AIB Newsletter Vol. 17, No. 3 T h i r d Q u a r T e r 2 0 1 1 2011 Meeting in Nagoya, Japan! he Academy of International Busi- versary, and two sessions were organized: ness 2011 annual meeting had great first, included a session in memory of the Tattendance once again as we hosted late Susan Douglas and her contributions about 1000 members in Nagoya, Japan! to IB and AIB, and second, a roundtable Inside We extend our sincere thanks to all who panel discussion on career development 2011 Program worked very hard to make this a success- among women in academics. There were Committee . 3 ful event. The 2011 Program Chair, Shige also a number of special sessions in the 2011 Best Reviewer Makino (The Chinese University of Hong 2011 program. The AJBS-Soshiki Gakkai Awards . 4 Kong) put together a very exciting and Panel was jointly organized by the As- professionally rewarding program with sociation of Japanese Business Studies AIB 2011 Awards . 5 the help of his track chairs (see confer- (AJBS) and the Academic Association for Sheth Foundation ence program committee) and his Pro- Organization Science (Soshiki Gakkai); re- Doctoral Travel gram Assistants, Ngan Cheung (Kent) Hui nowned experts in Japanese business re- Stipends . 7 and Yina Mao. search including Hideki Yoshihara (chair), Area Scholarship This year’s program was titled “Inter- Taka Fujimoto, and Kentaro Nobeoka Fellowships . 7 national Business for Sustainable World were invited to discuss the competitive Development.” The program had a record (dis)advantages of Japanese enterprises Boeing Institute number of submissions, 1536 in total and industries. Another special session Junior Faculty Consortium across the 13 conference tracks, coming chaired by George Yip, The Asian Busi- Stipends . 7 from 56 different countries. We also had ness School Deans Forum, welcomed the 1160 reviewers from 68 countries who deans of five leading business schools in WAIB Helping Hands took time out of their busy schedule to Asia: The National University of Singa- Campaign . .10 review all submitted papers. The final pore, Hitotsubashi University, Korea Uni- 2011 SSE/WAIB program centered around the conference versity, Nottingham University Business Award for Increased theme was comprised of 5 plenary ses- School China, and The Chinese University Gender Awareness sions, 23 panel sessions, 95 competitive of Hong Kong. The deans were invited to in International paper sessions, 48 interactive paper ses- share their views on the internationaliza- Business Research 10 sions, and 12 special sessions for a total of tion of business schools in Asia, oppor- 3rd IJGE/WAIB 183 sessions over three days. tunities, and the future agenda. On the Annual Emerging Some of the highlights of the program final day of the conference was the 2011 Scholar Award included the Fellows’ Opening Plenary JIBS Decade Award session. The winner of in Women’s Session where we welcomed two distin- this year’s JIBS Decade Award was Oded Entrepreneurship 11 guished guests: Mr. Fujio Cho, chairman Shenkar for his 2001 article “Cultural dis- Just off the Press 12 of Toyota Motor, winner of the 2011 Inter- tance revisited: Towards a more rigorous national Executive of the Year Award, and conceptualization and measurement of New AIB Members 14 Dr. Richard Nelson, Professor Emeritus of cultural differences,” and the session was AIB Running Club 15 Columbia University, winner of the 2011 dedicated to honoring his work. Fellows’ Eminent Scholar Award. The Lastly, there were a number of net- Women in the Academy of International working and dining events. The Gala Business (WAIB) celebrated its 10th anni- Continued on page 2 Continued from page 1 Local Arrangements Committee was chaired by Dinner is one of the most exciting events of the Dean of the Graduate School of Business the meeting each year. This year it took place Katsushige Sawaki, and included Marc Bremer, at Atsuta Jingu, one of the oldest and largest Masataka Ota, Yoshiharu Kuwana and Naoya shrines in Japan. The shrine was originally Takezawa,. Thank you all, for your commit- founded about 1900 years ago and is sur- ment, hard work, time and patience to make rounded by a dense forest called Atsuta For- AIB 2011 an incredible success! est. This forest gives the precincts a solemn Visit http://aib.msu.edu/events/2011/ to atmosphere. Atsuta Jingu has won popularity view the Conference Photo Gallery, to see the among people coming only second to the full list of award nominees, and to download Great Shrine of Ise. The evening was very the conference program and proceedings. enjoyable with great food and entertainment, and a great atmosphere for mingling and net- working. JOIN US We would like to thank Nanzan Univer- sity, our host institution headed by President FOR AIB 2012 Michael Calmano, which was instrumental in making AIB’s first ever trip to