FuMJt Library ^IIMIIIIIIIUIMIIIIIIIininillllllllUllllillillllHIIIIIHIIIIOMIIIIIIIIEI, I Trading with your local nwr- s | Help build up the business of | | chants circulates your money in | | your town and welfare of your | s your own community and re- = | own community by doing your | | acts to the advantage of every- 1 1 shopping at home at all seasons g g one in it. You receive a welfare = 0 of the year. Put your money in = 8 bonus for every dollars spent at 1 | circulation where it will do most = | home. 1 good. liiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiimHHiiimiiiinHtiiiiiiHiiiHiiiimiiiiinimiiiiiitih^ Volume 70; No. 60 BELMAR, N E W JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1936. Single Copy, 4 cents HARMONY REIGNS IN Bank Declares Johnson Heads FREEHOLDER BOARD 3 P. C. Dividend Fire Department SOUTH BELMAR COUNCIL ORGANIZES FOR 1936 Capital Stock Holders Re­ Borough Council of South A HAPPY OMEN FOR 1936 ceive Pleasing New Belmar Ratifies Personnel WYCKOFF CHOSEN AS DIRECTOR Year Gift for 1936 All Appointments Unanimously Confirmed at Inaugural Changes Made in Personnell and Campaign Promises of The election of Daniel Johnson as Meeting An additional fillip to New' Year’s Economy Reiterated Happiness was brought Thursday chief of the Fire Department of South Belmar, of John R. Folsom as assist­ morning to the capital stockholders of After winding up the borough busi­ Newberry Honored ant chief and of Owen Dunfee as en­ New Director The Board of Chosen Freeholders the Belmar National Bank in the form ness for 1935, the Borough Council of gineer was confirmed by the Borough organized Thursday morning and plan­ By Theatremen of checks for 3 per cent on their hold­ Council Wednesday afternoon with South Belmar opened the new year at ned a program of strict economy un­ Councilman McKinley not voting. 12 noon Wednesday in perfect har­ ings. der five departments, viz: Finance, The drivers will be appointed and This dividend was declared by the highways, bridges, county property mony. Elected Head of Jersey Or­ confirmed at a later date. Councilmen William C. Speakman directors at a meeting Tuesday and Chief Johnson and the members cf and welfare. ganization to Succeed Every county employee not under and Elmer Haberstick were sworn in shows evidence of a healthy condition the department were congratulated on tenure of office is laid off until a jus­ E. E. Samuelson aheir efficient work during 1935. by Borough Attorney Elvin R. Sim- of the banks finances. tified claim for retention is put for­ mill and took their seats at the coun­ ward and proven. Lee Newberry, head of the Arcadia cil table. Mr. Speakman was present­ The issuance of scrip which has Theatre Company of 902 F street, this BOROUGH COMMISSION ed a badge of freedom of the borough caused much inconvenience to county borough, proprietor of the Rivoli and by Mayor Frank Herbert. Mr. Speak­ employees will be seriously considered a string of moving picture houses, was man and Mr. Haberstick each thank­ MAKES APPOINTMENTS and dealt with. The purchasing de­ elected head of the Jersey Allied The­ ed the voters for their election and partment was also abolished com­ atremen at a meeting aboard the S. S. without any flamboyant talk promised pletely. Queen of Bermuda during a six-day to serve the borough to the best of PERSONNEL REMAINS THE SAME The budget calls for appropriations holiday trip. theiir ability and prove worthy of the in excess of last year, but in compli­ Mr. Newberry succeeds Sidney E. confidence placed in them. ance with campaign promises the Samuelson who remains National Al­ By unanimous vote the following All Officials Will Retain Their Posts Through the Year members of the board will not pass it lied head. appointments were made: Borough without a thorough investigation and Others elected on the trip which in­ of 1936 Clerk and Clerk of the Water Depart­ with a view to keeping down taxation. cluded business sessions, pleasure ses­ ment, John F. Carlton; Borough At­ Raymond L. W yckoff was elected sions, two days in Bermuda, two days torney, Elvin R. Simmill; president of The Borough Commission met New director of the board and Joseph May­ of seasickness, included vice-presidents Police Record the council, Charles Schulz; Chief of Year's Day in recess to complete the er head of the finance committee and Louis Levin (Newark), Simon Myers Police, William Brockstedt; Superin­ business of 1935 and make appoint­ a member of other important commit­ (Moorestown), secretary, Jacob Unger For Year 1936 tendent of Streets and Water Depart­ ments for 1936. tees. (Hillside); treasurer, Dave Snaper of ment, Owen Dunfee; Librarian Mrs. By uanimous vote J. A. Joeck was Howard Roberts, former county au­ New (Brunswick); assistant treasurer, Sarah Slater; Borough Treasurer, Mrs. Brackett Presents Annual reappointed Borough Clerk and treas­ ditor was appointed County Attorney Maurice Miller (Passaic), Edw. Lach- Belle