- l.llA- ..... STATEMENT PLACE: :... """U , -;~ nr DATE: 'au.a yqg b)( 6), (b )(7)(C) ,_J_______ .1-. ____ ...v.;b :vi)(6Ri'JI,(h'ib )'7(7v;)(Ci"i);-----,...___ , make the following free and voluntary statement to_'\.._______ _,_ __________ _ whom I know to be a Special Agent of the United States Naval Criminal Investigative Service. I make this statement of my own free will and without any threats made to me or promises extended. I fully understand that this statement is given concerning my knowledge of the death of Admiral Jeremy Michael Boorda, USN. For the purpose of identification, I am a male, D inches tall, weighing approximately pounds. I have h~;,.. ~nd eyes. My social s ecurit v nnmhP.l'" ;ct and I was born on on or about 1330 hours, while I was sitting in my office at the Naval Historical Center, I observed from the window, a white male in civilian attire (suit) running out from Admiral Boorda's driveway in a full sprint. I then saw the same gentleman, with a white male Navy Lieutenant who I later learned was running back toward the driveway of the Admiral's resiaence. At that point, I notified a coworker, that something didn't look right. I proceeded to leave the Historical Center and head over to the Admiral's residence. I heard a commotion (men yelling) coming from the garden located in the Admiral's residence. I made my way back to the garden and observed performinq CPR on Admiral Boorda. I made my way to the scene to see if I could provide assistance by way of CPR/First Aide. I noted what appeared to be a gunshot wound in the center of Admiral Boorda's chest. I looked around and saw what appeared to be a 357 laying nearby. I asked a Naval Dis~rict Washinqton Police Sergeant who was at the scene at that point to secure the weapon so as it would not be handled by anyone. I then held the Admiral's hand and said a silent prayer. Shortly thereafter, I was overcome with an acute sense that it was taking much too long for medical help to arrive. At this point I made my way out to the front of the residence and noticed the way for the ambulance blocked by dozens of marked and unmarked police scars. I began yelling to a police officer to clear a path for the ambulance and he told me to "Calm down. We could have a bird cage situation." He was under the impression that the Admiral was in the house. However, I informed hilll that "No, the Admiral is laying outside in the yard and needs medical attentio1 immediately. Let them through now." At this point, the scene was chaotic with police officers everywhere. I went back and stayed with for approximately 90 minutes. We watched the activities rrom a distance and were approached by officers at various times who asked us what our role was. AN officer finally came and 000232 Statement (Continued): DATE: May 29, 1998 Page: 2 asked b)(5), (b)(?XC) to leave with my fu name and number should scene. This was approximately This statement, consisting of this page and one other was typed by me. I have read and understand the above statement. I have been given the opportunity to make any changes or corrections I desire to ake and have placed my initials over the changes b)(6), (b)(7)(C) true and correct. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of May, 1996 at NCISFO WASHINGTON DC. r·x•l.(b){7)(C)I ~ __ _ S~iel Agent. U.S. NAVAL ~IMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE AU™: SECNAVINST '6'620.38 OF 04JANSl3 000233 .. STATEMENT b)(6), (b )(7)(C) 1,L____________ ~;::v;;-;-;;:-;-;:;v;::;-;----= ==i-----___J ake the following free and voluntary statement to__,"-'--bl_<6_>. _<b_l<7_l<_Cl___ .___ _________ _ whom I know to be a Special Agent of the United States Naval Criminal Investigative Service. I make this statement of my own free will and without any threats made to me or promises extended. I fully understand that this statement is given concerning my knowledge of . 5 .,.,...,..,.~~~....._................. """""....__ ........ ~ ~;..u...,.~· fication, I was born in bl< >. (b)(?)(C~=----. • • • b)(6), 41:";-;;;r:-;;:;:;~~-----"'"""',.........,,..-:=r.::t-.. My social secur.:tt number is b 7 c .........,__,.........