Volume 84 u No. 8 u March 16, 2013 ALSO INSIDE • Solo and Small Firm Conference • Justice Commission Issues Final Report Vol. 84 — No. 8 — 3/16/2013 The Oklahoma Bar Journal 505 Workers’ Compensation Consider an OBA sponsored Workers’ Compensation Plan from Beale Professional Services. This plan offers: t)JHIMZ$PNQFUJUJWF3BUFT tPGBDDPVOUTXJMMOPUSFDFJWFBOBOOVBMBVEJU t6OEFSXSJUUFOCZ5IF)BOPWFSi"OA"SBUFE".#FTU$PNQBOZJO CVTJOFTTTJODF t-PDBM6OEFSXSJUJOH0óDF t%JSFDUCJMMJOHXJUIøFYJCJMJUZUPTFUVQ&MFDUSPOJD'VOET5SBOTGFS QBZ POMJOFPSCZQIPOFXJUIBDSFEJUDBSE EFCJUDBSFPGFDIFDL 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPOPSUPSFRVFTUBfree quoteDBMMPVSPóDF WJTJUVT BU www.bealepro.com PSTDBOUIFDPEFXJUIZPVSTNBSUQIPOF 800.530.4863 www.bealepro.com G JO 506 The Oklahoma Bar Journal Vol. 84 — No. 8 — 3/16/2013 THEME : pg. 551 TECHNOLOGY Editor: Sandee Coogan Solo & Small Firm Conference and YLD Midyear contents Meeting March 16, 2013 • Vol. 84 • No. 8 DEPARTMENTS 508 From the President 557 Editorial Calendar 564 From the Executive Director 566 Ethics/Professional Responsibility 569 OBA Board of Governors Actions 573 Oklahoma Bar Foundation News 576 Young Lawyers Division 578 Calendar 580 For Your Information 585 Bench and Bar Briefs 586 In Memoriam 592 The Back Page pg. 558 FEATURES Justice Commission Report 511 Encryption, Privacy and the Dark Side of the Internet By Duane Croft 517 The Basics of the Lawyer’s iPad By Jim Calloway 523 E-Filing in Oklahoma By Brant M. Elmore PLUS 529 Electronic Discovery 551 Solo & Small Firm Conference By Ronald Collett By Jim Calloway 535 Changing the Face of Law Office 558 Oklahoma Justice Commission Issues Marketing Final Report, Adjourns By Don G. Pope 560 Committee Continues Monitoring E-Discovery under Rule 26 543 Legislation By Cody J. Cooper By Duchess Bartmess Vol. 84 — No. 8 — 3/16/2013 The Oklahoma Bar Journal 507 FROM THE PRESIDENT OBA Members Encouraged to Learn More About Human Trafficking By Jim Stuart Most persons, if asked, would tell you they OBA DAY OF SERVICE believe slavery no longer exists in the United States. In a previous message I men- After all, slavery was made illegal 150 years ago when tioned that an OBA “day of ser- President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation vice” was being planned, by Proclamation. Over the past 15 years, “human traffick- which OBA members in all 77 ing” has been a term used to describe activities that hold counties will be given the oppor- a person in compelled service, primarily through forced tunity to spend a day giving labor, sex trafficking and debt bondage. back to their communities. The Slavery of any kind is a horrible violation of human OBA day of service is scheduled rights and human dignity. Human trafficking is believed to take place on Sept. 20-21. Put to be one of the fastest growing and most profitable this important event on your cal- criminal enterprises. I first became aware of the serious- endar — and step forward to ness of this problem through help your county bar organize a ABA President Laurel Bellows project. and her initiative to highlight CLE ALASKAN and combat the effects of CRUISE human trafficking. Oklahoma is not Now is also the time Oklahoma is immune from such to sign up for our not immune illegal activities OBA/CLE Alaska from such ille- cruise, July 20-28. It gal activities due in part to its will be a “cool” event, due in part to location