Index to Academy Oral Histories Leo C. Popkin Leo C. Popkin (Producer, Director, Exhibitor) Call number: OH142 Academy Award Theater (Los Angeles), 343–344, 354 Academy Awards, 26, 198, 255–256, 329 accounting, 110-111, 371 ACE IN THE HOLE, 326–327 acting, 93, 97, 102, 120–123, 126–130, 138–139, 161, 167–169, 173, 191, 231–234, 249–254, 260–261, 295–297, 337–342, 361–362, 367–368, 374-378, 381–383 Adler, Luther, 260–261, 284 advertising, 102-103, 140–142, 150–151, 194, 223–224 African-Americans and film, 186–190, 195–198, 388-392 African-Americans, depiction of, 111–112, 120–122, 126–130, 142–144, 156–158, 165- 173, 186–189, 199–200, 203, 206–211, 325, 338–351, 357, 388–392 African-American films, 70-214, 390-394 African-Americans in the film industry, 34–36, 43–45, 71–214, 339–341, 351–352, 388- 392 agents, 305-306, 361–362 Ahn, Philip, 251 alcoholism in films, 378 Aliso Theater (Los Angeles), 66 Allied Artists, 89 American Automobile Association (AAA), 315 American Federation of Musicians (Local 47 and Local 767, AFL), 34, 267, 274 American Legion Stadium (Hollywood), 55–56 Anaheim Drive-in Theater (Anaheim), 28, 69 AND THEN THERE WERE NONE, 11-12, 54, 114–120, 166, 224–236, 276, 278, 283, 302–304, 317–318 Anderson, Ernest, 339–341 Anderson, Judith, 226 Anderson, Richard, 382–383 Andriot, Lucien, 226, 230 Angel's Flight railway (Los Angeles), 50 animation, 222 anti-Semitism, 107 Apollo Theater (New York City), 45, 178–179, 352 architecture and film, 366–367 Armstrong, Louis, 133 art direction, 138, 162, 199, 221–222, 226, 264, 269, 294–295, 303–304, 334–336, 366–367 Art Theater (Los Angeles), 47 Ascot Park (auto-racing track), 313, 364 assistant directing, 77, 90-91, 109-110, 135-137, 148-149, 152-155, 164, 175-176, 198-199, 204-205, 290 Aubry, Danielle (wife), 244, 360 automobiles in films, 224, 306–322, 329 back lots, 346 Baggett, Lynn, 261–262 Bains, Pearl, 182 Bainter, Fay, 312 Baker, Freddie, 75, 205 ballet in film, 292 Bank of America, 29 BARBERSHOP, 170 BARGAIN WITH BULLETS, 35, 65, 72, 75–86, 94–97, 100, 103, 110 Basie, Count, 36–37 Baskette, James, 182 Bates, Barbara, 363 BEAU GESTE, 242, 250 Beavers, Louise, 95, 121–122, 129–130, 135–138, 173, 314 Benjamin, Robert, 240, 254 Bennett, Hope, 130 Bennett, Hugh, 291–292, 331–332 Berman, Isidore, 45, 47, 70 Berman, Jack Y., 14–15, 30, 45, 47, 70 Beverly Pictures, 251 THE BIG COMBO, 299 THE BIG WHEEL, 284, 306–322, 364 Bill Robinson Theater (Los Angeles), 87 billing, 41-42, 102, 260, 288 Billings, Bill, 199 BILLY THE KID (1941), 40 biographical films, 147 Biroc, Joseph, 237 THE BLACK DAHLIA, 224 blacklisting, 262–263, 367–368 Blanc, Mel, 298 blaxploitation films, 80–81 block-booking, 135 Blue, Monte, 312–313 Bowman, Laura, 201 boxing, 37–40, 46, 55–56, 130-132, 306-308 boxing in films, 306-308 Boyle Heights Junior High School (Los Angeles), 17 Bradbury Building (Los Angeles), 21, 258 Bradley, Thomas "Tom", 22–23, 31, 63, 357 Brady, Fred, 290–291 Brand, Neville, 249, 253–254 THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI, 262 Briskin, Mort, 279–280, 289, 308–309, 365 Britton, Barbara, 291, 297 Britton, Pamela, 260, 297 Brodie, Steve, 315 Bronston, Samuel, 227–229 Brooklyn Theater (Los Angeles), 14, 28, 39, 46, 