•_-..J. - ..... --------~-~-------. p: ,u " ............................---"""""'!" .................------------""""""''''''''''''''''~----""'~OO-- _______..... - .....-- _________..... ___ £.&E.,~_.!£ .CIlllJiiIlSi __' 4t D'i..c.. _ ,cl')S (tbfn='Ut1\ag Supplement JANUARY, 191 9. The following aims at being CL complete LIS'1' OF MANAGERS and MEMBERS who hq-ve joined the l?o)'ces, but it is probable that a certain mtmber of mista7ces and omissions occur. The Editor would be greatly obliged for any notification of these. An aste1"ish ('i') has been placed against the names of those who have been gassed or wOHnded. Hon. Members. Pte. W. Arlett, 89234, "D" 00., 51st Leading Seaman W. 131'ett, ELM. Torpedo Highland Batt., M.G.O., RE.F. Boat 29, c/o a.p. O. The Rev. R. Bell, H.M.S. Theseus Rifleman A. Ashton, 827!:l6, 1 "platoon, Gunn61' G. 'vV. Brooks, 961567, "B" Lieut. G. D. Brocklehurst, Glos. Yea. "A" 00., 51st (G) Butt., Rifle Brigade, Battery, 303 Brigade, R.F.A., E.E.F. Foxall Crunp, Ipswich Oapt. the Hon. E. Oadogan, G.H.Q.., 1st *Rifleman G. W. Brown. 54236, 2nd Echelon, E.E.F. Pte. A. Attwood Batt. Royal Irish Rifles Lieut. Guy Gibbs, Somerset Yeomanry Pte. W. D. Balclwin Pte. W. Browning (discharged) OorpI. H. R. Browning, 3rd 11O!1. Regt. Jacques Gautier, 718m6 Batterie, Z 302, Rifleman A. G. Barbee, 62312, E Block, Belgian Army Eoom 4, "0" 00., 51st Grud. Butt., D. Burns, 692, Mess 13, H.M,S.Powerful, K.R.H. Corps, Muance Barracks, 001- Devonport I I *Oapt. G. Gilbey, M.O., 20th Div., H.Q. chester. RE.F. W. By field, A.B., Mess 13, H.M.S. Erin, *Sgt. A. Barnes, D.O.M., lVLM., 2/10th c/o G.P.O. *Oapt. Gilliat (killed in action) London Regt. (discharged) Pte. G. A. Oain, 168805, "D" 00., 5 Lieut. J. Gilliat, Life Guards Pte. A. Bames, 33451, 4th 'rroop " D " Platoon, 3 Section, 52nd Batt. Middle­ Squadron, Oxfordshire Yeo., B.E.F, sex Regt, 'l'averham Oamp, near O.P.O. the lIon. Gilbert Johnstone, Anti- Norwich Aircraft Driver H. Barnes, 550310, 517 Field Co., H.E., B.E.F. Pte. 'vV. E. Catchpole, 21896, " B" 00., *Lieut. the Hon. A. Kinnaird, M.O., 1/5th Bedford Regt., E.E.F. , Scots Guards (killed in action) *Leading Seamen VV. Bass, Anson Batt., R.N.D. (killed in action) *Driver O. Oator (killed in action), Oapt. Oecil Liddell, M.O., Legion de RF.A., B.E.F. Leopld, 3rd Divisional T.M., B.E.F. Trooper F. Beldom, "D" Squadron, No. '4 Troop, Oxfordshire Yeo.; RE.F. A. Oator, O.S. li'Lieut. J.Martin-Smith (killed in action) Pte. H. Ilenjamin, 90069, 1 Section, 1 Gunner E. Ohild, 178945, 170 Siege *Lieut. F. Hoberts, 6th Somerset Lt. Int Platoon,151st Oo,Labour Oorps, B.E.F. Battery, RG.A., B.E.F. *Lieut. J.H. N ettlefold, 5th Dragoon Gels. J. Biggs, A.B. ZJL 155, "A" 00., Anson Rifleman H. Oolvin, 84582, No. 3 