Regmi Research (Private) Ltd Kathmandu: March 1, 1980. REGHI Rl�SEARCH SERIES Year 12, No. 3 Edited by Mc.cl1.esh C. Regmi Contents Page 1 • Trade and Commereial Taxation in Jumla ••• 33 2. Prithvi Narayan Shah's 4- Victory • • • 2 3. Pritam Shah.of Garhwal • • • 48 Regmi Research (Privat e) Ltd Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal Telephoneo � 1 6927 (For private study and research only; not meant for public sale, distribution, and display). Trade and Commercial 'i'axatiQ.!l.j.. n Jumla Trade Regu1 atJon§l__ _f_Q.t.Jiur;u Extracts from Thek-Thiti Settlement Order for Mugu Village, Shrawan fJadi 4, 1903 (July 18L1-6). Regmi Research CoJ.lectiot4 Vol 80, pp 253-254. ;'The ryots of the fifteen dar".s of Jumla customarily do not visit Patan (for trade). They shall observe this custom in the future also, and continue to trade in Mugu. ,ilf anybody clandestinely visits (:Fatan) from Mugu and Chhapakhola, yayments (dastur) shall-be collected from him at. the same rates as in the case of' Chhapa. i;People who visit the market ([email protected])at f'lugu from Chhapa shall not be prevent,.;d fru.i1 doin:; so by the inhabitants of Mugu, Darma and Humla•. ·., . 11 Tm inhabitants of 1'i.'ugu shall allow those from Jumla to conduct t rade in the traditional manner and collect duties {phuru) at the c ustomary rates. They shall not make any collections in excess. .iThe inhabitants of i>�ugu shal?-- visit Tuduk for purposes of trade only Qnce (a year?) with the permission of the ..Jimmawal. - 1 • The inhabi�ants 9f Chrm,pa and Thumi who visit Mugu shall not conduc--c trade across the lekh _,reg:1-on. '. , > J I 11 The inhabitants of that area have comnlained that moDeylenders demand a payment (hatak) when they visit the nmarket (hat) 1 insist on salt procured from 'fibet in repayment of loans in foodgrains, and &.i)proprL"'te interest on (sales of) cloth, as well as interest at cornpound rates •••• No such collections shall be made in the future. "We hereby abolish the ;jagat duty collected at Ltuns from inhabitants or 1-1ugu, 1·::aran add Dolphu who visit the Khasan region for purposes of trade. 'l1he abolition will be retroactiv,� from the Vikrama year 1891 (A.i.J. 1834). 11 ·rrade HegulatiQ.ns for Tibr.ikot Extracts from Thek-;i'hiti Settlement Order for Tibrikot, Shrawan Badi .4, 1903 (July 1846). Regmi Research Collection� Vol 80, pp.· 329-388. The amali shall not purchase thituwa cloth and blankets at con¢essional prices. \vhile measuring them, do not add the breadth of the thumb. 34. The amali shall not purchase hor.se s between the ages of six months and eighteen months. He shall purchase only horses of above fil_haiya (?) with the consent of the seller (rithi ?) at reasonabJe 1")rices. The amali shall purchase hawk.s at reasonable prices current in the area. He snall not corner all supplies, thereby mono_,olizing the entire trade. The amali, bhardars and other officials (pagari) shall pay four rupees for ev ery six months f or buffaloes procured. bY them for_ the supI:ly of 111ilk. In the case of milk cows, they sh all p ay two rupees for r-=very si:c months� People who visit Tibet shall pay wages to por-.ers at the rate of two an;ias every day. The 16-ganda ruppe shall be used e:-:.s the unit of account while selling and purchasing foodgrain::.,, ghee, oil and salt. The·balt Trade in Humla Bhadra Sudi 14, 1903 (September 1846) Regmi .Research Collection, Vol 80, pp. 293-294 Traders f rom Kunda, Rask ot, :Falata and Galpha in Jumla visi tPd the village of Chalapuye in Humla to trade in <,alt. They belonged to the J'ai::.,i and .3hahi (Tri'akuri) comrnunitie� whereas the inhabitants of Chalapuye village were of ;'Bhoten U'ibetan) stock •... � Rishiram Jaisj_, Pradip Shahi, Bardi Shahi and Hiraman:i Jaisi complain,:,;d to Kathmandu that the Bhotes of Chalap,1.ye .; i foodgrains -·• village were exchanging the r for sa· 1t at unfa,r-,:rabi� r;1.tes contrary to the customary pr&ctice. An order was then issued directing the con cerned parties to observe the customary pract�ce. Complaint of a �1halmri 'J.'raclc.r Bhadra Sud.i 14, 1903 (September 1846) rch Collection, Vol p. 299. Regmi Resea Bo, Complaint submitted by :clarsing Shahi, a trader of Chulakot village: ,;we have, traditionally,enjoyed the privilege (rekh) of conducting trade at Limi. Recently, h o the Asya s of HUlilla and t e B� tes of' Dhigachhyapke enct_roached upon this privilege and confiscated our goods worth twenty-· one rupees." .35 .. Rekh Rights Extr�cts from regulations p romulgated for Jumla distric t on Baisakh Ba.di 13 , 1907. ' '- . \ Section 13t. 