Page 026 2018/2019 CHARTHAM PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT 7.30 P.M. ON TUESDAY 11th SEPTEMBER 2018 AT THE VILLAGE HALL, STATION ROAD, CHARTHAM, NR CANTERBURY, KENT, CT4 7JA. Present: Cllr. C. Manning – Chairman Cllr. S. Hatcher – Vice Chairman Cllr. S. Dungay Cllr. A. Frost Cllr. P. Coles Cllr. T. Clark Cllr. D. Butcher Cllr. G. Hoare Cllr. R. Mallet (from 8pm) Cllr. R. Thomas CCC Cllr. R. Doyle CCC Miss C. Sparkes (Clerk) 5 Members of the Public (1) Chairman’s Opening Remarks and Apologises for Absence: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies for absence. Cllr Mallet apologised in advance for attending the meeting late due to work commitments. (2) Confirmation of previous Minutes of the last meeting held 10th July 2018: Cllr Coles proposed and Cllr Clark seconded, and all councillors voted in favour, that the Minutes of the parish council meeting held on 10th July 2018 (previously circulated) be accepted as a true record of the meeting and the Chairman duly signed them. (3) Council: a) Declaration of any councillor’s interest in agenda items. None Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests and Voluntary Announcements of Other Interests, and a reminder to think of any changes to the DPI Register held at CCC, such as a change of job or home. No change to any councillors DPI Register details. (4) Parish Councillor Vacancy: A secret ballot was held to determine the successful candidate for the role of Parish Councillor. Alan Hopkins was voted the successful candidate with four votes compared to three and two votes respectively for the other two candidates. Cllr Manning reported that Cllr Wells has resigned from the Parish Council due to personal commitments as she will be moving out of the area shortly. Cllr Wells currently represents Chartham Hatch and Cllr Manning suggested that another representative from the main village of Chartham be appointed to fill the vacancy as the village is expanding. This would ensure proportional representation in terms of population in the key areas of the parish. Cllr Hatcher agreed to seek Chartham Hatch residents’ views on whether they wish to continue to have two representatives. The Clerk agreed to speak with Canterbury City Council to check whether further advertisement of the role of Parish Councillor is necessary following the recent advertisement of another post. (5) Matters Arising from the Minutes: Cllr Manning reported that the tree in Bakers Wood overhanging neighbouring properties has now been cut back. CPC Parish Council Minutes – September 2018 1 Page 027 2018/2019 Cllr Manning reported that she is in the process of identifying lamppost numbers to seek permission from Kent County Council to install four signs directing road users to the relocated post office. Cllr Manning reported that the bin on the Memorial Field is still taped up, despite correspondence with Serco. Cllr Thomas reported that the review of bins in rural areas is due to be undertaken shortly and he will raise this matter with the review coordinator. (6) To Receive and Consider ‘CORRESPONDENCE’: The Clerk reported that Kent County Council (KCC) are holding a Kent Household Waste Recycling Centre Consultation on their proposals to charge for soil, rubble, hardcore and plasterboard. KCC has never been obligated to accept these items free of charge, as there is no statutory requirement to accept non-household waste, but it is appreciated that from time to time Kent residents may need to dispose of these items so KCC would like to continue to offer this service. As the number of residents in Kent is increasing and neighbouring Councils are imposing charges or restricting services, it is likely that the cost to Kent will increase. KCC believes this option will reduce the cost to Kent taxpayers of disposing of waste from ‘cross border’ users and help protect the service. The Clerk agreed to distribute details after the meeting for councillors to consider. (7) Financial Matters, including ‘Authorisation of Accounts’: Schedule of Payments - A resolution that orders for payment as shown in attached schedule was agreed unanimously. The cheques were signed by Cllr Dungay and Cllr Coles. The Clerk reported that she met with Burgess Hodgson for the end of quarter reconciliation but it was discovered that the previous back up (up to the end of year) was missing from the laptop, presumed lost following preparation for the annual return. A copy of the back-up is on file and Burgess Hodgson are seeing whether this can be uploaded and the recent data for the first end of quarter kept. If not, this information will need to be entered again. The Clerk is chasing for an update. The Clerk agreed to write a letter to the Early Years Project to confirm that the Parish Council would be happy to send a donation, in addition to the two summer sessions, on the condition that the donation be solely spent on the sessions at Chartham. (8) Planning Applications and Tree Works: The Clerk reported that there were ‘9’ new Planning Applications since the previous meeting: CA//18/01460/FUL - Location: Land East of Cockering Road, Chartham, CT4 7PT - Proposal: Proposed two semi-detached and one detached two-storey dwelling houses, car port building, creation of a parking area, formation of vehicular access and hard and soft landscaping. P.C. Comments: The Parish Council object to the application due to removal of the copse wood and the impact this will have on Cockering Road. CA/18/01477/VAR - Location: Larkey Woods Farm, Cockering Road, Chartham, CT4 7PQ - Proposal: Variation of condition 02 (drawings) of planning permission CA/16/02177/VAR for the restoration of agricultural land across two adjoining sites; demolition of 5 no. existing derelict barns; the processing of on-site materials and associated landscaping; the construction of an enabling development of 10 no. residential units with a new integral access; to allow reduced house sizes and external alterations. P.C. Comments: No Objections. CA/18/01609/FUL - Location: 16 Beech Avenue, Chartham, CT4 7TA - Proposal: Proposed two-storey side extension following demolition of garage. P.C. Comments: No Objections. CPC Parish Council Minutes – September 2018 2 Page 028 2018/2019 Cllr Mallet received an email from a local resident attaching their comments on the application for 16 Beech Avenue for the Parish Council’s information, which was circulated prior to the meeting. CA/18/01689/FUL - Location: Bobbin Lodge Farm, Bobbin Lodge Hill, Chartham, CT4 7RB - Proposal: Proposed two-storey semi-detached dwelling, single-storey semi-detached dwelling and single-storey detached dwelling with associated parking following demolition of existing building. P.C. Comments: No Objections. Cllr Dungay raised some concerns over the suitability of Bobbin Lodge Hill to accommodate the additional dwellings. CA/18/01777/FUL and CA/18/01778/LB - Location 6 Denstead Oast, Denstead Lane, Chartham Hatch, Chartham, CT4 7SH - Proposal: Proposed single-storey side extension together with associated alterations. P.C. Comments: No Objections. CA/17/00519/OUT - Location: Land at and adjacent to Cockering Farm, Thanington Without - Proposal: Outline application for a mixed use development comprising up to 400 dwellings in a mix of sizes, types and tenures including affordable housing, up to 3,716 sqm of commercial space (use class B1), a community building or leisure centre (Use classes D1-D2) of up to 200 sqm, new highway infrastructure including spine road with accesses onto Milton Manor Road and Cockering Road and a network of internal roads, footpaths and cycle route, provision of no less than 18 hectares of open space, associated landscaping, utilities infrastructure, sustainable drainage system and earthworks. All matters reserved. P.C. Comments: The Parish Council object to the application on the grounds of traffic and visual impact on the parish. CA/18/01799/FUL - Location: Land at the Level Crossing and South of the crossing along Thruxted Lane/ Bobbin Lodge Hill, Chartham - Proposal: Proposed installation of new drainage system from Shalmsford Street along land adjacent Thruxted Lane and under the railway level crossing, to provide new drainage and flood protection. P.C. Comments: No Objections. CA/18/00915/VAR - Location: Land at Hill House, Baker’s Lane, Chartham, CT4 7QE - Proposal: Variation of Condition 02 (drawings) of planning permission CA/16/00046/FUL for the erection of 18no dwellings together with associated access and highway infrastructure; to allow alterations to site layout, floor plans and elevations. P.C. Comments: No Objections. Planning Decisions The following ‘Granted’ Planning Applications were noted: CA/18/00992 - Location: 30 The Crescent, Chartham, CT4 7PX - Proposal: Proposed two-storey and single-storey rear extension and single-storey side/rear extension. CA/18/01125/LUP - Location: 37 Magnolia Drive, Chartham, CT4 7TG - Proposal: Application for lawful development certificate for proposed single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory. CA/18/01088 - Location: 18 River Court, Chartham, CT4 7JN - Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension following demolition of existing extensions. CA/18/01229 - Location: 217 Shalmsford Street, Chartham, CT4 7PY - Proposal: Proposed two storey and single storey rear extension. CA/18/00916 - Location: 197 Shalmsford Street, Chartham, CT4 7LP - Proposal: Proposed two storey rear extension. CA/18/01338/FUL - Location: Homelake, Rattington Street, Chartham, CT4 7JG - Proposal: Proposed rear dormer, roof lights to front and window to side elevation CPC Parish Council Minutes – September 2018 3 Page 029 2018/2019 CA/16/01895/FUL - Location: Mansfield Farms, Nickle Farm, Nickle Lane, Chartham, CT4 7PF - Proposal: Change of use of an extended area to be used for the stationing of caravans, with an increase in number of carvans from 73 to 85, re-positioning of existing caravans, landscaping works, 10 month occupancy of all caravans, with 50% kept vacant between 16 March and 16 May, and 50% kept vacant between 16 January to 16 March.
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