00., Batt., R.N.D., B.E.F. 53rd ('1'.S.) Butt., the Rifle Brigade, Lieut.L.Hugh Smith, Wstminstr. Drgns. N o1'thumpton Hifleman W. Bird, 577] 06, Hut 21, 12 *Major the Hon. A. Villiers, D.S.O. and '1'el. A. E. COl'dwell, Mess 1, H.M.S. Platoon, "0" 00., D Lines, 17th Prince El.gene, c/o G.P.O. bar, O1'oix de Guerre, Oxfordshire London Reserves, 'Wimbledon Oamp Yeomalll'Y, BE.F. G. Oourse, OS., 4 Hut, East Camp, F. G. Blackwell, 180, Mess 33, I-1M.s. RN. Bal'l'acks, Chathrun *Oapt. F. Weatherby, M.O., elitto New Zealand, c/o G P.O. Signalman A. Courtnell, LjZ 1461, c/o *Oapt. G. V. Wellesley, M.O., Ox. Yeo. Sergt. E. Boyce, 570961, M.M., "D" 00., General Staff Officel' (Navy), Brindisi, 1/17th London Hegt., B.E.F. Italy J. J. Braclbrook, Wireless Operator, llfPte. H. Coucher, 802H), 112th Oentral Members. H.M.T. John Welstead, 5th Sweeping Res. Co., R.D.C., 7 Cromweli Gar­ Flotilla, c/o A.M.O., Inverness dens, s.w. 7 1st a/m H. Alden, 402340; D., A.P., *Pte, E. Oronin (killed in action), 7th R.A.F., A. P.O. S.5, B.E.F. Pte. H. Bl'ett, 0.H.21443, H..M.L.I., 0 London Hegt. Gronp, att. 21 00. RG.A., Inchkeith, *H.ifleman J. AlIen, 17th ]~onclon Regt. 00. Leith Drummer S. Orosby, G/35595, "A" 00., The Drums, 4th· (Res.) Buffs, .Ton­ *Pte. G. A. Arlett, 6thNOl'thants Regts. R.Brett,A.B.,Div.H.Q.63',RN.D.,RE.F. bridge, Kent :- -----:: ld [January. 1919. January, 1919.} CHIN.WAG SUPPLEMENT. 11. iii. LIST OF MEMBERS-continued. LIST OF MEMBERS-continued. Pte. C. W. Frankland, 14th Suffolk Regt. *Pte. A. Horlock, 32282, "B " Co., 16th Pte. J. Massey (address unknown) Pte. W. Cruse, 1561, att. Signal Section Devons, C.LB.D., B.E.F. Rifleman A. W. Pearch (discharged) *E. Smith, A.B., Mess 6, H.M.S. P 60, 1/10th London Regt., E.E.F. 2nd a/m J. Freeman, 406135, E.A.F., Pte. A. Masters, 43801, 1st Herts Regt., Stoker Arthur Pearson, K 33679, Mess C(O G.P.O. Pte. A. Horton, 15th Lancs. Fus. B.E.F. Lce.-CorpI. R Davenport (discharged) R.A.F., KE.F. 25, H.M.S. Lancaster, c/o G.P.O. H. G. Smith, 115, Mess 11, H.MB. Victo7'ian, c/o G.P.O. Gunner A. Gamble, 44852, "B" Battery, A. Hotz, A.B., J 22102, Mess 10, H.M.S. Pte. H. Masters, 9th East Surrey Regt. Pte. Alfred Pearson, Printing Offices, Corpl.-Mechanic A. J. Davis, 206416, 83rd Brigade, RF.A., D.E.F. (prisoner of war) 55 'r.D.S., R.A.F., Narboro', NOrLolk Hi,bernia, c/o G.P.O. Staff Offices, Sandymount,Queenstown ;l'Pte. W. Smith (discharged) Dr. C. Gm'dnel', 21771, Provisio~al A. Howal'd, Mess 46, H.M.S. P1·incess 3rd a/m A. C. Mayers, 119125, No. 1 *Gunner J. J. Dawson, 237560, Battn. Ooldstream Guards, Marcla ;*Pte. A S. Peck (discharged) ·Pte. H. Spencer (discharged) "0" Hoyal, 1st B.C. Squadron, c/o G.P.O. (Southern) Marine Acceptance Depot, Battery, 187 Brigade, O. Lubsectien, Barracks, Aldershot Hamble, near Southampton ·CorpI. Eo Peck (killed in action) W. H. Standfast, O.S. HL, 106, H . .