Saint Mary of the Annunciation Danvers, MA January 24, 2021 St. Mary of the Annunciation Mission Statement We journey together in faith as disciples of Jesus, seeking, like Mary, to welcome God’s word with joy so that God’s Word might become flesh in us. We invite you to join us... The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 24, 2021 Mass Schedule Sunday Masses: *Our 10AM Mass is livestreamed Saturday 4:00 PM to our Facebook page. Sunday 8:00 AM, *Our 7AM Daily Mass is suspended. 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM Our 9AM daily Mass is livestreamed Daily Masses: to our Facebook page. St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish MondayNSaturday 9:00 AM 24 Conant Street ● Danvers, MA 01923 Holiday 9:00 AM Website: www.stmarydanvers.org **Low Gluten Host available upon request** Office: 9787740340 Fax: 9787749407 Please come to Mass 15 min. early to request a low Glu- ten Host. Be aware that Church law requires a small Email: StMaryDanvers.org amount of wheat to be an ingredient in the sacred host. PASTORAL TEAM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 2:30 to 3:30 PM in the Reconciliation Room located near the main Church entrance or any time by appointment. Pastor: Reverend Michael J. Doyle SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Senior Priest: Rev. Monsignor Frederick J. Murphy Second Sunday of each month at 2:00 PM Parents are asked to contact the rectory to schedule Deacon: John Koza their child’s Baptism. A Baptism preparation session is Deacon: Brian Shea held on the Wednesday prior to the Baptism date at 6:30 PM. Pastoral Associate: Kenneth Meltz SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Religious Education Director: Judy Digennaro Engaged couples are invited to contact the Rectory as soon as the decision to marry has been made. Please Confirmation Coordinator: Ellen Dugas consider a visit with us before making additional ar- Director of Music and Organist: R. David Porper rangements at least six months in advance of the desired wedding date. Director of Contemporary Music: Anne Farmer SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Please notify us if anyone is ill in the hospital or at Parish Office Staff: Norma Haddad home and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Kristina Heath Sick. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM OF ADULTS If you are interested in becoming Catholic please contact Office: 9787740340 Fax: 9787749407 Ken Melts at: 9787740340 ext. 118 or email him at Religious Education Grades 18 [email protected] Contact: Judy DiGennaro Weekly Classes held OctoberApril: PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Members: Fr. Michael Doyle Bruce Potter Grades 16: Class times to be determined. Paul Butler Grades 78: Class times to be determined. Larry Raimondi Richard Goff CONFIRMATION PROGRAM PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL (PPC) Members: Office: 9787740340 Fax: 9787749407 Anne Cranney Ken Lord Religious Education Grades 910 Ellen Dugas Cecile McCarthy Contact: Ellen Dugas Clare Egan Mike Mahoney Classes held Monthly: Janine Essenza Karen Morceau Grade 9: Sunday Afternoon 3:30PM6:00PM Brenda Fariole Kathy O’Connor Grade 10: Sunday Evening 5:00PM7:30PM Sarah Gobiel Pat Padden ST. MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION SCHOOL Stuart Hudson Chris Reilly 14 Otis Street, Danvers 9787740307 Susan Joyce De Reilly Diocesan School Website: www.smadanvers.org Andy Kundrot Jim Spano Principal: Sharon Burrill Dan Kwiatek The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 24, 2021 Monday Evening Rosary Prayer Group: SANCTUARY CANDLE ONLINE: January 25th at 6PM rd From Saturday, January 23 2020 thru All Catholics are welcome to join Friday, January 29th, 2021 the St. Mary’s Rosary Prayer Group Sanctuary Lamp will be lit for: Service on Monday evenings at 6 Allan Thompson given by his loving family. PM via Zoom meeting. Please email in advance, [email protected] for a link to join this group. St. Mary’s Women’s Spirituality Group This weekend, we will take up the Collection for the Wednesdays, 7:45PM to 9PM Church in Latin America. For many in Latin America This group meets every Wednesday night by Zoom and the Caribbean, a rising secular culture, difficult from 7:45 9:00. Using the Sunday Gospel as a start- rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers all present ing point, we share our faith, seeking to see how Jesus obstacles to practicing the faith. Your support for the is walking with us in this time of crisis. Interested in collection provides lay leadership training, catechesis, learning more or want to join? Email: priestly and religious formation, and other programs to [email protected]. share our Catholic faith with those who long to hear the Good News of Christ. To learn more about how Men’s Weekly Saturday Meetings