E2168 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 8, 2006 I also would like to thank members of my basketball and the nation will be forever re- by the BLM unless significant recreation serv- staff who worked on this issue including Chris- membered. ices are provided. This provision will help the tine Kojac and Mike Ringler of the Science- f public access the Bend Area free of charge for State-Justice-Commerce appropriations sub- activities like an afternoon hike or bike ride. committee, and Janet Shaffron and Samantha THE SACRAMENTO RIVER NA- Any modest fees that could be charged at the Stockman of my personal staff. A special TIONAL RECREATION AREA ES- Bend Area would be developed in consultation thanks goes to my chief of staff, Dan TABLISHMENT ACT OF 2006 with the public and proceeds would be rein- Scandling, who accompanied me on my trips vested in local recreation and safety facilities. to Iraq and served as photographer and writer HON. WALLY HERGER Local involvement and participation is also for the trip reports. OF CALIFORNIA required in the bill. The legislation would es- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tablish an ‘‘Advisory Council’’ to ensure that Thursday, December 7, 2006 the ideas and concerns of local citizens are in- HONORING THE LIFE OF ARNOLD corporated into a management plan for the ‘‘RED’’ AUERBACH Mr. HERGER. Mr. Speaker, today I am in- area. The Advisory Council would be ap- troducing the Sacramento River National pointed by locally elected officials, and would SPEECH OF Recreation Area Establishment Act of 2006. consist of concerned citizens representing di- HON. TIMOTHY V. JOHNSON This bill was drafted with the direct input verse backgrounds and viewpoints. And to en- OF ILLINOIS and involvement of locally elected leaders in sure that everyone in the community has a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tehama County, California. It is the product of chance to participate in the drafting of the a citizen-led initiative. Written exchanges, Wednesday, December 6, 2006 management plan for the Bend Area, each phone calls, meetings, and an on-site visit meeting of the Advisory Council will be open Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rise were all part of the process that has led up to to public observation and involvement. This today in honor of Arnold ‘‘Red’’ Auerbach, the today. important provision will ensure transparency legendary coach, general manager, and presi- On two separate occasions the Tehama without the unnecessary paperwork burdens dent of the Boston Celtics. Red was the archi- County Board of Supervisors endorsed the and expense associated with the Federal Ad- tect and mastermind of one of the most domi- concept of creating a National Recreation visory Committee Act. nant franchises in professional sports history. Area at the Sacramento River Bend, including, Finally, Mr. Speaker, this bill protects private He coached the Celtics from 1950 to 1966, most recently, a unanimous endorsement of property rights. Local officials carefully drew and during his tenure the franchise won nine this specific legislation, which was passed on the recreation area boundaries so as not to in- NBA titles, including eight straight from 1959 December 6, 2006. The Shasta County Board clude private land. In addition, language was to 1966—the longest string of championships of Supervisors and the City of Redding, Cali- developed to ensure that landowners adjacent in the history of North American professional fornia both have formally expressed support to the new recreation area are guaranteed full sports. His historic coaching career ended in for the creation of a recreation area at the access to their property, and that efforts to im- 1966 with 938 regular season victories, a Bend Area. Various constituents and organiza- prove or enhance such access are not limited record that stood until Lenny Wilkins broke it tions have done so as well. in any way by this legislation. Existing water in the 1994–95 season and 9 championship Local officials expressed support for a na- rights holders are also protected under this rings, an amount only matched by the current tional designation that focused on recreation bill, as it plainly denies authority to the federal Los Angeles Lakers coach Phil Jackson. and respected the nearby communities’ goals government to acquire water rights to further Auerbach was revered for his unique ability and priorities. They wanted a designation to the purposes and needs of the recreation to scout and recognize talent. Throughout his build on existing popular outdoors opportuni- area. Lastly, livestock grazing, which is very time as a coach and in the front office he en- ties, such as horseback riding, hunting, fish- important to the area I represent, is protected gineered some of the most historic trades and ing, and hiking. They wanted management of in this bill. Local officials