With 8 Brownsville a and ■ Valley 8 Theaters DIPLOMANIACS MEET A BLONDE ROMANCE IN “EMERGENCY CALL’’ TOPAZE DISCOVERS SEX APPEAL ------- MARY HEADS ■ _ SPEEDY PACE LARGE CAST SET BY FILM IN “SECRETS’ HERE SUNDAY A swift-paced picture, red-blood- Leslie Howard ed drama of the heroism of the Plays hospital ambulance service, RKO- Lead in Rivoli Radio pictures’ “Emergency Call” shows today and Monday at the Picture Queen theatre, Brownsville, with Bill Boyd, Wynne Gibson and Wil- liam Gargan. Surrounded by one of the largest Moving with the speed of an ex- casts In her long career and di- press train and teeming with rected by Frank Borzage, two-time thrills and suspense, “Emergency Academy winner, Mary Pickford Call” is a strikingly human docu- comes to the Rivoli theatre Sun- ment of the colorful careers of a dcotor and his day in “Secrets," an adaptation of young ambulance the celebrated stage play by Rudolf driver. Bill Boyd, as Joe Bradley, Besier and May Edgington. And is the idelaistic and courageous thus, according to all advance re- interne. William Gargan, as Steve ports, motion picture fans will see Brennan, is a wise-cracking devil- John Barrymore finds Myrna Loy's love entrancing in this flirtatious the star in one of the best pictures may- care driver. Their dangerous from RKO-Radio Pictures’ dramatic she has made. Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey run the gamut of high-powered sequence comedy “Topaze.” and exciting adventures in oppos- . n him n iwmrwnnnannnnwiiwwnii w Min«BMMg»«3BgawwBBWMggM»innffwmiwmmwMaaBaM Showing Thursday only at the Brownsville. “Secrets” gives Miss Pickford tnusical comedy nonsense in •‘Diplomaniacs,’’ RKO-Radio Picture. Capitol, ing a gang of ambulance chasing Louis Herbert, racketeers the action. what she believes is an ideal vehi- Marjorie White, Calhern, Phyllis Barry,_ Hugh Edgar Bill Boyd as the battling hospital interne and Betty Furness as his provide in an abandoned ware- cle. In the first place, it is “motion Kennedy and Richard Carle, funmakers all. are in support of the sweetheart in "Emergency Call," RKO-Radio's melodrama of the am- Trapped to where have been lured picture” from beginning end, comedian stars. The picture is showing Sunday and Monday at the bulance service. Showing Sunday and Monday at the Queen. First house, they Brad- and in the second place the story Capitol, Brownsville. time in Brownsville. by a fake emergency call, — 1 in a sav- elemen- -—-—---■ '■■■■ ■ ■ Uproariously Funny Comedy and Brennan is a simple one of love and ly engage tal emotions, with no wise-crack- age hand-to-hand fight with mur- ing and no sophistication. It is Miss BEAUTIFUL ELISSA! SCREEN’S Team Comes tn On derous ruffians. Police come to Pickford’s sincere b$?t»f that SWEETHEART Capitol their aid, but not before Brennan simple m tales, simply told, will be the salva- has been stabbed in the encoun- tion of the screen, just as they are in ter and an operation is necessary bound to be in literature. Sunday 'Diplomaniacs’ to save his life. Bradley performs the delicate surgery. Prepared for Months action races to a sensation- Wheeler and Woolsey, who start- policy. But his scrupulous code The al climax when Bradley, thirsting Months of work went ed as ‘‘The Cuckoos” a few years Isoes hitm his and he blunders preparatory job, to avence his buddy, tracks down Into the of “Secrets”. picturization ago and were swept to fame as one into a better one with a Baron. and comers the racketeering chief. In every branch, Miss Pickford this of the leading musical comedy What happens to the ego of Topaze The climax of pulse-stirring no expense and time in spared when he finds all his about drama picture is the death of the procuring the best material and the teams of talking pictures, are again adages In RKO-Radio truth given the lie, makes the gangster at the hands of Bren- best personnel, as will be borne out pictures. Laughter story of “Topaze” not delicious nan’s sweetheart-nurse, superbly by a glance at the production staff is dished out in hey-nonny, boop- only modern but a field for in- by Wynne Gibson. and the cast of playes. Both before boop-adocp tempo by these whim- comedy, portrayed characterization. Boyd, who may always be count- and behind the camera were sical and chatter comics in their teresting The cast is headed ed upon for a superlative charac- “names” known throughout the latest production. ‘‘Diplomaniacs,” by Myrna Loy as terization as a rugged hero, gar- world. which plays at the Capitol today the pretty coquette whose rela- tions with the Baron first shock ners additional laurels by his role In the latter category were Fran- and tomorow. and