Cloud Bank Partly cloudy today. In­ u.,iversity creasing cloudiness Tues­ Of South Florida day. Winds 8-18 m.p.h. Campus Edition High today 78. Low to­ THE TAMPA TIMES night 55. SIXTY-EIGHTH YEAR-No. 259 TAMPA, FLORIDA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1960 PRICE FIVE CENTS Kennedy's Cabinet USF ·'CHRISTMAS ' Predicted ·wiLL. BE WEDNESDAY President Allen LITTLE MAN ON CAM·PUS To Set Tradition ... Swiftly The Tampa Times Uni.. erslty of South Florida Campus Edition <Pare Ono Startl Editor . Glenn Mattheus Manarlnr Editor . .. .. Bill Blalock News Editor . ... ... VIlma Carreno ~~f!v1~:;t;;rdlior · ::: :: · J!~~uF~~nU:!! Faculty Advisor .. Georre B. Miller Address all communloa.tfon• to Office of Campus Publloatlons, &m. 224, University Center. Ph. WE 8·4131. Ext. 118 ,I "What would yau do if you German Film Comes to ·campus had only three months left to live?" Needless to say, this question University of South Florida- University of Florida-Seven nual presentations of "The Mes- journalism students have been day filled with classes, lectures, brings a variety of responses. A German ~ilm "The Revolt of UF professors have contributed siah," a holiday season event invited to take part in the Wil- sight-seeing, a banquet, and a It is these responses in which Gunner Asche," which is based to the 1·,200-page "Woldmark widely attended by music lovers liam Randolph Hearst Founda- dance open to the student body Dr. M. Hardy's Human Behavior on the best-selling novel of the Encyclopedia of the Nation," from all over the state, will be tion competition for $29,800 in of M.J.C. classes have been interested for same name by Hans Helmnt that was published Nov. 30. given at 8 p.m. this Friday, and grants and fellowship awards. University of Florid a-An the past week. Kirst, will be shown in S 111 University of Miami - The 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, in Eliza- University of Tampa _ The analysis of class-size at the Uni- This question is but one of Thursday at 2, 4, and 7 P:m .. All UM has received ~ $20,000 beth Hall Auditorium on the 1960 football season of UT with versity of Florida, reported ~he the many presented to persons students and faculty are mVIted grant from the EducatiOnal Fa- Stetson campus. Coach Marcelino Huerta 2-7-1 Dean of Academic Affairs, b 0 t h on and 0 f f the USF to attend. cilities Laboratories, Inc., of the University of Miami - The record is the worst in H~erta's shows definite need for an in­ campus. 'Besides questions ob- Indian River Junior College Ford Foundation to help plan Scandinavian Fellows will make tenure: Better things to come creased faculty.. Thi~ st~dy will servations were made; fo; ex- - Dr. Maxwell C. King will be the elaborate technical equip- their headquarters at the Marine next year. also aid the umverstty m pre­ ample ·people's expressions upon installed as the first president ment of its audio-visual aids Laboratory of the UM. Selected Univesity of Florida _ The senting realistic budgets, and exit o'f planes at Tampa Muni- of Indian River Junior College building now under construe- as the first Nordic-Ameican weekly Gator Hop dances have g_ive the. B?ar~ of Control con- cipal Airport and at the cafe- at inauguration ceremonies at tion. Scientific Exchange Fellow is d · th fidence m Its JUdgment. teria lunch line. 2 p.m. Dec. 11 in the Dan Me- Florida Southern College - Dr. Frederik Deyer from the been r~sume on campus m e UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI-A The purpose of the surveys Carty High School gymnasium at Students have been warned on University of Oslo, Norway. ~illea;I~om~~~~ do~~it~~ward new languge laboratory, which was to find out how people dif- Fort Pierce. Gov. LeRoy Collins skipping the day before and the University of Tampa - The ' . · cost about $25,000, was set up fer to experience meeting peo- will be guest speaker. Dr. King day after any holiday. Skips will UT cagers opened their 1960-61 Florid~ Southern-~ I g h t Y - at the University of Miami. The pie' to establish research meth- received his doctorate degree cause a lowering of the course basketball season last Thurs- four seniOrs a~e candidates for lab was acquired by a 50-50 ods' and to accumulate an d in education at the University grades. day. The season's basketball degrees ~t Flonda Southern Col- grant between the manufac­ su~arize data. In order to ac- of Florida in 1956 and was Rollins College - Noel Cow- tickets are on sale now at the lege's. nud-year commencement turers and the University. UM complish t hese goals a