Pt. 1632 16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–12 Edition) (1) Cut test specimens to an oversize Subpart C—Interpretations and Policies 12″ × 12″ before the procedure is initi- ated. 1632.61–1632.62 [Reserved] (2) Vacuum specimens or shake vigor- 1632.63 Policy clarification on renovation of ously to remove any loose fibers, dust mattress. or possible accumulated debris. AUTHORITY: 15 U.S.C. 1193, 1194; 15 U.S.C. (3) Place individual specimen face 2079(b). down in a shallow pan which has been SOURCE: 49 FR 39796, Oct. 10, 1984, unless filled to a depth of 2’’ with a wash solu- otherwise noted. tion of 1.1 grams of AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists) Standard Detergent as speci- Subpart A—The Standard fied in AATCC Method 124–1996 (or § 1632.1 Definitions. equivalent) per liter of water preheated to 105 °F. Knead the back of the speci- In addition to the definitions given in men with hand for 1 minute. Water section 2 of the Flammable Fabrics Act level and temperature should be main- as amended (15 U.S.C. 1191), the fol- tained for each specimen. lowing definitions apply for the pur- (4) Thoroughly rinse specimen face pose of the standard. down with warm water at 105 °F. for 1 (a) Mattress means a ticking filled minute under a faucet with strong with a resilient material used alone or pressure. in combination with other products in- (5) Remove excess liquor by use of a tended or promoted for sleeping upon. wringer, hydroextractor or gentle hand (1) This definition includes, but is not squeezing and dry in circulating air limited to, adult mattresses, youth oven at 200 °F. until dry. mattresses, crib mattresses including (6) Repeat the above procedure 10 portable crib mattresses, bunk bed times using fresh detergent and fresh mattresses, futons, water beds and air water for each set of eight specimens. mattresses which contain upholstery (7) Subject the dry specimens to the material between the ticking and the test procedures in FF 2–70. mattress core, and any detachable mat- (e) This washing procedure and label- tresses used in any item of upholstered ing provisions are subject to revocation furniture such as convertible sofa bed should it be determined that such pro- mattresses, corner group mattresses, cedure is inadequate to fully protect day bed mattresses, roll-a-way bed the public. mattresses, high risers, and trundle bed [40 FR 59935, Dec. 30, 1975, as amended at 65 mattresses. See § 1632.8 Glossary of FR 12934, Mar. 10, 2000] terms, for definitions of these items. (2) This definition excludes sleeping PART 1632—STANDARD FOR THE bags, pillows, mattress foundations, FLAMMABILITY OF MATTRESSES liquid and gaseous filled tickings such AND MATTRESS PADS (FF 4–72, as water beds and air mattresses which do not contain upholstery material be- AMENDED) tween the ticking and the mattress core, upholstered furniture which does Subpart A—The Standard not contain a detachable mattress such Sec. as chaise lounges, drop-arm love seats, 1632.1 Definitions. press-back lounges, push-back sofas, 1632.2 Purpose, scope and applicability. sleep lounges, sofa beds (including 1632.3 General requirements. jackknife sofa beds), sofa lounges (in- 1632.4 Mattress test procedure. 1632.5 Mattress pad test procedure. cluding glide-outs), studio couches and 1632.6 Ticking substitution procedure. studio divans (including twin studio di- 1632.7 Tape edge substitution procedure. vans and studio beds), and juvenile 1632.8 Glossary of terms. product pads such as car bed pads, car- riage pads, basket pads, infant carrier Subpart B—Rules and Regulations and lounge pads, dressing table pads, 1632.31 Mattresses/mattress pads—labeling, stroller pads, crib bumpers, and play- recordkeeping, guaranties and ‘‘one of a pen pads. See § 1632.8 Glossary of terms, kind’’ exemption. for definitions of these items. 794 .
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