CANADIAN FISHERIES REPORTS NO.15 - JULY 1970 CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATION AND MECHANIZATION IN THE FISHING INDUSTRY DFO - Libraty: MPO - Bibltothrïque 1111 NIH 12005404 SPONSORED BY: THE FEDERAL-PROVINCIAji ATLANTIC FISHERIES COMMITTEE I I ndustrial Development Branch, F isheries Service, Depart ment of F isheries and Forestry, Ottawa, Canada. CANADIAN FISHERIES REPORTS NO. 15 - JULY 1970 Proceedings conference on automation and mechanization in the fishing industry montreal, canada, february 3-6, 1970 SPONSORED BY: THE FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL ATLANTIC FISHERIES COMMITTEE L © Queen's Printer for Canada, Ottawa, 1970 Cat. No.: Fs4-24/15 r-1 CONTENTS Page Address by Hon. Jack Davis, P.C., M.P., Minister of Fisheries and Forestry . 1 Chairman's Opening Remarks - Dr. A. W.H. Needler . 7 Welcome to Montreal-John Lynch-Staunton . 7 SESSION 1 Moderator -Dr. J.R. Weir Systems Analysis in the Design and Operation of Fishing Systems - T.B. Nickerson, P. Eng . 11 Mechanization of Gear Handling and Fish Working on Board -N.M. Kerr, Ph.D., C. Eng., M.I. Mech. E. .. 17 Fishing Operations of the Future - Jean Frechet . 43 Discussion ............................................................. 49 SESSION 2 Moderator - Brian Meagher New Concepts for Canadian Fishing Vessels - W.G. Scott, C. Eng., P. Eng., M.R.I.NA . 57 I Trawler-Seiner Catamaran - Its Commercial Features, Possibilities andProspectiveUse-YouriKadilnikov .... ................................. 81 Containerization and its Application to Fishing Vessels of the Future - G.E. Kristinsson . 111 Medium and High Speed Diesel Engines in Fishing Service - P.B. Palmer : . 133 The Introduction of Computers into British Stem Trawlers - M.J. Hatfield, C. Eng., M.I. Mech. E . 157 Canadian Experience Spawns Advanced New England Stern Trawler - Stanley Potter, Gerrit J. van Dissel, William Buote and Caleb Warner . 175 Discussion ............................................................. 199 SESSION 3 i Moderator - Eugene Gorman Study on Ulstrasonic Fish Counter - Minoru Nishimura and Ichiro Yamanaka . 207 Fishing Gear Instrumentation and Underwater Fishing Gear Control Systems, Including Multiple Headline Transducer Techniques - Dr. Joachim Schiirfe . 221 Mechanization of Fishing Systems on Polish-built Trawlers and Automation of Power Plants on Fishing Vessels Built in Poland - Wlodzimierz Piltz, B. Sc . 245 Fish Processing - Five Years Hence - Jürgen Drews . 259 Processing of Herring for Food - Volker Thomsen . 265 The Future of Fish Protein Concentrate -A. Carsten . 269 Discussion . ....................................................... 273 i Moderator —Henri Legaré, substituting for Dr. Leonce Chenard Transfer of Catches at Sea — Progress with British Fishing Vessels —A.G. Hopper, C. Eng., M.I. Mech. E 279 Fish Unloading Systems —D.A. Eisenhauer 289 The Role of Air Transportation in the Fishing Industry — FR. Laf7amme 303 Warehousing of Fishery Products — William F. Hayes 307 Fishing Harbour Concepts — C.K. Hurst, B.Sc., M. Sc., P. Eng. and F. Dopplinger, CE. T. 317 Discussion 323 SESSION 5 Moderator —Eric Gosse Mechanized Net Assembly and Mending — W. W. Johnson 329 StudieÈ on Automation and Mechanization in the Fishing Industry — Chickamasa Hamuro 349 An Engineer's Account of Recent Experiments in Marine Fish Farming in the United Kingdom — G.C. Eddie, B.Sc., C Eng., EL Mech. E, M.I. Mar. E., M Inst. R 363 Refrigeration on Board Fishing Vessels, Aluminum Cold -Wall Hold — J.S.M. Harrison 375 A Technical-Economic Assessment of Electronically Powered and Water Immersion Thawers Used for Processing Fish Blocks Landed by Newfoundland Trawlers — W.A. MacCallum, B.Eng., M.Sc., M.E.LC. and D.R. Idler, D.F.C., Ph.D. 385 A Mechanical Scallop Shucker — Richard W. Nelson 395 Discussion 401 SESSION 6 Moderator — Maurice Lessard Computers in the Fishing Industry — T. Gunn 409 Automated Information Storage and Retrieval as a Tool for the Fishing Industry — C.P.R. Litchford 425 The Computer as a Tool for Planning and Control in Management — W.M. Miller 441 Engineering Management in Fisheries Development — Joseph W Slavin and Walter R. Nelson 449 Economics of Automation and Mechanization in the Fishing Industry — T.R. Wingate 453 Discussion 467 II Page SESSION 7 Moderator — C. Gordon O'Brien Panel Discussion — THE INDUSTRY POINT OF VIEW 473 Panel Members: Richard I. Nelson, Paul Russell, President, B.C. Packers Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. General Manager, Bonavista Cold Storage Co., Ltd., St. John's, Newfoundland H.P. Connor, Stanley Savage, Chairman of the Board, National Sea Products East Coast Fishing Skipper, Wilson's Beach, N.B. Ltd., Halifax, N.S. Fred Kohse, West Coast Fishing Skipper, Vancouver, B.C. Leonard Omstead Jr., Sales Manager, Omstead Fisheries (1961) Ltd., Gérard Haché, Wheatley, Ontario