Quenta Ession As Tengwar Dan Smithva: the Book of Names With

Quenta Ession As Tengwar Dan Smithva: the Book of Names With

Quenta Ession as Tengwar Dan Smithva: the Book of Names with Dan Smith’s Letters The Book of Names will tell you how to transcribe the names of many of Tolkien’s characters and places using his alphabets. The original book of names just shows the assorted names using tengwar: Elrond lj7h2{ This is useful when you want to copy the lettering over by hand. However, if you are producing artwork digitally, you may want to use one of the commonly available TrueType fonts. For a variety of reasons, there is no good way to arrange tengwar into a font (you can’t simply put the tengwa for ‘a’ on the ‘a’ key because there are several tengwar that mean ‘a’ in different situations). So just typing ‘elrond’ into a font will get you elrond—which looks, to an Elf, like you were trying to write ‘fevhwwch’. To get out lj7h2{, you have to type lj7h2{. So the current version of the Book of Names shows the letters you must type to get the correct spelling of the characters’ names: Elrond lj7h2{ lj7h2{ This will work with the following fonts: • lj7h2{ ql7l4lj Dan Smith’s Tengwar Quenya • lj7h2{ ql7l4lj Dan Smith’s Tengwar Sindarin • lj7h2{ ql7l4lj Dan Smith’s Tengwar Noldor • lj7h2{ ql7l4lj Johan Winge’s Tengwar Annatar (the font used in this document) • lj7h2{ ql7l4lj Mans Björkman’s Tengwar Parmaite • lj7h2{ ql7l4lj Mans Björkman’s Tengwar Eldamar • lj7h2{ ql7l4lj Enrique Mombello’s Tengwar Elfica • lj7h2{ ql7l4lj Enrique Mombello’s Tengwar Gothika • lj7h2{ ql7l4lj Josh Griffing’s Tengwar Teleri • lj7h2{ ql7l4lj Paulo A. Otto’s Tengwar Hereno Some of the more obscure tehtar did not fit on the standard keyboard; you must get them using extended character sets. For example, to get the twist in 2ènj`5, you must produce the glyph è. On a Windows machine, I believe you do this by holding down the Alt key and typing the numbers 0232; on a Macintosh, you do this by pressing option-` (the tick mark below the tilde) and then e. We indicate this as follows: Dwalin 2ènj`5 2ènj`5 2(232)nj`5 Thus, you may get 2ènj`5 by copying and pasting the text 2ènj`5 and changing to a Tengwar font, or by using character numbers as indicated on the second line. The fonts Tengwar Formal lj7h2{ ql7l4lj, Tengwar Naive lj7h2{ ql7l4lj, and Tengwar Beleriand lj7h2{ ql7l4lj are missing some of these tehtar. For example, Nenya is properly spelled 5$5#Ì, and if you use Tengwar Formal the underdots won’t appear: 5$5Ì#. So if you use these fonts, always check with the transcriptions in this document to see if you are missing anything. Quenya Sindarin English/Westron Beleriand Gondor Eärendil `V`C7F2%j `V`C7F2%j l]7l2{`j l]7l2{`j `V7D2{$j% `V7D2{$j% ln7l2{`j ln7l2{`j Ardamírë `CuDt~B7F `CuDt~B7F ]72]y`V7l ]72]y`V7l 7D2t#~B7`V 7D2t#~B7`V n62nt`V7l n62nt`V7l the Mariner @ tn7`5È6 @ tn7`5(200)6 Elwing `VjnTg `VjnTg ljn`g ljn`g j$yb% j$yb% lj.