge Boynton with the consent of the Secretary of the Interior, and since you will observe from the enclosed phostatic copy of the letter addressed to me from Judge Boynton, he advises me that he will recommend me for the place , I feel that a letter from Er. Carter to the Secretary of the Interior will make the appointment certain. Ily reason for desiring this endorse­ ment is the. t Judge Boynton especially asked that I secure the same. I have already been endorsed by the ~7es t Texas Chamber of Commer ce, the Jest 'rexa s Game and :F' ish Association, b~ Sen­ ator Tom Connerly and the following Congr essman; the Eonor­ able Lyndon Johnson, Luther A. Johnson, '.v . R . Poague, o. C. Fisher, Sam Rus sell and Governor Coke Stevenson, and :Senator Winfiead (in whose distri~t the park is l ocated) and many other prominent men. I think it will be especially appropriate d.f r~r. Carter v1il l do this in view of my long acquaintance with him and in view of the fact that he also represents the organization whom has been most~ responsible for the parks creation. I would like a copy of the letter to be sent to Honorable Charles • Bownton, Federal Judge, El Paso, Texas. Trusting that I wi ll receive this endorsement from him within the ne:ar future, and assuring him that I would appreciate very much the same. Sincerely yours, C1,1 1/lh C. Vf. Meadovi s N WITHOUT PERSONAL LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON ITS AGENT OR SHAREHOLDERS, ALL PERSONS DEALING WITH IT AGREE , 0 1-QOK ONLY TO THE ASSETS OF THE ASSOCIATION CHARLES A . BOYNTON JUDOa UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT· WllSTEltN DISTltlCT OP' TllXAS El Paeo, ! ~xae, January le, 1943. Mr. Claude W. Ueadows, Sr., Ricker-Dodson Bu1ld1ng , · San Angelo, Texas i ·· Dear Mr. Mead()w·s: / Beg acknowl~dge receipt your letter of Jenuary.. :11, 1943, w1 th en,cloeures listed. Your other r~eent" letters duly reoA1ved. · Have b~en- - Yery busily engaged 1n handlingcof court matters for the nast few weeks. I am wr1 ting t~e .· hurr1'.ed oommun1cation to inform you that I expect to talte'.·Up ; care­ ful consideration of your recent commun1eat1oneand· en- · , closures by th~ middle of next week, at which t1me. I _• intttnd addressing and malling communic&t1on to Honorable -Harold · Ickes, Secretary of Interior, endors1n~ and reco~,nding your appointmf!nt as Commissioner. ror·, the Big Bend · N11t1onal P&rk, and will forward you copy of' s'ame. It may be a 11 t .tle ,~ prPma ture to make such recommend.a tion and endorsement at -, · {; this time in ...view of the faot that· nec~ssary Act of Con- 1•: gress has not been passed accepting jurisdiction of such · ·. Park properties and authorizing appoint~nt of such Oom- _/ missioner; neYertheless, as you ,appear to haYe secured )_:_-• necessary endorsem~nts justifying recommendation or your appointment, with possible exception of endorsement fi-o~ Conszressman Thomas~n, and I am now informed as to his· position and attitude in the matter, I will r~commend at this time your selection as Commissioner when all necessary steps may have been taken and Aet of Congress duly passed. While I would be glad to see and have visit and con­ ference. with you at any time you mi ght find 1t agreeable to come to El Paso~ and I shall probably be in El Paso practically all of the time until convening of February Term of Court at Waco February 22, 1943~ there 1a none­ eeesity of your making such trip 1n connection with subject above referred to in view of decision I have at this time-­ reach~d and steps that will ~e taken by me some t1me next week •. Wi th kindest personal regards and best wishes. y~Yours Yery truly, .
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