67, 216 Brooks, Arthur A., 77, 91–92, 151, 177–178, 180, 182 Brooks, Harvey, 108 Brooks, Jess Lee, 130, 185, 199 Brown, Charles, 389–390 Buckner, Teddy, 263 budgets, 95–96, 99, 109, 113–116, 122–125, 162, 164, 167, 187, 294–295, 302–303, 344–345, 380–381 Buell, Jed, 71, 74, 202 Buford, Landis, 201 Bunker Hill (Los Angeles), 50–51 Burbank Theater (Los Angeles), 22–24, 47, 56–57 burlesque, 22–24, 31, 38, 47–48, 56–57, 61–62, 216–217 Byington, Spring, 312 Cagney, Jeanne, 363 Calentzos, Steve, 136 California Bank, 29 cameras, 176-177, 293-294 Campbell, Beverly, 261–262 Cardinal Pictures, 236–361, 388-389, 393–394 Carnovsky, Morris, 367–368 Carr, Jack, 199, 205 Carson, Jadie, 263 Carter, Jack, 181, 183 Carver Theater (Los Angeles), 65 CASABLANCA, 19, 25–27, 163, 224 casting, 76-81, 106-111, 126-129, 137, 140, 149, 160, 166, 170, 185, 190, 201, 205, 227- 229, 232, 238-239, 242-243, 249–253, 295, 297, 313–316, 339–340, 361–364, 367–370, 378, 381–383 Cats and the Fiddle (singing group), 102 censorship, 82–84, 97–98, 139–140, 163, 233–235, 276, 343–344, 348–349, 377–378 Centinela Drive-in Theater (Los Angeles), 66–68 Central Theater (Los Angeles), 22–23, 63–64, 87, 390 CHAMPAGNE FOR CAESAR, 276, 284–305 CHAMPION, 238 Chaplin, Charles, 239–240, 254 Chapman, Ben, 184 child actors, 166-167, 173, 181, 205-208, 341, 349, 388-389 Ching, William, 261 Chooluck, Leon, 290, 333 Christie, Agatha, 229, 278 cigarette smoking in films, 223 Cille, Earl, 184 cinematography, 109, 176–177, 179, 190–191, 222–223, 246–247, 274–275, 291, 316–319, 332-334, 374–375, 388 City of Hope (hospital), 56 civil rights movement, 169–173, 390–393 Claar, John, 293 Clair, Rene, 114–120, 226-235, 239, 278 Clemens, George, 241, 247, 311 Cline, Robert, 98, 109, 136, 149–150, 176 Coburn, Charles, 242 Cohen, Mickey, 57, 63, 281–282 Cohn, Martin G., 191, 199, 205 Cold War, 257 Cole, Dean, 183 Cole, Nat "King", 36, 390 Collette, Buddy, 24, 31, 34, 36 Colman, Ronald, 295–296, 299–301 Colmes, Walter, 219–220 COLOR ME DEAD, 283 COLORED AMERICANS IN THE NATION'S CAPITOL, 211–212 colorization, 319 Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 286, 293–295, 301–302, 357 Columbia Pictures, 250, 254, 277 combat photography, 209-211, 224-226 comedy films, 44, 65, 72-82, 86, 90, 95, 96–110, 120, 128, 133, 135, 149, 153, 155, 166, 174-182, 206, 236–241, 248, 276, 283–305, 391 Communism, 203, 367–368, 374, 323–324, 387–388 Consolidated Film Exchange, 88 Continental Litho (advertising), 141 contracts, 167–168, 298–301, 308 Cooper, Ralph, 29, 43–45, 65, 71–74, 78, 85, 86, 88, 96–97, 100–101, 103–104, 108-111, 128–129, 134, 137, 140, 148-149, 155, 165, 178, 185, 201, 351–352, 390 Cooper, Walter, 184 Cordingley, _____, 367 CORNERED, 261 Corwin, Joseph H., 216 Corwin, Sherrill, 215–216 costume design, 106, 336 Covan, DeForrest, 166–167, 173, 205 Cowan, Fred, 177 Crafts, Charles, 29–30, 62 Cramer, Duncan, 264 credits, 109–110, 140, 217–219, 289, 330–331, 360 Criner, Lawrence, 74–75, 102, 130, 140-141, 149, 159, 174–175, 185, 191 Cripps, Thomas, 124–129 Crowther, Bosley, 351 Crystal Theater (Los Angeles), 14–15, 46, 47–48, 66–67 Curtiz, Michael, 163 D.O.A., 21, 213, 214, 237, 240, 242–245, 246, 249–250, 252–284, 297, 317, 366 D.O.A. (1988), 