Jt >TW^ »KrX!7*rt»8A*B»iMn3H5tVTV5 c .~,.-j .-’^v-^. .j**-vv^v\ ,i‘ -''’x; V, ▲VnAQB DAILY for tiM Moatk «t I M i 5,402 Member ef the Aadit ^ f b t } M r M i Bureee ef < eefaar. VOL. LIIL, NO. 145, m Fete 14.), MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1934, (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEffui BOARD IN LONG This $10,000 Nasturtium Has Its Roots In TRIAL DATE IS SET Many Lands PRESIDENT HAS SCHEME FOR PACKAGE SUIT SESSION OVER WATEWORKS TO HALT AUTO STRIKE ConstitnEonl Court to Con- SEVEN PERSONS DIE Keeney Street Rate Adjist- Tone in Hartford on Mar. No Delails Disclosed Bd IN TENEMENT FIRE ment and Otter Detaik .sK -V .. Think Attempt Made Proposal WiD Bo Preoenfi 2 ^ Three Federal Jndges Take Up Tnne — Renew To Murder Goering ed to Hannfactnrars Latei to Rnie on Case. Trapped on Upper Floors of Voting Macdiine Lease. Berlin, March 21 —(AP) — AnAmovad the wreckage of the taxicab in Dap— Union London t< Hartford, March 21.—(AP)— ‘Did Law” Hons^ Sospi- Problems which have arisen as attem ^to ■■Mpaiinsta Premier Her­ from tha aoana and ^ed an la^'ea- Called to paaa on the conatltutlonal* mann Wilhelm Gearing of Pruaala tlgatlon of tha matter. Confer F itt Cbief EZoce ity of the Connecticut State Liquor CMHU a result of the purchase of the wma rumored today whan a hand lliey detarmlnad that the grenade Cheney water and sewer companies Control Act In Its alleged dlsorlm* ^ \ \ grenade encoded In the fashionable was a Un can filled with exploalves, inatlon between dni^sta and occupied the Selectmen for several boulevard Unter den Ltndln ihurtly Eyewltneaaea who followed their thro Tomorrow. package atores, a Federal Constltu* New Tork, March 21.—(AP)— hours last night. Action was taken after aoerlng*i automoUle was said actlvltlea said two arreata ware to have paaa^. made but police on duty at the apot tional Court will be convened In Seven persona perished today m a to reduce the water rates of users Hartford Thursday monilng, March A taxi driver waa Injured In the as well as at headquartera refused By Associated Press tenement house fire on the upper living on Keeney street which have ex^ oslon . Information aa the “Investigations 28. at 10:30 o’clock, according to been paying a rate three times In President Roosevelt arranged for word received here this morning east side, bringing to iS the number ^ e grenade ahook windows are going on." of deaths from similar fires In the excess of other community cus­ a conference late th.x aftemoos from Judge Martin T. Manton of tom ers. throughout the district It was toss­ Rumors that tha attempt waa last six weeks. ed near the comer of Unter den aimed at (Soaring were declared un­ New 7or^ chief justice of the Sec> A conference between Chairman with automobile mauufacturera la The fire swept through *116 three Linden and the Neue. Wllhelm- ond dreult of the Federal Court of Aaron Cook, Superintendent Fred founded, they said, stating that at regard to a general strike threat upper flooit of an “old law” tene­ straaae, hitting the pasaing taxi. Appeals. Parker and Frank Cheney, Jr., held the time of the explosion he waa at­ ment at 1909 Second avenue and With (Soaring In the car, It waa tending the opening ceremonies of Senator Couiens after vlaltlnf Judge Edwin 8. Thomas and some time ago, approved the reduc­ the White House said the PrMldeM Judge Carroll C. Hlncks of the Fed­ trapped a mother and hei daughter, said, was Karl Ernst e Nail group the amp lock at Nlederflnow. a father and bis son and three oth­ tion of the prevaiUng domestic rate had a proposal to settle the dls> eral District Court, will sit with loader. Spectators declared, however, ers In the building. to one and one-half times the regu­ pute. Judge Manton, who will preside, he The taxicab waa demolished by that they saw him paaa In a private As firemen were taking the first lar rate. In the meeting last night UuloB fepresentatlves, who at ths notified Judge Thomas. the Selectmen voted the one and the explosion, but the driver was car (»e minute before the grenade two bodies of the vlotims from the hurt <mly on ona arm . P olice ra­ waa hurled. President's request deferred a Reason For Action one-half rate to take effect Septem­ strike, originally set for today, will building. Fire Marshal Thomas P. ber 1. The procedure arises out of the Brophy noticed a thin, short man, confer with him tomorrow. Allege Rate Excessive action brought last week by Attor­ hatless and without an overcoat, Before the Senate labor commit* Several users In that section of ney