Annual Meet Disabled War Veteran Cart Washed It costs only $1.00 to M > PleklM, ticktt ctaalr- Of Yoifng GOP drire ■ clean car. * OM 0WMCt>Mdf* 9 t th« Makes Hobby Vocation _ _ _ ItapaMlean Woni«n’» Glastonbnrj Man Seri­ T ry _ w m . Wadnwtey «t 1;S0 at Uw Local Group to' Gather ously Injured When Sr TALCA^ wduM UlM to haw all Gardner ETllanley haw tldteta out notify h«r by On Monday at Y to Tolland Turnpike Con* j . Auto Goes Off Road« COOK'S » Maatey of an tickota m M or un- Pick Officers for Year. --------------■ I trait, Stanley statee.'thla bird be- Hollywood Service Amerirans Off for Atnbiilanre Service in France ioM, to aariat Mra. William J. stmeta Bird Houses to .Ing the only one which killa and Aa outomoMla drlvoa by Steven Harrison Appeals '. Maa and bar hoataaa coamltUc to ' devour! tha daatruetlva Japanaae 342 East Canter Street - alaa for tha daoaort. TIckrU may The annual meeting and election Sydorak, 19, of Orchard street, British Navy Scours of offloera of the MancheaUr Young Make a Livelihood. beetla. TeL 3987 baoMalnad at tha door Wednco- U w hi Orampa Olaotonbury, with Ernest Becker, day and any praferrad typa of Republican Club will ba hatd 20, of Great Swamp road. Glaston­ gBBM tnay ha piayad at the Y.M.C. A ManchasUr World War wtar- i Martina art tha original ^‘Pueb* For Trade Pacts Monday night at t o'clock In tha .•I tiuwnaeltaUd due to aervlce i k> Indiana" of tha faalbared king * bury, aa a paaeenger, struck a pole J i. o r a t homaa of membera. In Maacbeatar TM.CJL Twenty ^ ~ thIa apeclea chooiing to Uvt HM lattar caae. prtaea for the high at toe comer of Hlllatown road and delegatee to tha atata convention Injuriea, turned to tmall j together In a niora or lesa aoclal- Lanes in North Sea; acorara at aach Uble will be pro- tlon aa an avenua of relief from | i^te than the other varietlea, Wetoeren atreet shortly before 10 dMM on application to the co- to be held on April IS In New o’clock laat night, went off the In Senate Debate Haven and the 4th DIstriot Oon- narvoua rtraln and from thia haa. Stanley aaya. And becauae they road and Into a lot, badly damog- ahainnen, lira. Raymond R. ventlon March 28 In the Hotel FILMS aowara and Iflaa Laura Houm. n™, » lag toa automobile and amdlng the Heublein, Hartford, will ba named. IntVreaUng hobby, and »«»r# re­ bird houae maker muet conatruct DEVELOPED AND The latter meeting will be called theaa bouaea on toa apartment two occupants to the Manchester Asks Retention of Sys­ Portrait of Chamberlain cently a bualneea onterpriee inat Memorial hospital. Dr. Alfred B. p r i n t e d Tha regular quarterly meeting at 7 p.m. houae plan with from 10 to 20 On Nazi Aerial Torpedo Nazi Oil Grab Feare la aooumlng cooalderable propor- tem for Fear Event­ rooms In each. The bluebird la In­ Sundquiat was called to the scene a t tha Ifancheater Rod and Qun At the Senatorial Dlatrict meet­ tlona. 24-HOUli SERVICE dab adll be held at the clubbouae ing March 28, olflcera will be elect* clined to be eodalistle by nature, to give first aid and he had the Back In 1818 Gardner B. SUnley men taken to the hoapltal in Hoi* ual World Trade War Londonr March 85.—A hew am Dailey road. South Coventry, ed and delegatee will be aelected of 44# Tolland Turnpike waa aerv- but not to the degree of toe mar- Film Deposit Box At I German aerial torpedo—deco­ - -■ a 4 ■ Craph af Plana Falla Effort Maiie to St 11^ aw ning. Dtnnar will be aerv^ for the Hartford County Oonwn- tlna. Bluebird houses are made loran'B ambulance. Store Entrance Threaten This Country British Hover ing bwrteaa with toe 87th (Ohio) Bagalas Coasclonaneea rated with a portrait of Prime Ta Be Dlaaater Expected at d:SO and the bualneaii aeaalon tlon, which will be held at 8 p.m. Dlvlolon. After toe Armlatlce hla ueually with four 'tenements* In 1 Minister Chamberlain with his Trade with SeandhMi will get underway at eight o'clock. following the 4th Dlatrict Conven­ each housO. Sydorak waa the more seriously With 'Economic Col­ dlvtfiion waa included In the Army Injured. He waa unconacloua and I umbrella—was found today on Loe Angeles, March 2 5 .