PACIFIC CITIZEN 2 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, b i s; no- SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1944 Price: Five Cents Nisei CombatUni tDri vesonLi vornoPort Story Hunt Leads of the Week Report 442nd Combat Team WRA Centers Japanese Ameri cans Wi pe Engaged i n InitialTest i n In Relocati on OutGerman Sniper Alli ed Campaign for Italy gifaoj, Received Nest of 100th Infantry Spearheads as largest Number WITH THE FIFTH ARMY pondent reported that Lieut. Crack Attack Encwes i n April IN ITALY—An outfit of engin- Walter Matsumoto of Honolulu, Nisei Engaged i n Violent Figh ting on Plains eers, attached to the Japanese Cpl. Fuji oka American Tadashi of Seattle, Below Strategic City; by Fifth Army depar- unit now i n action Wash., and a sergeant were Cited Th e against the on WASHINGTON — war Germans on the reconnaissance wh en a sniper ts of 1,517 evacuees from Fifth Army front below Livor- opened up on them, k i lling the ROME—Th e Fifth Array announced officially on July 10 centers on i ndefinite no, wh i ch switched from the sergeant. Th e lieutenant and that the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, composed entirely of station ending business of repairing roads Inveg during the month and corporal called for aid from a American soldiers of Japanese ancestry, i s participating i n the were reported thi s bridges and wiped out some Ger- platoon h eaded by Sgt. Harold April 30,1944, man snipers, was the talk of a Fifth Army's attacks along the west coast sector of Italy to- relocation planning Tsukuno of Seattle. Th e platoon week by the wh ole division of American took off i nto the woods, wiped ward the strategic port of Livorno (Legh orn). ftukm of the War Relocation dough boys last Saturday. out three snipers and captured An Allied spokesman said that thi s Japanese American force Authority. An Associated Press corres- three others. with tank support smashed i nto enemy positions on July 9 i n Dlinois led the states i n relo- the face of determined German resistance. cation with 354. Minidoka led the Th e official report declared the catersi n relocation with 260. Th e Nisei Dough boy Kills 18 100th Infantry Battalion, the now- Japanese Sergeant figures for other centers i ncludo famous unit of Ameri- Nisei Mountain, cans wh i ch was recently i ncorpor- Gila River, 238; Heart Germans on One-Man Rampage ated i nto the 442nd Combat Team, All Alone i n 204- Colorado River, 196; Roh wer, was spearheading the assault of Italian Town 163- Central Utah , 130; Jerome. Italy; Hero the Japanese American group. 107; Manzanar, 106 In Gets DSC 108;'Granada, ;^ Th e spokesman said that the WITH THE FIFTH ARMY and Me Lake, 5. 100th Infantry Battalion h ad "per- resettled i n the follow- Stars and Stripes Cites Pvt. Hayashi 's Action IN ITALY—Sgt. Alfred Tomita Evacuees formed brilliantly through out the of Buh l, Idah o, was out maki ng i ngstates during April: Enemy entire Italian campaign." 5; 5; In Ch arging Machi ne Gun Nest; Forces bypasses recently, enabling Arkansas, California, Colo- (Th e reported destroyers Connecticut, 1; District Four Others to Surrender During United Press tank to detour dem- rado, 152; Assault from Rome on July 10 that the olitions. Sgt. Tomita, a Japa- of Columbia,6; Florida, 1; Idah o, Indiana, 20; 100th Infantry Battalion of the nese American, got so far i n 130; Illinois, 354; ALGIERS A Japanese American dough boy wh o k i lled 442nd Regimental Combat Team front of the tank destroyers lowa, 24; Kentucky, 2; Maryland, — positions Massachusetts, 5; Michi gan, 74; eigh teen Germans i n a "one-man attack" on enemy positions "smashed i nto enemy that h e found h i mself all alone 1; with tank support Sunday to i n a town the enemy Minnesota, 67; Missouri, 33; Mon- during a flank assault of the 100th Infantry Battalion i n Italy wh i ch Nevada, win strategic points." Advance h ad j ust evacuated. tana, 25; Nebraska, 44; h as been awarded a Distinguished Service Cross, Th e Stars units of the Japanese American Sgt. Tomita the time Jersey, Mexico, spent 10; New 15; New and Stripes, official U. S. Army newspaper published i n the group were reported less than waiting for theothers to come 5; New York, 69; Oh i o, 127; Ok - Livorno, k ey port up by cleaning mp rubble i n Oregon, Pennsyl- North African Th eatre of Operations, reported i n i ts "Roll of ten. miles from lah oma, 1; 29; on the Ligurian sea. A IT. P. dis- the streets. ; Tinia, 27; Texas, 11; Utah , 103; Honor" i n i ts weekly edition of June 3. patch on July 12 declared