Inshore Fishing Skipper, Maisonnette, N.B. Question Period 484 Concluding Remarks, Dr. A.W.H. Needier 488 ADDENDA ADDITIONAL PAPERS, NOT SUBMITTED AT CONFERENCE Trawler Automation — How Far, How Soon? — L. W. Proctor, P.Eng. 493 Properly Integrated Mechanization and Automation Can Assist Quality Retention and Profitability — Commander M.B.F. Ranken 499 Recent Designs of Semi-automated Fishing Vessels — D.J. Doust, M.Sc., Dr. Tech., CEng., and J. Logan, C. Eng. 515 Design Study: An Optimum Fishing Vessel for Georges Bank Groundfish Fishery — Cyrus Hamlin 541 The "Humber" Fish-Detection System for Sea-bed Trawlers — R.W.G. Haslett, Ph.D., C. Eng., F.Inst.P., F.LE.E., P.R. Hopkin, CEng., M.LE.R.E., G.H. Ellis, M.B.E., and S. Philpott, C. Eng., M.LE.R.E. 557 An Acoustic Telemeter for Use in Commercial Fishing — G. Pearce, B.Sc., F. Inst.P. and D.L Adams 573 A Practical Example of Rationalization of an Integrated Fishing and Processing Operation — Birgir Danielsen 585 Research on the Luring of Fish Shoals by Utilizing Underwater Acoustical Equipment — Yoshinobu Maniwa and Tomiju Hashimoto 589 A Technical-Economic Assessment of Vertically-Integrated Fishing and Filleting Operations Dependent on Supplies of Frozen and Iced Fish or on Iced Fish Only — WA. MacCallum and D.R. Idler 593 New Approaches to Sonar for Commercial Fishing — H.M. Johnson and L. W. Proctor 607 "Convenience Foods in the Future" — Luncheon address by Prof. Vance A. Christian 618 THE FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL ATLANTIC FISHERIES COMMITTEE Members Dr. A. W.H. Needler, Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Forestry, Ottawa, (Chairman) Maurice Lessard, Associate Deputy Minister, Department of Industry and Commerce, Quebec. Brian Meagher, Deputy Minister of Fisheries, Nova Scotia. Dr. Leonce Chenard, Deputy Minister of Fisheries, New Brunswick. Eugene M. Gorman, Deputy Minister of Fisheries, Prince Edward Island. Eric A Gosse, Deputy Minister of Fisheries, Newfoundland. Officers of Conference General Chairman of Conference Dr. A. W.H. Needler Chairman of Conference Co-ordinating L.S. Bradbury, Director, Committee Industrial Development Branch, I Fisheries Service, Dept. of Fisheries and Forestry, Ottawa. General Secretary of Conference Cdr. H.A. Shenker, R.C.N. (Ret.) Chief, Vessels & Engineering, Industrial Development Branch, Fisheries Service, Department of Fisheries and Forestry, Ottawa. Secretary of Co-ordinating Committee L. W. Proctor, Ottawa Assistant General Secretary of Conference Frank King, Ottawa Technical Co-ordinator G.M. Sylvester, Ottawa Editor of Proceedings, Publicity James Kinloch, Ottawa Other Members of Co-ordinating Pierre Guay, Quebec, P.Q. Committee & Secretariat W.S. Hines, Halifax, N.S. Clarence Duguay, Fredericton. N.B. P.B. Schurman, Charlottetown, P.E.I. R.A. Harvey, St. John's, Nfld. Jean Frechette, Quebec, P.Q. - Protocol Rupert Prince, St. John's - Question Master W.J. Clark, Ottawa - Administration & Registration Murray Richardson, Ottawa - Administration 11LF. Ronayne, R.N. Wadden, F.A. Boulden, - Ottawa - Press, Radio & TV D.G.D. Denbigh, Ottawa - Displays George Imbeault, Ottawa - Time Control Kevin McVeigh, Ottawa - Photography Mrs. M. Weisbord, MrS B. Wilson, Mrs. G Martin, Mrs. X Somerville, Ottawa, and Mlles. Suzelle Côte and Ghislaine Gauthier, Montreal - Registration, Reception, Secretarial Services. iv Canadian Fisheries Reports is published under the authority of the Minister by the Department of Fisheries and Forestry of Canada, as a means of providing for circulation of specialized information of interest to the fishing industry, from the primary enterprise to the end product. Articles may deal with conservation, inspection, development, economics and related subjects. Responsibility for statements made or conclu- sions reached in published articles remains with the authors. Correspondence should be addressed to the DIRECTOR, INFORMATION AND CONSUMER BRANCH, DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND FORESTRY, OTTAWA, CANADA. This issue is devoted exclusively to the proceedings of the Conference on Automation and Mechanization in the Fishing Industry, held in Montreal, February 3-6, 1970. Published under Authority of Hon. Jack Davis, P.C., M.P. Minister of Fisheries and Forestry I I v LA Shown at the Conference are: upper left, L.S. Bradbury, Ottawa, Chairman of Conference Co-ordinating Committee, Dr. D.R. Idler, Halifax, N.S. and John Mullally, Ottawa, Executive Assistant to the Minister of Fisheries and Forestry; upper right, Cdr. H.A. Shenker, Conference General Secretary, Ottawa, Firouz Afrouz, Teheran, Iran, and Robert Hart, Ottawa, Assistant Director, Industrial Development Branch, Department of Fisheries and Forestry; middle left, some of the members of the secretariat; middle right, a group
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