O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 10, ISSUE 500 May 12, 2007 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Community Archdiocese Pays $1M in Responds Out-of-Court Settlement To FYROM’s For Old Sex Abuse Case By Theodore Kalmoukos the California misconduct case that Rhetoric Special to the National Herald was to be paid off over time in 14 months.” BOSTON, Mass. – The Greek Ortho- The report also states that Mr. FYROM’s Foreign dox Archdiocese of America entered Dimitriou “further reported that into an out-of-court settlement for there were 2 active litigation mat- Minister Takes Swipe $1 million this past January with an ters, one involving clergy miscon- alleged victim of one of two former duct and a second one involving al- At Greek Americans priests from California, according to leged copyright infringement on a report released by the Archdiocese software for the San Francisco Me- By Dimitri Soultogiannis Finance Committee during the Arch- tropolis Folk Dance festival. The lat- Special to the National Herald diocesan Council meeting in Hous- ter case will be covered by the insur- ton, Texas on April 27. ance.” WASHINGTON, D.C. – Greek ac- The report does not mention the Mr. Dimitriou, Archdiocese Gen- tivists in the United States respond- name of the priest or the alleged vic- eral Counsel Emmanuel Demos and ed to FYROM Foreign Minister Anto- tim, who will collect the sum directly Cathleen Boufides-Walsh, a member nio Milososki’s statements attacking from the Archdiocese’s general ac- of the Archdiocesan Council’s Legal the Greek American community and count (the Archdiocese does not and Executive Committees, did not Philhellenes for being “ineffective” have insurance for sexual miscon- return the National Herald’s tele- about the name issue. duct cases). phone calls. “We regret that the honorable According to information ob- During the last five years, the foreign minister of FYROM selected tained by the National Herald, there Archdiocese has paid out approxi- to attack Greek American citizens were two cases of Orthodox clergy mately $10 million in sexual miscon- and Philhellenes of the United States sexual misconduct in California duct cases and legal fees, according in such an aggressive and scornful which generated lawsuits. One in- to Michael Jaharis, Vice Chairman of way. Instead of inviting further dis- volved the late Archimandrite Stan- the Archdiocesan Council’s Execu- cussion, he prefers polarization and ley Adamakis, who pled guilty to tive Committee, whom the Herald isolationism as a means by which to charges in 1990 that he sexually mo- interviewed recently (see March 10, carry out the political agenda of his lested two teenagers, and who was 2007 edition, page 1). ministry,” said Council of Hellenes murdered by a lover in 2003. The As the Herald reported last week, Abroad (SAE) U.S. Regional Coordi- other involves another Archiman- another lawsuit was filed in the sexu- nator President Ted Spyropoulos. drite who is said to be suffering from al misconduct case of Rev. Nicholas “We suggest that it would be ASSOCIATED PRESS AIDS and currently lives in a Katinas, former pastor of Holy Trini- more prudent if Mr. Milososki fo- They had a sense of fashion, even way back then monastery as a defrocked priest. ty Church in Dallas, Texas. cused his own energies on address- The Finance Committee report According the Finance Commit- ing the challenges faced by his new- An ancient bronze funereal urn, in which archaeologists discovered the largely intact remains of a 2,700- states that Archdiocese Administra- tee report, the Executive Committee ly-born country, instead of attacking year-old fabric, is seen in this undated handout photo released by the Greek Culture Ministry this past tive Director Jerry Dimitriou “report- elected American officials and Amer- Wednesday, May 9. The find, in the southern Greek town of Argos, is extremely rare, archeologists said. ed on the $1 million settlement on Continued on page 4 ican Philhellenes who are trying to promote peaceful relationships be- tween Greece and FYROM,” he said. “Greece is the most mature and robust economic power in the region and a credible strategic player on the TNH Proud to Present its 500th Issue international scene. FYROM should seek Greece’s support to realize its By Mark Frangos necessary to distribute a newspaper Cretan Association of America. economic growth and sustainable Special to the National Herald for the ever-growing English-speak- Mrs. Pallios remembers one arti- development. It would be counter- ing generations of Greek America. cle in particular which moved her productive for FYROM’s foreign poli- NEW YORK – For the last 500 weeks, To help us celebrate our first 500 and also solved a years-old mystery. cy