number principal at the local high school ard's "Blithe Spirit" is slated At h 1 e tic Department, phone exer~Ises on Ja!l. 28, 1961, ac- hopes next year to have a Ian­ of groups were form'ed in each until appointed college presi- to run Dec. 6 through 10, in 8-1798. c?rdmg to J. Bm~ey Gross, as- guage library which will have class. These groups devised their dent. The public is invited to Annie Russell Theater. University of Florida - Two s1stant_ to the president.. recorded lessons on disks which own experiments. A secretary the ceremony and reception University of Tampa - Leta Gators, Hoover and Libertore, . Rollins College-Roll~s Pres- will be available to students to was elected in each group to which will follow. English Hess, art instructor, has were picked on the AP sopho- tdent Hugh F ..McKean w1ll com- listen to any time. Of interest to many USF stu­ collect and summarize the mate- University of Tampa - The bad a painting selected by Cor- more All-Southeastern Confer- ment on the f1rst c~ntur~ of the DADE COUNTY J U N I 0 R dents is the forming of a de­ rial. A spokesman was also psychology .department of UT coran Gallery of Art, Washing- ence team. Florida accepted a coll~ge at a sp~cia~ D1amoo.d COLLEGE-Farris. Bryan~. gov­ bate squad at the university. elected to present a brief re- under the dJrectlon of Dr. C. J. ton, D.C. bid to the Gator Bowl after Jubilee Convocahon m Knowles ernor-elect of Flonda, delivered Intramural Schedule The squad was fonned in Oc- port to the class. Ho, will administer membership University of Florida- Or. H. winning over Miami 18-0. The Me~orial Chapel. The convo- the principal address at inaugu- Basketball tober, and has been active in This was the first in a series qualification exams for the Na- Portell-Vila, visiting professor 1961 football schedule is to be catiOn, scheduled on the same ration ceremonies for Dr. Ken­ Dec. I~lntramurlli All-Stars vs. F la. practice debates among its of projects the Human Behavior tiona! Association of Securities of history, predicts the Fidel tougher with five games away- day that the college opened in neth Rast Williams, first presi­ Cnrlstlan College, 8 p.m. at Brandon members in preparation for its classes will undertake this Dealers, Washington, D.C., on Castro regime in Cuba will be Georgia Tech, Auburn, Rice, 1885-Nov. 4, will mark the 75th dent of the new Dade County B~~n.G?~in t ramurai All-Stars ••· F la. fir~t fo~mal debat.e against ~e semester. the second and fourth Tuesdays overthrown by Christmas. Tulane and Vanderbilt. year of the oldest institution of Junior College, Friday, Nov. 18, Presbyterian College, 8 p.m. at Semi· Umvers1ty of Flonda. The topic According to Dr. Hardy, "The at 2 p .m. Gibbs Junior College-Joseph Florida State University - higher education in Florida. at 10 a.m. in the Dade County nole Betrhts Gym. for this year's intercollegiate main function of human be- Florida State University - Finch, a sophomore physical The Seminoles voted in half- Manatee Junior Collete- Auditorium. Bryant, who was in F ootball debate is "Should the United havlor is to get people to see Seven men and 29 women have e ducat ion major, has been back Bud Whitehead as their Nearly 100 junior college jour- Miami for the first time since aB~e(i,.':;p' 1{'~·.-:?;~:P lA."s ::::.~ States Adopt a System of Com­ beyond their environment - to been selected from FSU to be named captain of the cham- most valuable player for the '60 nalists invaded the Manatee his election, is a close personal Group 11 vs. Group a:f. Group 6 vs. pulsory He~lth Insurance for disrupt people, in a sense, by m e m be r s in the Who's Who pionship Gibbs Junior College season and also elected end Junior College campus recent- friend of Dr. Williams. Both D~!~~ ~!::·p.m.-Group 1 u Gronp All Citizens?" This debate will having them do the things they Among Students in American Cobra basketball team. Finch Tom Romeo permanent captain ly for the initial assembly of served together in Rotary, the 16. Group 11 vo. Group 88. 5 p .m.- take place during the Christmas otherwise wouldn't do and to Universities and Colleges this is from Tampa. of the 1960 team. the Florida Junior College Press Methodist Church and other or· ~~i:_P 6 n. 3A, Group 8A .,,, Desert holidays. literally look at people." year. Stetson University-The an- University of Florida - UF Association convention and a ganizations in Ocala• .. 'I 2 THE TAMPA TIMES, Monday, December 5, 19601 rGhana Breaks Off Relations With Belgium ACCRA, Ghana, Dec.
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