in the with breathtaking sce- its location in nery and an exciting the I-35 corri- I-35 corridor. and fun way to get dor. Through CLE for 2013. For the the efforts of best cabin selection an OBA task and the best price, put force and resources made available by down a deposit by March 22. For recently elected ABA Governor and more details you can call OBA Oklahoma City attorney Jimmy Good- Educational Programs Director man, I plan to highlight ways in which Susan Krug at 405-416-7028, OBA members can identify victims and 800-522-8065 or simply check out help combat the effects of human traf- the ad in this magazine. ficking. On May 9 the OBA will present Best regards from the Stuart President Stuart a CLE program on human trafficking. I practices in Shawnee. encourage you to attend. family. [email protected] 405-275-0700 508 The Oklahoma Bar Journal Vol. 84 — No. 8 — 3/16/2013 OFFIC ERS & BOARD OF GOVERNORS James T. Stuart, President, Shawnee Renée DeMoss, President-Elect, Tulsa EVENTS CALENDAR Dietmar K. Caudle, Vice-President, Lawton Cathy M. Christensen, Immediate Past President, Oklahoma City MARCH 2013 Sandee Coogan, Norman 18 OBA Litigation Section meeting; 12 p.m.; Oklahoma Bar Center, Gerald C. Dennis, Antlers Oklahoma City and Tulsa County Bar Center, Tulsa; Contact Robert S. Farris, Tulsa Robert D. Gifford II, Oklahoma City Renée DeMoss 918-595-4800 Kimberly Hays, Tulsa OBA Alternative Dispute Resolution Section meeting; 4 p.m.; Douglas L. Jackson, Enid Oklahoma Bar Center, Oklahoma City and Tulsa County Bar Center, Tulsa; O. Chris Meyers II, Lawton D. Scott Pappas, Stillwater Contact Michael O’Neil 405-232-2020 Nancy S. Parrott, Oklahoma City 20 OBA Women In Law Committee meeting; 4 p.m.; Oklahoma Bar Bret A. Smith, Muskogee Center, Oklahoma City and Tulsa County Bar Center, Tulsa; Contact Richard D. Stevens, Norman Linda S. Thomas, Bartlesville Kim Hays 918-592-2800 Joseph M. Vorndran, Shawnee, Ruth Bader Ginsburg American Inn of Court; 5 p.m.; Oklahoma Bar Chairperson, OBA/Young Lawyers Division Center, Oklahoma City; Contact Donald Lynn Babb 405-235-1611 BAR CENTER STAFF 25 OBA Law Day Contest Awards Ceremony; 2 p.m.; Oklahoma State John Morris williams, Executive Director; Gina L. Hendryx, General Counsel; Jim Calloway, Capitol, Oklahoma City; Contact Richard Vreeland 405-360-6631 Director of Management Assistance Program; 26 OBA Bench and Bar Committee meeting; 12 p.m.; Oklahoma Bar Craig D. Combs, Director of Administration; Center, Oklahoma City and Tulsa County Bar Center, Tulsa; Contact Susan Damron Krug, Director of Educational Programs; Beverly Petry Lewis, Administrator David Swank 405-325-5254 MCLE Commission; Carol A. Manning, Director 27 Ruth Bader Ginsburg American Inn of Court masters meeting; of Communications; Travis Pickens, Ethics Counsel; 5:30 p.m.; Oklahoma Bar Center, Oklahoma City; Contact Robbin watson, Director of Information Technology; Jane McConnell, Coordinator Law-related Education; Donald Lynn Babb 405-235-1611 Loraine Dillinder Farabow, Tommy Humphries, 28 OBA Work/Life Balance Committee meeting; 12 p.m.; Oklahoma Tina Izadi, Katherine Ogden, Assistant General Bar Center, Oklahoma City and Tulsa County Bar Center, Tulsa; Contact Counsels; Tommy Butler, Tanner Condley, Sharon Orth, Dorothy walos and Sara Schumacher 405-752-5565 Krystal willis, Investigators 29 OBA Environmental Law Section meeting; 11 a.m.; Oklahoma Bar