`b lj.`b Círdan a~BuD5 a~BuD5 a`V72]6 a`V72]6 z~B725# z~B725# z`V62n5 z`V62n5 the Shipwright @ d`q.7`v1 @ d`q.7`v1 As in the standard Book of Names, we show multiple transcriptions for each name because Tolkien had different methods of transcribing words into tengwar, depending on who was writing when and what language they used; Círdan would have written his own name as a`V72]6, or as a~BuD5 if he was writing in Quenya, but Bilbo would have referred to him as z`V62n5 and Faramir would have referred to him as z~B725#. For your convenience, the suggested mode for each character is written in black and colors. Other available spellings are written in gray. If you use more than one name in a picture, take all the spellings from the same column. Thus: • `V`C7F2%j `V`C7F2%j Eärendil, • ln7l2{`j @ tn7`5È6 ln7l2{`j @ tn7`5È6 Eärendil the Mariner, • l]7l2{`j ]9 ljn`g l]7l2{`j ]9 ljn`g Eärendil ah Elwing. Here are the modes I use: • Classical Quenya: The usual method of writing Quenya described in Appendix E. • Generic Quenya: It is impossible to write, say, Bilbo in Classical Quenya; this mode provides an alternative if you want a mostly-Quenya text with a few Mannish or Sindarin names. • Beleriand: The Mode of Beleriand off the West-Gates of Moria (recommended for Silmarillion characters and Elves in general). • Arnor: The Mode of writing Sindarin used by the Dúnedain in Arnor. • Gondor: The Mode of writing Sindarin used in Gondor. • Full: Tolkien’s preferred method for writing long inscriptions in English. • Tehta: A mode based on the tehta mode of Gondor (taken from the title page to The Lord of the Rings). Names are sorted as follows: Other characters; grammatical words (“grammatical words” here means and, the, of, so you can say “Aragorn and Arwen”) Birds Dragons Ents Ainur (Valar, Maiar, Wizards, Balrogs) Animals and Plants Dwarves Elves Half-Elves Hobbits Westron names of the hobbits Men (First Age) Men (Second Age) Men (Third/Fourth Age) Men of Arnor Men of Dol Amroth Men of Gondor Rohirrim Orcs Places Rivers Objects Each section is sorted alphabetically by character’s last name (if they have one) or most common name (if they don’t). Be careful! There are over a thousand names in this document. Each is in multiple modes. I