--_ and since b <6 • (b <7l C> I have been b)(6), (b)(7)(C) to t e Chief of Naval Operations. '--------------~ ON 16MAY96, ~ b)(6 ) , (b)(7)(C ) I USN, WAS THE DUTY AIDE TO ADMIRAL aooRDA. BETWEEN APPROXIMATELY ·1000 AND 1150, I WAS AT THE CNO'S RESIDENCE, .TINGEY HOUSE IN THE WASHINGTON NAVY YARD, OVERSEEING WORK BEING DONE ON THE FIRE ALARM FOR THOSE QUARTERS. I GOT BACK TO MY OFFICE IN THE PENTAGON FROM TINGEY HOUSE AT ABOUT 1205 ON 16MAY96. I DID NOT HAVE OCCASION TO SEE ADMIRAL BOORDA AT ALL ON l6MAY96. NORMALLY THE CNO CAME INTO WORK EACH DAY AT ABOUT 0635, BUT FOR SOME REASON HE DECIDED TO COME IN IATER DURING THE MORNING OF 16MAY96. WHILE WORKING ON THE ALARM AT TINGEY HOUSE, I DID AS b)(6), (b)(7)(C) SN, WHO IS ASSIGNED TO THE RESIDENCE, WHAT A EEN DOING THAT MORNING IN THE HOME. b)(6), (b)(7)(C) SIMPLY TOLD ME THAT THE CNO HAD BEEN G THE MORNING AWAY IN HIS OFFICE THERE. Kb)(6), (b)(7)(C) I GAVE NO HINT OF ANYTHING HAVING BEEN AMISS OR OUT OF RDINARY, WHILE THE CNO WORKED ALONE AT HOME THAT MORNING. WHILE AT TINGEY HOUSE I WAS JOINED AT ABOUT 1030 BY b)(6), (b)(7)(C) WORKS CENTER, WHO IS THE b){o), (b)(?)(C) WAS IN THE HOME WMEN I FIRST GOT to TINGEY HOUSE. Btn' SHE DEPARTED BETWEEN 102 0 ANO l 0 3 0 FOR ~b)(5). (b)(?)(C) __) HOME. WE HAD TO TEST THE ALARM BELLS AT TINGEY HOUSE, BUT DID NOT DO SO UNTIL AFTERkbl(6). (b)(7)(C) l DEPARTED THE HOME THAT MORNING . BY THE TIME I ARRIVED AT TINGEY HOUSE, THE CNO HAD ALREADY DEPARTED FOR HIS OFFICE AT THE PENTAGON. AT ABOUT 1400 ON 16MAY96, AT THE REQUEST oFfbH6J, CbJ(7J(C) I I DID CALL THE MARINE GUARD POST AT LATROBE GATE , WASHINGTON NAVY YARD, AND WAS TOLD THAT ADMIRAL BOORDA HAD BEEN SHOT IN THE CHEST. I PUT THE TELEPHONE DOWN AND IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT WHAT I HAO JUST BEEN TOLD. IN THE DAYS LEADING UP TO THIS INCIDENT, I HAD DONE SOME EXTENSIVE TRAVELING WITH THE CNO, BUT NEVER NOTICED HIM TO BE OUT OF SORTS BY WORD OR DEED. I RECALL THAi. ON TIIESDA¥, 5 14MAY96, THE CNO AND I WERE BEING DRIVEN BY fbl{ ), {b)(?)(C) j USMC, FROM THE PENTAGON TO HIS QUARTERS, WHEREpll(6), (b)(7)(C) OF THE NAVAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON POLICE Ro-E-PAR.......-T~M-E~N~T~,_,,,,w~A~s ........ T~0 ...--- 000234 fb )(6), (b)(7)(C) DA TE: May 29. 1996--· e· Page: 2 BRIEF US ON THE SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM FOR TINGEY HOUSE. ADDITIONALLY, HE WAS TO BRIF.F THE CNO ON UP-GRADES TO THE CURRENT SECURITY SYSTEM. ON THE DRIVE OVER TO THE NAVY YARD, ADMIRAL BOORDA JOKED THAT IF AN INTRUDER EVER GOT INTO TINGEY HOUSE, HIS DOG DUKE WOULD HAVE . TO HOLD THE PERSON DOWNSTAIRS WHILE THE CNO WENT UPSTAIRS TO GET HIS PISTOL OUT OF THE SAFE {COMMENTING ON THE AMOUNT OF TIME IT WOULD TAKE TO DO THIS). ON THE DAY OF 15MAY96, EVERYTHING WAS COMPLETELY NORMAL ABOUT THE OFFICE. I DO NOT HAVE ANY IDEA WHY THE CNO WOULD HAVE TAKEN HIS OWN LIFE. ADMIRAL BOORDA ALWAYS HAD THE QUICK AND CORRECT SOLUTION TO EVERY PROBLEM. FROM ABOUT 1700 ITNTII t800 ON 16MAY96, I ESCORTE b)(G), (b)(?)(C) fb)(G), (b)(?)(C) _ FROM TINGEY ,!:!8~ISE TO HER FAIRFAX COUNTY, DURING THIS DRIVE, m~tiiC; 1 TOLD ME THAT ,----~1 fb)(6), (b)(?)(Cl } HAD NOT BEEN HIMSELF AT HOME FOR ABOUT A WEEK AND A HALF LEADING UP TO HIS DEATH. RECALLED THAT WHEN HER FAMILY VISITED TINGEY HOUSE THE WEEKEND OF 04/0SMAY96, ADMIRAL BOORDA, IN A MANNER UNCHARACTERISTIC OF HIMSELF, JUST LAYED ABOUT THE COUCH. TOLD ME THAT THE MEDIA HAD NOT ONLY BEEN DIGGING FOR INFORMATION ABOUT ADMIRAL BOORDA, BUT SOME HAD EVEN GONE SO FAR AS TO LOOK INTO HER BACKGROUND AND THAT OF I CAN NOT THINK OF ANY OTHER INFORMATION AT THIS TIME WHICH WOULD BE RELEVANT. This statement, consisting of this page and / other was typed for me by special Agent after we discussed its contents. I have reaa ana U(luecstand the above statement. I have been given the opportunity to make any changes or corrections I desire to make and have placed my initials over the changes or corrections. This statement is true and correct. rt;: tJ 74:) V - Time Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th dav o v. 96 at OPNAV, NAVY PENTAGON. Spea.i Agent. U.li. NAVAL utlMINAL INVt:O I IUA I IVt SERVICE AUTH: SECNAVINST 5520.38 OF 04JAN93 000235 0 ,.. -- .. • - ~ - STATEMENT PLACE: NCISFO WASHINGTON. DC DATE: 3,MAY96 1-.u1 b)(6), b)(6), (b)(7)(C) b)(7)(C) ~-- , make the following ee and voluntary statement to horn I know to be a Special Ag States Naval Criminal ~-~ Investigative Service. I make this statement of my own free will and without any threats made to me or promises extended.
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