., .. , ., x . " . ' I ' ' ' \, t ' . ' ' I I· .. '· ' . .'.. .. ' .. 1[.' .. ! . J : '( lJ" .. .. < ' i .. 1. '{ • 1.; ' ,. j 1 i \) =~ 111e LeDanon nle~ ~ise PER COPY 89TH YEAR - NO. 49 LEBANON. K ENTUCKY. MONDAY. JULY 22. 1974 12 PAGES Fair School Winners Calendar Listed Released A contplete list of winners of foods, >' I• The Ma rlon County Boa rd of furnish i ngs, clothing nnd cattle Education has revised its sc hool co1npe1ition 10 the recent r-.ta rion calendar for 1he 1974-75 school year. County Fair was released this week by fai r board offi cials. TI1 e 1974-75 sc hool calendar now The winners' list follows: provides for the following sc hedule: Foods Cakes- First prize, Betty Southall : I. August 26 to be the fi rst day of second prize, Llb ~ l :un i l ton ; thi rd school for studen ts, and May 26 to be prize , Rebecca Spragens. the las! day of school for students. Cookies 2. August 22, August 23, October Brownies - Firs! prize, r-.tary Ann 11 , April 17, April 18, and May 27 to Buck.Jer. be in-seTV1ce meeting days for teachers. Sugar Cooki es- Fust prize, Rebecca Spragens. 3. September 2 (Labor Day), Pies - Firs1 prize- {F ru11 pie) Kathy November 28 (Thanksgiving I>.ty), Jones. December 25 (Otris tmas Day) and February 17 (Washington's Birthday) Baking to be holidays. Cornsticks or Corn Muffins- Fi rs t prize, Bernard Leo Peterson; second 4 . November 29. December 23 , prize, Rosemary Peterson. D ecemb e r 24, Dec ember 26 , Yeas1 Rolls- First pnze. r-. t rs. Joe Ii. D ecember 2 7 , Decen1ber 30, O.Dan1cl. December 3 1, January I , March 13, B:i. nana Bread- First prize, Mrs. March 14 , April 14, Apri l 15, and Hall ie Pickerill. April 16 to be in termission days without effect on school programs or Canned Vegetables payrolls. S1nng Beans- Fi rs t prize, J\.1 aril yn Mulli ns; s,econd pnze. J\.1 rs. John Jones.. Tomato Ju1ce- Firs1 prize, Douglas a ements. Dill Pickles- Firs1 pnze, Betty Pre- School Lamkin. Sweet P1ckles- F1rst prize. J\.1 anJyn J\.1ulhns. E xaminations Beu Ptc kl es- F1rst pnze. J\.1 rs. C. R. It's Pic11ic • • Wh1 te h o use; second prize, Toni O 'Daniel. There were big crowds and plenty of fun fur e\·erybody Friday and dinner. take chances to win a cake, quilt or other items. and generally Are Needed Sweet Relish- F1rs1 prize, To1u Sa1urday al the annual St. Ft3ncis Picnic, which ha.s lo ng been regarded enj oy themSll:'h·es. For the kids it 's a chance to ride the rides and for lhe O ' Daniel: second prize. Marilyn as On< of the largest functions of its kind in Kentucky. Seve ral olde r folks i1 's sort of an annual reunion with friends and Mulhns. 1housa nd people, son1 e from hundreds or miles uway . annually trek tu acq uaintances. Onl y one month rem ains before the Peaches- Second prize, Bernard lhe S1. Francis Picnic, where they e njoy the chicken und ntulton new school year begins ... has your Peterson. child had the nccessa ry pre-sch oo\ BlackbcrrH$- Fust pni.c, Mrs. John immunizations and examination? Jones. Health Department records indicate C'he111cs- F1rst prize, J\.1rs. John Ex-Con Will Teach Merchants How th a1 there are many school·ag.e Jones. Four K illed chil dren 1n ~iano n County tha t have 11 0 1 received their examinations or Preserves up·dated their immuniza tions. Blackberry Preserves- First pnze. To Curb Sh oplifting, Cold Checks Mrs. Fletcher Peterson; second pn1.c. In Collision Parents sh ould cont ac 1 their pnvate Mrs. Tom Wh itehouse. A school fo1 local ntc1chants and Na tional Bank front 9 to \I a.01. The associates were dented a small business I· our persons were fatall y injured in physicians or the Ma rion County Strawberry Preserves - Second prize, store e1nployees on how to spot forged cos1 will be SZ per person. loan . a 1w0<ar crash at I : 15 p.m. last Healt h Departm ent for these services Rosein ary Peterson. checks and shophf1ing will be held James Sl11vcly Cl f Gree nsburg. an They 1hen began dupllc:i1 1ng and Thursday one-half mile north of now to avoid the las t minute rush and Plum Preserves- Second Pn?.c, Thursday, Augus1 1. :11 the Fanners ex-convict and con-a111sl. will conduc1 forging checks of cinployers 111 12 B:irdstown on Hi gh way3 \-E. the chance of not having thei r child Rosemary Pc1erson. 1he school. Sl11vely has conducted Slates. "On a good day.'· he said he Killed in the head on colhsion ready when school starts in the fall . If schools of tlus type 111 several v.