Manni Arzola, Amy Baker, Debbie Brink, Emily Center, Oklahoma City; Contact Jeri Fleming 405-334-6343 Buchanan, Susan Carey, Johnny Marie Floyd, Matt Gayle, Dieadra Goss, Brandon Haynie, APRIL2013 Suzi Hendrix, Misty Hill, Debra Jenkins, Durrel Lattimore, Heidi McComb, Renee Montgomery, 2 OBA Communications Committee meeting; 12 p.m.; Oklahoma Bar wanda Reece-Murray, Larry Quinn, Lori Center, Oklahoma City and Tulsa County Bar Center; Contact Dick Pryor Rasmussen, Tracy Sanders, Mark Schneidewent, Jan Thompson, Laura willis & Roberta yarbrough 405-740-2944 EDITORIAL BOARD OBA Government and Administrative Law Practice Section Editor in Chief, John Morris williams, News meeting; 4 p.m.; Oklahoma Bar Center, Oklahoma City with & Layout Editor, Carol A. Manning, Editor, teleconference; Contact Tamar Scott 405-561-2635 Melissa DeLacerda, Stillwater, Associate Editors: 4 Dietmar K. Caudle, Lawton; Sandee Coogan, OBA Lawyers Helping Lawyers discussion group meeting; Norman; Emily Duensing, Tulsa; Pandee 7 p.m.; Office of Tom Cummings, 701 NW 13th St., Oklahoma City; Ramirez, Okmulgee; Mark Ramsey, RSVP to Kim Reber [email protected] Claremore; Judge Megan Simpson, Buffalo; Joseph M. Vorndran, Shawnee; Judge Allen J. For more events go to www.okbar.org/calendar welch, Oklahoma City; January windrix, Poteau NOTICE of change of address (which must be The Oklahoma Bar Association’s official website: www.okbar.org in writing and signed by the OBA member), THE OKLAHOMA BAR JOURNAL is a publication of the Oklahoma Bar undeliverable copies, orders for subscriptions Association. All rights reserved. Copyright© 20082013 Oklahoma Bar Association. or ads, news stories, articles and all mail items The design of the scales and the “Oklahoma Bar Association” encircling the should be sent to the Oklahoma Bar Association, scales are trademarks of the Oklahoma Bar Association. Legal articles carried P.O. Box 53036, Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3036. in THE OKLAHOMA BAR JOURNAL are selected by the Board of Editors. Oklahoma Bar Association 405-416-7000 THE OKLAHOMA BAR JOURNAL (ISSN 0030-1655) IS PUBLISHED THREE TIMES Toll Free 800-522-8065 FAx 405-416-7001 A MONTH IN JANUARy, FEBRUARy, MARCH, APRIL, MAy, AUGUST, SEPTEM- Continuing Legal Education 405-416-7006 BER, October, NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER AND BIMONTHLy IN JUNE AND Ethics Counsel 405-416-7055 JULy. By THE OKLAHOMA BAR Association, 1901 N. LINCOLN Boulevard, General Counsel 405-416-7007 OKLAHOMA CITy, OKLAHOMA 73105. PERIODICALS postage paid at OKLA- Law-related Education 405-416-7005 HOMA CITy, OK. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES to THE OKLAHOMA Lawyers Helping Lawyers 800-364-7886 BAR ASSOCIATION, P.O. BOx 53036, OKLAHOMA CITy, OK 73152-3036. SUBSCRIP- Mgmt. Assistance Program 405-416-7008 TIONS ARE $55$60 PER yEAR ExCEPT FOR LAw STUDENTS REGISTERED wITH THE Mandatory CLE 405-416-7009 OKLAHOMA BAR Association, wHO MAy SUBSCRIBE FOR $25. ACTIVE MEM- OBJ & Communications 405-416-7004 BER SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE INCLUDED AS A portion OF ANNUAL DUES. ANy OPINION ExPRESSED HEREIN IS that OF THE AUTHOR AND NOT NECESSAR- Board of Bar Examiners 405-416-7075 ILy that OF THE OKLAHOMA BAR Association, OR THE OKLAHOMA BAR Oklahoma Bar Foundation 405-416-7070 JOURNAL BOARD OF Editors.
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