have an automatic transcription process that is pretty good, but it’s not perfect (especially for English names). Also, there is some debate as to what the correct transcriptions of English (and to a lesser extent Quenya and Sindarin) names actually are. I think that almost all of the names in this document are transcribed acceptably; I don’t think that every single name in this document is transcribed exactly as Tolkien would have written it. Other characters; grammatical words Quenya Sindarin English/Westron Classical Generic Beleriand Arnor Gondor Full Tehta And 2{È 2{È 2{È 2{È 2{(200) 2{(200) a ] ] ] ] `C `C ah ]9 ]9 ]9 ]9 `C9 `C9 ar `C6 `C6 `C6 `C6 Of W W W W o h h h h `N `N od h2 h2 h2 h2 2^ 2^ Of the W" W" W" W" uin .Ö6 .Ö6 .Ö5 .Ö5 hU5 hU5 .(214)6 .(214)5 The @ @ @ @ i `B `B `B `B ` ` ` ` `B `B Ælfwine `VjenT5$ `VjenT5$ `VjeyT5$ `VjeyT5$ ljen`6l ljen`6l ljey`5l ljey`5l j$ey5%`V j$ey5%`V nÉje.`5l nÉje.`5l lEjey5%`V lEjey5%`V n(201)je.`5l Bombadil whw{n2`j whw{n2`j ww{^2#j% ww{^2#j% Tom 1ht 1ht 1t^ 1t^ Iarwain `B`C6nlE5 `B`C6nlE5 `B`C6yE`B5 `B`C6yE`B5 ~]7n]Ö6 ~]7n]Ö6 ~]6y]Ö5 ~]6y]Ö5 l7DyhE5 l7DyhE5 `n6.nÕ5 `n6.nÕ5 `B6EyhE5 `B6EyhE5 ~]7n](214)6 ~]6y](214)5 `n6.n(213)5 ben-Adar w$5`C2#6 w$5`C2#6 wl6]2]7 wl6]2]7 wl5]2]6 wl5]2]6 w5$2#6E w5$2#6E wl5n2n6 wl5n2n6 w5$2#6E w5$2#6E Eriol `V7G`Nj `V7G`Nj `V7G`Nj `V7G`Nj l7`hj l7`hj l6`hj l6`hj 7F`Bj^ 7F`Bj^ l7`hj l7`hj 7F`Bj^ 7F`Bj^ Eru `V7J `V7J `V7J `V7J l7. l7. l6. l6. 7F`M 7F`M l7y l7y 7F`M 7F`M Ilúvatar `Bj~MyE1E6 `Bj~MyE1E6 `Bj~Mr#1E6 `Bj~Mr#1E6 `j.Fr]1]7 `j.Fr]1]7 `j.Fr]1]6 `j.Fr]1]6 j%~Mr1E6E j%~Mr1E6E `jyRrn1n6 `jyRrn1n6 j%~Mr1E6E j%~Mr1E6E Goldberry xhj2wl7'~ xhj2wl7'~ xj^2w7'F`Û xj^2w7'F`Û xj^2w7'F`(219) Huan 9`M`C5 9`M`C5 9`M`C5 9`M`C5 9.]6 9.]6 9.]5 9.]5 9`M5# 9`M5# 9yn5 9yn5 9`M5# 9`M5# Tolkien 1hjz`l5 1hjz`l5 1j^z`B5$ 1j^z`B5$ John sh95 sh95 s`N95 s`N95 Ronald 7h5nj2 7h5nj2 75^j#2 75^j#2 Reuel 6lylj 6lylj 6`V`Mj$ 6`V`Mj$ Ungoliant `Ms^j%`C4 `Ms^j%`C4 `Mx{^j%`C1[ `Mx{^j%`C1[ .s{hj`]1[ .s{hj`]1[ .x{hj`]1[ .x{hj`]1[ x{&j^`B1[E x{&j^`B1[E yx{hj`n1[ yx{hj`n1[ x{&j^`B1[E x{&j^`B1[E a/o is to be used before consonants and ah/od before vowels; wl7l6 ] j.F3`l6 Beren and Lúthien but 1.h7 ]9 `27`j Tuor and Idril. If you need numbers, go to http://www.acondia.com/fonts/tengwar/info/numbers.htm Birds Quenya Sindarin English/Westron Classical Generic Beleriand Arnor Gondor Full Tehta Carc aE6a aE6a zE6z zE6z a]7a a]7a z]6z z]6z z7Dz z7Dz zn6z zn6z z6Ez z6Ez Gwaihir xlE9`B6 xlE9`B6 xè`C`B9`B6 xè`C`B9`B6 x]Ö9`7 x]Ö9`7 xè]Ö9`6 xè]Ö9`6 xèhE96T xèhE96T xènÕ9`6 xènÕ9`6 xèhE96T xèhE96T x(232)`C`B9`B6 x](214)9`7 x(232)](214)9`6 