The Catholic www.RCAN.org ARCHDIOCESE OF NEWARK Vol. 62, No. 3 AdvocateThe community newspaper of the Archdiocese of Newark February 6, 2013 Season of Lent With Ash Wednesday this year on Confessions during season of Lent Feb. 13, the Archdiocese of Newark has released its annual listing of Lenten regulations. The days of both ‘Light’creates a beacon for Reconciliation fast and abstinence during the season of Lent are Ash Wednesday BY WARD MIELE for confession, penance and in- with hope in God’s mercy and and Good Friday. The other Fridays Managing Editor dividual absolution. trust in the help of His grace.” Interior repentance of Lent are days of abstinence. On Communal celebrations can Father Thomas Dente, director a day of fast, only one full meal is NEWARK — During the up- be part of the Wednesday evening of the Office of Divine Worship is a radical permitted. Those between the ages coming Lenten season, Arch- celebrations of The Light is on and chairman of the archdiocesan reorientation of our of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast. On bishop John J. Myers has issued a for You. Individual parish sched- Year of Faith program, stressed a day of abstinence, no meat may be special Year of Faith invitation to ules for the Sacrament of Rec- that The Light is on for You is of- whole life; a return, fered to practicing Catholics but eaten. Those who have reached the Catholics throughout the local onciliation will remain intact. a conversion to God age of 14 are obliged by the law of Church to experience the unique To help prepare for the also has special emphasis on the abstinence. The obligation to ob- and powerful spiritual renewal Sacrament of Reconciliation, the faithful who have fallen away with all our heart. serve the laws of fast and absti- awaiting them in the Sacrament of archdiocesan Year of Faith from the Church. nence “substantially,” or as a whole, Reconciliation. Web site is available. To specifi- Fr. Dente stressed the bene- is a serious obligation. The Fridays of Declared by Pope Benedict cally obtain information about fits of “celebrating this impor- the year, outside of Lent, are de- XVI in his Apostolic Letter Porta going to confession, visit the Web tant Sacrament.” Doing so, he signed as days of penance, but each Fidei (Door of Faith), the Year of site (below). The Web site has a explained, the penitent is able to individual may substitute for the tra- Faith began last Oct. 11 and ends video on the sacrament, guidance “recognize their sinfulness, it is ditional abstinence from meat some Nov. 24. on how to make a good confes- an opportunity to recover from other practice of voluntary self-de- The program outlined by sion, answers to frequently asked one’s sins.” The “key” element, nial as penance. The time for fulfilling Archbishop Myers, “The Light is questions and pertinent resource he emphasized, is the healing the Paschal Precept (Easter duty*) on for You,” is a special nation- material. that occurs through the Sacra- extends from the First Sunday of wide initiative to experience In announcing the special ini- ment of Reconciliation. Lent, Feb. 17, to the Solemnity of Christ’s forgiveness and love in tiative to his priests, Archbishop It is, Fr. Dente went on to say, the Most Holy Trinity, May 26. the confessional. To that end, arch- Myers cited the importance and reconciliation both with God and diocesan priests will be available power of the sacrament as con- the larger Church community. He (*Canon 920, “All the faithful, after to hear confessions in churches tained in the Catechism of the felt it important to point out too they have been initiated into the that during The Light is on for Most Holy Eucharist, are bound by and college or school chapels on Catholic Church. It states “interior the obligation of receiving Wednesdays during Lent from 7 to repentance is a radical reorienta- You, both anonymous and face-to- Communion at least once a year.) 8 p.m. The exact dates are Feb. 20, tion of our whole life, a return, a face confessions will be available. (USCCB) explained that in the 27 and March 6, 13, 20 and 27. conversion to God with all our Fr. Dente made a special point to confessional “we meet the Lord, These celebrations consist of a heart, an end of sin, a turning away remind penitents of the anonymity who wants to grant forgiveness Inside Liturgy of the Word to help peni- from evil, with repugnance toward and complete secrecy of the con- and the grace to live a renewed life USA & World News . .4 tents prepare for the Sacrament the evil actions we have commit- fessional. in Him. In this sacrament, He pre- Black History Month . .8, 9 followed by the opportunity to ted. At the same it entails the desire In a recent pastoral, the U.S. pares us to receive Him free from meet individually with a priest and resolution to change one’s life, Conference of Catholic Bishops serious sin, with a lively faith, Around the Archdiocese . .12 Continued on page 5 Classifieds . .14 www.YearofFaithArchNewark.org/reconciliation.htm Obituaries . .15 PRO-LIFE PROCLAIMED—In advance of Professional Directory . .15 the 40th annual March for Life in www.rcan.org/advocate Washington, D.C. on Jan. 25 (see The Catholic Advocate, Jan. 9), which contained a large contingent from the local Church protesting the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision legalizing abortion, Most Rev. John W. Flesey, Auxiliary Bishop of Newark, celebrated the annual Pro-Life Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark on Jan. 20. Father Joseph A. Meagher, the director of the archdiocesan Respect Life office and the pastor of Saint Antoninus Parish in Newark, was a concelebrant. Following Mass and braving strong, frigid winds, the faithful—as pictured—marched to nearby Saint Lucy Parish for a Eucharistic Holy Hour, display- ing a pro-life banner. In his homily, Bishop Flesey declared each person “has a des- tiny and the opportunity to be all they were meant to be by God who created them.” He stressed the point that “every pregnancy means a baby. Pray everyone realizes that.” In addition to the Mass at the Newark Cathedral and the annual march in Washington D.C., the Piscataway-based New Jersey Right to Life held a pro-life rally Advocate photo – Ward Miele in Trenton on Jan. 22. 2 Our Archdiocese February 6, 2013 Archbishop sees gun control in light of the Gospel n the month since the tragic shooting at Sandy • Call for sensible regulations of guns Hook Elementary School in Connecticut many of • Support legislative efforts that seek to protect soci- our country’s political and moral leaders have en- ety from the violence associated with easy access tered into a discussion about our present gun con- Sincerely to deadly weapons including assault weapons. trol laws and how best to move forward as we look • Make a serious commitment to confront the perva- Iinto the future. Once again we need to look at this as an- sive role of addiction and mental illness in crime. other aspect of the “culture of death” that threatens our na- in the Lord Do these sound familiar? It seems that 13 years tion and its citizens. As chief shepherd of this local Church later, despite the hard work and efforts of many, these of Newark, I want to share my thoughts and reflections on same concerns are present. How many tragedies have this important issue. By Archbishop John J. Myers to occur before we take seriously the call of the Gospel First of all, we reiterate that we are always a people of to be peacemakers. prayer. As was stated in “Call to Action in Response to After reviewing recent proposals, I see a very good Newtown Tragedy” on Dec. 21, 2012 (see The Catholic call upon both the president and beginning of a dialogue that will finally address these Advocate, Jan. 9), several of my brother bishops said: “As I issues. I know well the twists and turns that seem so Catholic bishops, we join together with the president of Congress to lay aside partisan common in our legislative process. However, I call our conference, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who on the day upon both the president and Congress to lay aside par- of the horrible tragedy expressed his profound solidarity politics and work for the common tisan politics and work for the common good of our with and prayers for the families, friends, neighbors and good of our people. people. I believe that people of good will from diverse communities whose hearts have been rent by the loss of a political opinions can come to a common ground on child or loved one.” As I did soon after the tragedy I reiter- with emotion and I recognize that this can be magnified these issues. Our people will be the first to benefit. ate the need for our parishes and faithful to continue to after a tragedy like Newtown. However, we are called not I call too upon the faithful, not to let this important pray for all those involved and affected by this incident. to shrink away from such issues, but look at them in light issue fade from memory as other issues important to Yet, we can also use this tragedy as an opportunity for of the Gospel and the teaching of the Church. For us this our country arise. We cannot afford to let another moral growth.
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