Aspects Of The Organization Of Regulated Assignment Of Excessive Brines In Superficial Water Objects Of The Entities Of The Potash Industry (on the example of the Verkhnekamsky field of potash and magnesian salts) Andrey Bogomolov, Anatoly Lepihin Mining institute of the ural branch of the Russian Academy of sciences 78-а, Str. Sibirskaya, Perm, 614007, Russia, [email protected] Abstract One of the world’s largest the Verkhnekamsky field of potash and magnesian ores (VKFPMO) is actively developed. The main industrial complexes on development of this field are located within the Solikamsk-Berezniki industrial hub. Large volumes of production will inevitably make substantial effects on the environment, her separate components. The volume of formation of excess brines at the enterprises of the potash industry of VKFPMO is ≈ 107 m3/year. Naturally, the problem of minimization of influence of such large amount of the polluted sewage is one of main ecological problem of Perm Krai. Keywords: Verkhnekamsky field of potash salts, excess brines, hydrodynamic modeling, removal of sewage, potash salts, enrichment of potash ore, Kama River (Kama Reservoir). Introduction to expect increase in volume of excess brines 3 Until recently only PJSC Uralkali was engaged ≈ 20 million m /year. in development of the Verkhnekamsky field of Several solutions of a problem are possible potassium and magnesian salts, however now 1. Technological path. Creation of waste- other large companies are actively connected free schemes of productions of finished to its development. LLC EuroChem-Usolye goods, introduction of the combined Potash Plant plans to start the large Usolye schemes of enrichment allowing to mine in the nearest future, production objects reduce substantially specific volumes of of PJSC ACRON are under construction. At the formation of excess brines, transfer of same time total production of finished goods technological processes of the bound to can reach over 20 million tons/year. Such large enrichment of ore in the developed space volumes of production will inevitably make of mines. substantial environmental impact, its separate 2. Use of excess brines in the national components. The superficial water objects are economy. Transfer to their “beneficiary”, subject to the greatest loading that is caused by accepting at the same time that he specifics of the accepted productions of both undertakes all subsequent scratches from extraction of ore, and extraction from it the effect of these brines on a surrounding useful components. medium. Assignment of the considerable volumes Possible directions of use of excess brines: of excess brines led to increase in content of • downloading in oil wells for maintaining chlorides in the Kama River (The Votkinsk of intra reservoir pressure; reservoir) even around Perm more than • in quality: by 10 times in comparison with the period • tools for fight against frosting of roads; before the fissile development of VKFPMO. • liquid mineral fertilizers; In the foreseeable future at expansion of • raw materials of chemical productions. production capacity on PJSC Uralkali, start If to consider excess brines as raw of production of LLC EuroChem-Usolye materials for chemical production, then Potash Plant and PJSC Acron it is necessary considering volumes their education, it owes Wolkersdorfer, Ch.; Khayrulina, E.; Polyakova, S.; Bogush, A. (Editors) 609 IMWA 2019 “Mine Water: Technological and Ecological Challenges” very large-capacity chemical production. assimilate within a year were calculated. To the most meeting these requirements Calculations were executed for the long- production of soda is. So by production of 1 term period covering years of various water million soda 1-1.5 million m3 of brines can content. The analysis of results of calculation be used, it is necessary for consumption of of potential containment of pollutants, 20 million m3/year productions of at least 13 the Kama River within the Solikamsk and million tons per year of soda. Now annual Berezniki industrial hub showed that this production of soda in our country is 3 million, water intake can successfully assimilate respectively utilization of the considered chloride (up to 4 million tons/year), a volume of excess brines requires increase in magnesium (up to 800 thousand tons/year), the output of at least 4 times. Upon transition sulfate (up to 1.5 million tons/year) and to the combined schemes of enrichment and calcium (up to 3 million tons/year) even decrease in specific indicators of formation in the most shallow years. However it is of excess brines in to 3 times, it is required necessary to consider that very essential intra smaller increase in production of soda is annual nonuniformity of a drain therefore substantial. in work the possibility of the organization of 3. Burial in the geological structures. adjustable dumping of sewage is considered is Key characteristic for assessment of characteristic of the Kama River. possible scales of these actions is the effective Formally in the presence of the adjustable jointing (porosity) containing breeds (ξ). In capacity capable to accumulate thrown off approximate estimates as an estimated value drains during rather long time term, it is we accept ξ ≈ 0.018. possible to allocate two limit types of the In view of that in the long term ≈ 20 × adjustable (operated) dumping: 106 tons/year the potash enterprises will work 1) tough regulation depending on the with annual production rate at least ≈ 10 hydrological and hydrochemical mode of years, in this case burial of the accompanying a waterway receiver in strict accordance volume of the formed excess brines will with condition: concentration of require existence of the containing breeds by pollution/ the allowed concentration≤1; W volume ≈ 1* 1010 м3, at the characteristic 2) the dumping with some constant expense power of the containing thickness of HW during the particular period of T focused ≈ 100 m, its area has to be F ≈ 108 м2 ≈ 10 on minimum monthly flow with security km × 10 km. At the combined scheme of of 95% for the considered T period. enrichment according to W ≈ 0.3*1010 м3. At the same time the single adjustable 4. Dilution to ecologically acceptable levels, parameter is a priori established duration by their assignment in the superficial of dumping of T during passing of high water objects. water discharges. Now has experience of realization of In case of the organization of adjustable assignment of excess brines in the main water dumping also potential containment a water object within the Solikamsk and Berezniki object of pollutants is of great interest if to industrial hub of the Kama River (Kama dump them only in the period of a spring Reservoir). high water. We calculated assimilative ability of For this purpose like regulation potential the main water intake of sewage of this volumes of pollutants which the considered area – the Kama River (Kama Reservoir) water objects can take for the period of a around Berezniki. The assimilative ability spring high water were also calculated. At the of a water object is understood as ability of same time, concentration paid as averages a water object to accept a particular mass of according to the measured hydrochemical pollutants (also particular amount of heat) tests in the period of a spring high water for in unit of time without violation of standards the entire period of observations. of water quality in the checkpoint or point of Thus, the Kama River (Kama Reservoir) water use. within the Solikamsk and Bereznikosky In work potential volumes of pollutants industrial hub can accept without which the considered water objects can deterioration in the water management 610 Wolkersdorfer, Ch.; Khayrulina, E.; Polyakova, S.; Bogush, A. (Editors) IMWA 2019 “Mine Water: Technological and Ecological Challenges” indicators ≈ 4 million m3 of excess brines, with without effective initial dilution, owing to the orientation to the minimum monthly flow of very high density results in the considerable 95% of security. At realization of adjustable vertical inhomogeneity of content of assignment of brines, depending on the pollutants on depth of the Kama Reservoir. hydrological and hydrochemical mode, with On certain sites of the Kama Reservoir the accumulation during the low-flow period content of pollutants in benthonic area and the fissile dumping into the period of more than much exceeds their contents in passing of a flood, removal of sewage there the superficial horizons. Water intakes are can be at least ≈ 4.5 times more, i.e. dumping located, as a rule, at the considerable depth ≈ 18 million m3/year is possible (Lepihin owing to need of ensuring its work during 2017). Considering that specific volumes of a deep winter periods, the threat to their formation of excess brines make 1 m3 on 1 t operational stability is created. of finished goods, the assimilative capacity of The brines which are taken away without the Kama River (Kama Reservoir) quite could preliminary initial dilution can extend to will cope not only with the modern volumes, the considerable distance in benthonic area, but their possible body height in the short creating very essential load of a biota. term. At working off of technology and However it is necessary to emphasize that constructional solutions carrying out natural these estimates are received at the following experiments is almost not possible because of very serious assumptions: their bulkiness, need of keeping of the water – the full is provided of a dilution of the legislation regarding protection of waters, taken-away drains more narrow to and laboratory researches are very not correct alignments of an initial dilution; because of complexity of simultaneous – not operated, poorly controllable ensuring similarity on a complex dynamic dispersed, diffuse polluters caused by (Reynolds numbers of Re, Froude Fr) and filtrational unloadings from sludge also density criteria (Richardson’s number of collectors and pedigree dumps will Ri). Therefore as the main tool of the solution completely be excluded.
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