• TRADES DIRECTORY.] STAFFORDSHIRE. l'UB 773 Old Royal Oak, Isaac Wright, High st. Chearlle, Stafford Plumber's Arm!!, T. B. Oorbett,75 Hargate la.'\Ve.Brmwch Old Seven Stars, Mr!t. Patience Bate, Wall heath, Dudley Plumbers' Arms,Samuel Westwood.r4 Littleton st.we.'\Vlsl! Old Spread Eagle, William Coles, 55 Lichfield st. Burton Poplar, J oseph Cross, Wednesfield road, "Volverhampto.a Old Star, .Alfred Lovatt, Market place, rttoxeter S. 0 Portland hotel, William Henry Platt, Church st. Longtoa Old Still, Thomas Hanbury, 34 Dig-beth, Walsall Portobello, Eli 1\fellor, Town end, Cheadle, Stafford Old Still, l\Irs. Maria Tate, q. King street, l\lvrhmptn Portway tavern, William Levett,Portway rd.Rowley Regis Old Swan, William Collins, Queen st. Pensnett, Dudley Posada Wm. H. Jensen, 72 Lichfield st. Wolverhampton Old Swan, James Rose, 17 Bolebridg-e street, Tamworth Powis Arms, George Brassington, ·wetley rocks, Stoke Old Swan, Frederick Williams, 47 High street, Stoke Prestwood Arms, George McCa.nn, Prestwood road, Old Talbot, Henry Harper, Market place, uttoxeter S.O Heath town, ·Wolverhampton Old Trooper, William Edgerton, Harden, Walsall Prince Alhert, Henry Corfield, 34 Friar ~treet, Stafford Old True Blue, Samuel Bullock, Miltfm S.O. Staffs Prince Albert, "\Villiam Crumpton, \\all heath, Dudley Old Turf, Stephen Wood, :Norton Ca.nes, Stafford Prince Albert .Arm!', W. Beasley, IOI Sams la. We.Brmwll Old Vine, George Bentley, Ludgate .st. Tutbury, Burton Prince Alfred, Mark King, so Derby street, Burton Old Vine inn, Thos. Wm. Coomer, 28 Bridge st. Newcastle Prince Arthur, Joseph M. Hazelhurst, Cassy lane, Burto• Old Wheatshea:, H. Yoxall, High st.1Yordsley, Stourbrdge Prince Arthur, Samuel Nion, Sliobnall street, Burton Old Whimsey inn, F. Warren, 33 Church st. Brierley Hill Prince Rlucher, James Davis, 239 Stafford street, Walsall Old White Hart, J. Skelding, Brewery st. Wordsley,Strlldg Prince Regent, James Smith, 190 Horseley heath, Tipton Old White Lion, Joseph Watson, SI Liehfield st. Bnrton Prince of Wales, Edwin Godder~dge Ashwood, rs Gun- Old White Lion,W.Ernest White,71 Bolehridge Rt. Tmwrth gate, '.famworth Old ·windmill, J. Munger, 146 I~ower Staffnrd st. "\Y"hmptn Prince of Wales, Samuel Black, 48 Victoria cres. Burton Old Wine Stores, Mrs. E. Spink, 33 Cpper Ru>hall st."\Ylsll Prince of Wales, W. Eoyden, 57 Russell st Wolverhmpt• Oxley .Arms, l\Irs. E. A. Veal, Bushbury la. Wlvrhmptn Prince of Wales, J. Bratt, 57Walsall st. Willenhall,W'hmpt• Pack Horse, Mrs. S. L. Dade, 17 Dndley st. "\Vlvrhmptn Prince of Wale~, John Grant, Bore street, Lichfield Pack Horse, Mrs. A. Jones, 13 Dudley st. "\Vednesbury Prince of 'Vales, Theodore Grice, 13 Portland st. ·walsall Pack Horse hotel, F. Skellern, Station st. Longport, Stoke Prince of 'Vales, John Hilt on, Queen street, Bilston Pack Horse inn, J. Tibbetts, Peartree lane, Old Hill S. 0 Prince of \Vales, J. Holmes, Highfi.elds rd.Bradley,Bilsto• Painters' Arms, B. Jones, Old :\Ieeting rd. Coseley, Bilston Prince of Wales, :M-rs. J. Marshall, 34 Queen st. Walsall Painters' Arms, Arthur Moss, Cpper Gornal, Dudley Prince of '\Vales, ·wm. Tomlinson, Woodsetton, Dudley Park inn, .T. Fellows, Cannock rd. Heath Town, "\V'hmptn Prince of Wales, G. \Vakeman, 79 Wrights la Old Hill S.O Park inn, Enorh '.fomkinson. 