to continue to violate the provi- since October 18, 1997, the National issues, we are proud to let you, our “Your paper recently reported sions of the United Nations-brokered Herald’s weekly English edition has loyal readers take the spotlight. that Father Papageorge from interim agreement between the two been informing Greek Americans of We searched around the country Modesto passed away,” she recalled. countries,” Mr. Spyropoulos added. news about their culture, heritage and found that many of our sub- “He would have been 97 years old in In response to questions concern- and religion. There have been stories scribers were more than willing to October, and there was a very nice ing submission of a draft resolution ranging from triumph to tragedy; become journalists for a day and dis- article about him. There was a pic- on the name dispute to the House of stories about life and death. cuss what they think the Herald has ture of him also when he was a priest Representatives last Friday, May 4, The Herald reported how the meant to them and the Greek Ameri- in Nebraska. Apparently, the Arch- Mr. Milososki told FYROM’s state tragedy of September 11, 2001 im- can community. diocese saw that picture, but never news agency that it would be better pacted Greek American families, and Some felt that the Herald’s great- knew who that priest was until they for the Greek American lobby to fo- Greece’s practically flawless hosting est asset was its ability to inform. read the article.” cus its energy on helping Greece im- of the 2004 Olympic Games. Some of “We like it because it keeps us in- Many other readers enjoy articles prove its domestic situation and sup- our stories have made you laugh, formed with what’s going on in our about the struggles of Greeks from porting Balkans stabilization within sometimes we made you cry, but we churches, and with the Greek com- across the country, when they first NATO integration, instead of wast- always do our best to instruct and in- munity,” said Despina Pallios of immigrated to chase the American ing it on an “irrational dispute.” form our community in English – Ceres, California, whose husband Mr. Milososki also cited an exam- ever since our publisher deemed it Gus was a past president of the Pan- Continued on page 5 Issue #1: Saturday-Sunday, October 18-19, 1997 ple from Greek mythology to demon- strate how “pointless” it is for Greek activists to keep trying to prevent FY- ROM from referring to itself, and from being recognized officially, as the “Republic of Macedonia.” New French President Has Roots in Thessaloniki Archdiocese Mr. Spyropoulos said he was amused by Mr. Milososki’s refer- PARIS (EJP) – The tough-talking had a privileged upbringing in the Jews by King Ferdinand in 1492. was the first of seven children. His Advised To ences to Greek Mythology. Nicolas Sarkozy, who emerged tri- affluent Paris suburb of Neuilly, The Mallah family initially set- real name was Aaron, but the fami- “Greece, along with the learned umphant from French presidential where he served as mayor from tled in France. About 100 years, lat- ly called him Benico. At the age of election last Sunday, May 6, ahead 1983 to 2002. He studied law and, er the family immigrated to Thessa- 14, Benico and his mother left for Drop Case Continued on page 4 of his Socialist rival Ségolène Roy- unlike most of France’s ruling class, loniki. France, where he studied medicine al, casting himself as a reformer avoided the elite National Adminis- Sarkozy’s great grandfather, and served in the French army as a and the man who wants to lead tration School (ENA). who died in 1913, was a well doctor during the Second World Against 19 France into a “clean break” with a Twice married, Sarkozy has known jeweler there. His business War, and where he met his future discredited past. three children – the third by his cur- was destroyed when a fire de- wife Adel Bouvieux, an attractive The 52-year-old son of a Hun- rent wife Cecilia, with whom his stroyed almost the entire city in nurse. In order to marry her, he was Parishioners AHEPA to garian immigrant and a French stormy relationship has received 1917. baptized in the Roman Catholic mother of Greek Jewish origin, widespread coverage in gossip The grave of Mordohai Mallah is Church and took the name Bene- By Theodore Kalmoukos Honor Three Sarkozy has served as Interior Min- magazines. still in Stavroupoli, where it was dict. Special to the National Herald ister twice, as Finance Minister Sarkozy’s mother is from the transferred from the old cemetery The couple had two daughters, and, since 2004, president of the Mallah family, which originally just before the Nazis destroyed the Suzanne and Andrée, the mother of BOSTON, Mass.
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