Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87079-5 - The Cambridge Companion to The “Origin of Species” Edited by Michael Ruse and Robert J. Richards Index More information index A. L. Burt, 337 adaptive divergence, and aberrance, as evidence of past competition with other species, extinction, 89 94 accumulative selection, 18, 220 Addison, Joseph, 238 acquired characters, principle of Advancement of Learning (Bacon, (Spencer), 299 1605), 265 Acrita, 176 affinities, 100, 138, 139, 141, 152, adaptation, 166, 318 162, 183, 184, 192 and constancy of characters classificatory, established by corollary to general adaptation embryological defferentiation, rule, 185 211 and flexibility of constitution, 39 morphological, 198 and species from relations affinity, and filiation, 320 mediated by natural selection, affinity theory (MacLeay), 177 87 Africa, xxii, 156, 162 and variation, 42 Agassiz, Louis, 6, 47, 84, 132, 147, change through, xvii 258, 270 embryological character corollary agnosticism, xxiv, 272 to general adaptation rule, 185 Agricultural Gazette, 218 from perfect to relative, 5 Alden, John B., 337 functional, 179 Allen, Grant, 338 general rule of, 184, 187 altruism, evolution of, 127 Lamarkian functional, 299 amphibians, 165 reproductive organs corollary to Amundson, Ronald, 326 general adaptation rule, 184 analogies, 183, 187 rudimentary organs corollary to analogues, 179, 198 general adaptation rule, 185 theory of (Geoffroy St.-Hilaire), special habits corollary to general 198 adaptation rule, 184 analogy, xxii adaptive advantage, 3, 91 MacLeay, 177 373 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87079-5 - The Cambridge Companion to The “Origin of Species” Edited by Michael Ruse and Robert J. Richards Index More information 374 Index Analogy of Religion (Butler, 1736), At John Murray’s: Records of a 247, 265 Literary Circle 1843–1892 anatomy, 2, 7 (Paston, 1932), 348 altered by habit and instinct, 50 atavism, 40 comparative, 89, 135, 170 Atwood, Margaret, 283 laws governing, 178 Audio Scholar, 338 ancestral inheritance, 40 Autobiography of Charles Darwin, Anglican Church, and the higher The (1958), 4, 15, 24, 51, 52, criticism, xxiv 101, 103, 195, 209, 275, 277, Anglicanism, xxiv 302 Annulosa, 176 Aveling, Edward, 311 anteater, 147 Aves, 151, 190 anticipated objection-response in the Origin, 243, 244, 245 Babbage, Charles, 10 ants, 60, 110, 115, 118 Bacon, Francis, 245, 265, 278 apes, anthropomorphous, 329 advice to scientific authors, 28 apple, 224 Bantam, 338 Archaeopteryx, 150, 151, Barbier, Edmond, 341 152 barnacles, 4, 8, 10, 103, 144, 186, archetypes, 80, 327 187, 193, 199 Owen, 179, 198 significance of Darwin’s study of, argument 5, 6, 102, 135, 186, 196 defining (Whately), 237 Barneoud, Franc¸oisMarius, 211, from design, 110, 125, 246, 212 268 Barrande, Joachim, 146, 148 argumentum ad hominem, 320 Barry, Martin, 196 Aristotle, xxiv, 174, 237 Bateson, William, 45 armadillos, 133, 147 bats, 188 armour, tessellated bony, 133 beans, 226 Art of Improving the Breeds of Beck, Naomi, ix, xxv Domestic Animals, The Becquemont, Daniel, 341 (Sebright, 1809), 26, 27 Beer, Gillian, ix, xxv, 338, 343 articulata, 176 bees, xxiii, 60, 112, 115, 118, 244, artificial selection 317 analogous to natural selection, 7, Belloc, Louise Swanton, 341 29, 32, 92 Belon, Pierre, 175 and the human selector, 93 Bentham, Jeremy, 301 as result of environment, 