8o Bucknall New rd. Hanley Princess Royal, Alfred Chew & Oo. (Elias Ford, manager), Parkgate inn, Richard Winlerton, Gentleshaw, Rugeley 34 Carlisle street, Dresden, Longton Paul Pry, David Read, r4 Church street, Walsall Princess Royal, John Dawson, 53 Sandon road, Stafford Paul Pry, John 'l'aylor, Alrewas, Burton Punch Bowl, John 'Vood, Main street, Stapenhill, Burl:.o.Jl Peacock, William Henry Lowe, 17 Lower Rushall st. Wlsll Quarter House, "\Ym . .A. Voyce, Compton rd. Wolverhmpta Pear Tree, S. Downing, The Scotlands, 'Wdnsfld. '\V'hmptn Queen, Thomas Dnroge, 2 Liverpool road, Stoke Pear Tree inn, Thos. Mills, 99 Dudley J:d. Tividale, '.fipton Queen Victoria, "\V. Brabazon, 4 .Ablow st. Wolvrhmph. Pear Tree Cottage, Miss Louisa Skidmore, Lower Amble- Queen's hotel, Mrs. .J. Ashford, Easford bnk.Basford,Stok• cote, Stourbridge Queen's hotel, .Alfred Ashwin, Station .street, Wal8all Peel .Arms, John Hughes, Whitting-t.on, Lichfield Queen's hotel, H. R Brown, 268 'Waterloo rd. Burslem Peel's .Arms inn, Robert J. 8tarkey, 23 Peel st. "\V'hmptn Queen's hotel, Mr81. S. Crump,Station st.Bloxwich,"\Valsall People's Music Hall (The), W. J. Russell, 34 High st. Wlsll Queen's hotel, .John Dorsett, Pelsall, 'Valsall Pheasant inn, Arthur Josiah Bailey, Brockmoor, Brierly.Hl Queen's hotel, John Wesley, Queen street, Chase town, Pheasant, :F. Dickens, Wood end, "\Vednesfield, "\V'hmptn Cannock Chase, Walsall Pheasant, Mordecai Durston, rs Friars terrace, Stafford Queen'sl .Arm~, E . .Adams, BI Holyhead rd. Wednesbury Pheasant, Thomas W. Taylor, 7 Windmill street, "\Valsall Queen's Arms, Joseph ButtresSJ, Rocester S. 0 Pied Bull, Charles Plant, 40 Snow hill, Wolverhampton Queen's Arms, John Chadwick, Church Mayfield,.Ashborne Pig & Whistle inn, Mrs. Ellen Cartwright, Halesowen Queen's .Arms, Mrs. Hannah Finney, Ellastone, .AshborHQ road, Old Rill S.O Queen's Arms inn, John Harrison, Stanton, Ashbourne Pig & Whistle, William Hill, Hig-h st. Sedgley, Dndley Queen'-s Arms, Charles Lawley, rr4 Qne£>n street, Burto• Pigot Arms, Hy. J. Elkington, Pattingham, Wlvrhmptn Queen's Arms, C. Perks,zo Walsall st. '\V'"Illenhall, W'hmpto• Pipe Hall hotel, Arthur Charle.;; Kerrison, Hall st. Bilston Que€n's Arms, William Scott, Wellington road, Bilston Plough inn, R. Bennion,85 Stafford st. Will en hall, W'hmptn Queen's Head, Tho!l'. Jas . .Ashton, 12 Dudley Rt. Brly. Hill Plough inn, James Booth, Kingsley, Stoke Queen';; Head, J. Crockett,Common side,Pensnett,Dudle..-• Plough inn, Samuel Brookes, 5 Tividale road, Tipton Queen'.SJ Head, Charles A. Crowe, Queen street, Lichfield Plough, J. Cotterill, Hnddlesford, Whitting-ton, Lichfield Queen',s Head, A. Harper, Church st. Bloxwich, Walsall Plough, Harry Deakin, Kinver, Stonrbridg-e Queen's Head, Richard .A. Harper, 44 King st. DarlastoD Plough, William Foster, Amerton, Stafford Que€n's Head, William Harrison, Stanley strePt, Leek Plough, John Gould, Knutton, l\ewcastle Queen's Head, Richard Jones, 84 Bryan street, Hanley Plough inn, Mrs. M. E. Gould, Overend st.."