supporting the legis- draft selections in NBA history. One of the the land to attract tourists to the area in order lation were clear: the right to continue to graze most notable was in the 1956 NBA Draft when to help the local economy. And they wanted to cattle in this area needs to be preserved. the franchise traded up to the second pick in make sure that neighboring landowners and Mr. Speaker, it has been a great pleasure the draft and selected Future Hall of Famer land uses were protected in the process. It for me to work with local officials and con- Bill Russell from the University of San Fran- was argued that a national designation for the cerned citizens to develop this legislation. But cisco. Also, while in the Celtic’s front office, Bend Area should be a ‘‘win-win’’ for everyone our work is not over. In my view, you can Auerbach assembled arguably the greatest in the community. Mr. Speaker, I’m pleased to never have too much local participation. Initia- front line in NBA history when he drafted Larry say that this legislation accomplishes this im- tives like this one succeed not because they Bird in 1978 as a ‘‘junior eligible’’ selection portant priority. were created in Congress or by national inter- and then in 1980 worked out a deal that In carrying out the wishes of local officials, est groups. They succeed because they are brought Robert Parish to the team and al- the Sacramento River National Recreation the product of an on-the-ground effort, led by lowed the franchise to draft Kevin McHale out Area Establishment Act of 2006 focuses on those who live near and are the most familiar of the University of Minnesota. All three play- three important local priorities: recreation, with this special area. I look forward to con- ers are now members of the NBA Hall of community involvement, and landowner pro- tinuing to work with my constituents who have Fame and became the nucleus that led the tection. been involved in this legislation to this point, Celtics to 3 world Championships in the The bill directs the BLM to manage the and urge anyone else with an interest to par- 1980’s. Bend Area in a manner that encourages and ticipate to do so. Auerbach’s influence on the game went be- promotes public recreation. The bill lists, at a This legislation is introduced in the spirit of yond the numerous victories and champion- minimum, sixteen separate recreational activi- local involvement and cooperation. It has been ships; he also was a pioneer in advancing ties that are to occur and be enhanced for carefully written based on local needs and is race equality within the NBA. In 1950, the public enjoyment of the recreation area and, in worthy of the consideration and support of my Celtics franchise selected Chuck Cooper of turn, help create new economic opportunities colleagues in the House. Duquesne University in the second round as for local businesses. Specific language is also f the first black player to ever be selected in the included to ensure that this popular destination NBA Draft. In addition during the 1963–64 point for deer, wild turkey, dove, and pheasant TRIBUTE TO GONZALES FAMILY season, Auerbach’s starting line up of Bill hunting, and trophy-sized rainbow trout and Russell, K.C. Jones, Sam Jones, Tom Sand- salmon fishing remain open and accessible to HON. TOM UDALL ers, and Willie Naulls became the first all the public. OF NEW MEXICO black starting line up in NBA history. And fi- The bill also authorizes the Secretary to de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nally upon his retirement in 1966, Auerbach velop recreation related facilities, such as new chose Bill Russell to succeed him as the trails, restrooms, parking areas, and camp- Thursday, December 7, 2006 coach of the Boston Celtics becoming the first grounds, all of which will help make experi- Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I African American to coach an American pro- encing the Bend Area more enjoyable for rise today to honor the memory of a family re- fessional sports team. Northstate families. Additionally, the bill clearly cently devastated by a tragic drunk driving ac- Please join me in recognizing this American states that no fees for same-day use or ac- cident. On Saturday, November 11, Paul legend, his contributions to both the game of cess to the recreation area may be charged Gonzales, Renee Collins-Gonzales, and their VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:52 Dec 10, 2006 Jkt 059061 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07DE8.081 E08DEPT1 jcorcoran on PRODPC62 with REMARKS December 8, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2169 daughters, Alisha Garcia, Jacquelynn Gon- In recent years, New Mexico has taken RECOGNIZING TAFT COMMUNITY zalez, and Selena Gonzales were killed in a many strides to curb drunk driving accidents COLLEGE’S ‘‘TRANSITION TO horrific accident.
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