YOIX"E XXX NUMBER 93 BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ANNUAL CATALOGUE PASADENA, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER, I 92 I Qlottttttt!l PAGE COLLEGE CALEND.\R ......................... 5 OFFICERS: The Board of Trustees ... 6 Officers of the Board of Trustees ..... 7 Administrative Officers of the Institute ..... 7 Advisory Council ............................. 8 Research Associates ............................. 8 S'1'AFF OF INSTRUCTION AND RESL\RCIf ... 9 HISTORICAL SKETCH •...... EDUCATIONAL POLICIES OF TIlE INSTITL'TE .................... 3J GENERAL INFORM.\TION: Requirements for Admission.......................................... 31 Registration .............................................................................. 39 Regulations and Discipline.................................................... 40 Scholarships, Prizes and Benefits. .............................. ....... 41 Libraries .................................... 50 Student Organizations ......... 51 Expenses ................... 52 Dormitory . _____________ .. ____ .,, _________ ._. 5~1 GRADUATE STCDY AND HESEARCH: Requirements for the Degree of Mastel' of Science...... La Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy 5;) Teaching Fellowships ................. 56 Laboratories ..................... 58 Advanced and Graduate COIII'se;;.. (j:l UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: General Plan ............. ........................... 70 Electrical, Mechanical, and Civil Engineering 7:3 Engineering and Economics...................................... 7-J. Physics and Engineering.............. 7;) Chemical Engineering...................... ...................... 76 Chemistry........................................ 71 General Courses ................................................. 77 Requirements for Graduation........................ 78 Schedules of Undergraduate Courses 79 Description of S'ubj ects.......................... 95 DEGREES AND HONORS, 19J1.. .... .. .. ............ 142 ROSTER OF STUDENTS .................. .. 14:3 INDEX ................................. 1922 1923 - -- - - ----- - -~- -----------nr---------I JANUARY JULY JANUARY JULY ~i~~\~ ~12 ~ ~\~\~\~1~\2 ~ ~\~ ~\~\~ 21~ ~1~1~1~2:I2:I~ 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 .... ,.. .. .. .. 1.. 1 21314 5 6 1 2 3 4 5, 617 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 8 9\ 1°111 12113 14 15161718192021 91°1111213141514151617181920 1516\1718192021 i 222324252612728 16171819\20212221222324252627 22123\24\25261271281 293~1~1 ::\::1::/:: ~g~tI25126127LI2_9281291~O[311::\::I:: 2~1~0/~11:::::: :: FEBRUARY AUGUST FEBRUARY' AUGUST ~I~ ~1~1~121~ ~ ~'i~I~121~ ~\~ ~ ~I~ 2 ~ ~1~1~1~\~121~ '51'6'7 Lgl1i '6'7 1 '(;'6'71 12131411511611718~ 1314151617118119111213141151617~~~li!lg.4.i;'6.7 ~ ~1~ 12113114115161718~I L~11i 19202122123,24125 20212223241252618 19202122 2324 192021222312425 ~61271~81::t::1::1:: 27281291301.1:: :: 25\26/2?\:C\:: 2~12?8~9!~~3\: MARCH SEPTEMBER MARCH SEPTEMBER .S5 12131415116117118~!I~I~liI51~ ~I~I~I~I~101112113114151611/121113114115 il~ ~i~I~I~!illil~ 16i17 ~I~91011121131415 ~ ~I~I~I~ 19 2°121122 23 24125 1711811920121221231811920212223124 1611718192021[22 ~6127 ~8 L2_9/30el:: 24 251~~tI281 ~9130 251261:27128/2913°/31 ~g 2~ ~512~ 271~~1 ~ APRIL OCTOBER APRIL OCTOBER' S .........~ ~ ~ ~~I~ , .' 1 ~I~~1 2 ~I~I.!3 4 5;1_ 21~7 ~1~1~1~1~1211 2, 3 4 51 6 ~7 ~1~1~1~I~i21~.. 1 2 3 4 516 2 3 4 5 6 71 8 ·8 - lOm1 1213[14 81 911°111112\1314 71 8 910 1112 13 910 11121314115 l-ij- t SIHJW(2115116 1718,19 20 21 1415116117118\1920 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 2B 24- 26 26 27 28 22123 124\25\ 26 27 28 21/22 23,24125 26\27 ~g ~4 ~5 26\27/28 29 ~9 3~1311:: :: :: :: ~~/~Oh:: I:: \:: :: 2~1~91301~~:L\: ~ MA Y NOVEMBER MA Y NOVEMBER S ~I~I~I~ ~I; ~~~I~I~I~ ~I~ ~I\~ ~I\~ ~I~II~ ~\~ ~ ~ ~i~ : 7 8 9 10 1112 13 - 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10111 12 4 5 6 7 8) 9 10 1415(1617181920 1213141151617181314151161718/19 11121314151617 ~§ ~~ ~gl~il:Y~:: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~I~g 24 25 ~~I~~I~~I~? ~i ~~I~~ ~~!~~/~~ ~~ ~~/~~ 24 JUNE DECEMBER JUNE DECEMBER .~ ~~~~I~I~ ~~~I~I\~~I~-~I~I~I~~II~I~ ~~I~I~I~~~ If 19 1~ 1~ 1~11~li~ 1~ Ii 19l1~ 1~ l~ll~ 1~11i/l~11~ 1~ 1~ 1~ ~ 191111g11~ 1~ 1~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~I~g ~~ H~~ ~~ ~~I~~ ~~I~~ ~~I~~I~~I~~ ~gl~~ ~? ~g H~~I~~I~~ ~g ~~ C!1ulruIIur JANUARY 3 __________________________________________________ Resumption of Instruction JANUARY 9 ________________________ Latest Date for Announcing Candidacy for Bachelor's Degree FEBRUARY 92__ ________________________________________ . __ .. Washington's Birthday :xrARCII 18___ ._._. ________ ............... ___ ..... ______ .... _...... _.. _.End of Second Term MARCH 19-9(;_._. _________________ ._._ ........... ___ . __ ........ __ ._ .. __ .... ______ .. _..... _. __ .... Recess MARCH 91 ...... ___________ . __ .... __ .. __ .... __ ... _...... ____ Resumption of Instruction MAY 8 ...... ___ . __ ... _.... Latest Date for Removing Senior Deficiencies MAY 30.... __ . ________ ...... _... __ .... _._ ... _.. ___ . ____ .... __ .. ______________ . _______ Memorial Day JUNE EL _____ . ___ .... _____ . ____ .... ___ . ___ . ____ .. __ .... ______________ .. ______________ ...... Class Day JUNE 13____ .... ____ .. __ ... _.. ___ .. _. _____ ..... ________ . ______ .. ____ .... ___ . ___ ._ ... Commencement JUNE 13......... _.. _______ . ___ ._._._.Annual Meeting of Alumni Association JUNE 13 .. _.. _... __ .. _______________ .. ______ ._ ... _______ . ________ . _______ ._End of College Year SEPTEMBER 90-22 ___ ..... __ .. _______ . ___ ..... ,.... _______ ..... Entrance Examinations SEPTE:\IBER 99 .... _____ ... ___ . ___________ .Reg·istration (9 A. M. to 3 P. M.) SEPTEMBER 9~L. __ . __ .. __ ... _.... _. ____ Hegistration (9 A. M. to 19 M.) SEP'rE~1BER 95 ____ ._ ____ . ____ Reg-istrntion (9 A. :XI. to 3 P. M.) SEPTE:\IBER 9(;_._._ __ .. ____ ._Beginning of Instruction NOVEMBER 30 to Ih:CE.'fl!ER 3 .... __ .... ___ ............ .'fhanksgiving Recess DECE:\IBER W_. ______________________ ... ____ ......... ____ End of First Term (19 M.) DECEMBER 17 to .J allIlHl'Y 1, 19.J3_ .. _._._ ... ___ . ____ .... _.. _Christmas Recess JANUARY 9 ______ . _______ . __ . ______________________________ Resumption of Instruction JANUARY fL.___ ____ .Latest Date for Announcing Candidacy for Bnchelor's Degree FEBRUARY 99. _____ . __ ................. _____ ....... Washington's Birthday MARCH 17.. ..... __ ._. ______ . _________ . _______ .. _. __ ._End of Second Term (19 M.) MARCH 18-95 __________ . __ ... __ . __ ._. ____ . ____ .. ____ . ____ ._ .. ____ .... _._. _____ ._. ______ .... _._ ... Recess MARCH 96 .... __ _ __________________ ._ .... _. __ ._.Resumption of Instruction MAY l-k_. ___ _ _Lntest Date for Hemoving Senior Deficiencies MAY 30._ .. __ __. __________ .. __ :'Ilemorial Day JUNE II _______ ..... _Class Day JUNE 19 _______ . ____ . __ ._. ________ . __ Commencement JUN}; 19 ______ . ______ . ___ . ________ ._,\nnual :'IIeeting of Alumni Association JUNE 19 ............................ _.... _.............................. End of College Year WlW 1Boarb of Wrustttli (Arranged in the order of seniority of service.) Term Expires HIRD[ 'V. WADSWORTH .................................................................. 1922 716 South El Molino Avenue. ARTHUR H. FLEMING ........................................................................ 19'il5 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue. GEORGE E. HALE ................................................ ................ 192'2 South Pasadena. CHARI.ES W. GATES........................................................................ 19'il3 Fordyce, Arkansas. HENRY M. ROBINSON ...................................................................... 19'46 195 South Grand A venue. WILLIAM H. VEDDER ........................................................................ 19'il5 Altadena. JOHN W ADSWORTH ............................................................................ 19'il4 90 South Grand A venue. WILLIAM C. BAlCER ............................... .. .......................... .19'23 Providence, Rhode Island. TOD FORD .................................................... .. ................... 19:16 'il57 South Grand Avenue. R. C. GILLIS............................... .. ....................................... 19'il'2 Los Angeles. JOHN D. SPRECKELS.................. .. ................................................. 19:16 San Diego. J. H. HENRy..................................................................................... 19'23 1199 Oak Knoll Avenue. R. R. BLACKER.................................................................................. 19'il4 1177 Hillcrest A venue. HARRY CHANDLER.............................................................................. 19'il4 Los Angeles. HENRY W. O'MELVENY......... ................................ 19'25 Los Angeles. ®ffirrrs nf tqr 1Bnnr?l nf wruntrrs ARTHUR H. FLEMING ............................................................ President HENRY M. ROBINSON ....................................... First Vice-President \VnLIAl\l C. BAKER............. ................ Second Vice-President JOHN WADSWORTH .................. Third Vice"President and Auditor EDWARD C. BARRETT ................ Secretary and Assistant Treasurer WILLIAM H. VEDDER .............................................................. Treasurer FINANCE COMMITTEE ARTHUR H. FLEMING CHARLES 'V. GATES HENRY M. ROBINSON A?lmiuintrnthtr ®ffirrrn nf tqr lJuntitutr EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ROBERT A. MILLIK.\N..... .................... ..................... Chairman ARTHUR H. FLEMING HENRY M. ROBINSON GEORGE E. HALE ARTHUR A. NOYES EDWARD C. BARRETT EnW.\IHl
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