\1.S. RE.F. *Rifleman E. Gerrard, 304181, att. M.F. George Hay. Sa-:cijraYI3, c/o G.p.a. Rifleman W. Peck (wounded and Pte. E. W. Deag, 94387, RA.M.C;, 72 Police, 16 Hoom, 0 Square, Stanhope ;i'O. Maddy (discharged) E. Illsley, C.C., Mess 4, H.M.S. Europa, missing) *CorpL W. Stannarcl, 421051, No. 4 00. Geneml Hospital, B.E.F. Lines, Aldershot -. CorpI. W. ~1 edcalf, 34217, "B" 00., 1/10th London Regt., E.E.F., Egypt' c/o G.P.O. *Pte. E. PedIm' (killed in action) Pte. F. Denman, 52393, M.O.O., Dase W. Graham, 295, 1st Class Boy, Mess 9, 8th Welsh Butt. Pioneers, Mesopota­ ;i'Pte. A. Stannard, 34452, at home Depot, E.E.F. H.M.S. Malaga, c/o G.P.O. Pte. J. Illsley, 68402, 10th Queen's, SI mian Expeditionary Force Ba/m R T. Pedlar, 158777, Mess 1, Ward, 2nd Australian General Hos­ W. Swift, L.T.O., H.M.S. RobeJ·t8 'c/o P. Grange, A.B., "Drake" Transport, H. Millington "" 13eachfield House, Penzance, Cornwall *A.Derry,O.D., Mess 29,H.M.S.Coventry pital, B.E.F., France. G.P.O. ' 63rd RN.D., B.E.F. Drummer Pritchard, 27067, "A" Co., *D. Derry, A.O., 11,25608, Kite Balloon *Pte. F. Mills Pte. A. Tasker, 42068, " B " 00., 6 Pla­ Drummer J. Graves, 420703, "H Q" Signaller G. Jacobson, 181560, " B" 00., The Drums, 4th (Res.) Buffs Ton- Base, RAF. , Brin clisi, Italy, c/o G. P. O. 52nd Hoyal Sussex Regt., Thetford, bridge, Kent ' toon, 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers, B. E.F., Co., 2/10th London Regt., B.E.F. Pte. W. Mills, 311051, RE., 24th Div. France Pte. P. Dirnmock, 104th (Westminstel') Norfolk Signal Co., B.E.F. 0/8 L. Quartermain, L/Z 9167 Mess 16 Batt., M.G~O. Pte. W. Graves (sen.), A .S.O. *OOl·pl. P. Tasker, 2919, No. 1 Ward Leading Seaman R J ameson, Z.L. 80Ll, Seaman W. G. Mills, Mess 1, H.M.s. Signal School, -RN. Depot, Orysttti *Sergt. W. Graves, 350924, 7th London Auxiliaq Military Hospital Isle~ Pte. H. Ducbemin, 2nd Middlesex Regt., att. No. 2 00. D.T., 68rd H.N. D., Shark, c/o G.P.O. Palace, S.E. 19 worth, .lJiddlesex ' Gustl'ew 1:NI, Gel'many Hegt., North Russian Ex. Force; Elope R.E.F. E. Mitchell, O.S. n., H.M.S. Ruby, c/o Pte. F. Reed, 21st Batt. M.G.C. (prisoner Pte. F. 1'imbrell 1 i Pte. J. Gray, 373125, H.E. Signal I' Pte. R Edwards, 427239, No. 3 00., Rifleman E. A. Jasper, 21st Batt. G.P.O. of war) I' 13th Batt., 1st Oanadian Div , RKF. Service, "0" 00., Biggleswade, Beds. K.Rn.O. (prisoner of war) Pte. Dan Toye, 98021, .2nd A.M., 3rd R Mitchell, A.B., L/Z 805, Tent W 3, OorpI. J. W. Reed (discharged) Section A.R.B., B E.F., France *Pte. S. Edwal'ds(killed inaction),M G. O. Lieut. W. G. Green, 80 Oanning Road, Driver G.
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