Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 / June 9 1319 shall manage the development, subject to Nothing in this proclamation shall be valid existing rights, so as not to create any deemed to revoke any existing withdrawal, new impacts that interfere with the proper reservation, or appropriation; however, the care and management of the objects pro- national monument shall be the dominant tected by this proclamation; and provided reservation. further, the Secretary may issue new leases Warning is hereby given to all unauthor- only for the purpose of promoting conserva- ized persons not to appropriate, injure, de- tion of oil and gas resources in any common stroy, or remove any feature of this monu- reservoir now being produced under existing ment and not to locate or settle upon any leases, or to protect against drainage. of the lands thereof. The Secretary of the Interior shall prepare In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set a transportation plan that addresses the ac- my hand this ninth day of June, in the year tions, including road closures or travel re- of our Lord two thousand, and of the Inde- strictions, necessary to protect the objects pendence of the United States of America identified in this proclamation. the two hundred and twenty-fourth. The Secretary of the Interior shall manage William J. Clinton the monument through the Bureau of Land Management, pursuant to applicable legal [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, authorities, to implement the purposes of this 10:47 a.m., June 12, 2000] proclamation. NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the The establishment of this monument is Federal Register on June 13. subject to valid existing rights. Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to enlarge or diminish the jurisdic- Proclamation 7318ÐEstablishment tion of the State of Colorado with respect of the Cascade-Siskiyou National to fish and wildlife management. Monument This proclamation does not reserve water June 9, 2000 as a matter of Federal law. Nothing in this reservation shall be construed as a relin- By the President of the United States of America quishment or reduction of any water use or rights reserved or appropriated by the United A Proclamation States on or before the date of this proclama- With towering fir forests, sunlit oak groves, tion. The Bureau of Land Management shall wildflower-strewn meadows, and steep can- work with appropriate State authorities to en- yons, the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monu- sure that any water resources needed for ment is an ecological wonder, with biological monument purposes are available. diversity unmatched in the Cascade Range. Nothing in this proclamation shall be This rich enclave of natural resources is a deemed to enlarge or diminish the rights of biological crossroadsÐthe interface of the any Indian tribe. Cascade, Klamath, and Siskiyou ecoregions, Laws, regulations, and policies followed by in an area of unique geology, biology, cli- the Bureau of Land Management in issuing mate, and topography. and administering grazing permits or leases The monument is home to a spectacular on all lands under its jurisdiction shall con- variety of rare and beautiful species of plants tinue to apply with regard to the lands in and animals, whose survival in this region de- the monument. pends upon its continued ecological integrity. Nothing in this proclamation shall be Plant communities present a rich mosaic of deemed to affect the management of grass and shrublands, Garry and California Hovenweep National Monument by the Na- black oak woodlands, juniper scablands, tional Park Service (Proclamation 1654 of mixed conifer and white fir forests, and wet March 2, 1923, Proclamation 2924 of May meadows. Stream bottoms support broad- 1, 1951, and Proclamation 2998 of November leaf deciduous riparian trees and shrubs. 26, 1952). Special plant communities include rosaceous VerDate 26-APR-2000 02:22 Jun 14, 2000 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\PD12JN00.000 ATX006 PsN: ATX006 1320 June 9 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 chaparral and oak-juniper woodlands. The used by Peter Skene Ogden in his 1827 ex- monument also contains many rare and en- ploration for the Hudson's Bay Company. demic plants, such as Greene's Mariposa lily, Section 2 of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Gentner's fritillary, and Bellinger's Stat. 225, 16 U.S.C. 431), authorizes the meadowfoam. President, in his discretion, to declare by The monument supports an exceptional public proclamation historic landmarks, his- range of fauna, including one of the highest toric and prehistoric structures, and other diversities of butterfly species in the United objects of historic or scientific interest that States. The Jenny Creek portion of the are situated upon the lands owned or con- monument is a significant center of fresh trolled by the Government of the United water snail diversity, and is home to three States to be national monuments, and to re- endemic fish species, including a long-iso- serve as a part thereof parcels of land, the