Dead trees from the Balbina reservoir. Dirty Hydro: (Photo: Marcio Ruiz, [email protected]) Dams AnD greenHoUsE Gas EMissions ydropower is often believed to be an inherently “climate-friendly” technology. HBut scientific studies indicate that the rotting of organic matter in reservoirs produces significant amounts of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The warming impact of tropical reservoirs can be much higher than even the dirtiest fossil-fuel power plants. HoW Do DAMs boosT gLobAL WArMing? lowest layer of water in tropical reservoirs tends to be depleted Carbon dioxide (CO ) is formed by the decomposition of 2 in oxygen. A portion of the methane is oxidized to CO2 as it organic carbon in the reservoir. The main sources of this carbon rises to the reservoir surface. Shallow tropical reservoirs where are the vegetation and soils flooded when the reservoir was first bubbles have less time to become oxidized tend to have the filled; organic matter washed into the reservoir from upstream highest methane emissions. New research suggests that meth- (which may be from natural ecosystems, farms or sewage); ane production could be higher in small reservoirs in temperate plankton and aquatic plants which grow and die in the reser- zones than previously thought (see Box 1). voir; and the vegetation that grows on the “drawdown” land temporarily exposed during low reservoir periods (Figure 1). Nitrous oxide (N O) is a powerful greenhouse gas formed by Reservoirs absorb atmospheric CO due to photosynthesis by 2 2 the bacterial breakdown of nitrogen. There have been only a plankton and aquatic plants; this uptake can occasionally exceed handful of measurements quantifying nitrous oxide fluxes from CO emissions. 2 reservoirs. Emissions appear to be minor from boreal regions,1,2 but significant for at least some tropical reservoirs.3 Since N O Methane (CH4), a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more potent 2 is almost 300 times more potent than CO , more studies are than CO2, is formed by bacteria that decompose organic mat- 2 ter in oxygen-poor water and reservoir-bottom sediments. The imperative to better quantify its emissions. dddddd International Rivers | 2150 Allston Way, Suite 300, Berkeley, CA 94704 | Tel: + 1 510 848 1155 | internationalrivers.org NovembeR 2008 FigUrE 1: A sCHEMATiC oF kEy FACTors inFLUEnCing rEsErVoir grEEnHoUsE gAs EMissions. Wind Forcing CH4 CO2 Bubbles Diffusion Length of Annual Ice Cover Degassing Drawdown Growth & Decay Vegetation of Aquatic Plants Water Level Carbon Inputs Fluctuation from Watershed Decomposition Plankton of Flooded Growth Biomass & Soils & Decay HoW ArE THE gAsEs EMiTTED? It is particularly difficult to assess the net impact of dams upon The gases are released via diffusion across the water surface, CO2 fluxes. Net CO2 emissions may be significantly smaller in bubbles that rise from the reservoir bottom, and in the than gross emissions, mainly because some of the carbon emit- downstream degassing of water released through turbines ted from the reservoir will be offset by the consumption of and spillways. When water from below the surface of the atmospheric CO2 by plankton through photosynthesis. The reservoir is discharged at the dam, the pressure acting upon it difference between net and gross emissions for methane is not suddenly drops and – according to the chemical principle of likely to be significant, since reservoirs produce such huge Henry’s Law – it is able to hold less dissolved gas. Degassing amounts of methane relative to background fluxes. emissions are also due to the greater air/water interface creat- A team of Brazilian researchers led by Elizabeth Sikar has cal- ed when water is pulverized at the bottom of a long spillway. culated fluxes of greenhouse gases before and after construc- Dissolved greenhouse gases in reservoir water that are not tion of Manso and Serra da Mesa dams in the Brazilian cerrado released at the spillway and turbine may be emitted to the (savanna) ecosystems. The researchers found that the flood- ing switched the cerrados from a source to a sink of CO . In atmosphere further downstream. Elevated emissions of CO2, 2 CH and N O were detected up to 40 kilometers down- contrast, the reservoirs produced significant net emissions of 4 2 6 stream of the Petit Saut Reservoir in French Guiana.4 In the methane and turned nitrous oxide sinks into sources. case of the Balbina Reservoir in Brazil, downstream emis- Another study quantified the carbon fluxes after the con- sions of methane represented the equivalent of 3% of all struction of five small dams in Canada and concluded that 5 methane released from the central Amazon floodplain. the primary source of emissions was the rotting of flooded 7 The major component of the warming impact of boreal res- organic matter, which contributes to net emissions. A carbon balance calculation carried out for the Petit Saut Reservoir in ervoirs is diffusive CO2; the major component of the warm- ing impact from