Thomas J. Spellacy, u counsel following them. tee, Francis J. (3orman, vlce-preil* town have already taken the town for the Connecticut Package Store Believe Bias Insane dent of the United Textile Workers water out when they realised that association, as a result of the State Brophy questioned the man who MORRIS IS QUESTIONED of America, predicted a southsuni they were paying from 148 to |52 a Supreme Court decision allowing first said his name was "John textUa strike unless the Wagner pharmacists in the state to sell liq­ year or 317 or |18 a quarter. The labor bill should be enacted. Smith,” but later acknowledged he service on Keeney street extends a uor on a more liberal basis than was Raymond Montesino, 27, unem­ Medlatore continued efforts at that permitted Co package stores short distance south of the City ON NATIONAL DAIRIES Albany, N. T. to avert a strike on ployed, tmd has a wife and two' chil­ View dancu hall. Several of be State Control A ct dren. Taken to a police station for the Delaware and Hudson railroad. An injunction against state mfi- farms and homes In this section A taxicab strike eontlnued la questioning, he said he was nine have driven wells which were to be als, restraining them *rom inter- blocks away when the fire started. New Y ork. erlng with package stores until used if the town had failed to give Head of State MOk Coatrol At La Salle, BL, seven hundred Brophy said the man could not have relief from the alleged excessive SEC.PERKINSASKS the constitutionality of the control seen the fire If he had been where line workers went on strike for n law had beer tested, was issued by rate charged. ten per cent wage Increaae. be said he was, and the fire marshal The question of setting the hours Board Exammed on K s Judge Thomas, who then notified ordered him sent to Bellevue hospi­ Railroad labor a g r^ to a firo* Judge Manton of the need for a of duty of the superintendent and IDLE INSURANCE poaal by Presideat Roosevelt that tal for observation In the psycho­ office force In the water company Speaking of plants that have speeded up production since a year ago, eonstltutionaj court. pathic ward pending the outcome of don’t forget £^vid Burpee’s double hybrid nasturtium that orotty Louise Connection Witt Big MOk Joseph B. railroad oo-or* Although the attorney general’s was also voted by the board. The dinator, arbitrate the dispute. an investigation. hours will conform to those observ­ Estes Is shown admiring at the International Flower Show in New York. office would make no statement on Queer Invention This specimen, worth 310,000, was produced in 11 months Instead of the The Detroit Regional Labor Ifo attitude. It Is believed likely that ed by all other offices in the build­ Dealers. Board tried to settle a atrlka of Brophy said the man told him ue ing, except the town engineer's of­ usual three, years by transporting the growing plant by plane from Says It Is Only Fair Tint as a means of expediting the case. had an “Invention" for curing in­ PhllAiMl>hla lo Buenoa Aires, to Puerto Rico—wherever the sun was employes of the Bower Roller Beat^ It will agree with Mr Spellacy to fice, from 9 a. m. until 6 p. m. wlUi Ing Company for higher wages and sanity. one hour for lunch. ahlnlng. have one hearing before the court. Employers ShonU Share recognition of an A. F. of L. The identified dead were Mrs. New Slofige Beda Hartford, March 21.—(AP)— In which both the matter of the in­ Rose Brolo, wife of Salvatore Brolo, Near Indianapolis trucks under junction and the constitutionality of The question of aon-payment of Chairman Chiurlea O. M orris o f the oontract to a grocery chain were a CWA worker, and their slx-year- water bills was ftiaruised and was the state law can be settled. The State Milk Control Board wmt un­ Part ef Barden. stopped bf picket; 75 drivers are referred by the board to the water way will then be open for one side der cross examination by Attorney on itilke.. (Ooattaued an Page Tea) committee with power. T)ie board or the other to appeal the case to UNITED STATES, JAPAN Hugh M. Alcorn today in the trial A t (M nandalgua. -N. 7^ threats bo voted to oonatruct tiro sludge beds the Federal Supreme Court. before SuperloF (Dovut Judge Newell Washington, March 21.— (AP) — atop trucks wofldng on a bHdgo at the Oloott street sewagO^dtsposal , i..,. Jenntata hf thf suits by the MUk Secretary Parldna told a House project. weep, mada by CWAi The tinirttwg o f a Oonstltutlonsfi |ltaai4t roost Of FfoO,thM wk pro­ strlkare.
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