lated stock of redband trout. The monument limits of which in all cases shall be confined contains important populations of small to the smallest area compatible with the mammals, reptile and amphibian species, proper care and management of the objects and ungulates, including important winter to be protected. habitat for deer. It also contains old growth Whereas it appears that it would be in habitat crucial to the threatened Northern the public interest to reserve such lands as spotted owl and numerous other bird species a national monument to be known as the such as the western bluebird, the western Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument: meadowlark, the pileated woodpecker, the Now, Therefore, I, William J. Clinton, flammulated owl, and the pygmy nuthatch. President of the United States of America, The monument's geology contributes sub- by the authority vested in me by section 2 stantially to its spectacular biological diver- of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225, 16 sity. The majority of the monument is within U.S.C. 431), do proclaim that there are here- the Cascade Mountain Range. The western by set apart and reserved as the Cascade- edge of the monument lies within the older Siskiyou National Monument, for the pur- Klamath Mountain geologic province. The pose of protecting the objects identified dynamic plate tectonics of the area, and the above, all lands and interests in lands owned mixing of igneous, metamorphic, and sedi- or controlled by the United States within the mentary geological formations, have resulted boundaries of the area described on the map in diverse lithologies and soils. Along with entitled ``Cascade-Siskiyou National Monu- periods of geological isolation and a range ment'' attached to and forming a part of this of environmental conditions, the complex proclamation. The Federal land and interests geologic history of the area has been instru- in land reserved consist of approximately mental in producing the diverse vegetative 52,000 acres, which is the smallest area com- and biological richness seen today. patible with the proper care and manage- One of the most striking features of the ment of the objects to be protected. Western Cascades in this area is Pilot Rock, All Federal lands and interests in lands located near the southern boundary of the within the boundaries of this monument are monument. The rock is a volcanic plug, a hereby appropriated and withdrawn from all remnant of a feeder vent left after a volcano forms of entry, location, selection, sale, or eroded away, leaving an outstanding example leasing or other disposition under the public of the inside of a volcano. Pilot Rock has land laws, including but not limited to with- sheer, vertical basalt faces up to 400 feet drawal from location, entry, and patent under above the talus slope at its base, with classic the mining laws, and from disposition under columnar jointing created by the cooling of all laws relating to mineral and geothermal its andesite composition. leasing, other than by exchange that furthers The Siskiyou Pass in the southwest corner the protective purposes of the monument. of the monument contains portions of the There is hereby reserved, as of the date Oregon/California Trail, the region's main of this proclamation and subject to valid ex- north/south travel route first established by isting rights, a quantity of water sufficient to Native Americans in prehistoric times, and fulfill the purposes for which this monument VerDate 26-APR-2000 02:22 Jun 14, 2000 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\PD12JN00.000 ATX006 PsN: ATX006 Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 / June 9 1321 is established. Nothing in this reservation The Secretary of the Interior shall study shall be construed as a relinquishment or re- the impacts of livestock grazing on the ob- duction of any water use or rights reserved jects of biological interest in the monument or appropriated by the United States on or with specific attention to sustaining the nat- before the date of this proclamation. ural ecosystem dynamics. Existing authorized The commercial harvest of timber or other permits or leases may continue with appro- vegetative material is prohibited, except priate terms and conditions under existing when part of an authorized science-based ec- laws and regulations. Should grazing be ological restoration project aimed at meeting found incompatible with protecting the ob- protection and old growth enhancement ob- jects of biological interest, the Secretary shall jectives. Any such project must be consistent retire the grazing allotments pursuant to the with the purposes of this proclamation. No processes of applicable law. Should grazing portion of the monument shall be considered permits or leases be relinquished by existing to be suited for timber production, and no holders, the Secretary shall not reallocate the part of the monument shall be used in a cal- forage available under such permits or for culation or provision of a sustained yield of livestock grazing purposes unless the Sec- timber.
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