the surfaces of tropical reservoirs is methane French Guiana found that the carbon and methane emissions bubbles. For at least some tropical reservoirs the majority of during the first ten years were primarily due to the inunda- tion of the vegetation, which means that the emissions can their warming impact is due to methane degassing. be considered net.8 Forests in the Amazon are carbon sinks, while the region’s aquatic ecosystems are a source of roughly WHAT is THE DiFFErEnCE bETWEEn nET AnD gross the same order of magnitude. Researchers believe that net EMissions? CO emissions from the areas flooded by Amazonian reser- Ideally, a calculation of the warming impact of reservoirs 2 voirs were approximately zero prior to dam construction.9 should be based on net emissions. This requires adjusting measurements of gross emissions at the reservoir surface and Accurately calculating the global warming impact of dams dam outlets to allow for whatever sinks and sources of green- requires a life-cycle analysis, which should include the house gases existed in the reservoir zone before submer- impacts of dam construction and decommissioning. Dam gence, the uptake of carbon through photosynthesis in the construction releases greenhouse gases due to the use of fossil reservoir, and the impact of the reservoir upon the pre-dam fuels by machinery and the production of building materi- flows of carbon throughout the wider watershed. als, in particular cement. Construction emissions could make DirTy HyDro: DAMs AnD grEEnHoUsE gAs EMissions The Flatulent Wohlensee Wohlensee, a small run-of-river hydro small storage capacity, it was thought a fair one as it does not include the reservoir in central Switzerland, emits that water would not remain in the cement and fossil fuel consumption 780 metric tonnes of methane a year, reservoir for enough time to form from building the Wohlensee, or the according to a recent study from methane. This Eawag study throws likely initial spike in emissions due to Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute both these assumptions into the air. rotting vegetation when the reservoir of Aquatic Science and Technology.1 The study also destroys the hydro was first filled. The study only measured methane industry’s claims that reservoirs bubbles at the reservoir surface: are only high emitters for their first Currently, run-of-river dams that apply Actual emissions may be several decade or so after construction — for carbon credits from the Clean times higher due to the degassing of the Wohlensee was built in 1920. Development Mechanism do not have methane at the dam’s turbines and to account for any greenhouse gas spillway, and in the river downstream. Wohlensee’s methane bubbles have emissions. The Eawag study sug- a warming impact equivalent to 119 gests that these run-of-river projects It has usually been assumed that grams of CO2 for every kilowatt-hour are being granted permission to gen- methane emissions are negligible generated. This is 10 times higher erate many more carbon credits than from dam reservoirs in temperate than emissions for wind power, if cal- they deserve. regions and from run-of-river projects. culations take into account emissions 1. Del Sontro, T. et al. (2008) Wohlensee: Lake Run-of-river dams have relatively during wind-turbine manufacture and Flatulence and Global Warming, Eawag – small reservoirs and because of their installation. The comparison is not Annual Report 2007, Switzerland. up a significant component of the life-time emissions from emissions are ten times greater than those from a coal-fired a boreal dam, but would likely be insignificant compared to power plant.12 (Because it is an outlier, Balbina is not includ- total emissions from a tropical project. Dam decommission- ed in the tropical reservoir average.) ing may result in the mobilization of a significant amount of accumulated sediments, potentially leading to a large pulse of ConCLUsion carbon emissions. Although there has been more than a decade of serious sci- entific research into this issue, the belief that hydropower WHAT is THE gLobAL ConTribUTion oF DAMs To is inherently climate friendly is still common among policy gLobAL WArMing? makers. Part of the reason for this is that the science is com- Ivan Lima and colleagues from Brazil’s National Institute for plex and subject to numerous uncertainties. The hydro lobby Space Research (INPE) have calculated that the world’s large has exploited these uncertainties, much as climate change dams (those taller than 15 meters) emit 104 million metric deniers have exploited the uncertainties in climate science as tonnes of methane annually from reservoir surfaces, turbines, a whole and used them to lobby decision makers not to take 10 spillways and rivers downstream. This calculation implies reservoir emissions seriously. that dam methane emissions are responsible for at least 4% of the total warming impact of human activities.
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