that Vermont, 4; Virginia, 1; Washi ng- Th e Japanese American i s Pvt. Sh i zuya Hayashi of Oah u, American advance units i n thi s ton, 67: Wi sconsin, 18; Wyoming, sector captured Castigliocel- 70; and, Hawaii , 11. Hawaii . Besides k i lling eigh teen h ad Report forced four l<>, breaki ng a week's stalemate Hawaii It was reported that the total Germans, Hayashi on the Tyrrhenian coastal road, of i ndefinite leaves i ssued between others to surrender and drove the Report Sh ows and h ad moved forward toward Nisei Proving Ma; 1, 1943, and April 30, 1944. off a strategic h i ll. Livorno. was 18,114. remainder Sabotage by "Among the men wh o h ave No (A radio broadcast on July 12, Good Citizens fough t i n Italy, the bravery and Canada Nisei reporting dispatches from the L. A. ski ll a Japanese Italian front, declared that the Aid to War Effort NEWSPAPER figh ting of Japanese American unit h as BACKS BILL TO American battalion of i nfantry Police Raps "smashed through " a German Told by Government questioned/ Official DEPORT GROUP h as never been Racists for Fomenting trap i n the figh ting below Livor- Manpower Official Th e Stars and Stripes said. "And no. In another broadcast Eleanor Evacuees Packard, correspondent of nowh ere i s there a better er. Hatred of noted WASHINGTON—Americans of LOS ANGELES Th e Times the United Press, was quoted ancestry proving announced i ts support ample of thi s ski ll and courage "garden boys" Japanese are to — of the Mc- B. C. Th ere describing the "good i n the war ef- Farland-Joh nson bill for the de- than the act wh i ch won Sh i zuya VANCOUVER, from California and the men be citizens or attempts— of fort" i n Hawaii , Newton R. Hol- portation of all aliens and "dis- Hawaii , the Dis- h ave been no acts from Hawaii wh o were figh ting loyal" Hayashi , Oah u, Japanese comb, territorial director of the citizens of Japanese an- sabotage by persons of i n the Japanese American Com- Manpower com- cestry with an tinguished Service Cross. bat, front.) War Commission, editorial on July 9. "It was last November that ancestry i n British Columbia since Team on the Italian mented on July 8 i n a report to Wh en Congress reconvenes, ev- (Press dispatches from the ery Pvt. Hayashi made h i s one-man the outbreak of h ostilities between WMC Ch airman Paul V. McNutt. effort should be made to pass during a flank front i n recent months h ave cred- "Th ey are all employed we attack assault the British empire and Japan, De Infantry and McFarland-Jolinson Japanese on h igh ground h eld by the i ted the 100th Battalion Worki ng as good Americans," Hol- deportation bill, to amend the puty Commissioner Joh n A, Sh i r- with participation i n battles at *w enemy. Blazing away with h i s comb's report said. exclusion measure wh i ch Hayashi ras of the Provincial Police declar- Benevento, Santa Maria Oliveto, His report reviewed the man- sipped through automatic rifle, Pvt. crossing oftheVenefro and the Congress i n the charged an enemy machi ne gun ed at the annual meeting of the the power situation i n Hawaii and Wang days without debate and i n the i nitial assault on Cassino. Th e noted the of Japa- "as sjgned » nest, k i lling seven men Pacific Coast International Asso- captured contributions been by the President and others wh o 100th i s reported to h ave nese Americans to war production. ll>e Times position two ciation of Law Enforcement i n San Michele i n a nigh t attack. said. tried to escape. Th en, as the portation bUI supported Vancouver last week. After long weeks i n the lines fac- h «?«c £ platoon advanced from there, «* Times h as been i ntroduced anti-aircraft position Th e Deputy Commissioner rapped i ng Cassino, the unit was trans- Evacuee Volunteers 88 by a German ferred to the Anzio beachh ead ■wL/of 1? Senator McFar- opened fire at close range. Pvt. race prejudice agitators wh o were Figh t Range Fire Arizona and Rep. J. Le- Hayashi 's fire k i lled fomenting h atred of Japanese wh ere they took part i n the drive Joh nson of return on Rome. Th e Regimental California. nine of the Germans, convinced Canadians and urged a tolerant at 442nd they sur- h andling of prob- Combat Team was organized i n SHOSHONE, Idah o — A range "* four others should titude i n the started by ligh teningon July the remainder lems concerning persons of Japa the spring of 1943 with volunteers fire, Co-op Buys render and drove from Hawaii and the continental 7, swept to withi n a block of the Amache off the h i ll." nese ancestry.
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