Japan possible. AIB invites you to join us at the Professor Yuji Yumoto, a senior leader of the 2012 meeting in Washington, D.C., USA Nanzan Business School, played a vital role in June 30–July 3, 2012 Nanzan’s efforts to set up the conference. The AIB Newsletter (ISSN: 1520-6262) is published quarterly by the Academy of International Business Executive Secretariat. For more information, please contact: G. Tomas M. Hult, Executive Director, or Tunga Kiyak, Managing Director, 7 Eppley Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1121. Tel: +1-517-432-1452 Fax: +1-517-432-1009 • Email: [email protected] • http://aib.msu.edu EXECUTIVE BOARD Canada Chapter United Kingdom and JOURNAL OF President Howard Lin Ireland Chapter INTERNATIONAL Mary Ann Von Glinow Ryerson University Heinz Tuselmann BUSINESS STUDIES Florida International University Manchester Metropolitan University China Chapter Editor-in-Chief Immediate Past President Changqi Wu Western Europe Chapter John A . Cantwell Yves Doz Peking University José Pla-Barber Rutgers University INSEAD University of Valencia India Chapter Managing Editor Vice President – 2011 Program Krishnan Narayanan Midwest USA Chapter Anne Hoekman Shige Makino India Institute of Technology Juan Meraz AIB Executive Secretariat Chinese University of Hong Kong Missouri State University Japan Chapter AIB INSIgHTS Masataka Ota Northeast USA Chapter Vice President – 2012 Program Editor Waseda University Mohammad Niamat Elahee Ilan Alon Susan Feinberg Quinnipiac University Rutgers University Korea Chapter Rollins College Dong-Kee Rhee Southeast USA Chapter Vice President of Administration Seoul National University Susan Godar EXECUTIVE Peter Liesch William Paterson University SECRETARIAT University of Queensland Latin America Chapter Tunga Kiyak Leonardo Liberman Southwest USA Chapter Managing Director Executive Director Universidad de los Andes Anisul M . Islam G . Tomas M . Hult University of Houston-Downtown Irem Kiyak Michigan State University Middle East and Treasurer North Africa Chapter Western USA Chapter Meg Quine CHAPTER CHAIRPERSONS Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan Harvey Arbeláez Office/Editorial Assistant Australia-New Zealand Chapter University of Wollongong Monterey Institute of International Elizabeth Rose in Dubai Studies Aalto University Southeast Asia Chapter T .S . Chan Lingnan University 2 AIB Newsletter Third Quarter 2011 2011 Program Committee he Academy of International Business Farmer Dissertation Award Selection Committee is deeply grateful to all members of the Simon Bell – University of Melbourne, Australia T2011 Program Committee for the count- (Chair) less hours they have volunteered to make the Guenter Stahl – INSEAD, France conference a success. Anupama Phene – George Washington University, USA Program Chair Ishtiaq Mahmood – National University of Shige Makino – The Chinese University of Hong Singapore Kong, Hong Kong Temple/AIB Best Paper Selection Committee Program Assistants Arvind Mahajan – Texas A&M University, USA Ngan Cheung (Kent) Hui – The Chinese (Chair) University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Timothy M. Devinney – University of Yina Mao – The Chinese University of Hong Technology, Sydney, Australia Kong, Hong Kong Esra Gencturk – Ozyegin University, Turkey Track Chairs Ulf Andersson – Copenhagen Business School, Kazuhiro Asakawa – Keio University, Japan Denmark Daniel C. Bello – Georgia State University, USA Haynes Prize Selection Committee Gordon Cheung – The Chinese University of Sea-Jin Chang – National University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR Singapore, Singapore (Chair) Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra – University of South Sid Gray – University of Sydney, Australia Carolina, USA K. Galen Kroeck– Florida International Gary Knight – Florida State University, USA University, USA Sumit K. Kundu – Florida International Rudolf Sinkovics – University of Manchester, University, USA United Kingdom Klaus E. Meyer – University of Bath, United Kingdom Local Host Committee Chair Ram Mudambi – Temple University, USA Katsushige Sawaki – Nanzan University, Japan Mike W. Peng – University of Texas at Dallas, USA Elizabeth L. Rose – Aalto University School of Local Host Committee Economics, Finland Masataka Ota – Waseda University, Japan Robert Salomon – New York University, USA Yoshiharu Kuwana – Obirin University, Japan Mary B. Teagarden – Thunderbird, USA Naoya Takezawa – Nanzan University, Japan Toru Yoshikawa – Singapore Management Marc Bremer – Nanzan University, Japan University, Singapore Local Host Institution Doctoral Consortium Chair Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan Sea-Jin Chang – National University of Singapore, Singapore Junior Faculty Consortium Chair Srilata Zaheer
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