•o u1d cash 35 or 40 checks for were: Gary Dale Bac k, 17, J aines you wish to have your chtld examined Foods 4·H commu11111 cs and has the cndorscmcn1 antounts "genc1ally around $ 100." Darrell TI1ornsberry. 15. and t.11 chael at th e heal th department, please call Un i t I : L ets B eg in of local merc hants groups. Shively was 111res1cd 111 Springfield, Culve1 , 16, all of New l·laven. 692-3393 imme d iat ely for an appointmen1 or you n\ay be unable to Coo k ing - Cha mpion, Lorraine llt • ;.! i :o; tr ~ 1ti(1 11 ( ; 1•1... The Lebanon Retail ~ l l'r"Ch:inls Oh io. abou1 three years ago after his J\.·lrs. Nancy \V elch, 44, of St. Peterson; second, Be th Mattingly ; blue Assoc1a11on has endorsed Shively and che<.:k·wnung scene " 'e n1 awry. Petersburg. Au .• was senously injure d. obtain th ese services before school ribbon, Vicky Elder; red ribbon, Oara L rul1·r \\ "' 11 t·rT is sponsoring the school he 1s Bac k. TI1ornsbe1ry and Culver were starts. Peterson and Denise Jones. conducting. passengers in an auto dnven by Alvey Un it 11: Off T o A Good T he Presbyterian Co1n1nun 1ty Sluvcly is expec ted to dc111onstra1e Is Grndua le Richard Downs. 19, Ne w Haven, who S ta rt - Cha1npion, Darlene Essex : Kindergarten is now holding to local shopkecpeis the vanous Fro111 Air Force Course was injured. Two other passengers, Morgan 's Raiders second, Ann f\.-1ic helle Peterson. registration fo1 the fall session opening techniques used 1n caslung counterfei t Harold D. Thornsberry. 17. and Lewis Unit V : Cook Out August 26. Any child in tlus area who checks, the 1mpe1fcc11ons of a dot:cn A1rn1an Roger E. Al vey, Jr .. son of G. Thornsberry, also of New Haven, Record - Champion, Fneda Matllngly ; • "'11! be five years old before January 1, kinds of che<.:kJ. and also hope to spot ~1 1s . Norma J. Alvey of Route I , received senous injuries and were Tour Scheduled blue ribbon, Geralyn Thompson and 1975, is cbg1ble to at1end Lhe sessions a shophfte1. Lore1to, Ky ., has graduated at hosp1tal1zed. Janice Essex. wluch arc held front 9 :00 to 12 :00 Shively will spea k front experu:ncc. Sheppard AFB, Texas, front the U.S. J\.1rs. Welch was a passenger in an Unit V II : Creative five days each week. He recently 1old tht: n1ercha nts Air Force corrosion control specialist au10 dnvcn by h ~r husband, Robert, For July 27 Cook..ing- Chantpion. Rosita Essex . For further 1nforma11on call assoc1auon here that h1 s cnntc spree course conduc1ed by the Au T ra ining 45, also of S1. Petersburg. who was 692-34 34. bega n 1n 1968 when he and some Command. l'icase T11 n1 To Page Ten The historical Morgan·s Raide rs 4-H Arts & Crafts Tour, sponsored by the Lebanon Area Senior Oivision- Chan1 p1on, Debb1e Otamber of Commerce, WJJI run twice Mattingly, blue ri bbon; second, Martha Bob Kessler Is Successor. • • n1 ore this sumnter- on Saturday, Jul y Greenwell , blue ribbon; thrid, Cindy 27, and Sa turday, August 24 , o nly. O'Daniel, blue ribbon; and Martha The cost has been re duced to SIO per Peterson, red ribbon. penon, including lunch at El mwood Junior Oiv1s1on ~Oiampion, Vicki Bertram Retires A s Wildlife Manager Inn at Perryvill e. Elder; second, Sharon Lee; tlurd. George O' D:iniel: blu e ribbon, Lisa Reserva tions for the tour, which Mattingly, Kevin t.tattingly, 1eve W hen Earl B ert1a1n of .,. 1· beg.ins at Bardstown, a t 9 a.m., may be Peter~on , Todd t.1 att1ngly. Raphael Campbcllsv1lle retired J\.1ay 3 1 from made with the Lebanon Area Otambe1 Essex, Darlene Essex, Scott Spalding, the Department of Fish and W1ldl1fe of Commerce. First stop on the tour is Angela O'Daniel, Thad Peterson: red Resources. son1eth1ng of an e1a came at Maker's Ma rk Disttll ery, for a ribbon, Jerry Peterson, Clara Peterson. lo an end. guided tour of the plan t. Historic Betty Jo Thompson. Janice Essex, But 011 June I , his 1rad1t1on was places in Washington and Mari on Darrell Essex, t.tary Ann Buckler, continued by the appointment of his Counties are visit'ed before tile return Helen Greenwell , Gayle Brown. \ong·tinte friend and co-worker, Bob to Bardstown 111 la te afternoon. Kessler. to fill Ins vacancy as n1anager 4--H Home Furnishing of the Green River Reservoir Wildlife Pin-Up Board - 0 1an1pion, Brenda Managcrnent Arca. Nearly 5,500 Dinners O'Danu:I ; blu e ribbon, Oara Peterson. The "changing of the guard" was a B edspread - Champion , Pam smoo1h .
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