252, 283–284 dailies, 117-119, 289–290 Dalgleish, W. M. "Mac", 242, 267, 311–312, 373 dance in film, 43, 79, 99, 159, 275, 292 Dandridge, Dorothy, 95, 153-154, 199, 201, 204 DARK MANHATTAN, 45, 71, 73, 78 THE DARK PAST, 274 Datlowe, S. A., 183 Davis, Almens, 201 Davis, Gwendolyn, 201 Day, Lambert, 184 Day, Laraine, 238 De Mille, Cecil B., 162 De Mille, Katherine, 54 The Dead End Kids, 166–167 THE DEERSLAYER, 361 Dempsey, Jack, 306-308 Derr, E. B., 361 Detroit riots (1943), 346 Dewey, Edward, 199, 204–205 directing, 18–20, 92, 109–110, 114–120, 160–163, 169–170, 206–210, 225, 229–232, 239, 244–245, 249, 278–279, 288–292, 310, 330–334, 347–348, 362–363, 375 Directors Guild of America, 123, 307 distribution, 32, 53, 72–76, 86, 93–95, 110–113, 120, 135, 163, 195–198, 201–204, 210–214, 235–236, 239–240, 251–254, 262–263, 321–322, 343, 348–349, 370–371, 380 Dixie National Pictures, 73–74, 88 documentary film, 211-212, 374 Dodd, Jimmy, 363 Domino Productions, 182 Donlevy, Brian, 241-242, 245, 249, 260 Donovan, Maria, 237, 241, 292, 310 DOUBLE OR NOTHING (radio), 285–286 Douglas, Kirk, 238, 283 The Downbeat (nightclub), 63 Dratler, Jay, 241, 246 drive-in theaters, 27–28, 66–69, 383–385 DuBrul, Willard, 183 THE DUKE IS TOPS, 44, 65, 72-81, 86, 90, 95–110, 120, 128, 133, 135, 155, 206, 391 Dunham, Phil, 77, 96, 98, 135, 149 Dunne, Edward F., 256 Duprez, June, 226 Duvall, Al, 193, 195 Eagle Lion Pictures, 240 Eastland Theaters, 14–39, 45–54, 65–71, 214–217, 359, 383–387 Echols, Harry, 177 editing, 19–20, 53, 91–92, 117–119, 137, 160–162, 180, 199, 233–235, 248–249, 255, 289–292, 328–332, 335–336, 347, 364–365, 372–373, 377 educational film, 114, 211-212 Eisenhower, Dwight, 376 Ellison, Ben, 108 Emick, George C., 336 Engel, Roy, 269 equipment houses, 77-78, 92-93, 176-177, 352 exhibition, 14–39, 45–54, 58–61, 86–88, 93–95, 107, 112–113, 148, 167–168, 195–198, 201–202, 210–211, 214–217, 224, 228–229, 268, 281, 321–322, 348–351, 355–356, 359, 380, 383–390 extras, 193, 346–347 Fairmont Hotel (San Francisco), 266 Fanning, _____, 299–301 fascism, 13–14 fatalities in film production, 287 Federal Theatre Project, 102, 158 Fegte, Ernst, 226 Feld, Rudi, 237, 241, 247, 310 Fenderson, Reginald, 79, 130, 138, 140, 149, 167–168, 185, 191, 199 Fetchit, Stepin, 83 film criticism, 98-100, 104-105, 168-169, 174, 179-180, 186-187 film noir, 245, 254–255 film schools, 17-18, 24-25, 30 film stock, 318 Finston, Nat, 311 Fiscus, Kathy, 324–328, 346 Fitzgerald, Barry, 117, 226, 232 Fladerwasser, _____, 13–14 Fleischer, Dave, 222 Floral Drive-in Theater (Los Angeles), 66, 68 Florence Mills Theater (Los Angeles), 87 Floyd, Carl Bradley, 358–359 Floyd, Charles "Pretty Boy", 358–359 Floyd, Edward, 358–359 Follies Theater (Los Angeles), 23 foreign-language versions of Hollywood films, 277 Foreman, Carl, 262, 276, 367–368 Forward, Robert H., 293 Fouce, Frank, 70–71 FOUR SHALL DIE, 75, 95, 153-155, 198–199, 204-208 The Four Tones (singing group), 175 Fran Productions, 70, 371 FRANCIS THE TALKING MULE, 244–245 Fraser, Harry, 77, 85–86 Freeman, Buddy, 183 Frohman, Lou, 108, 150 Gabel, Martin, 374 Gam, Rita, 374 GANG SMASHERS, 75, 149–160 GANG WAR, 75, 80, 135,
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