then him to in “Emergency Call.” Gargan ces Marion, scenarist, and Frank The cast certainly is nonny-non- Topaze inspire steal her for himself. makes a bid for stardom with his Borzage, director, who recently ny-boop, with Marjorie White, remarkable performance as the were awarded their second trophies Phyllis Barry and Hugh Herbert “Don’t Bet On Love” recklessly gallant ambulance dri- by the Academy of Motion Picture in principal roles, and Larry Ceba- llos’ trained beauties the ver. Miss Gibson displays unusual Arts and Sciences, thus joining supplying Not since “All Quiet on the chorus numbers. Versatility, that up-and-coming the very small army of two-time Western Front” has Lew Ayres had Miss little blonde starlet, Betty Furness, is good In winners in Hollywood. Also behind White, giggling a role which fitted him so the current perfect- a brief but important part. the cameras were Ray June, cam- comedienne, “hey-non- ly as that accorded him in his la- ny-nonny of the Gay White eraman, and Richard Day, art di- girl” test screen drama, “Don’t Bet on Way, appears first wrapped in' cel- rector, who were recent runner- Love,” which plays at the like She is deliv- Capitol up in Academy awards. And. both lophane, a cigar. theatre Friday and Saturday. ered as a “blonde vamp, guaranteed before and behind those cameras, And in addition to Ayres, there is untouched by human hands.” She was Miss Pickford herself, who won the vivacious, peppy Ginger Rogers for Wheeler in a big way. an Academy award for her “Co- goes as feminine lead—Ginger, straight is beset by Miss Barry, quette.” Woolsey from her success in “42nd “the best heart crusher in all Street.” In front of the cameras was an playing opposite Ayres in absolute Paris.” When she kisses men, they all-star cast in every sense of the team of from harmony—a perfect young word. Leslie Howard, English star, stay kissed—smoke pours lovers. Mary Picklord in “Secrets’’ with Leslie Howard showing Sunday and their collars and they swoon. was Miss Pickford’s leading man, In this exciting screen race at the Rivoli Theatre, San Benito. The of “Diplomaniacs” Is story and Mona Maris is the “other wo- Monday plot horses provide much of the color and a frolic of fun man.” Then there are C. Aubrey meaty snappy, and thrills of the moving picture. " ' which pokes inspired gags at the Smith, Blanche Frederici, Doris The camera journeys to Geneva Peace Conference and Saratoga, Lloyd, Herbert Evans, Ned Sparks Fair Fans famous eastern center, and Fans of current racing and Jerry Stewart. ON AND OFF practically everything the fortunes of the have interest. ponies much to do with the Fine music, weaving of the In spite of the wide spread of To Frenzy Beautiful girls, snappy drama. THE SCREEN and wise his front legs, the English bulldog clever dancing punchy m-Janet cracks pepper the piece to unusual passes his hind legs outside of Gaynor-■ THE WORM TURNS i-. flavor. “Diplomaniacs” is one of ithem when running. LOS ANGELES—Isaac Alhaceff, the best Wheeler and Woolsey ve- florist, did a worm” act hicles—and certainly their most “turning when a bandit entered his store, up-to-date one. It’s the best pana- and is now ahead. The ban- cea for all-around blues that has money dit robbed Isaac of $20. Isaac then Elissa Landi is said to add new to her with her come this way in some months. glamor personality got mad. He chased the bandit, role in “I Loved You Wednesday,” the new Pox romance in which she "I Loved You Wednesday” pinned him against the wall, and plays opposite Warner Baxter, showing Tuesday and Wednesday at then, went through his pockets to the Brownsville. Capitol, “I Loved You Wednesday,” the extract his own $20 and a few be- Fox romance which we take pride sides. The bandit begged for his DAD MARRIES SISTERS in announcing as one of the most money back and Isaac gave him a DON’T BET interesting films to be shown in dime for carfare. DENVER—It was strictly a fam- the Capitol theatre, comes to this ily affair when the Scott sisters theatre for a two-day engagement. Over 300 years ago a crude sub- were married here. Marjorie Scott The cast, fitting the magnitude of marine, to be propelled by oars, a one, was constructed in married William Spears, and Flor- the picture, is prominent England under with Warner Baxter, Elissa Landi. the reign of James it proved of ence Scott married George Duncan I; Victor Jory, Miriam Jordan and no value except as a curiosity. in a double wedding. *The knots Laura Hope Crews in the featured were tied the Rev. by girls’ father. roles. W. T. Scott, of the Cameron pastor Here is new1 in motion church.
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