CONTENTS Page Page Page 1.0 Introduction 1.1 5 Heritage 7.13 Current Housing Land Availability 7:11 5.1 Introduction 5:1 7.14 The NPPF 7:11 2.0 Location & Spatial Context 5.2 Initial development of the Town - Late 5:4 7:15 Key issues 7:17 19th Century Appendix 7.1: Residential Planning 2.1 Location and Boundaries 2:1 5.3 Later Stages of Development 5:4 Permissions at 31 March 2013 2.2 Current Land Uses 2:1 5.4 Porritt House Style 5:5 (including loss of residential) 2.3 Adjoining Land Uses 2:1 5.5 Survival 5:5 Appendix 7.2: SHLAA Sites within the 5.6 Listed Buildings 5:5 St. Anne’s NDP Area 2.4 Key Issues 2:2 5.7 Scheduled Monuments 5:5 5.8 Conservation Areas 5:5 8 Economy 3.0 Existing and Emerging Planning Policy 5.9 Registered Gardens 5:6 8.1 Introduction 8:1 Context 5.10 Other Evidence Documents 5.8 8.2 Existing Employment Overview 8:1 3.1 Introduction 3:1 5.11 Planning Policy Context -Heritage 5:9 8.3 Proposed Improvements 8:1 8.4 8:4 3.2 The NPFF 3:1 Assets Evidence Documents 5.12 Key Issues 5:12 8.5 Planning Policy Context-Economy 8:9 3.3 The Development Plan 3:3 8.6 Key issues 8:14 3.4 3:4 The Emerging Local Plan 6 Design and the Built Environment 3.5 Minerals and Waste 3:6 6.1 Introduction 6:1 9 The Natural Environment 3.6 Other Planning Documents 3:6 6.2 Existing Design Guidance 6:1 9.1 Introduction 9:1 3.7 Key Issues 3:6 6.3 Planning Policy Context- Design and 6:2 9.2 Landscape and Topography 9:1 the Built Environment 9.3 Agricultural Land Quality 9:1 4.0 Community Profile 6.4 Key issues 6:4 9.4 Habitats 9:1 4.1 Introduction 4:1 9.5 Fylde Sand Dunes Management 9:4 4.2 Age and Population 4:1 7 Housing Action Plan 4.3 Household Composition 4:2 7.1 Introduction 7:1 9.6 Ribble Coast and Wetlands Regional 9:4 4.4 Health 4:3 7.2 Existing Housing Stock 7:1 Park 4.5 Occupation 4:4 7.3 Housing Tenure 7:1 9.7 Air Quality 9:4 4.6 Industry 4:5 7.4 Housing Size and Occupation 7:3 9.8 Water Bathing beaches 9:5 4.7 Qualifications 4:6 7.5 Housing Age and Condition 7:4 9.9 The Fylde Coast Masterplan-Draft 9:5 4.8 Benefit Dependency 4:7 7.6 Demographic and Economic Trends 7:6 9.10 Green Infrastructure 9:7 4.9 Indices of Multiple Deprivation 4:9 7.7 Housing Market Trends 7:6 9.11 Planning Policy Context- Natural 9:10 4.10 Ethnicity 4:10 7.8 Recent Development Trends 7:7 Environment 9.12 9:15 4.11 Potential Population Change 4:11 7.9 Housing Needs 7:8 Key Issues 4.12 Key issues 4:12 7.10 Affordable Housing 7:8 Appendix 4.1: 7.11 Specific Housing Needs 7:9 Ward and Census Lower Super Output 7.12 Other Evidence Documents 7:9 Boundaries St Anne’s Neighbourhood Development Plan i Page Page 10 Climate Change 13 Utilities and Physical Infrastructure 10.1 Introduction 10:1 13.1 Introduction 13:1 10.2 Understanding Local Flood Risk 10:1 13.2 Flood Defence 13:1 10.3 Renewable Energy 10:6 13.3 Foul and Surface Water 13:1 10.4 Other Evidence Documents 10:8 13.4 Water Supply 13:3 10.5 Fylde Coast Masterplan - Draft 10:13 13.5 Telecommunications 13:3 Consultation Strategy 13.6 Gas 13:3 10.6 Planning Policy Context-Climate 10.13 13.7 Electricity 13:4 Change 13.8 Community Infrastructure Levy 13:4 10.7 Key Issues 10:16 13.9 Minerals and Waste 13:4 13.10 Shale Gas 13:6 11 Transport and Movement 13.11 Waste Capacity 13:6 11.1 Introduction 11:1 13.12 Planning Policy Context-Utilities and 13:6 11.2 Existing Transport and Movement 11:1 Physical Infrastructure Infrastructure 13.13 Key Issues 13:9 11.3 Proposed Transport Infrastructure 11:1 Improvements 11.4 Evidence Documents 11:1 11.5 Planning Policy Context-Transport and 11:6 Movement 11.6 Key Issues 11:10 12 Culture and Community Infrastructure 12.1 Introduction 12.1 Cultural Facilities 12:1 12.2 Education provision 12:1 12.3 Health Provision 12:2 12.4 Recreation and Open Space 12:3 12.5 Evidence Documents 12.4 12.6 Planning Policy Context-Culture and 12.12 Community Infrastructure 12.7 Key Issues 12.21 ii Neighbourhood Profile ~ February 2015 Chapter 1 Introduction St Anne’s Neighbourhood Development Plan Chapter iv Neighbourhood Profile ~ February 2015 1.0 Introduction 1.1 This Neighbourhood Profile Document has 1.2 Structure of Document 1.3 Each section contains information on current been prepared as part of the first stages of baseline information and emerging key issues the preparing the St. Anne’s Neighbourhood