57 Bernard Quaritch, 344, 345, 346, leading to natural selection, 3 347 use of, by breeders, xix, 3 Bernhardi, Johann Jacob, 74–78, 80 Ascent of Man, The (Blind, 1889), biogeographical regions, defining, 290 156 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87079-5 - The Cambridge Companion to The “Origin of Species” Edited by Michael Ruse and Robert J. Richards Index More information Index 375 biogeography, 7, 155, 169, 170, 171 creating novelties, 44 biology factors in selective alteration by, Darwin’s, key principles of, 295 23 evolutionary, xvi permanently modifying what did biomass, 91 not exist in nature, 17 birds, 150, 179, 224, 232 transforming effects of, 14 Blind, Mathilde, 290 Brewster, David, 8 Blyth, Edward, 74 Bridgewater Treatises, 117, 247, Bohme,¨ Dr. Richard, 340 248, 250, 265 Boitard, Pierre, 36 British Association for the bones of domesticated ducks and Advancement of Science, 5, chickens, 16 254, 258 Book Collectors Guide, The (de Broadview, 343 Ricci, 1921), 345 Bronn, Heinrich, 340, 350 Bordalejo, Barbara, 344 Brooke, John Hedley, ix, xxiv Boreau, J., 98 Brougham, Henry, Lord, 116, 117, botanical arithmetic analysis, 98 122 botanical arithmetic and field Browne, Janet, 1, 6, 98, 105, 155, experiments, 104, 107 158, 161, 348 botany, xxiii Brulle,´ Gaspard Auguste, 211, 212 Bowler, Peter J., ix, xxii Buckland, William, 144, 146, 148 Boyle, Robert, 260 Buckle, Henry Thomas, 32 brachiopod shells, 221 Buffon, Georges, 68–72, 179 brain, enlargement of, 204 bulldogs, 211 branching, 203 burden of proof, pushing the, in the and linearity, 207 Origin, 246 cladogram, 191 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 293 divergence, 89 Burrow, J. W., 338 moving forward in time, 208 Butler, Joseph, 247, 265 tree of life, 89 Butler, Mary, 341 branching diagram, iv, 81–82, 97, Butler, Samuel, 287, 288 100, 107, 137, 138, 181 Bynum, William, 342 breeders, xix, 52, 92, 217, 227 Byron, George Gordon, 278 and artificial selection, 3 and distinct progenitors, 36 cabbage, 228 and efficacy of selection, 18, 21, Cambridge Companion to Darwin, 23 The (Brooke, 2003), 267 and nonbreeding animals, 5 Cambridge University Library, 351 and the good of the organism, 249 Campbell, Angus, 20, 28, 247 and transmutation of species in Canary Islands, xxii, 130 nature, 17 Canopus in Argos: Archives as a source of variation, xxiii (Lessing, 1979–83), 264, 283 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87079-5 - The Cambridge Companion to The “Origin of Species” Edited by Michael Ruse and Robert J. Richards Index More information 376 Index Capitulum, 102 Darwin’s influence on, 173 Carlyle, Thomas, 278 establishing true evolutionary Carpenter, William B., 256, 347 relationships, 200 Carroll, Joseph, 343 genealogical, 146, 180, 187, 188, Carus, Julius Victor, 340 319 Cassell and Company, 337 genealogy as goal of, 182, 189, 320 cats, 23, 40 group-in-group, 192: and cattle, 225 branching, 181 Cattle, Their Breeds, Management, homologue/analogue distinction and Disease (Youatt, 1834), 60, in, 178 122 in the Origin, 180 Cesalpino, Andrea, 175 Linnaeus’s hierarchical approach Cetacea, 134 to, 175 Chalmers, Robert, 250 natural, 176, 182, 187 Chambers, Robert, xxvi, 10, 27, 47, pre-Darwinian, 176, 193 74, 239, 248, 254, 284, 288, 349 special similarity approach to, character traits, 174 177 Charles Darwin’s Natural theological basis for, 176; Selection, Being