Woolley; Special Police Officers urer and registrar of births and to succeed William J. Stevens. Mr. man (Morristown); three year direct­ Report to Borough on hourly basis, Brad Behrman, Ed­ deaths. Stevens will clean up his affairs be­ ors, Mark Block (Newark); Sideor E. RAYMOND L. WYCKOFF ward M. Berube, John Anderson, Wil­ Commission Joseph Dillon was reappointed Dep­ fore retiring. J. Victor Carton will Samuelson (Newton); I. A. Roth (Mor liam Thomey, John Duckworth and uty Borough Clerk and clerk of the replace Mr. Roberts as auditor. J. ristown); one year director, Louis New County Solicitor Harold Fenton. Arthur S. Hall was The report of Chief of Police Wins­ Water Department and license bureau. Russell Woolley of Long Branch wi,l Rovner (Camden); two year directors, appointed a special police officer with­ low M. Brackett, submitted to the Joseph Silverstein was reappointed supplant Charles Coles as clerk of the continuing, Frank F. Gravatt (Atlan­ out pay. Borough Commission Tuesday morn­ Borough Attorney, Thomas C. Madigan board. tic City), W. C. Hunt (Wildwood), Councilman Speakman, newly elect­ ing was placed on record and shows as Recorder and Clarence Stines, Dr. Hartman was reappointed Coun­ Ralph D. Wilkins (Pitman; one year, ed to that office, was appointed by quite a lot of activity with very credit­ • Building and Health Inspector. ty Physician and Arthur MacFarlane continuing, Harry Hecht (Passaic), Mayor Herbert as head of the street able results. Mrs. Bertha Haberstick was reap­ of Keyport takes Robert Miller's place Helen B. Hildinger (Trenton). department. All other committee The record in cold figures is as fol­ pointed Overseer of the Poor, Claude as superintendent of soldiers graves. heads are unchanged. lows: W. Birdsall, Borough Engineer; Pol­ County Clerk Joseph McDermott Mayor Herbert took the occasion to TESTIMONIAL DINNER Calls received 1168. ice Officer William Briden, License In­ swore in Freeholder Parkes as the thank the members of Council for TO SHERIFF ROBERTS Break-ins 32. spector and N. Osborne Superintendent new member of the board. their cooperation during the past year •Investigations 637. of the street department. Frederick Reichy, retiring director and expressed a hope for continuance A testimonial dinner in honor of Robberies 1. On motion by Mayor Thomas S. Dil­ wished his successor and the new of harmony during the year of 1938 Sheriff George H. Roberts will be held Burglaries (solved) 16. lon, Fred Titus.was appointed a regu­ board every success. in the hope of making it better for the on Wednesday evening, January 29th Missing Persons 23. lar police officer. borough than its predecessor. at the Molly Pitcher Hotel, Red Bank. Stolen autos (solved) 10. Mr. Herbert particularly commended The dinner is being sponsored by the Attempted Suicides (solved) 3. Democratic Club’s NOTICE Councilman Schulz for his splendid Monmouth County Men’s Democratic Arrests 64, conduct of the Water Department. Club, The Monmouth County Women’s Larceny 19 (solved 11) Second Annual Watch yourself in leaving the During Mr. Schulz’s administration Democratic Club, the Young Demo­ Rivoli Theatre. Go to corner in­ crats of America, Monmouth County this department has been transform­ tersections before crossing F Division, the various Democratic clubs Must Clean Up ed from a heavy balance on the debit Card Party with Everything street and avoid accident. side to a clean slate, a condition that of the county, and the many friends cannot be too largely commended. and well-wishers of Sheriff Roberts. Street Condition that Goes with It Next By Order of Mr. Herbert also congratulated oth­ In addition to the dinner, dancing and Wednesday Winslow M. Brackett, er heads of departments on their good a high class floor show will be pre­ Chief of Police, Belmar. work. sented. Woolley Estate Again Ask­ It will be a big night next Wednes­ HOWARD ROBERTS ed to Improve B St. day at the Young Men’s Democratic A TIMELY WARNING Property Club on Ninth avenue on the occasion of its second Annual Card Party. SNOW REMOVAL BRINGS At 8 o’clock anyone who fancies TO SLEIGH RIDERS On recommendation by Councilman himself as an artist at bridge, pin­ Elmer Haberstick of South Belmar, ochle, poker, or any other game with PUBLIC COMPLIMENT the Borough Council, Wednesday morn the “devil’s pictures” will be welcome CARELESSNESS MEANS ACCIDENTS ing authorized Borough Clerk John F. to sit in and make a stab for a num­ Carlton to again write the Woolley Es­ ber of prizes worth while taking home A TOUGH JOB WELL DONE tate Corporation and insist upon some or putting on sale. Young People Should Be Instructed by Parents to Observe thing being done about the condition There will also be awarded a door Simple Rules of its property on B street between prize and prizes for non-players and, Abbott Gives Credit to Commission for Cooperation in Sixteenth and Seventeenth avenues.
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