Official newsletter of the Temple of Witchcraft Quarterly Imbolc 2013 From the Editor... That was my first clue to under- It’s one of those spiritual paradox- standing the conflicting nature of ser- es— each seed I plant, every act of ser- “Let us love winter, for it is the spring of vice — singular, yet collective. Our vice I offer, ends up strengthening my genius.” individual actions do not affect only own individual self. But service must — Pietro Aretino ourselves — they connect us one to come from joy, not drudgery. It must come from my natural talents. It I’m a Virgo. A very must, to borrow Joseph Virgo Virgo (it’s my Sun Campbell’s exquisite phrase, and Moon sign, also my “follow my bliss.” Virgo solved Mercury and three other my riddle by showing me that planets, all of them clus- the highest service — that tered in my Ninth House, which connects my will to the the house of Mental Ex- Highest Will — doesn’t deplete, ploration). We Virgos but instead enriches. That every occupy paradoxical terri- seed we plant in the fertile tory. On the one hand, ground of community eventual- we represent the energy ly flourishes into fruit and blos- of the Virgin, the one som, renewing us and renewing who is sovereign unto the cycle. herself. On the other hand, Virgos are the sign And so we come to Imbolc of service. I have often — the Sabbat of darkness and wondered how this came seeds and faith. A time to look to be. Why is Virgo — deep within and find the tiny the most solitary-natured kernel that we alone can offer of the signs — the sign of and then plant it in the good, helping and community? rich ground of our community, knowing it will eventually grow I decided to take my toward the strengthening light. question to Virgo herself, working a bit of stellar This quarter’s newsletter magic with the stars in explores service in its many her constellation. Astro- phases and forms, beginning nomically speaking, a with Steve Kenson in a Found- constellation isn’t really a ers’ Corner that invites you to Nurture - by Debo group — the individual find your place among the stars making up these images in the sky another, creating a web that is greater Temple’s volunteers. Volunteer Coordi- are actually millions of miles apart. And and stronger than the sum of our indi- nator Kriya Kinai shares a personal sto- yet they are connected when observed vidual parts. But it all begins with the ry of presence and action that will from Planet Earth, a singular conflu- individual action, the seed. No surprise resonate with anyone who worries they ence of time and place and perspective. that Virgo’s most conspicuous star is don’t have enough time or skill to make I make Virgo — and so do you — in Spica, which means “ear of wheat,” that a difference. SilverMoone introduces our separate yet connected acts of vi- symbol of potential and sustenance. the Stitch n’Witch, a ministry of textile sion and naming. magick, while Kim Vale reminds us that The Temple Bell • Imbolc 2013 1 ARTICLE service extends beyond the human sphere and includes our Enjoy this offering of literary service from your fellow animal companions too. Our crystal columnist Joy Costanza Temple members, and have a blessed and inspiring Inbolc. and plant columnist Irma Hacket introduce Fluorite and Rose, and Howling Hill asks if you might be an activist and Tina Whittle is a mystery novelist/freelance writer living and working not know it. Raye Snover profiles renowned Pagan priestess in the Lowcountry of Southeast Georgia. She is currently a Witchcraft and activist Selena Fox as Fox recounts her historic achieve- IV student in the Temple and is co-editor of The Temple Bell. ments in equal rights for all, especially those who follow a Pagan path. And since this is the season of Brigid — the Deb Brown (Debo) works and creates in Boston, MA. where she Irish Goddess of Healing, Smithcraft, and Poetry—you’ll studied at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, and has find lovely inspirational verse and evocations from Colleen attended the TOW Mystery School. Her work can be seen at debo.com Corcoran. Stitch n' Witch: Shawl Ministry By SilverMoone were healers and knitters, midwives and knitters, artists and knitters—we all knit, from one generation to another. Much of it at the time was a service to our families, as a necessity In 2012 I wanted to take my love of knitting and gather to keep them warm and safe from the brutal country cold other Witches to “stitch and witch” together, where we winds, but it was also a meditative practice of attuning with could enjoy our common love of crafting with added ele- the mother who stitched before them. It was interconnected, ments of our spirituality to enhance our creations. In doing and each generation initiated another person into this sacred this it would allow us to awaken to the spirits of the fiber, art. I was initiated by my aunt first, in the art of crochet align with the magickal properties of what we were creating, (which still tangles me up at times) and then knitting by my and weave the web, in all forms it needed and wanted to grandmother and mother. When I surpassed the first level of take. initiation (teeth clenching, eyes widening, breath withhold- We stitched projects for ourselves (items such as altar ing) I found the peace in this craft. In that peace, I wanted to clothes, divination bags, holiday gifts) and for charity as a share it with others somehow. way to give back to the community. We made baby hats, Why a Shawl Ministry? We all have those days—days booties and toys for local hospitals, knitted and crocheted where life feels challenging and difficult, where we feel pain comfort blankets for animal shelters. We lovingly stitched or sadness, where we become ill and our health isn't as vital teddy bears for children in rehabilitation centers, and we as before, where we lose someone, where we sometimes feel completed our charity work for the year making some shawls lost ourselves, where we celebrate new life, where we cele- for the Temple's Rites of Passage project. brate new love, where we celebrate our divinity. Whatever After a year of alternating our projects, I felt the call to “those” days are, we've each had them, or we have held the follow the vision of creating a Shawl Ministry. What exactly space for someone else who has had them. I wanted to hon- is a Shawl Ministry? It is a prayerful practice and service of or the celebrations as well as hold the sacredness for life's weaving the threads of life together with the intention that transitions. I wanted others to know that they were being the recipient may be held in comfort, healing and love. It is cheered on, or that they weren't alone in the cycles life had not simply crafting for crafting's sake. It is a way to meld art taken them through. I wanted someone to know that they and magick together, to create and pray, to form and could be held and loved, through their greatness, and intend—to embody divinity within and without. Here we are through their challenges. That is why I wanted to devote this truly weaving the web of life, which we are all a part of. In its shifting Stitch n' Witch to a Shawl Ministry. The calling be- creation, the comfort we share we embrace within ourselves. came more urgent after a couple of our distant members had The healing we pour into the fiber, we receive as well, and crossed the veil (or their loved ones had) and they weren't in the love we hold in its entirety is felt deep within our souls. our physical location to wrap our arms around them. While we prayed, sent healing and lit a candle for them, I thought I've always felt called to Service, even as a child. It has how wonderful it would have been to be able to send over a called to me in various forms all leading back to the Divine, prayer shawl, to have something tangible to wrap around and one of those forms was as a creatrix, just like the genera- them that was the embrace from their community. tions of women in my family who came before me. They The Temple Bell • Imbolc 2013 2 ARTICLE What is so beautiful about the Shawl Ministry is that it If you're not a knitter or crocheter and still would like crosses and weaves into many of the other ministries within to be part of this ministry, you can always mail us new yarn the Temple of Witchcraft: in Leo as we connect with the that speaks to you and tell us how you would like us to cre- Artisan, in Virgo for healing, in Scorpio for bereavement, in ate it on your behalf—do you want it to hold the energies of Capricorn for Rites of Passage, in Sagittarius for ordination, comfort, for a special Rite of Passage, for those in grief, or in Cancer for rites of the Women's Mysteries, and so much for healing on all levels? We could always use more new yarn more. It is an opportunity to connect our members, near and in various colors and soft textures to wrap around those in far, to our growing community and organization.
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