'l' he inl.ubitants of'tareas'·tcmtside Jumla shall conduct trade only at those places whe re .they have been doing so from forme r meti st. They shall not encroach upon the rekh rights of the in.habitants of Jumla while conducting tradet. Regmi Research Colle c t_t..,o..!h Vol 80 , p. 583 . Dispute Ove:c...1.r.n_ding HL' h:t§ The trade rs of Tara-thapaula submitted th e following petition to Katlima.ndu � ;;From former times '.I we have been taking our surplus produce (badkar) to Nisi-Bhuji for trade . r-:o ob struction was caused to us .·Th ese days the inhabitants of Maikot J.o not allow us to tr avel through ':.their village, slaughte r ou r geldin1; goats, and loot our money. i;e ryots, who depend on trade for our livelihood , are thus suffering gr(.; al t y. 11 · • The government thereupon ordered the local administrator, Sar.dar- .Ha.tabir Shahi , to summon both side·.s and settle t�1e dispute . The order added, illf it is prove d. that the · mon9 y (of the traders of 'i' ara-thapaula) has been locted, punish the guilty persons and re s�ore it to the own� r s •. I t appears that p ayments collected as Jagat by the i nhabitants of Maikot from traders of Parbat and Rukum who visit Tibet to procure salt have not been included in the revenue settlement . Find out how much is actually collected in this manner , ob tain offers from prospective collectors , and submit the draft of a thek contract. 11 we shall then affix our seal on it. Regmi Research Collection Vol 80, pp . 506-50? . Trading Right s in Lag11 and Tarap 'J.'he inhabi tants of Moplang 'Vi.llag e in Jumla used to visit Lagu and Tarap for trade. Howeve r, the inhabitants of Asi , Pansaya, Chaudhab is , and Tripurakot later contested thei r ri�ht (mh) to do so. The case came up for hearing in K athmandu . Tn the course of the he aring , r epres2ntatives of the four divisions · (dara)tmcntioned above were unable to substantiate their claim t""fiat' the inhabitants 0f Moplang village h ad no ri ght to trade hts of in Lagu and Tarap .+t was also h eld that the trading rig the inhabitants of J1..llllla and ori ginally been conferred by its former Ra ja. 36 . A· royal or d<�r was, therefore , issued on Bhadra Sudi 9, 1903 reconfinning the right of the inhabitants of Moplang village to trade in Lagu and Tarap . Regmi Research Collectt.,on, Vol 80 , 0 0 . 535-536 � .§ources of Com,nercial Revenue Under the �-tl1i t:i_ system in Jumla, Mukhiya s were granted authority to appropriate revenue from the following sources as well: 1 • J-arr-1 t duties • 2. 1JilG,si and dalali duties on hawks and ho rsese. 3. One-fifth of (income from muske. 4. Honopol.y trad.·v in wax • 5. Fees for stamping clothe. Divi sion l2!lm Re:ference Tibrikot Shraw�n Badi i.:, 1903 I!I!9,, Vol 80 , pp . 329-3f,8 Soru Je stha Balli 14, 1907 RRC , Vol 80, pp. 547-551 Sija Baisakh Badi 13, 1907 EBQ, Vol 80 , pp . 551 - 55? Palata do RRC , Vol 80 , pp . 557- 573 Rakal do _ .!IBQ, Vol 80 , pp . 573-576 Sanni do .!IBQ, Vol 80 , pp . 604-1 2 Barhabi s do lIBQ, Vol pp. 625 Bo, Gwn Chaitra Sucli 7 , 1900 Itihasa-Pra�asha Vol 2 2 No . 2, pp . 273-_284-. 37. The royal order issued on Chai tra Sudi 7, 1900 for, the Gam division of Jumla district has mentioned the rates of duties on horses and hawks at the point of sale as follows :- Horse so : One rupee as ..m:-}c� duty One rupee as da.J.ui.. duty HJ.wks: Sahi (female) hawk ofle ss than 2 years (challe) .... Rs 4 do . betwu:m 5 and 8 years (Khadkurche ) • • • Rs 2 Ju rra (male) hawk of loss.. :.than 2 years (chalL3) • • • Rs 2 do . between 5·and 8 years (Kliadkurche) • • • 8 annas • (For a description of hawlrn of di:r'feorent age-groups , see Sthira Jung Bahadur Singh, Karnali Loka-Sanslcritio. Kathmandu : Royal i·k:pal A cademy, 2028 ( 1 971 ) , Part 2 , pp • 1 59-160) • Jag�t Duties in Pansara On Bhadra Sudi 9, 1903o, Jaldhar Shab·i, Ram Singh Shahi and Jadhu Shahi were granted a thek for the collection of Jagat duties at Sarmip-ipal in the Pansaya division <dara� of Jumla district.o · The amount stipulate . from them was Rs 21 a ve1 aro. The Ofder, in addition� . stated: r Revenue from the villages or Fhas am9-lapam., Bara, surki and Sn.rmio.
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