the Second problems with, 177 Part of His Big Species Book Cleft, The (Lessing, 2007), 283 Written from 1856 to 1858, 59, Climate and Time (Croll, 1875), 168 60, 61, 73–78, 211 climate modification, 171 Childe Harold (Byron, 1812-18), 278 cohort, 176 Church of England, crises in, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 279 concurrent with publication of Collins Clear Type, 337 Origin, 258 Communist Manifesto (Marx, Cirripedes, 129, 186, 199 1848), 295, 306 clade spindle, 148 community selection (Darwin), 60, cladistics, 189, 191 66 cladogenesis, 189 competition, 12, 94, 105, 139, 162, cladogram, branching, 191 224 classes, 175 in the plant world, 226 classification, xx, xxii, 17, 141, 173, intraspecific and interspecific, 94, 231 224 advantage of Darwinian, 183 Compsognathus, 150, 151, 152 and Cuvier’s embranchements, conceptualism, 69 176 Concerning the Concept of the before Darwin, 174 Plant Species and its binomial nomenclature of Application (Bernhardi, 1835), Linnaeus, 175 75 challenges to Darwinian, 189 Conditions of Existence, 12 Darwin’s basic premise of, 181 conditions of life, 200 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87079-5 - The Cambridge Companion to The “Origin of Species” Edited by Michael Ruse and Robert J. Richards Index More information Index 377 action on the reproductive dandelion, 226 system by, 35 Daniel Deronda (Eliot, 1872), 276, and hybridization, 38 289 and struggle for existence in the Darlington, C. D., 338 wild, 14 Darwin (Niedecker, 1985), 281 and variability, 16 Darwin among the Machines as foundation for theory of (1863), 288 variation, 43 Darwin in 1881 (Schnackenberg), as source for evolutionary change 282 (Lamarck), 16 Darwin, Annie, 262 direct action of the (Lamarck), 35 Darwin, Charles disturbance in, 38 as an English versus continental consilience, 7, 11 Romantic naturalist, xx, xxiii constant variability, 186 biography of, 1, 129 constitution, 94 framing the argument in the and diathesis, 39 Origin, 28 continents, submersion of, 155, 158 German natural history influence copyright law, U.S., 337 on, 67–73 Corbie,´ 36 goals of Origin, 256 Correlation of Growth, 40 inductive style of, in Origin, 30, creation 31 by crossing, 37 religious beliefs of, 2, 8, 261, 263, continuous, 42 272, 274, 316 single centres of supposed, 163 revisions to the Origin through special, 247 successive editions, 1, 83 creationism, xviii, 298 Darwin, Charles G., 338 Creator, Darwin’s, 8, 263, 264, 266, Darwin, Emma, 4, 241, 242, 261, 267, 316 268, 282 cretaceous (Mesozoic) rocks, 144 Darwin, Erasmus Crimean War, xvii brother, 2, 8, 129, 261 Croll, James, 149, 168 grandfather, 2, 10, 49, 55, 216 Cronkite, Walter, 338 Darwin, Frank, 47, 272, 339, 343 crustaceans, 187, 193, 214 Darwin, Leonard, 338 cuckoos, 110, 118, 121 Darwin, William, 339 Cuvier, Frederic, 21, 50, 133, 134, Darwin’s Plots: Evolutionary 146, 148, 180, 187, 192, 203, Narrative in Darwin, George 308 Eliot and Nineteenth-Century Cuvier, Georges, 176, 178, 203 Fiction (Beer, 1983), 289 Darwin’s werk en personlijkheid D. Appleton & Co., 336 (Schierbeek, 1958), 341 dahlia, 219 Das Kapital (Marx, 1867), 309 Dana, James, 257 Dawkins, Richard, 342, 344, 348 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87079-5 - The Cambridge Companion to The “Origin of Species” Edited by Michael Ruse and Robert J.
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