\Ye.Bromwich Queen's Head, Henry Mountford, 5 Queen street, Burslem Plough inn, M. A. Hartley, High st. Wolstanton, Stoke Queen's Head, \Yilliam Pownall, I Broad eye, Stafford Plough (The), J. W.Hibbert,r25 Horninglow rd.nth.Burtn Queen's Head, William John Robert~, r6 Hill st. Walsall Plough, Mrs. Emma Hill, Gailey, Stafford Queen's Head, Mrs. Elizabeth Parker Tibbetts, 35 Corn- Plough hotel, Robert C. Kerr, 127 High strPet, Hanley greaves road, Cradley Heath S.O Plough inn, Richard Lees, q6 Hominglow st. Burton Queen's Head, John Weston, 47 Level st. Brierley Hill Plough, H. W. Matthews, 4 St. John st,_ Wolverhampton Queen's Head, .T.Westwood,High st.Quarry bnk.Brly. Hill Plough inn, Isaiah Millington, I"O Dudley port, Tipton Queen's Head, Mri!. A. Wilkinson, 120 Lichneld st.Tmwth Plough inn, Chas. W. Monday, Trysull, Wolverhampton Queen's Head, T. Wood, Watling st. BrownhillS<, Walsall Plough inn, ·C. Phillips, Blount's grn. "\Voorllands, Uttoxeter Queen's· vaults, J. "\Valker, 30 Queen st. Wolverhampton Plough hotel (The), Mrs. Matilda Platt, Enrlon S.O Quiet Woman hotel, George Yield, proprietor, Sh. Plough, Joserh William Powell, lloothen, StDke Edward street, Leek Plough inn, T. A. Pruett, Liverpool rd. Kidsgrove, Stoke Radford inn, Charles Jackson, Longton road, Stone Plough, Mark Robinson, 47 High street, Bilston Railway hotel, Mrs. Sarah E. Bailey, Biddulph, Congleton Plough (Thl.l), Edward Shinton, Deans road, He.ath Railway inn,'.fhoma;; Billing-ton, High st. "Vre. Fenton,Stoke town, Wolverhampton Railway inn, Thomas Bond, Norton bridge, Stone Plough inn. T. Stewart, Scotland~,Bushbury,"\Volvrhmptn Railway inn, Mrs. Mary Booth, Mowcop, Stoke Ploug-h inn, Holloway Stone, Audley, 1.\"ewcastle Railway hotel, I. Boulton,184 Leek rd.Smallthome,Stokt' Plough & Harrow, Miss Sarah Granger Bayley, Taylor's Railway inn, Thomas Bradford, 45 l<'enton st. Brierley Hill lane, 'Vest Bromwich Railway tavern, Thomas Butler, Hill st. Bradley, Bilston Plough & Harrow, Joseph E. Dalton. l<'azeley, Tamworth Railway inn, George Evelyn Bye, Lower Leigh, Stoke Plough & Harrow, Mr;;. Caroline Hickton, Corngreaves Railway inn, Abner Dale, Rushton Spencer, Maccle~eld road, Cradley Heath S.o· Railway tavern, Thomas Dennis, Brownhills, Walsall Plough & Harrow, The Halt Brewery Co. Limited, 58 Railway inn, Elisha Gilbert, Shenstone, Lichfield Dudley street, Wednesbury Railway inn, Harry Grimley, Colton, Rugeley Plough & Harrow, Charles Matthews, 17 'Worcester Railway inn, John William Hayward, Broadstone, Blox­ street, Wolverhampton wich, 'Valsall Railwav hotel, Harry James, Cannock, Stafford Plough & Harrow, .Ta!l. W. Stone, Kinver, Stourbridge • • Plrmgh & Harrow, J. TowPrs, Mill grn. Aldrirlge.Walsall Railway inn, Robert Jardine, Rocester S.O Plough & Harrow, G. :E. VPrnon, Shenstone, Lichfielri Railway inn, Geo. .J ohnson, St. Paul's st. east, Burton Plum Pudding inn, H. H. Hawkin!l, Armit3ge, Rugeley Railway inn :Mrs. E. J ones, 20 IIolyhead rd. Wednesbnry Plume of Feather!!, T. Cartwright,78 Foregate st.Staffard Railway in~ H. 1Uchell & Co. I,im. (Levi Gregory. Flume of Feathers, Ernest Wood, Barlaston, Stoke manager),' 92 New road, Great Bridge, Tipton .
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