your gifts make a difference, visit: www.usccb.org/latinamerica 7AM via Zoom meeting Join us for a men’s discussion of the Sunday message Baskets will be placed at the entrances to the church to do- & issues specifically affecting the men of St. Mary’s nate. Please make checks out to ‘St. Mary of the Annunci- Parish. To learn more about our men’s group or to join ation’ for this specific cause. email Bill Merritt at: [email protected] Weekend Mass Reservations: Thanks to all of our volunteers and Thank you for your support the cooperation of our parishioners Thank you to all our parishioners who are sup- we are able to hold Mass in our porting our Church in this time of uncertainty. church for the 32nd consecutive Your support is greatly needed; however, we un- weekend. Adhering to the safety protocols laid out by derstand that some of you may not be able to the state of Massachusetts and the Archdiocese of Boston allows us to ensure that our parish is as safe as continue your contributions given the economic possible for communal worship. impact that the coronavirus might have on your personal finances. If you are able to continue your Limited space is available to attend weekend Masses. To guarantee your spot please make a reservation BY support to our Parish, we are very grateful if you THURSDAY in advance of the Mass you would like are able to continue to do so by giving online or to attend via our website. See our website or call the by mailing your contributions since the offertory rectory at (978) 7740340 to make your reservation. basket is not passed during Mass. Offertory Bas- We will make every effort for walkins to attend kets are available at the entrances of the church Mass. If you miss the window to sign up for Mass during Masses. please come & check in with the head usher before The contributions below reflects donations received Mass for a seat assignment. from Jan. 4th, 2021 to Jan. 10th, 2021: We urge our elder parishioners & parishioners with preex- isting health conditions that may place them at risk, to ex- In Church Offertory $ 1,878.00 ercise prudence & caution in their decisions about how Offertory by Mail $ 3,348.00 they will participate in the Liturgy at this time. The dispen- Online Giving $ 1,686.00 sation from the Sunday Mass obligation from Cardinal TOTAL Collection $ 6,912..00 Sean will continue for the foreseeable future. Thank you for your generosity and support. Our Daily Mass is live streamed at 9am MondayM Sat- Please know that your contributions help our par- urday to our Facebook page. Sunday Mass at 10AM ish to continue its operations is also livestreamed to our Facebook page. during this pandemic. (St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish, Danvers, MA) The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 24, 2021 A Stewardship Moment: Our readings today call us to be decisive in our faith. God calls us as stewards to repent and renew our commitment to Him each day. In our First Reading, God instructs the prophet Jonah to travel through the city of Nineveh and warns the people that the city would be destroyed due to their evil ways. When the people of Nineveh heard this, they declared a fast in re- pentance. The Lord saw this and had compassion for them. Every moment is an opportunity to either grow closer to God or further away from Him. We can identify with the people of Nineveh when we recognize that our actions are not drawing us closer to God. We may be attached to cer- tain sins or living in complacency N over time, that can weaken our commit- ment to the Lord and sever the relationship we have with Him. When we become aware of our weaknesses, it should not cause us to despair. Instead, it should call us to act quickly as the people of Nineveh did. Jonah had been gone only a single day's walk before the people repented. We, too, should go no more than a single day without acknowledging our offenses towards God and renewing our commitment to Him with great- er conviction. God wants to be compassionate towards us, but we must be willing to recognize our need to repent. Our Gospel today shares Mark's account of Jesus calling His first disciples. In his account, Jesus approaches Simon and An- drew, and later, James and John. These four men were fishermen, casting their nets. Jesus states, "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men." In both instances, the men immediately abandoned what was before them and followed Christ. Imagine if Simon and Andrew looked at their Savior and said, "Thanks for the offer, but we will finish up fishing and meet you later." That is no way a disciple should respond to Christ’s call. Yet, that is how we often respond to Jesus' offer to us, "Come after me." We can easily fall into the misconception that we have plenty of time to live active discipleship.
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