-<(P) ia; Three Blowa O mii : March marka the end of the dura tion. Ofricera of the Hartford of Occupation and h# marched While mahy of these little feath­ lapse' After Conflict. I a beach near Bridlington. Readv to Hit yaar and Secretary Arthur Laah- County TRC will be elected and ered friends of man will accept toe was suffering from a head Injury, KEM P'S a —Don Whllloek, filling atatlon with hla comrade* with full pack* cuts on the head and face and his I Admiralty experts were call- attendant, saw an airplane fal­ ed in Mine-Infc bake wilt be on hand to collect delegatee at large to the State for 18 day« north Into <*Wen^ hoapttallty of man-made houses I ed to examine It. The torpedo Convention will be elected. for their comfort and aase wblla condition was considered critical. Washington, March 25.— tering overhead ao he breath- tha annual feea. Qermany, near where toe dmeloo is about 12 feet long, wllh two Nazi Vessels lessly telephoned police: Area; Expulaion Attorney Charlee O'Dowd of thia residents of tha north temperate He waa gtvan the last rites of toe (A P)—Senator Harrison (D., I propellers at the tall. It is be- town la the retiring prealdent of waa billeted. sones In summer, toe builder must Catholic church. Thia morning he "Send an ambulance and po­ Correspondent Sem Mr. aiid Mra. Nat M. Schwedel. May Never Uecover liliss.), opened Senate debate ! Ilevcd to be as dangerous as a lice car right away. A plane la the HartfonI County YRC and note what goes on dally in Urdom had regained consciousness but the , floating mine after Its motive a t to Weatmlnater road, are re- Harold Maher la the prealdent of That trip, after rigorou* fight­ to more efficiently plan and build extent of toe head injury waa still on extencling the reciprocal On Fringe of Scandina­ crashing, 'ritere it goes now. It Incident in Intrigue ealTing tha congratulatlona of ing in toe Argonne, renulted in ; power is exhausted. just crashed." t h ^ many frienda here. In Rock* the 4th Dlatrict YRC. these homea. In doubt trade program today with an vian Territorial Wa­ ^ Gain Rumanian OUy The attention of all Young Re- phyalcel diaabllltlea of a nervoua Have Peoollari tie# The accident was investigated appeal to his almost evenly He sprinted two blocks to a TlUa and in Hartford, on the birth iubllcana la called to Monday'a order, from which Stanley haa, or by Officer Winfield Martin. Be­ TAXI vacant lot enveloped In a cloud a t a daughter, Helen Ann Schwe- For Instance, many of these •> ,r-> i di\ided colleagues that they ters to Keep Supplies fmportent meeting and a full at­ never will, recover. It la but not birds do not like to be bothered cauae of the injuries suffered both of dust Three men were look­ I London, March 25.— (i dd. Hm b a^ waa bom laat Wed- another In a long Hut of unnoticed retain the system lest an naaday at tha Hartford hoapltal. tendance of membera la requeated. while they are building their nests occupants details of the accident Dial Coster Urged Out of Germany. ing over toe wreckage. —-Britain’s warahipa oacriflcea endured dally by thou- or nesting. Usually this is the type were not learned Immediately, yhe eventual world trade war "Anybody killed 7" he asked. Oarda announcing the birth atata eonda of ooMlem and aallora who Germany’s North Baa U «t Mra. Schwedel and her daugb- of bird that files directly through Injuries to Becker did not prove as ^ 32H 0 Copenhagen, March 26.— ((F)— "Nope," replied one of the left for Franca In 1917 and 1918 threaten this country with men. "Not a oeratch. All wa ping lanes today in an tar will be at home here after April Fire Chief Foy a small bole cut Into to* end of serious as at first feared, he hav­ Bank to Give | British warcraft in Imposing force with high hope*, the house, such aa tos wrens. ing suffered a broken finger. Cleaa, UomtortoMo Cars! “ an economic collapse.” need Is some gas and a new to strangle her trade ninee fmind that war did not end Coartaoos Service At All TInMe! hovejed on toe fringe of Scandi­ Therefore, If a wren house le made Abandonment of the policy of landing gear,” Scendinavia whila iug| 111 at His Home for them with the Armlatlce. with a hole and a small porch Group No. 4 of the Memorial executive tariff-making, the navian territorial waters, today, n a Intermediate and Senior Bp- Before hi* •nll*tment for **r- Friend Credit! mounted that the constructed beneath the entrance, Hospital anxiliary, Mrs. William chairman of the Senate Fi> apparently under orders to atalk worth Laaguea of tha South vlce. SUnley waa engaged In • _ _ _ ' might be engineerbig « _ other blrda will fly to thta perch Knofskie, leader, will meet Monday CITY TAXI or pounce upon every German Mbtbodlat church are reminded Chief Albert Foy of the South banking aervlce and to thi* he re­ and annoy the smaller occupants.
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