The document is structured as follows: together with key references. Development Plan 2015 to 2030, and is intended to: Chapter 1.0 Introduction Future Updates • Describe the locational context and Chapter 2.0 Location and Spatial Context boundaries of the NDP; 1.4 In the event that additional evidence Chapter 3.0 Existing and Emerging documents or national or local planning policy • Present an up to date demographic profile of Planning Policy Context changes are published, these will be included St Anne’s; in an addendum or separate update report. Chapter 4.0 Community Profile • Explain current and emerging local planning policy; Chapter 5.0 History and Heritage • Capture and summarise relevant baseline Chapter 6.0 Built Environment “evidence” relating to the range of issues which the NDP may seek to address and Chapter 7.0 Housing • Identify key issues for achieving a Chapter 8.0 The Economy sustainable vibrant St. Anne’s in the future. Chapter 9.0 The Natural Environment Chapter 10.0 Climate Change Chapter 11.0 Transport and Movement Chapter 12.0 Culture and Community Infrastructure Chapter 13.0 Utilities and Physical Infrastructure St Anne’s Neighbourhood Development Plan Chapter 1:1 Chapter 1:2 Neighbourhood Profile ~ February 2015 Chapter 2 Location & Spatial Context St Anne’s Neighbourhood Development Plan Neighbourhood Profile ~ February 2015 2.0 Location and Spatial Context 2.1 Location and Boundaries 2.2 Current Land Uses 2.3 Adjoining Land Uses 2.1.1 St. Anne’s on the Sea is located on the 2.2.1 St. Anne’s is a large seaside town and Figure 2.3.1 The key adjoining land uses are: Fylde Coast, four miles south of Blackpool. 2.2 shows the current major land uses from • Open countryside to the east; To the north the town is bounded by the which it can be seen that the predominant land A5230, Squires Gate, and includes Blackpool uses are: • The southern residential suburb of Blackpool International Airport. To the southeast it abuts and the new Blackpool Tram Depot at • existing urban, predominantly residential Squires Gate to the North. The Squires Gate the townships of Andsell and Lytham. Its Irish development; Sea coastline lies at the northern edge of the (A5230) corridor is a key access route into estuary of the River Ribble, whilst inland the • Blackpool International Airport; the NDP area from the M55. The junction at town includes part of the agricultural Lytham • Open countryside to the east; Squires Gate Lane, and Clifton Drive North Moss. is an important visual gateway into the NDP • A substantial town centre and retail core; area. 2.1.2 The locational context of the Neighbourhood • The Royal Lytham St. Anne’s and St. Anne’s • The township of Lytham conjoins the NDP Development Plan Area is shown in Figure 2.1, Old; Links Golf Courses; and boundary to the south. Lytham’s urban and the detailed boundary is shown in Figure • The Railway Corridor. character is very similar to that of St Anne’s. 2.2. • The beach and Irish Sea to the west provide 2.2.2 Other larger land uses include: a dramatic setting for St. Anne’s and are key environmental, leisure and visual assets. • Large residential site (Former Pontins Holiday Camp Site); • Hey Houses Lane Employment Site1; • Arnold King Edward School; • Vacant Site (Former Blackpool Council Offices at junction of Squires Gate Lane and Clifton Drive North). 1- 2/3 of the EDL site has planning permission: Outline Permission for up to 335 dwg, with Reserved Matters on 162dwg, Booths supermarket and pub. Fylde BC propose through the emerging Local Plan that 1/3 of remaining site should remain in employment use. St Anne’s Neighbourhood Development Plan Chapter 2:1 2.4 Key Issues Ref Key Issues Comments / Possible Options • The Blackpool International Airport site serves as an important role as a gap between the settlements of Blackpool and St Anne’s preventing their merging. The gap between St. Anne’s and the larger Resort town of Blackpool to the north is important in Maintaining the Strategic preserving the Character of St Anne’s as a distinct place. 1 Gap between St. Anne’s and Blackpool • The gap which extends eastwards onto the Lytham Moss is currently designated as Green Belt by saved Local plan Policy SP3 (Development in Green Belt).
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