x(232)hE96T x(232)n(213)9`6 x(232)hE96T Landroval j#27HyEj j#27HyEj j#2{7Hr#j j#2{7Hr#j j]2{7hr]j j]2{7hr]j j]2{6hr]j j]2{6hr]j j2{#7r^j# j2{#7r^j# jn2{7hrnj jn2{7hrnj j2{#7r^j# j2{#7r^j# Meneldor t$5$m^6 t$5$m^6 t$5$m^6 t$5$m^6 yl6lj2h7 yl6lj2h7 tl5lj2h6 tl5lj2h6 t5$j$26Y t5$j$26Y tl5lj2h6 tl5lj2h6 t5$j$26Y t5$j$26Y Roäc 7H`Ca 7H`Ca 7H`Cz 7H`Cz 7h]Ga 7h]Ga 6h]z 6h]z 7`NzE 7`NzE 7hnz 7hnz 7`NzE 7`NzE Thorondor 3H7H2^6 3H7H2^6 3H7H2{^6 3H7H2{^6 3h7h2{h7 3h7h2{h7 3h6h2{h6 3h6h2{h6 37H2{^6Y 37H2{^6Y 3h7h2{h6 3h7h2{h6 37H2{^6Y 37H2{^6Y Dragons Quenya Sindarin English/Westron Classical Generic Beleriand Arnor Gondor Full Tehta Ancalagon `Cz[Ej#x^5 `Cz[Ej#x^5 ]a[]j]Gsh6 ]a[]j]Gsh6 ]z[]j]xh5 ]z[]j]xh5 z[Ej#x#5^ z[Ej#x#5^ nz[njnxh5 nz[njnxh5 z[Ej#x#5^ z[Ej#x#5^ Glaurung xj#`M7Jb xj#`M7Jb sj]J7.g sj]J7.g xj]ê6.b xj]ê6.b xj.D7b& xj.D7b& xjné7yb xjné7yb xj.D7b& xj.D7b& xj](234)6.b xjn(233)7yb Scatha 8aE3D 8aE3D 8zE3D 8zE3D 8a]3] 8a]3] 8z]3] 8z]3] 8z3D`C 8z3D`C 8zn3n 8zn3n 8z3D`C 8z3D`C Smaug 8t#`Mx 8t#`Mx 8y]Js 8y]Js 8t]êx 8t]êx 8t.Dx 8t.Dx 8tnéx 8tnéx 8t.Dx 8t.Dx 8t](234)x 8tn(233)x Ents Quenya Sindarin English/Westron Classical Generic Beleriand Arnor Gondor Full Tehta Ent l1[ l1[ 1[R 1[R Ents l1[8 l1[8 1[R8 1[R8 Onod `N5^2 `N5^2 h6h2 h6h2 h5h2 h5h2 5^2^ 5^2^ h5h2 h5h2 5^2^ 5^2^ Enyd `Vg2 `Vg2 l6i2 l6i2 l5i2 l5i2 5$2Ô 5$2Ô l5~2 l5~2 5$2Ø 5$2Ø 5$2(212) 5$2(216) Onodrim `N5^27Gt `N5^27Gt h6h27`y h6h27`y h5h26`t h5h26`t 5^2^7t% 5^2^7t% h5h27`t h5h27`t 5^2^7t% 5^2^7t% Beechbone wl'awh5È wl'awh5È w`V`Vaw5^È w`V`Vaw5^È wl'awh5(200) w`V`Vaw5^(200) Bregalad w7Fx#j#2 w7Fx#j#2 w7ls]j]2 w7ls]j]2 w6lx]j]2 w6lx]j]2 w7x$j#2# w7x$j#2# w7lxnjn2 w7lxnjn2 w7x$j#2# w7x$j#2# Quickbeam zé`z'wlnt zé`z'wlnt zéz'Tw]Ft zéz'Tw]Ft z(233)`z'wlnt z(233)z'Tw]Ft Fangorn eDs^65 eDs^65 eDx{^65 eDx{^65 e]s{h76 e]s{h76 e]x{h65 e]x{h65 ex{#7H5 ex{#7H5 enx{h65 enx{h65 ex{#6Y5 ex{#6Y5 Treebeard 17l'wln62 17l'wln62 17`V`Vw]F62 17`V`Vw]F62 Fimbrethil eGw7F3Gj eGw7F3Gj eGw{7F3Gj eGw{7F3Gj e`w{7l3`j e`w{7l3`j e`w{6l3`j e`w{6l3`j ew{%73Fj% ew{%73Fj% e`w{7l3`j e`w{7l3`j ew{%73Fj% ew{%73Fj% Wandlimb .n2{j`w{ .n2{j`w{ y2{#jw{% y2{#jw{% Finglas eGsj#8 eGsj#8 eGx{j#8 eGx{j#8 e`s{j]8 e`s{j]8 e`x{j]8 e`x{j]8 ex{%jiD ex{%jiD e`x{jn8 e`x{jn8 ex{%j`C8 ex{%j`C8 Leaflock jlnejhz' jlnejhz' j]Fejz'Y j]Fejz'Y Fladrif ej#27Gr ej#27Gr ej]27`r ej]27`r ej]26`r ej]26`r ej2#7r% ej2#7r% ejn27`e ejn27`e ej2#7eG ej2#7eG Skinbark 8z`5wn6z 8z`5wn6z 8z5%w6Ez 8z5%w6Ez Ainur Quenya Sindarin English/Westron Classical Generic Beleriand Arnor Gondor Full Tehta Ainu lE5& lE5& `C`B5& `C`B5& ]Ö6.

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